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Chapter 564 Xue Jiajun

The Marshal's Mansion is the military organization in the capital of Qi State.

Today, many scholars in Qi State responded to the call and came to the Marshal's Mansion to sign up to join the army, preparing to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy and defend their country.

Scholars in the Kunlun literary world generally have strong self-esteem. They believe that their own country should be protected by their own hands. They do not reject the help of the Holy Forest Continent, but they will never be overly dependent on the powerful forces of the Holy Academy.


For thousands of years, the Zhou Dynasty and the demon clan have been fighting and killing each other in the Kunlun literary world. The entire dynasty has experienced countless bloody storms, but has never been defeated by the demon clan.

Now that the Lingwu Continent and the Rakshasa tribe have joined forces to enter the Kunlun literary world, they want to defeat the scholars of the Great Zhou Dynasty and occupy the Kunlun literary world. That is a wishful thinking, and the scholars of the Great Zhou Dynasty definitely disagree.

Du Ning followed the crowd and arrived at the Marshal's Mansion.

He plans to join the Qi army as a scholar from the Holy Forest Continent. On the one hand, he can go to the battlefield to help the Zhou Dynasty fight against foreigners, and on the other hand, he can find opportunities for his own sainthood.

In order not to expose his identity as Wenjun and alert others, Du Ning had already prepared another identity document in the Holy Academy. He was a student from a certain family in Yun State, so that it would be more convenient to act in the Kunlun literary world.

There were many people outside the Marshal's Mansion. In addition to most of them being scholars from the Kunlun literary world, you could also see a few scholars wearing the clothes of the Holy Forest Continent. You could tell at a glance that they were students from aristocratic families and had quite a background.

After queuing for a long time, it was finally Du Ning's turn to sign up.

Du Ning handed over another document created for him by the Holy Court and asked the officials of the Marshal's Mansion to review it.

Whether it is the Holy Forest Continent or the Great Zhou Dynasty, everyone will have an identity document when registering their household registration, which records their name, ancestral home, date of birth and other information, and also represents a person's identity.

If someone is found to have forged identity documents, he will be suspected of being a foreigner disguised as a foreigner and will be quickly sent to the Yamen for questioning.

Du Ning's document was created by the official of the Holy Academy, so it would naturally be impossible to find out. As long as it is an official document, even if the information is found to be false, the officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty, no matter how stupid they are, can still know that it is the official document of the Holy Academy.

An identity assigned to perform special tasks.

The Holy Academy often lets some geniuses from aristocratic families enter the Kunlun literary world. In order to sharpen these people, they will make another document representing their identity. Once those geniuses leave the Kunlun literary world, those special identity documents will be taken back by the Holy Academy.

The official in charge of registration handed Du Ning a Xue Jiajun badge and briefly introduced the situation in the army to Du Ning.

The commander-in-chief of the Xue family army was named "Xue Shijing". He was a great scholar in Confucianism and Taoism. He was the cousin of the Marquis of Qi, and was conferred the title of scholar-bureaucrat by the Marquis of Qi.

In the Xue family army, in addition to Xue Shijing serving as the general marshal, most of the important positions such as generals, deputy generals, army officers, and captains are also controlled by the Xue family.

Occasionally, there are a small number of scholars who can hold important positions in the military, but there are extremely harsh conditions. First of all, this person must be a Confucian and Taoist genius, and secondly, he must be trained by Qi State.

As for the scholars in the Holy Forest Continent, apart from the scholars from the All Saints Family who have certain privileges, even the scholars from famous families cannot get involved in those important positions.

"This friend of the Imperial Academy, your information has been registered. From today on, you are a member of the Xue family army. After the registration ends in these two days, our doctor Xue will personally appoint you to an official position in the army. Don't worry,

We in the Qi State are meritocratic. As long as you have real materials, you will definitely have the opportunity to show off your skills. I wish you can kill more foreigners on the battlefield, win the battle, succeed immediately, and make outstanding military exploits for our human race.

, Guangzong Yaozu."

"Thank you."

Du Ning agreed on the surface, but actually did not take the other party's "painting" as the same thing.

With Du Ning's Confucianism, Taoism, and Hanlin cultivation, he is theoretically qualified to serve as a general in the army, or even as a captain. However, the Marshal's Office is still in the recruiting stage, so it will not give Du Ning any immediate rewards.

For official positions, it is necessary to wait until the marshal's office closes the registration process and gathers all the Hanlin officials for a comprehensive discussion before they can be officially awarded military positions.

In the Zhou Dynasty, which followed a patriarchal system, most of the country's important official positions were ruled by royal relatives, and family groups firmly controlled power, thereby passing on status and power hereditary.

Therefore, even if Duning had any outstanding performance in the army, he would not be reused.

Although it is a little unfair, it has always been like this in patriarchal dynasties.

However, Du Ning is a civilized monarch of the human race after all, so he is naturally not interested in any positions in the Xue family army, so he does not attach too much importance to his power in the army.

In the following time, under the arrangements of the officials of the Marshal's Mansion, Du Ning settled down in the army.

Five scholars from the State of Qi slept with Du Ning. They all had Confucianism, Taoism, and Hanlin cultivation, but they were older than Du Ning. The oldest Confucianism, Taoism, and Hanlin among them seemed to be in his forties.

The other scholars who slept together were also headed by the eldest, middle-aged Hanlin.

A person next to him whispered softly: "Brother Xue, look at this person's clothes, he is a scholar from the Holy Forest Continent."

"Hmph! What's all the fuss about? Haven't we seen enough scholars from the Holy Forest Continent? They are really worthless! The last time a genius who claimed to be from the Holy Forest Continent came to our Kunlun literary world, he was beaten by us.

Are you pissed off? This is the Kunlun literary world, not the Sacred Forest Continent. Not to mention that he is from the Sacred Forest Continent. Even if he is a real dragon, he has to lie down obediently when he comes to our place. I will try him later and let him

a shame."

The eyes of the leader, the middle-aged Hanlin, flashed with contempt and disdain, and he did not take Du Ning seriously at all. What he said was also extremely arrogant, and he was not worried about being heard by Du Ning, even with a few words.

Quite joking.

People with status and status are much more confident in speaking than ordinary people.

Du Ning glanced at the other party, as if he hadn't heard anything and said nothing.

"Brother Xue, they are here to help us after all. Isn't this a bad thing..."

The narrator spoke even softer, and looked at Du Ning cautiously, as if he was worried that Du Ning might be angry after hearing such outrageous words.

"Since you join our Xue Family Army, you are a member of our Xue Family Army. As the third brother of the Xue Family, I can at least become a general by joining the Xue Family Army. I have to give him a warning first. This is the custom in the military camp."

The middle-aged Hanlin finished his words and walked swaggeringly in front of Du Ning. Those who like Confucian and Taoist scholars, please bookmark: (www.sodu777.net) The Confucian and Taoist Scholars Search Novel Network has the fastest update speed on the entire Internet.

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