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Chapter 66 Dragon Boat Battle

 Seeing Ji Changan and others leaving in embarrassment, the scholars in the box on the second floor laughed loudly.

"Haha... I never thought that the usually arrogant Ji Changan would be like this!"

"He thought Mr. Du was a soft persimmon and could pinch it whenever he wanted, but he didn't expect that this time he would hit an iron plate."

"Master Du was so brave that he threw Ji Chang'an from the second floor window. What happened today will be spread throughout Suzhou City, and Ji Chang'an will become a joke after dinner."


Everyone laughed.

Luo Wenxuan said to Du Ning: "Master Du, today you have offended the Wenzong family. Ji Changan and those people will definitely not let it go. Don't worry, we are all your friends. If the Ji family dares to touch you, I, Luo Wenxuan, will be the first one not to let it go."


"And me!"

Cao Qingyun said proudly: "My father holds military power in the General's Mansion. If Mr. Du is in trouble, as long as I tell my father, three thousand soldiers and horses will be on call."

Du Ning was surprised. These two powerful people in Suzhou City were so powerful. They were indeed the disciples of King Chong and King Xia.

If not, I would not dare to challenge the children of the Wenzong family.

"And us. Mr. Du, if you have any difficulties in the future, just ask. We are all classmates and should look after each other."

"That's right! We are all our own people, so there is no need to be too open to outsiders. Come on, have a drink."

Du Ning could see that these people made friends with him sincerely, and he immediately felt grateful.

Everyone ate for a while.

They didn't leave Mingyue Tower until they were full of wine and food, and went back to their homes to rest.

Early the next morning, Du Ning went to class to study.

When I saw Zhang Gui and others again in class, everyone still saluted and greeted them, as if what happened last night had not happened.

Du Ning was even more afraid, which showed that the other party was hiding deeply, so Du Ning would stay away from such people.

Zhang Gui was taught a lesson by Du Ning last night and did not dare to provoke Du Ning. Both parties kept a distance.

After all, in class we are all classmates who don’t look up when meeting each other, so there is no need to make the relationship so tense.

Today, another bachelor from the School of Liberal Arts is teaching, who is responsible for teaching students the art of "calligraphy" among the "six arts".

The so-called six arts are five rituals, ancient music, archery, horse riding, calligraphy, and arithmetic. They are what scholars often call the "six arts of a gentleman" and are also a must-learn course for liberal arts students.

You don’t need to be proficient, but you should at least have some knowledge.

Du Ning spent a lot of money to study at Suzhou Literary Academy, so he had to take classes seriously, otherwise he would have wasted so much money.

In the Holy Forest Continent, calligraphy is an important course for scholars.

Wang Xizhi, a calligrapher of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, became a saint with calligraphy and started a calligraphy craze in the Holy Forest Continent. Many famous calligraphers emerged in later generations.

It is said that some scholars who practice calligraphy can turn the imaginary into the real by just using pen and ink to write the word "sword" on the paper, transforming into a peerless sword to kill the enemy. The power is not weaker than the "Wen Gong Ancient Sword" of Jinshi.<


Good handwriting is an art, which not only allows for better social interaction, but is also valuable if sold.

When Du Ning remembered that his handwriting had been criticized by others, he decided to practice calligraphy well and have a style and momentum of his own.

In addition to the "six arts", Suzhou Literary Academy also teaches piano, chess, and painting. After practicing, they all have the power to turn virtual reality into reality, and their wonderful uses are endless.

The more Du Ning studied, the more interesting it became, and he also liked the learning atmosphere of the liberal arts college more and more.


The first day of May.

Du Ning studied at Suzhou Liberal Arts College for nearly half a month.

On this day, Du Ning came to the pavilion outside the classroom to say hello to his classmates.

"Good morning, everyone." Du Ning politely bowed his hands to everyone.

"Master Du is here, sit down quickly." Luo Wenxuan gave up a seat for Du Ning to sit down.


Cao Qingyun sighed, and other students also looked sad, as if they had encountered some difficulty.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you sighing so early in the morning?" Du Ning asked.

Luo Wenxuan said slowly: "The Dragon Boat Festival is coming soon. Every year on this festival, our students from Yun and Liao will have a 'dragon boat battle'. I heard from the students in the Juren class that this year the students from Liao will compete in the dragon boat battle."

The location has been chosen in our city of Suzhou."

Duning's expression suddenly changed. The so-called dragon boat battle is a modified tradition from "dragon boat racing". Scholars used dragon boats as warships to engage in fierce battles on the river.

In the dragon boat battle between Yun and Liao, only Juren could participate, because if Juren had literary courage, the literary battle would become more intense.

There are two ways to win. The first is to start from the starting point, reach the designated place and win the championship and then return safely. The second is to sink all the opponent's dragon boats in a literary fight and let all the scholars on the opponent's dragon boat fall into the water.


The first method pays attention to speed. As long as the speed is fast enough, no one can catch up.

The second method tests the scholar's literary fighting ability, no matter what, just break the opponent's dragon boat.

