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Chapter 11 Is it true? Foster father?

 On the way back to the dormitory, Gu Sheng was in a happy mood.

The sky is so high and the clouds are so far away.

The flowers are fragrant, the grass is fragrant, the air is fragrant, and Lu Laoer's mouth is also fragrant——

"I ** you **! I'm so **** with this ** game!"

"This s**t designer is just a psychopath. If I play this **game again, I** will be a big**!"


When this person gets older, he likes to hear some Cybertronian language.

Gu Sheng pushed open the dormitory door, listened to the Cybertron RAP on the landing, and nodded with satisfaction.

"You can hear the chirping of birds and the fragrance of flowers in our dormitory downstairs,"

Gu Sheng smiled and walked behind Lu Bian as he spoke:

"What kind of stupid game are you playing to make you so angry..."


Before Gu Sheng finished speaking, he saw the cat Leo on the screen of Lu Bian's laptop.

...It seems that I suddenly don’t want to recruit the second person to take the lead.

Seeing that Gu Sheng was back, Lu Bian also put aside the tormenting bitch cat and said hello to Gu Sheng:

"Lao Gu, you came back so early today. How was the interview? Is there any progress?"

Lu Bian knew that since the beginning of the internship period, the dormitory boss Gu Sheng had been interviewing frantically.

Three or four houses a day, it’s been almost a month, and I leave early and come back late every day.

In fact, I had told him a long time ago that it was just an internship certificate, and I could just rely on my relatives at home to issue one for him.

Anyway, it’s just an extra piece of paper.

But Lao Gu has always been stubborn and insisted on finding an internship position by himself.

After going back and forth, Lu Bian stopped talking about helping, and instead cared about Gu Sheng's mental state every day.

Because as far as Lu Bian knew, Lao Gu had been busy for more than a month, and there seemed to be no progress in the interview.

He was really a little afraid that one day Lao Gu would lose his mind and just give him and Dajiang a medical qualification.

"It can be considered...some progress,"

Gu Sheng sat down, took the water and took a sip:

"Where's Dajiang?"

"Oh, he went out to buy instant noodles for the road,"

Lu Bian said, popping a cigarette out of the cigarette case and throwing it to Gu Sheng:

"Dajiang will leave tomorrow. He said that his family has arranged an internship position for him,"

"Just now we were discussing calling you,"

"Let's... go out for a drink tonight?"

Speaking of this, Lu Bian seemed a little disappointed.

Friendships in college are actually very fragile. We all come from all over the world. If we break up, we may never see each other again in this life.

Friendships in college are also very strong. After all, as the old saying goes, the first of the three pillars of life is "going to school together."

Although it is undeniable that universities are small societies, in order to run for student union cadres or scholarships, there will inevitably be intrigues among classmates.

But for idle people like the three of them, intrigues usually only exist in the three aspects of "army lines", "red and blue buffs" and "heads".

Now, the internship is around the corner.

If we go our separate ways this time, the next time we meet again, it may only be a short moment on the day when we take graduation photos.

After that, it was very difficult to get together again.

After taking a look at Dajiang's neatly tidied bed, Gu Sheng also slowly exhaled a puff of smoke.

After a moment of silence, Gu Sheng asked:

"Did Ojiang tell him what kind of job his family had arranged for him?"

"It seems to be a small local advertising agency of theirs,"

Lu Bian replied:

"I said that I used to do advertising design and modeling for people. If I can become a regular through internship, I will probably be in the same class."


Gu Sheng nodded:

"how about you?"


Lu Bian shrugged:

"I don't know yet. Anyway, I have obtained my internship certificate and it will be the same wherever I am."

Hearing this, Gu Sheng nodded. After pondering for a moment, he raised his head and looked towards Lu Bian:

"Bian'er, why don't you leave."

Upon hearing this, Lu Bian's expression condensed.

Then, he took the stool and took half a step back, his eyes were a little wary, and he pulled his collar:

"Lao Gu... I have always thought that we have a pure class friendship. Besides, I have a girlfriend. I'm straight..."

Gu Sheng:......

He really wanted to punch this idiot to death.

"What the hell I'm talking about is work! You idiot!!!"

Gu Sheng was really speechless.

"Ah? Oh hi——"

Hearing this, Lu Bian breathed a sigh of relief:

"You told me earlier, I thought our friendship had deteriorated."

"I will become your grandma's grandson,"

Gu Sheng rolled his eyes angrily and got to the point:

"I successfully interviewed two days ago. A newly established game company has hired me, but it is currently short of manpower. Do you want to work with me?"

Once you hear this!

Lu Bian's eyes lit up immediately!

Don't look at him, he is just casual and not up to date.

But for the gaming industry, Lu Bian is absolutely 100% enthusiastic.

Otherwise, he would not have resolutely chosen to major in gaming in today's almost stagnant gaming environment in China.

He really wants to join the gaming industry.

But unfortunately, today's game industry is very rigid, and many professionals with many years of experience are still having trouble finding jobs.

Not to mention stinky students like them who haven't graduated yet.

If he wasn't helpless, Lu Bian wouldn't want to mess it up and let his family arrange an internship.

And now!

Lao Gu actually said that he had found a job as an intern in the gaming industry, and he could even introduce himself to the job?!


Lu Bian was surprised:

"Is it true, foster father?!"

"You are so fucking shameless..."

Gu Sheng was astonished at the speed of Lu Bian's face change and was amazed.

Then he smiled helplessly and nodded:

"Really, do you want to come together?"

"Yes! Of course I want it!"

Lu Bian nodded fiercely:

"Isn't that why I studied this major? And I'm willing to do it with you!"

this time.

It was Gu Sheng's turn to tighten his collar: "Can you please stop looking at me with that hungry look? Just turn the attack around, right?"

Lu Bian, on the other hand, twisted a little shyly and winked at Gu Sheng: "If it's Senior Gu Sheng, it's not impossible..."

Gu Sheng was silent for two seconds.

Then he stood up and bent down to pick up the stool.

"No, no, no, brother...it's just a joke, brother..."

Lu Bian quickly begged for mercy with a playful smile, telling Gu Sheng not to be impulsive.

Although Lu Bian's mouth was relatively poor, it was undeniable that he was really impressed by Gu Sheng's personality charm.

As the boss of the dormitory, Gu Sheng has always been the best person among the three of them and even among the classmates around them.

He seems to have mature experience beyond his years and extremely high emotional intelligence.

Lu Bian once saw a saying——

If you always feel extremely relaxed and happy when you are getting along with a person, and the other person can pick up on the issues you discuss, and even provide guidance and corrections to you.

So congratulations, your emotional intelligence and experience have been completely crushed by that person.

This is the backward compatibility model for people with high experience and high emotional intelligence.

This kind of person usually has four characteristics - rich knowledge reserve, strong ability to empathize, an open mind, and a perspective that overlooks all things.

Obviously, Gu Sheng is this kind of person.

Especially in the gaming field.

He seems to have dimensionally reduced views and opinions. He once drank too much and drew a grand blueprint for a game empire that is still unforgettable.

If such a person is not worthy of being followed, Lu Bian really doesn't know how he can step into the gaming circle he has always longed for.

Thinking of this, Lu Bian also said sternly: "Then my career will be entrusted to you."

After saying that, Lu Bian asked again:

"By the way, Lao Gu, you work for this game company. Have you published any works before? I'll search for it first to make myself familiar with the company's style."

Just talking!

Just as soon as the dormitory door rang, Dajiang's voice sounded from the door:

"What game company? Brother Sheng, have you found an internship unit?"

This chapter has been completed!
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