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Chapter 386 Return to the Holy Forest Continent

 "Look! Many saints have come to our seven-island sea country!"

"Those are all saints from the Holy Forest Continent, saints that none of us have ever heard of!"

"God bless the seven-island sea country! God bless the human race!"

"Prosperity for thousands of years, prosperity for all generations!"

"We welcome all the saints!"

The people of the Seven Islands and Sea Kingdom were overjoyed, saluting in various ways to the saints, and some kept kowtowing.

Then, the shadows of the saints entered the temple.

The fate of the human race has been blessed by the national destiny of the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom, instantly causing the national destiny of the entire Seven Islands Sea Kingdom to skyrocket.

In the Yingfeng Hall, many scholars looked through the windows at the vision in the direction of the temple, and all of them showed joy.

As the king of the country, Emperor Guangde could definitely feel that the new strength of the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom's national destiny had completely exceeded the strength of the national destiny taken away by the Five Saints, and he was extremely excited.

"Is this the power of luck of the human race? I can definitely feel that in the next fifty years, the Seven Islands Sea Country will have smooth weather, no stormy waves, no tsunamis and typhoons. Even the sea monster casting spells cannot resist the national destiny.

If we use our strength to make waves, our seven-island sea country will gain more than we lose!"

Emperor Guangde thought excitedly and clenched his fist secretly. He knew that he was gambling, but fortunately he was right.

All the civil and military officials present were extremely happy, and even a little regretful. If they had known that returning to the Holy Forest Continent would have such benefits, they should have made such a choice.

Now, everyone in the Seven Islands Sea Country can see a broader sky and a more promising future.

After the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom returns to the mainland, everything here belongs to both the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom and the Holy Forest Continent. The people of the Sea Kingdom will have the right to move to the mainland. Similarly, the people of the mainland can also move to the mainland.

Settled in Haiguo.

Officials from mainland countries can come to Haiguo to serve as interns, and Haiguo can also go to mainland countries as internships to gain experience. The benefits are really hard to explain clearly.

At the same time, we should open up economic and trade, open up channels for ideological and cultural exchanges, and introduce various civilizations.

Under the influence of the new civilization, the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom will develop rapidly in the future, and great Confucians may be born one after another. If you are lucky, there may also be new Confucians canonized.

Or, the Holy Academy sends a half-sage to temporarily take charge of the Seven Islands Sea Country and become the literary leader of the Seven Islands Sea Country.

Future adjustments will take time, but there is no doubt that everything will quickly develop in a better direction.

Du Ning said to everyone: "Congratulations on your return to the mainland. This will be a historic day. You will likely be remembered in history. Future generations will be grateful for the choice you made today."

Emperor Guangde smiled and said: "Du Jun said it all, thank you for all this. Without the support of you and the Holy Court, our Seven Islands Sea Country would not be what it is today. I promise you that we will definitely obey the leadership of the Holy Court."

If there is any mission from the Holy Court, the Seven Islands and Sea Kingdom will devote all its strength to help, for no other reason than because we are all human blood, brothers and sisters."

Pang Mengjie said: "The Holy Court will not treat your country badly, and will protect the stability of your country in the name of the human race."

"The return of the Seven Island Sea Kingdom to the mainland is a great joy for the entire human race. I will hold a banquet for three days and three nights. Please don't be polite."

"The Seven Islands Sea Country has just ended a war. It is not appropriate to hold a grand banquet. We should keep everything simple and hold a grand ceremony the following year to celebrate." Du Ning suggested.

"What Mr. Du said is extremely true. I would like to follow Mr. Du's teachings."

Emperor Guangde completely lowered his posture in front of Du Ning, but he still did not lose his majesty as a king of a country.

"You have all made great contributions to our seven-island sea country. I should be rewarded in the name of the king. Please don't refuse."

Emperor Guangde looked at everyone sincerely, hoping that everyone would not reject his wishes.


Du Ning looked at the others. Even if he was Wenjun, he couldn't act arbitrarily.

Pang Mengjie smiled at Du Ning and nodded, indicating that Du Ning would agree. After all, everyone had contributed a lot. If he rejected Emperor Guangde's kindness, he would probably make Emperor Guangde even more uneasy.

Others whispered to each other, thinking that everyone has always lived in the Holy Forest Continent, and there is no harm in hanging some titles in the Seven Islands Sea Country.

Moreover, everyone has indeed devoted their blood and sweat to the Seven Islands and Sea Kingdom. This contribution cannot be erased in any case. It must be shown and set an example for future generations and for scholars all over the world.

This is also an opportunity to establish a nickname.

"Thank you so much, Your Majesty." Du Ning agreed on behalf of everyone.

"So good!"