The process of literary fighting is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be beaten to the point where the literary courage is shaken. In severe cases, the literary courage may even be broken.

The past tradition of "dragon boat racing" has long been replaced by today's "dragon boat battle".

Originally, the purpose of dragon boat fighting was to encourage students to practice water warfare. Some people who achieved excellent results in dragon boat fighting could join the military in the future and form a powerful navy to protect the sea.

However, in recent years, the literary world of Liao Kingdom has been suppressing the literary world of Yun Kingdom, so that a competitive exchange has become a "battlefield" for scholars.

Later, in the annual dragon boat battles, basically no scholar would win by the first method, and they would directly enter the literary fighting stage from the beginning.

If the literary strength of both sides is equal, the first method will be adopted.

If you can beat it, destroy the opponent as a team,

If you can't beat it, win with speed.

In the history of dragon boat racing, there has been a crushing victory in which the opponent was wiped out before returning from the championship.

There is no need to pick up the subsequent championships. The referee directly declares the team that was eliminated as a failure.

Cao Qingyun said: "The people of the Liao State are strong in water warfare. In front of the people of the Liao State, we Yun people are like landlubbers and are generally incapable of water. I checked the information. From the 21st year of Jingwen to the 30th year of Jingwen, in the Yun Dynasty,

, In the dragon boat battles between the Liao and Liao countries, the Yun Kingdom only won three games. From the 31st year of Jingwen to the 40th year of Jingwen, the Yun Kingdom did not win a single game. According to statistics, the Liao Kingdom won no victory in the 37th year of Jingwen.

It has never failed since the beginning of the year. In other words, so far, the Liao Kingdom has defeated the Yun Kingdom fourteen times in a row, which is a full fourteen years."

"According to the data on dragon boat competitions in various countries over the years, many countries have won for fourteen years in a row, but so far, no student from any country has set a record of a fifteen-year winning streak."<


"This year is the 41st year of Emperor Jingwen's reign. If we lose this year, the Liao Kingdom will set a record of fifteen consecutive victories, and our Yun Kingdom will become the country with the most consecutive defeats in the history of dragon boat racing.

, no matter what, this would be a great shame."

After hearing such data, the faces of many students present became even more ugly.

Because judging from such data, students at Suzhou Liberal Arts College are under great pressure.

Victory or defeat is a matter of military strategist.

Scholars from the Yun Kingdom are not afraid of losing.

What everyone is afraid of is the negative impact that will occur after losing.

The Yun Kingdom has been losing for too many years and has accumulated a lot of public resentment. Every year, the people of the Yun Kingdom and Liao Dynasty are looking forward to winning once. Even if it is just one win, it is enough to make the people happy.

Feel relieved.

However, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Obviously the scholars who participated in the dragon boat battle had tried their best, and even had their literary courage shattered by the opponent during the collision with the dragon boat, but they still could not defeat the Liao opponents who were strong and good at water battles.

After losing, those scholars will be blamed by the people across the country, and in the literary world, they will also be attacked by countless scholars with their literary names.

If you are slightly careless, not only will your literary courage be saved, but your literary palace will also be in danger of falling apart.

Years of consecutive failures have dealt a huge blow to the Yun Kingdom literary world, so much so that everyone is a little unsure of themselves, so they start to sigh.

Du Ning couldn't help but look worried. After all, as a Yun national, he felt very uncomfortable having failed in the dragon boat battle for so many years.

"Have you decided who will participate in the dragon boat race this year?" Du Ning asked.

"Not yet."

Luo Wenxuan said: "If nothing unexpected happens, our Suzhou Academy of Arts can only let the elites of the Juren class participate, with the Wenzong family as the leader, leading the elites of Suzhou to challenge the Liao Dynasty."

"With the Wenzong family taking the lead, this can indeed play a certain motivating role."

Du Ning said: "As classmates of Suzhou Liberal Arts College, no matter what difficulties they face, we should also encourage them. The more difficult this situation is, the more we must work together."

Everyone nodded. There may be many grievances and grievances among the many students present, but with the national honor and disgrace at the forefront, everyone will put aside their personal grievances with the overall situation in mind and work together to fight against the Liao literary world.

This is the national justice.

"Master Du is right. The more times like this, the more we must encourage them, not for any other reason, just because we are from the Yun Kingdom!" Luo Wenxuan said righteously.

"Well said!"

Everyone was excited.

At this time, another student came to the pavilion, his face was very angry.

"Everyone, I have some bad news for you. When I passed by Jurenyiban just now, I heard that the Wenzong family did not intend to lead the team to fight against the Liao Kingdom. They gave up the war."

"What did you say? This is impossible!"

"If the dignified Wenzong family gives up the war at this time, they will not be afraid of being ridiculed by the scholars in the world!"

"How could the Wenzong family with such a prestigious position give up the war! Did you hear wrongly?"

Everyone looked at the student and could hardly believe what they heard.

"It's absolutely true! Now many people have gone to the Juren Class and they are all quarreling!" said the student.

This chapter has been completed!
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