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Chapter 367: The Haijiao Clan joins forces with the Hailong Gang

 On the island where the Hailong Gang is stationed, many warships are docked on the shore, and many warriors of the Hailong Gang are also resting. 躆

Hai Batian stood on the boat and looked at the endless sea in front of him, and further away was the Seven Island Sea Country.

Although the reinforcements from the Hailong Gang have come to join him, Haibatian still has a gloomy look on his face, not the slightest bit happy.

Because the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom was supported by the Holy Forest Continent and had particularly powerful weapons, the Hailong Gang suffered a big loss.

If there is not such a thing, then according to Hai Batian's prediction, after the reinforcements arrive on the battlefield, the Hailong Gang will soon break through the defense line of the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom, attack the islands of the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom in one fell swoop, and occupy the strategic locations among them.
However, things went against expectations. Now the Seven Islands Sea Country has powerful weapons to rely on. Once they attack rashly, the Hailong Gang will pay a heavy price even if they can capture the Seven Islands Sea Country. Even if they capture the Seven Islands Sea Country, it will not be a good thing for the Hailong Gang.

It doesn’t make much sense.

"Hey... what should I do to easily take over the Seven Islands Sea Country?" Hai Batian fell into deep thought.

"Boom!" 膆

Suddenly, there was a sound not far away.

Hai Batian looked in the direction and his expression changed instantly.

I saw a huge black dragon appearing on the sea surface, letting out a dragon roar.

Based on the aura, Hai Batian can tell at a glance that he is at least at the fifth level of strength.

Many warriors changed their colors one after another. They did not expect that there would be such monsters in the endless sea.

"Look, there's a monster!"

"It turned out to be a sea dragon. We can have extra dinner tonight." 膆

"Catch him and serve him wine."

Many warriors looked malicious. In their eyes, this sea dragon had become their prey.

"Fire the arrow!"

Many warriors opened their bows and fired arrows without saying a word.

"Have a rest!"

A hail of arrows instantly hit the sea dragon.

"Ouch!" 膆

The sea dragon let out a long roar, and a wall of water rose up on the sea, blocking all arrows from everyone.

Immediately afterwards, these arrows were turned around by a strange force, and then "Xiuxiuxiu" broke through the air and attacked the warriors of the Hailong Gang, both in speed and strength.


Screams rang out, and many warriors were killed on the spot. Before they died, their faces were full of horror and disbelief, not believing that they were killed by sea dragons.

Some other warriors vomited blood and were traumatized. They were glad that they were not killed on the spot.


Hai Batian's face became angry, and a powerful force of martial arts came out, and he slapped a palm towards the sea dragon. 躆


The entire sea surface was impacted by a huge force, and even the water wall was shattered by its power.


Hai Batian's internal energy hit the scales of the sea dragon, but he was unscathed.

This made Hai Batian look a little confused. He was both at the fifth level of cultivation, but his vigorous attack did not hurt the opponent, which was quite embarrassing.

"Is this the famous leader of the Hailong Gang, Mr. Haiye?" Haijiao looked at Haibatian and uttered words.

Hai Batian's face changed, "I am Hai Batian, who are you, a monster that dares to come to my place? Hai Ye, I have never eaten dragon meat, be careful Hai Ye will destroy you!" 膆

"Haha... Don't be nervous, Mr. Hai. The little demon's name is Jiao Tao. He has no ill intentions in coming here. Can you let me come up and talk to you?"

"The person who killed me still wants to talk to me? You're just a siren, you have such a strong tone. Do you think you want to be arrogant in front of me? Why don't you plead guilty and be punished!" Hai Batian was very unhappy.

"What a joke. If they didn't want to kill me, how could I kill them? To fight tooth for tooth, the little demon just used some magical power to show his shame in front of Haiye."

Jiao Tao said proudly: "It's just a few human lives. If you kill them, you will kill them. Why make such a fuss? To put it bluntly, they are just some ants. I am kindly helping Haiye clean up the garbage."


Many Sea Dragon Gang warriors scolded them one after another, unable to tolerate being ridiculed by a sea monster in their own territory. It simply slapped them in the nose and slapped them in the mouth.

This is simply a disgrace! 膆

"Being presumptuous also requires capital, and Xiaoyao has just enough."

Jiao Tao was very proud, looking at the Hailong Gang warriors with contempt and disdain, as if he was looking at a group of rabble.

