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Chapter 185 The Broken Clan

 Qulin City is located in the north of the Star Luo Empire and is considered a border city.

The city is inhabited by the Po clan, and there is also one of the four lower sects here.

Yang Wushuang has lived in this city for some time. He didn't choose to come here on a whim. He came here with a mission, but the person on the mission was not very cooperative with him.

Standing in front of the mansion and looking at the broken characters on the gate, Yang Wushuang smiled bitterly. He had delayed this matter for long enough.

"Master Tuoba, let's go in." Yang Wushuang turned his head and looked at the person standing beside him, raising his feet and walking forward.

In this mansion, Yang Wushuang did not have too many good memories, because the first time he stepped here, what greeted him was the spear with murderous intent.

Yang Wushuang knew his own family well. Although Yang Wushuang knew his brother 100%, he could also predict the situation of the two brothers meeting again based on his temper.

Surprise, joy, anger, hatred, these are the emotions that his brother will show, and if nothing else happens, he will have a fight with his brother first. As for the conversation, it is for Yang Wushuang to take control of his brother.

It’s something you’ll only consider if you can survive.

After so many years, seeing this brother who was thought to be dead again stirred up the long-closed heart of the leader of the Broken Clan.

Neither party spoke at the first moment, but looked at each other for a long time, and the entire hall fell silent.

"I thought you were dead!" The trembling voice brought not happiness, but full of hatred.

He is not blind, nor is he a fool. He can see the people standing next to his brother, who are from the Lower Fourth Sect.

Is Wuhundian a good thing?

Would it have chosen not to kill this member of the Broken Clan back then?

"How could you do this!" His body was shaking violently, and he looked at this familiar face with scarlet eyes. The patriarch's expression was gloomy.

Now he would rather that his younger brother died back then, at the hands of the Wuhun Palace people, than what happened now.

A terrible thought emerged, and he was shocked to realize what identity this younger brother had survived to this day, but this identity was tantamount to betrayal for the patriarch himself.

He was no longer a younger brother, but a traitor. In order to survive, he put down his pride, shattered his own beliefs with his own hands, and shattered the momentum in his heart.

The traitors ignored the hatred between the two sides, the traitors forgot the massacres suffered by the tribe, and the traitors ignored the harm the tribe suffered, which was almost genocide.

Today, this traitor openly stepped into his former family again, accompanied by strong men belonging to the enemy forces, and said disgusting words without shaking his head.

"Clan Chief Yang, we are here sincerely. Please invite all the Po clan to join the Spirit Hall."

How dare he?!

If it was just speculation and delusion before, now that these words are spoken, even the delusion in the patriarch's heart has been shattered, and the identity of the traitor has been confirmed.

The martial spirit was released instantly, and a spear appeared in his right hand.

Soul-Breaking Spear, the martial soul of the Soul-Breaking Clan.

The spear is completely black and shines with a cold luster. The shaft is eight feet long, and the wide tip is actually four feet long. The barrel is as thick as an ordinary human arm. Two yellow, two purple, and four black, the eight best matching souls.

Rings appeared on the gun body at the same time, shining up and down around the spear, suddenly blooming with an extremely dazzling brilliance.

With a bone-chilling killing intent, the moment the spear was taken, the sharp tip pointed at Yang Wushuang's eyebrows.

The skin was slightly sunken, but Yang Wushuang did not hide. At the same time, he also sent a message to the people who came with him, telling him not to interfere in the affairs between their brothers.

He snorted coldly and watched Yang Wushuang face his hand without changing his expression. The clan leader had a sullen face.

"Why, I haven't seen you for so many years, but you don't even have the courage to hold a gun?"

Fighting was inevitable. Yang Wushuang shook his head helplessly, took a few steps back, and released his martial spirit.

Taking the long spear, the two of them started to attack at the same time. The barrels of the guns collided and the tips of the spears rubbed against each other. With the sound of breaking through the air and the collision of weapons, they walked all the way from the room to the outside where they could better display their marksmanship.

The clan leader stabbed Yang Wushuang's vital parts with all his moves, with a fierce and courageous aura.

Defeat was also inevitable. The spear in his hand was knocked away, and Yang Wushuang was frozen in place, looking at the tip of the spear thrust towards his forehead.

There was a pain in his waist, and Yang Wushuang was kicked away, allowing him to narrowly escape the fatal blow.

Not choosing to continue the attack, the clan leader stopped and looked at Yang Wushuang who had saved his life with disappointed eyes. No matter from every aspect, the clan leader was extremely disappointed with Yang Wushuang.

"Clan Leader Yang is going to openly quarrel with Wuhun Palace?" A deep voice sounded beside the clan leader. The clan leader's face turned cold and he looked at the man from the lower four sects sinisterly.

"Can we have a good chat now, brother?" Putting away his martial spirit, Yang Wushuang calmed down the surging energy and blood in his body and attracted the clan leader's attention.

"I'm not your brother. Mine has been dead for a long time. He died in the Wuhun Palace's pursuit of us."

The spear is still in his hand, and the patriarch's eyes are full of hostility.

At the end of the memory, Yang Wushuang sat on a chair, holding a pot of flowers in his hand.

It was a large pale pink flower with no leaves and a stem three feet long. The flower was huge, with a diameter of a full foot, and each petal looked as clear as crystal.

Because of the presence of this flower, a faint fragrance is released, and the refreshing smell permeates every corner of the room.

As Yang Wushuang took out the flower, the patriarch's eyes never left the flower for a second, with a dazzling light shining in his eyes.

"Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Product, this is what I promised you, and it is also the sincerity of Wuhun Palace to the Po Clan. I believe that my brother does not need me to describe the importance of this thing to our Po Clan."

With a slight cough, the clan leader restrained himself a little from his gaffe and glanced at Yang Wushuang.

"There's no need for you to explain this. As for the few things you know, there's nothing I haven't learned yet."

"But what you said is true. Wuhun Palace is willing to give away things for free?" the clan leader asked suspiciously.

"If it's true, that would be great. With it, I don't have to worry about being contaminated by the drug when refining any medicine. With it, many medicines that I didn't dare to try to refining before can be eliminated.

You can start refining it. Moreover, its fragrance can cause many medicines to mutate and exert greater effects. For our Po clan, this thing is a priceless treasure, and I would trade it with my life."
The hand holding the flowerpot tightened, and Yang Wushuang let out a breath.

"It's best this way, brother, this is my last bargaining chip. If you still insist on rejecting Wuhun Palace, I don't know how to retain the less than a hundred members of the Po Zhi clan."

This chapter has been completed!
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