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Chapter 186 My memory is all about you

 Why does John go to the moon?

Mencius doesn’t know, Confucius doesn’t know, and Lao Tzu doesn’t know either!

Therefore, players have to go back to a longer timeline, or find the old man's purpose of going to the moon, or implant the psychological suggestion of "going to the moon" into him when he was a child.

In this way, in the timeline of John's old age.

The matter of "going to the moon" became a matter of course.

To do this, they need a "memory fragment", which is a prop that evokes memories and enables timeline retrieval.

"Memory fragments? I only have this..."

As he spoke, Old John picked up an umbrella from the bench and handed it to the two of them.

"This thing..."

Alliance area anchor Ma Chachong took the umbrella from Old John, a little doubtful:

"Can this also be used as a memory fragment?"


The horse bug presses the handle.


As the handle vibrated, the umbrella in the game was opened by him.

Then a white light flashed and time went back.

[Two years ago, Xiaoxi just passed away from illness]

When the screen returned to normal again, the umbrella was back in Old John's hand again.

At this time, time moved forward a little, and it was drizzling in the sky.

Old John is standing by the lighthouse at the moment, holding an umbrella.

To be more precise, he is holding an umbrella over the tombstone.

His umbrella was tilted towards the tombstone, as if he was afraid that the tombstone would get rained on.

Although most of his body was already wet, he didn't realize it and just muttered to himself.

As the quiet and slightly sad sound of the piano came, Old John's voice seemed slightly hoarse:

"It's all over...Xiaoxi."

"Now, I can take care of her like you do...she will never be alone again."

"Maybe... I will never understand, but I will always be loyal to your wishes."

"Anya will also be grateful to you..."

"But when I leave too,"

"Who will take care of us..."

Having said this, Old John, who was hunched over and looking sad and haggard, sighed.

The rain pattered on his umbrella, making a rhythmic ticking sound.

Seeing this, Ma Chachou walked up and came to Old John:

"Is this...your lover?"

"Who are you?" Due to the time jump forward, Old John at this time still didn't recognize him at all, let alone the matter of 'life reconstruction'.

"My name is Lao Sao," Ma Chachou said, "I am a doctor who is passing by."


Old John nodded, not really, but continued to look at the tombstone, feeling lost:

"She shouldn't have slept here, I mean she couldn't have done this..."

"...Forget it...you won't understand..."

"Because even I often can't understand her..."

Questions like the Riddler linger in the minds of Ma Chachong and all the viewers in the live broadcast room——

What does Old John mean? What does ‘she could have done otherwise’ mean? What does ‘doing so’ mean?

Moreover, before Lao Sao talked to him, who was [Anya] that Old John murmured to himself?

The layers of mysteries and the feeling of being peeled off the cocoon made everyone fully immersed in it, and there was a lively discussion——

'What does Old John mean? He shouldn't be buried here. Does he mean the creek shouldn't be buried here?'

'Where should I be buried?'

'No, I think what the old man means is that Xiaoxi should not have died in the first place'



'Is that... related to [Anya]?'

'Who is [Anya] again? Their child?'

"The old couple has no children. Didn't you see that it was Old John who was taken care of by the nanny in the end?"

'Listen to Old John, they all know this [Anya], and she is someone Xiaoxi cares about very much.'

'Tsk, this is an interesting game. I have to clear it today, otherwise I won't be able to sleep all night.'



Seeing the encouragement from the audience, Ma Chachong nodded again and again:

"Okay, okay, let's clear it no matter what time it is today, otherwise I won't be able to sleep even if I don't talk to you..."

While talking!

The horseworm is looking for new clues nearby.

And at the top of the lighthouse, he found a familiar object——

Plush platypus doll.

A white light flashed and time went back again.

[A few years ago, when Xiao Xi was dying]

This is the first time players see Xiaoxi, John's wife, who has orange-red hair.

At this time, John had not yet moved into the house on the beach.

He was still guarding the critically ill Xiaoxi wholeheartedly.

And the platypus was held in the arms of the stream.

There were still paper rabbits all over the ground.

"...it's enough,"

"Even if you pay for the surgery, you still have more than enough money left, don't worry..."

While talking, John tucked Xiaoxi into bed.

"White lie."

Xiaoxi inexplicably said:

"...That's what you said."