The warriors of the Hailong Gang were extremely angry. They traveled across the endless sea, and had they ever been ridiculed by monsters like this?

"Master Hai, this water monster is not a good person, why not kill him and give the brothers extra food!"

"He killed me, a warrior of the Hailong Gang. If he can't avenge his brothers, wouldn't it spread out and make the island tribes in the endless sea laugh at us?"

"Please give the order from Lord Hai to kill the sea monster!"

Many Hailong Gang warriors were so intent on killing that they couldn't wait to rush over and kill Jiao Tao to vent their hatred. 膆

But Hai Batian feels a little headache, because the sea dragon can display many magical powers in the sea. As long as he gets into the sea, even Hai Batian can't do anything to him.

This is the territory of the Sea Dragon Gang, so naturally they have no fear of the other party, but it is not easy to deal with a sea dragon. The sea itself is the territory of the sea monster. Since the other party dares to come here alone, there is a way to escape intact.

, if the Hailong Gang fails to cause more casualties and loses everything, it will really become a big joke.

Therefore, Hai Batian did not impulsively issue an order to attack the opponent. Instead, he looked at the sea dragon in front of him and asked: "What do you want?"

"Don't look at me with that look. The little demon is here to cooperate sincerely and is not here to fight. Of course, if Haiye doesn't want me to come up and speak, then I can only retreat, but you can just

Don’t even think about conquering the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom."

After speaking, Jiao Tao turned around, as if he really wanted to leave.


Hai Batian was moved when he heard the other party mentioning the 'Seven Islands Sea Country', "Okay, I can ask you to come up and talk to me, but there is one thing I want to remind you. If you dare to play tricks on me,

I, Hai Batian, will definitely peel off your skin and drink wine with you, and wipe out your Haijiao clan." 膆

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When the words fell, Hai Batian unabashedly revealed his murderous intention towards Jiao Tao.

"Don't worry, Mr. Hai, the little demon has no interest in joking with you."

After Jiao Tao finished speaking, he turned into a ray of light and flew up, turning into a man wearing a robe and landing on the deck. The pair of dragon horns on his head were very conspicuous.

"Is this the magical power of your monsters? Fortunately, you are in the Endless Sea. If you were in our Lingwu Continent, Haiye, I would like to recruit you to protect the monsters." Hai Batian said proudly.<


Jiao Tao's eyes showed contempt and disdain, and he said to Hai Batian: "To make a long story short, Xiao Yao is a monster in the endless sea. Like Hai Ye, he has the intention to invade the Seven Islands Sea Country. It is a sea country. Convergence

We have used most of the training resources at sea, but it is a pity that our Haijiao clan is too weak to fight against the 100,000 navy of the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom, so we have been enduring the humiliation and burden and living deep in the seabed. If our two clans join forces, we will definitely be able to defeat the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom.


After the words fell, Hai Batian's heart was moved and he was slightly happy. He was still worried about how to conquer the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom, but he didn't expect that Hai Jiao came to ask for cooperation. If possible, he could use him.<


"The idea is good, but why should I believe you?" Hai Batian sneered. 膆

"Because you have no choice. If we, the Haijiao clan, help the Seven Island Sea Country to eliminate your Hailong Gang, we can also get some better rewards. At least some of the islands you conquered, we can still reluctantly accept."

Tao said proudly.

"Are you threatening me?"

Hai Batian's eyes were cold, and he felt very funny at the same time. He was the only one who threatened others, and how had he ever been threatened by others? What a joke!

"Don't dare, don't dare, our Haijiao clan just wants to find an island to live on," Jiao Tao said.

"Since you have this intention, why didn't you come to me earlier? If we had cooperated earlier, maybe we would have taken over the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom."

"Haha... Mr. Hai was joking. At that time, you were confident that you could conquer the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom. How could you need the help of our sea dragons? If the little demon came to you out of nowhere from the beginning, wouldn't it be possible for you to kill him for dinner?

That’s why Xiaoyao will secretly observe the situation. Now is the best time for Xiaoyao to come and seek cooperation. I believe Haiye will not refuse."

"Well, if you are right, tell me your conditions. If the conditions are reasonable, we can try to cooperate to get what we need. But after the things are done, we will not offend each other, and we will have nothing to do with each other from now on.

"Hai Batian said. 膆

"The conditions for our Haijiao clan are very simple. After conquering the Seven Islands Sea Country, we only need one island to live on. The rest will be ruled by your Hailong Gang. We will draw a clear line and no one will cross the line. I don't know what Haiye wants."

