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Chapter 536 Lectures and Preaching

 August 15th, Mid-Autumn Festival.

The sky is as clear as water and the autumn breeze blows on your face, making you feel refreshed.

Early in the morning, the entire Lanzhou City was crowded with people, and there were scholars everywhere.

Although Lanzhou City is under the jurisdiction of Kongcheng, it has never been as lively as today.

All this is because of Du Ning. I heard that Du Ning was going to give lectures in Lanzhou City, and students from all over the world heard about it.

Even the students in Kongcheng gave up the Mid-Autumn Festival held by Shengyuan and came to Lanzhou City to participate in the Mid-Autumn Festival held by Lanzhou Literary Institute. As a result, this year's Kongcheng Mid-Autumn Festival became the largest in history.

The deserted and boring session made many great scholars in the Great Confucian Hall of the Holy Academy feel extremely embarrassed, and they complained about Du Ning in their hearts.

This year's Mid-Autumn Festival is divided into two parts. Starting in the morning is Du Ning's lecture and preaching time, and it ends after dusk in the afternoon, and then the formal Mid-Autumn Festival will be held.

In Nuo University's Lanzhou Academy of Literature, many scholars from various human nations were sitting on the floor, while the common people stood on the attic of the academy to watch.

Today, Du Ning will give lectures and preach at Lanzhou Literary Academy to promote the ideas of "New Laws of China".

Du Ning is sitting in the square of Lanzhou Literary Academy. Today, he is very rare to wear an ink dragon robe, which shows the solemnity of today's lecture and preaching, and also highlights his status in the literary world.

Scholars from various countries are whispering and discussing what they are talking about.

Many scholars looked at Du Ning with expressions of admiration. At this moment, they regarded Du Ning as their mentor, because they all came to listen with a learning attitude, hoping to have a better understanding of "Chinese New Rhythm"


There are also some scholars who hold a neutral attitude. They neither support nor oppose Du Ning's "New Laws of China". They just come to join in the fun and see what Du Ning can say in front of so many scholars.

What kind of truth comes from.

There are also some scholars whose faces are full of contempt and disdain. They look at Du Ning as if they were looking at a clown. If they had not considered the current environment, they would even be tempted to laugh.<


The great Confucians from all over the world who came to listen to the lectures all sat far away, because they were great Confucians. No matter where they sat, they could hear Du Ning's lectures clearly. On the contrary, those with lower levels of Confucianism and Taoism needed to

Only with a better listening and learning position and close contact with Du Ning can we better learn the ideas of "Chinese New Rhythm".

Du Ning glanced at the many people who came to listen to the lecture. He knew very well that some people came to learn sincerely, but there were also some people with bad intentions. As long as there were any problems with his lectures, they would stand

Get up and attack in groups.

Especially some Legalist scholars, their hatred for Du Ning has simply reached the level of deep hatred.

Take Wei Boqing, for example. At this time, he was sitting in a remote corner. There were several like-minded Legalists sitting next to him, and several of them were transmitting sounds with their spiritual thoughts.

"This Du Ning is so shameless that he dares to lecture in public. Isn't our Legalist civilization for thousands of years worse than his so-called "New Law of China"? It's really ridiculous!"

"You have just scratched the surface of our Legalist knowledge of thousands of years, and yet you dare to brazenly claim to be the new thoughts of the Legalist Holy Way, which is a big joke to the world!"

"It is absolutely impossible for Du Ning to succeed in today's lecture, and he will even become the laughing stock of the world."

"We'll just wait and see! When Du Ning makes mistakes in his lectures, that's when his reputation will be ruined."

Wei Boqing and others looked at each other with stern eyes.


As the bell of the Academy rang, all the discussions in the audience suddenly stopped, and everyone fell silent in unison.

Du Ning gave everyone a hand and said: "Du Ning is not talented. He was invited by Mr. Hongli of the Lanzhou Academy of Literature to give lectures in the Academy during the Mid-Autumn Festival today, and to explore the saints of Legalism with literary friends from all over the world.

Tao, exchange experiences..."

Hong Li in the crowd was very happy. Du Ning mentioned his name in his opening remarks. Once this lecture is a great success, his literary name will be spread to other countries.

After the brief opening remarks, Du Ning officially entered the lecture stage.

Many readers in the audience were all listening.

"It's finally begun, Mr. Yunqi, let us see your new holy way of Legalism!"

Fan Heshan looked at Du Ning, as if he were a student listening to a lecture, and he was quite expecting it. He only hoped that Du Ning's lecture this time would not disappoint the many scholars present.

As time went by, many scholars listened with great interest and gradually became immersed in Du Ning's lectures and could not extricate themselves.

There were also some people who showed signs of sudden enlightenment and listened to the lectures more devoutly.

Others were listening, the sarcasm on their faces became even more intense, and they became more and more contemptuous of Du Ning.

Wei Boqing was overjoyed. He originally thought that Du Ning's "New Chinese Rhythm" was an unpopular heresy, and listening to Du Ning's lecture today was nothing more than that.

"Haha... What new legalist thought is nothing more than this!"

Wei Boqing couldn't help but sneered. His voice was not loud, but many scholars could hear it clearly.

However, Du Ning seemed not to hear Wei Boqing's voice and continued his lecture. Even a great scholar like Fan Heshan did not react at all.


Many people couldn't help but laugh, and the expressions they looked at Du Ning were even more contemptuous and ridiculing, looking down on Du Ning extremely.

However, those scholars who were immersed in Du Ning's lectures seemed not to have heard anything and continued to listen to Du Ning's lectures.


Suddenly, a scholar couldn't help but shout, and a burst of talent and power fell from the sky, and he was promoted to a Confucian and Taoist scholar on the spot.

This scene stopped the voices that were laughing at Du Ning.


Wei Boqing lost his voice and said: "It's obviously ridiculous words, how can a scholar be promoted to a Confucian scholar? I don't believe it! This is not true!"

"Mr. Wei, have you noticed something strange?"

A scholar next to him said with some fear: "Those scholars who listened attentively seemed to have entered a state similar to enlightenment. No matter what we said, they seemed to be unable to hear..."


Wei Boqing's face changed wildly. He glanced at the many scholars and found that some scholars were indeed intoxicated by Du Ning's lectures. They were all smiling, as if they had discovered some treasure.

"How...how could this happen?"

Wei Boqing was puzzled. This thing did seem a bit weird.

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