Emperor Guangde was overjoyed and immediately issued an edict in public, entrusting everyone present with merit and rewards in the name of the monarch.

Du Ning had outstanding military exploits, killed Hai Batian, and was named the "Guard Protector" of the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom, which is the highest level of title.

Many friends, such as Fan Rulong and Tian Feipeng, were also awarded various marquises for their merits in protecting the country.

Pang Mengjie was canonized as "General Protecting the Country", and all his generals were awarded the title of Marquis one by one.

Although these canonizations are in vain, they will indeed be included in the files of the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom.

Suppose that one day, Du Ning wants to settle in the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom. In the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom, he is a real duke. As long as he does not commit a serious crime, he will not be deprived of this title by the king.

Or in an unknown era in the future, if Duning's descendants fall into poverty again for some reason, no matter how poor the descendants are in the end, once they move to the Seven Islands Sea Country, the head of the family will directly inherit the title of "Guo Guo Gong"

, enjoy various privileges in the seven-island sea country.

The canonization of Emperor Guangde is a blessing to the descendants of all people. If their descendants cannot survive in the Holy Forest Continent, the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom will give hereditary titles to their descendants.

After all, it is difficult to say clearly what will happen in the future, but having this kind of canonization in the Seven Island Sea Country will undoubtedly give a family one more path for future generations.

Emperor Guangde was able to achieve this level, which shows his sincerity.

Next, everyone had a lot of discussions about the Seven Islands Sea Country.

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Du Ning said: "Soon, the Holy Academy will send a great scholar to survey your country and teach you the technology of the mysterious cannon. There are many things to be busy with next. The first is to open up the trade market between the sea country and the mainland.

, The second is that the maritime country should establish diplomatic relations with the mainland countries and open up civilized exchanges, so as to promote the civilization of the seven-island maritime country to synchronize with other countries as soon as possible."

Everyone nodded. Du Ning's idea was very clear, and it was also the most important decree that should be implemented at the moment.

"Du Junyan is right. The civilization of the Seven Islands Sea Country lags far behind the mainland. I believe that the holy books of the Holy Forest Continent should be introduced so that the scholars of the Seven Islands Sea Country can absorb the many cultures of the mainland."

"The Seven Islands Sea Country needs a period of recuperation. After opening up the economy and trade, the Seven Islands Sea Country can increase a lot of income and materials. In particular, the materials for making mysterious cannons should be introduced first."

"Your country also needs to re-establish a powerful maritime navy to make the Seven Islands Sea Country impregnable and become an indestructible fortress."


Several days passed like this.

During this period, Du Ning did a lot of preparation work for the Holy Academy in the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom, and assisted Emperor Guangde in formulating many policies for future development. When the Holy Academy sends great scholars to the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom, he can also let

It is easier for those great scholars to take over the work here.

After arranging the basic work here, Du Ning and many friends took the sea ship driven by Chen Mingwang and returned to the Holy Forest Continent.

Pang Mengjie, on the other hand, temporarily stayed in the Seven Islands Sea Country for a period of time to help the Seven Islands Sea Country reorganize its navy and train new arms.

At the same time, the presence of Pang Mengjie's team can also deter the various tribes in the endless sea, so that they dare not come to seek the benefits of the Seven Island Sea Kingdom.

Before leaving, all the people from the Seven Islands Sea Country came to see him off.

If it weren't for Du Ning and others' bloody battle with the Hailong Gang, the Seven Island Sea Kingdom would have been conquered by the Hailong Gang long ago, and the people on the islands would have become hostages for the Hailong Gang to threaten the Holy Court.

Nowadays, the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom is not only safe and sound, but also successfully returned to the Sacred Forest Continent, and gained a stronger human destiny. All this is because of the efforts of Du Ning and others.

Therefore, the people of the Seven Islands Sea Country are extremely grateful to Du Ning and others.

Emperor Guangde and the civil and military officials sent Du Ning and others to Haikou. Before boarding the ship, Du Ning took out the manuscript of Zhenhai Poetry from Qiankun in his sleeves and handed it to Lin Hengyu, a scholar who came to see him off.

"Mr. Lin, this is the manuscript of Zhenhai poem that I wrote in your Seven Islands Sea Country. It is useless for me to take it back to the Holy Forest Continent. I will leave it in your Seven Islands Sea Country's Academy of Literature as a souvenir. This poem of mine still has the qualities

It has a certain miraculous effect in calming the sea, I hope you won’t refuse.”

Emperor Guangde and the officials were immediately surprised. They did not expect that Du Ning would be willing to leave such an important thing in the Seven Islands Sea Country.

This is the original manuscript of Zhenhai's poem, and the original manuscript usually has incredible power.