John seemed to show a comforting smile, telling Xiaoxi not to think too much:

"There must be enough money..."

"Okay." Xiaoxi interrupted him: "I don't like you lying, and I don't want to violate my beliefs."

"But we need that money to treat you..."

John's voice was low and seemed to be filled with incomprehensible pain:

"I understand Anya is very important to you, but...but you have gone too far now...she is not even..."

"You know what would make me happy, John?"

Suddenly, Xiaoxi turned his head and looked at John.


"You know, right?"


Seeing that John was silent for a long time, Xiaoxi's mood seemed to drop.

"...I won't agree to the treatment. We can just keep the money..."

"But if you agree with my ideal, repair that house...and then...take good care of Anya for me."

A moment of silence.

"John?" Xiaoxi's voice sounded again.


"I did this..."

As he spoke, Xiaoxi's weak hands took out from the quilt.

Hand the yellow-bellied paper rabbit to John.

"Hey! Isn't this the one we found on the lighthouse before?"

The horse bug's eyes lit up:

"Oh - so these paper rabbits were all made by Xiaoxi?"

So, what is the meaning?

Lao Sao felt that he seemed to have found a clue, but it was not very clear, so he continued reading——

"What is this?" Xiaoxi asked John holding up a yellow and blue paper rabbit.

John scratched his head: "Uh... what is it?"

"I want you to tell me what this is."

Xiaoxi asked paranoidly, as if expecting something.

"A... paper rabbit, just like the other rabbits you folded."

John didn't know why.

"anything else?"

"Uh... is it made of paper?"

"anything else?"

"Its belly is yellow and the rest of it is blue."

"That's right! What else is there?!"

Hearing this, Xiaoxi seemed to be excited and asked.


However, John couldn't say anything anymore. He scratched his head and was puzzled, so he simply changed the topic:

"By the way, I wrote a song for you. Let me play it for you."

"The name of this song is "For River"

"...What an old-fashioned name." Xiaoxi joked with a chuckle.

As the soft piano music played, Ma Chachong could not help but frown.

"I feel like there's something wrong with what Xiaoxi is saying?"

Hear the words!

The audience also agreed——

‘I’m not scolding, but I think there is something wrong with the creek’

'Yes, it feels...a bit Riddler'

'At first I thought those paper rabbits were to delay Alzheimer's disease (orz)'

‘She seems to be trying to express something through these things’

'Yes, it seems like she can't say anything, but she keeps guiding John to say'

'But John can't understand it either, this is... so weird...'

'Like my girlfriend...'


'Isn't aphasia directly mute?'


'Doesn't autism just mean that you don't communicate with others?'

‘I don’t quite understand, let’s move on to the plot quickly or...’

Lao Sao didn't understand what was going on.

So I started looking for memory fragments and continued to push the timeline forward.

And at the same time.

In the apartment.

"Do you still remember this paragraph? You told me about it for a long time."

Shen Miaomiao and Gu Sheng, covered with a small blanket, were lying leg-to-leg on each side of the sofa and watching the live broadcast.

Seeing this, Shen Miaomiao remembered that she was confused by this project during the production.

"Is it difficult? Is it okay? This paragraph is to explain Xiaoxi's illness..."


As the players noticed.

Xiaoxi indeed suffers from congenital mental disease.

【Asperger syndrome】

This is an autistic spectrum disorder that is characterized by social difficulties, narrow interests, and repetitive behaviors. However, compared with other autism spectrum disorders, language and cognitive development are relatively preserved.

To put it bluntly, one can speak and speak well, but one cannot correctly express what one thinks and cannot have normal social interactions.

People suffering from this disease are like a lonely boat on the vast ocean.

They watched other ships from a distance but could not understand them.

Similarly, other ships could only watch them from a distance.

In the process of going back in time, John's friends will confirm this.

In addition, another player's guess will be confirmed - Xiaoxi really did not deserve to die.

At least, she shouldn't leave John first.

At that time, the beams of the house on the beach had just been built, but unexpectedly Xiaoxi was found to be terminally ill.

Therefore, "building a house by the seaside" and "continuing the life of the creek" became a multiple-choice question tormenting John.

In fact, there was nothing to hesitate about. Faced with Xiao Xi who was terminally ill, he naturally had to stop construction on the house and try his best to treat Xiao Xi and prolong his life.