How about the next one?" Jiao Tao smiled brightly.

"You, the Haijiao clan, have taken such a big risk to cooperate, is it just for a mere island?"

Hai Batian had a suspicious expression on his face, and he really couldn't believe that Hai Jiao's conditions were just like this.

"Our Haijiao clan is very small and cannot control much territory, so one island is enough." Jiao Tao said seriously.

Hai Batian could barely accept this reason, because the Hailong Gang had limited manpower. They only valued the resources of the Seven Islands Sea Country, and did not have many manpower to manage the Seven Islands Sea Country.

Neither side seems to have excessive ambitions.

"Okay, I accept your conditions, but what you say is unfounded, so how can we prove it? If you Haijiao suddenly betrays you, wouldn't it be worth the loss for our Hailong Gang?" Hai Batian expressed his concerns.

Jiao Tao smiled and said: "As evidence of our strength, you and I will compare our skills with each other. If our skills are equal, then we will each do our part. If there is a gap, you can refuse my cooperation at any time."

"It's ridiculous, who do you think you are, worthy of talking to me about your strength?"

Hai Batian said contemptuously, "But you are right. We all adhere to strength doctrine, and strength is the only truth. So let's use our strength to prove it and see if it is worth keeping the promise between us!

"Haha...Hai Ye, please be careful, the little demon will not show mercy to you!"

After speaking, Jiao Tao struck out with a palm, and his momentum suddenly exploded. It was extremely powerful.


Hai Batian also used his skills to face each other with his palms. He only heard a "bang" sound, and a powerful force surged out in all directions instantly. 躆


A burst of water burst out from the sea, setting off huge waves, extremely turbulent.

The two fought against each other for a moment with their powerful internal skills, and for a moment it was hard to tell the difference.

Hai Batian's expression gradually became serious, and he snorted coldly: "Your skills are indeed good, and you are qualified to challenge me. I believe you."

Jiao Tao smiled and said: "Both and each other, how about we make a covenant?"

"Okay, I agree." Hai Batian nodded lightly.

The two of them closed their hands at the same time. Under the situation of equal strength, trusting each other's promise is undoubtedly the wisest choice, and it is also the best bargaining chip to fall out with the other party. If one of the parties intends to breach the contract, the other party's strong strength must also be considered.

Only then can you make that decision.膆

"Come here, bring some wine!" Hai Batian shouted.

"Master Hai, here comes the wine."

The warriors from the Hailong Gang brought a jug of wine and two large bowls.

Hai Batian poured the wine himself, handed it to Jiao Tao and said, "Drink this bowl of wine and we will become brothers. Brother Jiao, please."

"Haiye please."

Jiao Tao took the wine bowl and drank it with Hai Batian.

The two parties took an oath with palms and an alliance with wine, and reached a cooperative relationship. 膆

"Brothers, our Hailong Gang has formed an alliance with the Haijiao Clan today. If we capture the Seven Island Sea Kingdom, we will divide the islands with the Haijiao Clan and rule them. I also ask all brothers to be witnesses." Hai Batian said loudly.

"I am willing to testify for Mr. Hai!"

Many warriors said in unison.

"The weapons of the Holy Forest Continent are very powerful. You must have seen them before. Please tell Brother Jiao your plan. We, the Hailong Gang, will definitely work together to cooperate."

"Hehe... I have indeed seen the weapon made by the Holy Forest Continent. It is nothing more than an explosive iron stone. According to my observation, the other party only has one ship equipped with that kind of weapon. As long as our sea dragon dives into the water, it will

We can approach that ship, then..."

When Jiao Tao said this, a look of pride appeared on his face.

"Haha, this is really great. Now that we have Brother Jiao's family to help us, we will definitely be able to defeat the scholars of the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom and the Holy Forest Continent. By then, we will be able to equally divide the territory of the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom. If this battle is successful,

Our joint efforts may take us one step closer, such as dominating the entire endless sea and making all places on the sea our territory. Whether it is the Lingwu Continent or the Holy Forest Continent, no one is allowed to enter the sea without our consent.

Otherwise, you will die." 膆

Hai Batian was so high-spirited that he seemed to be able to see the future scene where the Hai Long Gang would dominate the endless sea.

Jiao Tao smiled slightly and said, "Haiye is very ambitious and the little demon admires him very much. Whether we will cooperate in the future will have to wait until we win the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom. Now we are just cooperating for the first time."


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