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Chapter 476 Exposed

 Fan Heshan looked at Lu Xionghua and said: "Then I would like to ask Mr. Lu, why do you say that Du Jun's "New Law of China" is an idea that subverts the order of the human race? Even the saints of the human race do not dare to draw conclusions.

Negative, why do you define it like this? Is it because you Lu family scholars are also domineering in daily life and can be exempted from many punishments in the Liao Kingdom, so you don’t want to give up punishment?"

Lu Xionghua became angry and said: "Mr. Fan, in front of the great scholars from all over the world, you must not slander me randomly."

Fu Shuyun directly scolded: "You are only allowed to slander Du Jun, but Mr. Fan is not allowed to speculate and analyze. Mr. Lu has been in a high position for a long time and it is a big face. Who do you think you are?"


Lu Xionghua was so angry that he trembled all over after hearing this. As a representative scholar of the Liao Kingdom, he was ridiculed by Fu Shuyun in front of a large public. This was simply a shame and a great humiliation!

However, Fu Shuyun is a scholar of the human race. His status is far superior to that of ordinary Confucian scholars, and he is very senior in the Confucian Hall. No matter how angry Lu Xionghua is, he cannot express his anger directly. He can only grit his teeth and endure it.

"Then how can Mr. Pingguang be sure that the "New Laws of China" is beneficial to the human race? Can it advance the civilization of the human race?" Lu Xionghua asked unconvinced.

Fu Shuyun said loudly: "Wouldn't it be beneficial to the human race to let the human race get rid of punishment and reach the highest level of cessation of punishment?"

"Ridiculous! This is really a big joke!"

Lu Xionghua said contemptuously: "How can we govern a country without punishment? Without the deterrence of punishment, people cannot fear punishment, and people will not be able to abide by the law, and more disasters will only happen."

Du Ning suddenly asked: "Mr. Lu, do most of the scholars from aristocratic families in various countries fear punishment? Do they obey the laws of various countries? Du has a poor eye and only knows that the same mistakes happen to common people and children of aristocratic families.

If you are punished, the common people will have to suffer severe punishments, while the children of aristocratic families can have their sentences reduced to the greatest extent. You keep saying that the existence of punishment can deter people from breaking the law, but has it deterred you people from the aristocratic family? I have transferred some people from the Liao Dynasty.

Do you think you, the Lu family scholars, have committed too many things in the Liao Kingdom? Do you want me to expose all the old stories of your Lu family in front of everyone?"


Lu Xionghua was furious and looked at Du Ning with his eyes. He was extremely ashamed and angry, and at the same time he was a little afraid. As Du Ning's current status as Wenjun, it was only a matter of one sentence to investigate the files of various countries. This is Wen

Your face.

"Du Jun, what do you mean by this? Are you threatening Lu? This is the Confucian Hall!" Lu Xionghua said.

"In early March of the 18th year of Shunqing's reign, Lu Liangchen, a member of the Lu family, was convicted of accidentally killing a student during a literary fight. He used the privilege of the family to avoid torture and was fined one hundred thousand taels of silver."

"In May of the 20th year of Shunqing's reign, Lu Liangchen was arrested for fighting with a student from a poor family. He used his family's privileges to avoid punishment, while the scholar from a poor family was sent to another place for three years."

"In the 21st year of Shunqing's reign, this same Lu Liangchen had an quarrel with a poor student. He killed the poor student in a rage. He used his family's privileges to avoid punishment and was fined one hundred thousand taels of silver."

"Shut up!"

Lu Xionghua's face changed wildly, and his face turned livid.

Many great scholars looked at each other and pointed at Lu Xionghua.

"It turns out that the scholars of the Lu family are so domineering and can beat people to death at every turn. It's really awe-inspiring!"

"The Lu family is just a famous family. If it weren't for the privilege, I'm afraid Lu Liangchen would have been punished with his life."

"No wonder Mr. Lu is so opposed to Du Jun's abolition of punishment because he doesn't want to lose the protection of his family's privileges!"

Lu Xionghua's face turned red, and he felt hot for a while, as if he had been slapped twice by someone else. He hated Du Ning so much that he actually dug up the old accounts of the Lu family. This was a huge blow to the Lu family.


Du Ning looked at Lu Xionghua and said: "Mr. Lu, please tell me why punishment exists. Is it to make people fear torture and not dare to break the law, or is it to make it easier for you people from aristocratic families to beat you at will?"

Is Lu Liangchen afraid of torture when he kills others? No, in his eyes, torture is just a tool he uses to bully others and a means for him to do evil. In your eyes, do you still have the law of kings! Do you have justice!"