Du Ning is a literary monarch of the human race, and his poems are the treasure of the monarch. There is only one in the entire Seven Islands Sea Kingdom, and it will become a priceless treasure passed down from generation to generation.

Lin Hengyu had already heard about the powerful power of Zhenhai Poetry from other people. Du Ning used Zhenhai Poetry to control the waves, making it impossible for the Hailong Gang's warships to escape the bombing range of the Xuanji Cannon, and then the Hailong Gang was wiped out.

At the same time, this is also a poem handed down from generation to generation.

Du Ning's leaving Zhenhai poems in the Seven Islands Sea Country will be an honor in the literary world of the Seven Islands Sea Country.

Lin Hengyu is the most famous figure in the literary world of the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom, so it is naturally appropriate for him to take care of it.

"Thank you Du Jun for everything you have done for our Seven Islands Sea Country. Please rest assured that I will store your original works in the Palace of Chinese Studies. This is not my personal treasure, but every scholar in our Seven Islands Sea Country should

We will pass it on as a treasure to be guarded together, as a treasure passed down from generation to generation in the Guoxue Palace, to remember your great kindness and virtue."

Lin Hengyu bowed deeply to Du Ning, then respectfully took the original poem and held it in his hands.

"It's such a pity not to bring it back to the Holy Forest Continent..." Tian Feipeng whispered.

"This poem handed down from ancient times has the effect of calming the sea. Brother Du left it in the Seven Islands Sea Country, maybe hoping that it can come in handy one day in the future!" Fan Rulong said.

"I hope that the Seven Islands Sea Country will never need this poem." Fu Yue said.

Others nodded. Although Du Ning had left a hand to the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom, as long as the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom was strong enough, this poem would be of no use.

Emperor Guangde said to Du Ning: "If Du Jun is free in the future, you can come to our Seven Islands Sea Country as a guest at any time. You will always be the protector of our Seven Islands Sea Country, and the gate of our Seven Islands Sea Country will always be sacred."

Lin Dalu’s scholars are open.”

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty. I understand."

Du Ning nodded lightly. He still had a lot of things to do after returning to the Holy Forest Continent. After he had promised, it was not certain whether he would have the opportunity to come to the Seven Islands Sea Country in the future.

"After a long journey, we must say goodbye. Dear fellow citizens of the Seven Islands and Sea Country, let's say goodbye."

After Du Ning finished speaking, he bowed to everyone in the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom.

The scholars and common people of the Seven Islands Sea Country also returned the favor, bending even lower than Du Ning.

Du Ning and others slowly boarded the ship, while Chen Mingwang drove the ship away from the shore.

"Du Jun, take care of yourself all the way!"

"Have a safe journey, and our seven-island sea country welcomes you at any time!"

"We will also come to the Holy Forest Continent in the future, and we must not be drunk before returning!"

Many people waved to Du Ning and others.

Some children got out of the crowd and kowtowed three times in the direction of the ship.

Du Ning also waved goodbye to everyone. His eyes swept over Emperor Guangde and the civil and military officials, as well as the many scholars and common people, and he remembered this scene deeply in his mind.

"Going home, this time it's our turn to go home."

Du Ning turned around and looked at the sea returning to the Holy Forest Continent, with a faint smile on his face.

This time, everyone successfully completed the task entrusted to them by the Holy Court, allowing the blood of the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom to return to the mainland.

This is undoubtedly a very meaningful achievement for everyone.

Recalling this experience, it was also quite dangerous. If you were not careful, your life would be in danger.

Fortunately, luck was on Du Ning's side, so everyone was safe and able to return home safely.

Suddenly, the Hongyan seal on Du Ning's waist vibrated.

The holy temple of the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom has been completely synchronized with the Holy Forest Continent, and now it is not far from the holy temple of the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom, so Du Ning can receive the Thousand Miles Sentence from Hongyan Seal.

So Du Ning held the Hongyan Seal and released the message inside.

I saw a streak of talent emerging, forming golden words in the air.

This is an urgent message from Kongde of the Holy Academy.

"The latest news is that the demon clan and the Rakshasa clan seem to be tearing up the peace agreement with the human saints and issuing a declaration of war to the Holy Academy. Now the Holy Academy has sent saints to negotiate with the two clans. If it is not handled well, there may be a second outbreak.

The Great War."

Du Ning blurted out, his expression became extremely ugly.

"What! How could this happen!"

"Are they crazy!"

Everyone's expressions changed greatly. The battle in the prehistoric era was really terrifying and would lead to a loss of lives and rivers of blood!

The battle in the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom has just ended, and the demon tribe and the Rakshasa tribe have made new moves!

At this time, other people also received the Hongyan Message from the Holy Forest Continent one after another, and learned the same shocking news.

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