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Chapter 538: Semi-Saint’s Ceremony

 Du Ning suddenly stopped talking, looked in the direction of Wei Boqing, and shook his head slightly.

Everyone else also looked in the direction of Du Ning, only to find that there were scholars whose literary courage was cracked, and all of them showed expressions of gloating.

These people have had bad intentions from beginning to end, denying Du Ning's new ideas of the Legalist Holy Way. Now that the Apricot Altar is formed, those who regard Du Ning as enemies will also be ostracized by the power of the Apricot Altar Holy Land, and will be punished.


At this moment, a Legalist scholar suddenly turned his head to Du Ning and said loudly: "The student is guilty. He has always been opposed to Mr. Du's holy thoughts. Now he has woken up and regretted it too late. The student sincerely apologizes to the teacher and asks for help."

Forgive me, sir."

After he finished speaking, he knocked his head heavily on the ground. No one could see his expression clearly, but one could imagine that the other party must be extremely regretful at this time.

Du Ning said: "Now that I have sincerely admitted my mistake, this matter is over. In the future, we should correct our mistakes and correct our own attitude. We should not overly deny the ideological achievements of others."

"Students have been taught. I would like to thank my teacher for his forgiveness. I will never dare to do it again from now on."

The Legalist scholar kowtowed as if he were pounding garlic, his mentality suddenly became brighter, and he retained his literary courage.

Fan Heshan silently nodded to Du Ning, showing a smile of approval.

More neutral scholars also have a favorable impression of Du Ning. It is considered a gentleman not to add insult to injury at this time.

"The students also apologized to Mr. Du and asked Mr. Du to forgive him."

"And I, please Mr. Du forgive us for our sins of ignorance."

Later, some scholars sincerely apologized to Du Ning, and Du Ning also chose to forgive them.

However, there are still some scholars who grit their teeth and still dare not agree with Du Ning’s Legalist thoughts and refuse to admit their mistakes to Du Ning no matter what.

They are waiting for an opportunity. When Duning makes a mistake, that is when they will counterattack.

Du Ning smiled slightly and continued his lecture.

I don't know how long it took, but Wei Boqing woke up. He glanced at the scholars around him and found that some of the scholars had already adjusted their seats and were sitting far away from Wei Boqing.

This made Wei Boqing furious. Considering that this place has become a sacred place of apricot altar, he did not dare to get angry.

The other great scholars also looked at Wei Boqing silently, all of them smiling bitterly.

"Mr. Wei, please admit your mistake to Mr. Yunqi! As long as you can get Mr. Yunqi's forgiveness, your literary courage will soon be restored to its original state." A great scholar next to him said.

"I'm not wrong! I can't be wrong! The wrong person is Du Ning!"

Wei Boqing replied viciously: "Just watch with your eyes wide open! Du Ning will definitely make a mistake, and then all you have to do is mock Du Ning without any limits in front of this public."<


"What are you...hey...why are you doing this?"

The great scholar shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly.

Wei Boqing despised the great scholar. Although admitting his mistakes to Du Ning could save his literary courage, it would be an unbearable shame and humiliation for Wei Boqing. He did not admit his mistakes, and he did not allow himself to admit his mistakes to Du Ning.

Du Ning apologizes.

At this moment, a ray of light penetrated from the direction of the Holy Academy, exuding an extremely majestic aura, and entered the Lanzhou Literary Academy.

The visitor is an old man with gray hair and a childlike face. He has a calm smile on his face, but it gives people the feeling that if the old man gets angry, he will definitely make the earth crack and the sky collapse.

Du Ning has seen this person, he is none other than the Legalist Semi-Saint Peng Xinghe!

Peng Xinghe is not the arrival of the Holy Thought, nor is he the incarnation of the Holy Thought, but the true form has come in person!

There are images of saints enshrined in holy temples. Who in the world doesn’t know about this Legalist semi-sage? Who doesn’t know about it?

Many scholars subconsciously want to salute, but there is a magical power that prevents them from saluting, and they can't even say some words of welcome.

Wei Boqing's face was ecstatic. You must know that Peng Xinghe is a semi-sage of the Legalists. Du Ning created the Xingtan Holy Land with the ideas of "New Laws of China". As a representative of the human race and a semi-sage of the Legalists, naturally he can't sit still!

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain. If Du Ning's Legalist Holy Way takes shape, where will Peng Xinghe be?

"Haha... Peng Sheng must have come to criticize Du Ning and kill Du Ning's idea of ​​subverting the order of the human race in the cradle. No matter how knowledgeable Du Ning is, once the Legalist half-sage takes action, he will definitely die!

Wei Boqing roared in his heart, and the expression on his face became a bit ferocious.

The nearby scholars couldn't help but feel a little scary when they saw Wei Boqing's expression.

Could it be that Wei Boqing is crazy?

At this time, Du Ning looked at Peng Xinghe, and Peng Xinghe also looked at Du Ning.

Then, a scene appeared that shocked Wei Boqing's jaw.

"Student Peng Xinghe came here to ask Mr. Du for advice!"

After Peng Xinghe finished speaking, he bowed to Du Ning in full view of everyone, as if he were a student.

This time, I am worshiping not the great scholar Du Ning, nor the literary monarch Du Ning, but the Lord of the Apricot Altar!

The status of the master of the apricot altar is equivalent to that of "Master". In the world, only Confucius can be called "Master" because Confucius is also the master of the apricot altar, and he is the saint who has left the most apricot altar holy sites in the human race.


Any semi-sage who lectures in the apricot altar, or a scholar who creates an apricot altar, as long as he is in the apricot altar, has the same status as a "master".

Not to mention Peng Xinghe, even Yan Shenggong, who was in charge of the Holy Academy, met Du Ning in the apricot altar, but he still had to behave like a student. This is the etiquette of scholars respecting their teachers.

Peng Xinghe came today not as a semi-saint, but as a student. He has the same status as other scholars, so he is not allowed to receive respectful greetings from everyone.

At this moment and here, Du Ning is the teacher in the name of many scholars!

Du Ning returned Peng Xinghe's hand and said, "Please sit down."

"Mr. Xie."

Peng Xinghe immediately sat on the ground, sitting among the crowd, listening to Du Ning's lecture like other students.

The surrounding scholars were immediately horrified. This was the coming of this saint in person, and the excitement in their hearts was simply difficult to describe in words.

Wei Boqing sat there blankly, unable to believe or accept all this.

As a semi-sage of Legalism, he actually came to Du Ning's Xingtan to listen to Du Ning's lectures and wanted to learn Du Ning's Legalist thoughts. This was completely beyond his psychological endurance.

Doesn’t this mean that even the semi-saints recognize Du Ning’s Legalist path?

"Am I really wrong? Am I really wrong?"

"How is this possible? How is this possible!"

"How could such a thing happen?"


Wei Boqing spurted out blood again, and the crisp sound of "click, click, click" sounded in the literary palace, and his literary courage was instantly shattered into slag.

With a "plop", Wei Boqing threw his head back and fell to the ground, fainting.

This chapter has been completed!
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