Lu Xionghua gritted his teeth and could not utter a word. All his momentum was completely suppressed by Du Ning.

Du Ning scanned the crowd and said, "Who else has objections? Please raise your hand."

After a while, several great scholars raised their hands symbolically.

Du Ning said indifferently: "In the first year of Yongding in the Tang Dynasty, Tong Jiasheng, a scholar of the Tong family in the Tang Dynasty, got into a fight and was imprisoned. Shortly after he was released on bail, he went crazy and killed two passers-by under the influence of alcohol. He was fined 200,000 yuan and was exempted from prison sentence."

The great scholar of the Tong family blushed instantly and hurriedly lowered his arm in the eyes of everyone.

"In the seventh year of Baoguang's reign, Feng Guangjun of Chu State was convicted of raping and killing a woman from a good family. He used his family's privileges to avoid punishment and was fined 180,000 yuan in silver."

"In the fourth year of Qianfeng's reign, Liang Guogan lost his literary battle in Qishan. In order to vent his personal anger, he killed the barmaid at the literary party and was fined 150,000 yuan in silver."


Du Ning recounted many cases as if they were treasures, which immediately made many opposing scholars feel ashamed. All of them were exposed by Du Ning.

In order to deal with the public discussion in the Confucian Hall this time, Du Ning was fully prepared.

Any great Confucian who holds an opposing opinion will basically have many records in his family. Du Ning only needs to dig out their old accounts, and they will no longer dare to oppose his own ideas under the false banner of serving the human race.
"That's enough! Stop talking!"

"These are all old accounts, what's the point of digging them out?"

"You are going to make enemies of many aristocratic families!"

Many great scholars spoke one after another, all a little flustered.

Du Ning shut his mouth and did not cite many more examples.

Fu Shuyun sneered and said: "You keep saying that you want to promote punishment, but you use the privileges of the aristocratic family to reduce the punishment. Fortunately, our Fu family has good tutors, otherwise I would probably be scolded by Du Jun today."

The implication is that the families of these great Confucians simply have no family education.

The three Legalist scholars headed by Mei Shutang sat on the ground and looked at each other, whispering to each other. The expressions on their faces were very ugly, and they were too stunned to say a word to refute.

In the entire Confucian Hall, some people were ashamed and angry, some were reflective, and some others remained calm and collected.

After a while, the discussion between the three Legalist scholars seemed to have reached some conclusions.

Just listen to Mei Shutang say: "Since we still can't come up with a satisfactory result in discussing this matter, then we both might as well take a step back and demarcate a state among our human nations, and let Du Jun use "Hua Xia"

"The New Law" governs for one year. If it can achieve outstanding political achievements, it will be implemented in a few states in some human countries in the second year. If all the selected states and areas have merit, it will be implemented in all countries. I don't know what you guys think.


Many scholars suddenly brightened up. This is indeed a good idea. Since no one can overthrow Du Ning's proposition with theory, let Du Ning speak for himself with facts and prove himself with Du Ning's political achievements.

"Okay! As expected of Mr. Mei, the representative of Legalism, I agree with this approach!"

Lu Xionghua supported Mei Shutang extremely and looked at Du Ning with deep contempt and disdain. He did not believe that Du Ning's "New Laws of China" could be applied to the human race and let Du Ning govern a state with new laws.

, as time goes by, there will inevitably be chaos. At that time, everyone can justifiably prosecute Du Ning and let the Holy Court come forward to convict Du Ning.

Fu Shuyun said: "I also agree with Mr. Mei's suggestion. Instead of arguing with unrealistic theories, it is better to let Du Jun give it a try. I believe he can live up to expectations and make some political achievements."

Fan Heshan nodded lightly and said: "Mr. Mei's proposal is indeed good. Only practice can prove whether the "New Law of China" can be applied to the human race and whether it can be used to maintain the order of the human race. If it can be successful, the Legalist Saint

Taking the Tao further will also be conducive to the progress of our human civilization."

"Haha... Lu also hopes that human civilization can progress, but I just don't know if Du Jun dares to accept this challenge?"

Lu Xionghua looked at Du Ning with a smile and raised his head slightly. This posture and confidence was like a winner looking at a loser.

Du Ning said with stern eyes: "If the Holy Court is willing to give me a chance, Du is willing to try to reform the law."

"Well, as expected of Du Jun, you are indeed brave."

Lu Xionghua smiled from ear to ear and said: "But then again, if Du Jun can achieve outstanding political achievements with the "New Law of China" and advance the civilization of our human race, he will definitely achieve a unique feat.

, even for Legalists, it will be a major breakthrough in Legalist thought of governing the country. However, if Du Jun accidentally makes a mistake and causes irreparable consequences, all the responsibilities should be borne by Du Jun alone.


Du Ning looked at Lu Xionghua with a smile on his face: "Du, I dare to ask Mr. Lu, do you hope that Du will achieve great success in reforming the law, or do you hope that Du will fail and be ruined and become one of the many aristocratic people in the human race?

Does the existence of people shouting and beating exist?"

"Du Jun, what you said is right..."

Lu Xionghua's expression changed, and then he revealed a guilty smile.

"Dumou understands, it seems that Mr. Lu hopes that Du will fail, because Mr. Lu, like those who oppose me, only values ​​the privileges and interests of his own family and does not care about the sorrow of other oppressed people at all.

It sounds like it's for the human race, but in the end, it's still for your own selfish desires."

Lu Xionghua was furious. He didn't expect that Du Ning hit the mark and spoke out the thoughts of a few people without hesitation. He simply didn't take them, the great scholars, into consideration.

"In order to prevent punishment from becoming a tool used by others to oppress the people, in order to safeguard the interests of the people and the order of the human race, and in order for the civilization of the human race to progress, no matter how difficult the future is, Du will take this step.

Du will definitely succeed and will never fail!"

After Du Ning finished speaking, he exuded an extremely strong righteousness that soared into the sky.

"Haoran is upright?" Fan Heshan's face was stunned.

Lu Xionghua was shocked and said: "Impossible! He is obviously just a bachelor, how can he have great righteousness? This is simply impossible!"

Many great scholars from all over the world were extremely moved. Even if they are great scholars, it is not easy for them to cultivate awe-inspiring righteousness.

Du Ning is just a bachelor, but he exudes an aura that is extremely close to Haoran's righteousness. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be unbelievable.

Fu Shuyun said: "This is indeed Haoran Zhengqi. Du Jun has reached the pinnacle of a great scholar and is only one step away from being a great Confucian. In time, Du Jun will be promoted to a Confucian scholar. By then, Du Jun will naturally possess the complete Haoran Zhengqi.

Hearing these words, the expressions of many great scholars became even more livid. Du Jun could actually have such righteousness, which was unprecedented. Doesn't this mean that Du Ning really wrote the "New Laws of China" for the sake of the human race? Perhaps it is because of this.

Due to Du Ning's dedication and many achievements for the human race, he was able to begin to transform his talents into awe-inspiring righteousness in advance during the period of being a bachelor.

In fact, Du Ning had long felt that he had reached the pinnacle of a bachelor's degree, and that he would break through the bottleneck and be promoted to a great scholar at any time. However, because he was promoted too quickly in Confucianism and Taoism, he was worried that his foundation was not stable enough, so he did not rush into promotion.

Now Du Ning's talent has begun to transform into awe-inspiring and upright, which means that Du Ning's foundation is very solid. There is no need to deliberately suppress it, and he will naturally enter the realm of Confucianism.

Kong Chunfeng said: "Congratulations to Mr. Du for your upcoming promotion to Confucianism. Mr. Du is determined to innovate laws for the human race. I deeply admire him. Mr. Mei's suggestion just now is very good. Maybe you can choose a state for you to govern to verify the "New China".

"Law", Lanzhou has seven prefectures and a total of fifty-six counties. It is under the rule of Kongcheng. It is not only the people who moved out of Kongcheng, but also the people who moved from all over the country. It is also the court of all countries.

To recommend a place for scholars to practice, you can go to Lanzhou to be a state pastor for a year and promote your "New Laws of China". If you can achieve significant political achievements, then comprehensively promote "New Laws of China" and carry out legal reforms in various countries. If not, you can

If you have contributed to Lanzhou, or even caused many serious consequences, you will be punished according to the laws of the Holy Court."

Du Ning immediately said: "I am willing to accept the test of the Holy Court and go to Lanzhou to serve as a state pastor for one year. I will abolish the old system and implement new laws. If the reform fails, I am willing to accept the punishment of the Holy Court and be witnessed by the great scholars from all countries."

"Very good."

Kong Chunfeng showed a satisfied look on his face and said: "Then let's settle it. After the Lantern Festival in the New Year, the Confucian Hall will issue you the seal of state pastor. Within one year, you can govern Lanzhou with the "New Law of China". What achievements can you make?

, it all depends on Du Jun’s performance.”

Du Ning said: "Don't worry, Mr. Yansheng, our students will not disappoint you, nor will they disappoint the great scholars of other countries, nor will they disappoint the common people of the world."

The corners of Lu Xionghua's mouth raised slightly, revealing a sarcastic look, and he looked at Du Ning with disapproval.

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