But the problem is, Xiaoxi insists on building a house.

In the end, the result was obvious - Xiaoxi gave up treatment and got a house by the sea.

But why would Xiaoxi rather give up his life and be paranoid about letting John build the house?

Players don't know.

In addition, a bigger mystery also follows -

Going back in time, John and Xiao Xi were married not long ago.

One day by chance, John, encouraged by his friends, confessed something to Xiaoxi.

He said that the reason why he pursued her in the first place was because he simply felt that she was different, that she was lonely and cold, like a water lotus blooming alone.

Originally, this was just a harmless little topic between husband and wife.

After all, John's love for the creek must be even richer at this time.


Since that day, Xiaoxi became paranoid and began to make origami rabbits, asking John over and over again:

"See that rabbit? Tell me about it?"

"See that rabbit? Tell me about it?"

"See that rabbit? Tell me about it?"

Taking the trouble to do so, as if he wanted to remind John of something.

One day, two days, three days.

One year, two years, three years.

Ten years, decades.

Even until she was terminally ill and dying, she continued to remind John.

Half a lifetime.

Shen Miaomiao still remembered that she was so shocked by this episode that she was speechless for a long time!

That’s half a lifetime!

Xiaoxi has been folding paper rabbits for half his life. What exactly does he want to remind John?

And in this half-life, why have John’s countless answers been incorrect and failed to satisfy Xiaoxi?

What does the paper rabbit mean?

What is the answer Xiaoxi wants?

And in the midst of huge doubts!

With a flash of white light, time continues to move forward.

"Hey! It's so lively!"

Looking back over time.

This time, A Yin found that they came to a grassy area.

Not far away is the sea, and the lighthouse looks particularly dreamy against the moonlight.

The grassland was full of people and laughter.

Various bouquets of colored lights surrounded the tables and chairs, and guests and friends were chatting and laughing with champagne.

"Is this an... outdoor wedding?!"

After looking at it for a moment, A Yin understood the time node they were currently at.

It seems that they go back to John and Xiao Xi's wedding day.

The wedding is now coming to an end.

Perhaps because of Xiaoxi's autism, the two wedding protagonists were not present at the moment.

A Yin was the two people he found under the lighthouse.

"...Do you feel any different now?"

Xiaoxi leaned under the lighthouse and looked at John.

"Of course we exchanged rings, didn't we?"

John also looked at the stream, his tone full of tenderness.

However, Xiaoxi shook his head:

"No, I mean she..."

As he spoke, Xiaoxi pointed to the lighthouse behind him:

"What do you think of Anya?"

As soon as this statement came out!

All the viewers in the live broadcast room straightened up!

There was an exclamation——

'Holy shit! Anya! Lighthouse?!'

'So this lighthouse is called Anya!'

'Hiss - I seem to understand'

'Xiaoxi knew that she was suffering from a terminal illness, and the lighthouse was a witness to her and John's love, so she gave up treatment and let John continue to build houses here and protect this lighthouse?'

'Isn't it a bit far-fetched? You would risk your life for a witness of love?'

‘It’s also...it seems a bit illogical’

‘Tsk, this game is a bit awesome. Other games have fewer mysteries as you advance, but this game has more puzzles as you advance’

'It's the work of an old thief, it's normal. How can you be willing to do it if he doesn't torture you?'

'Let's push forward then...'

Following the barrage of discussion, John was heard saying:

"Let's go dance on the top!"

The creek seems a little cramped:

"Uh...but I won't..."

"It doesn't matter! I'll teach you!"

As he spoke, John stood up and took Xiaoxi's hand.

The two of them ran all the way to the top of the lighthouse. The bright yellow light lit up at the top of the lighthouse, like another bright moon in the night sky.

In the distance, the waves rippled.

In the lighthouse, the light and shadow are warm.

Seeing this, the players were a little moved.

Although, Old John didn't know why Xiaoxi valued this lighthouse so much.

But he still chose to carefully protect this lighthouse named "Anya" for half his life.

From the glory and brightness of the past, to the devastation and ruin after the passage of time.

John never left.

Just like his love for the creek.

Because of your illness, I may not understand what you are saying, but I am still willing to listen to you with my greatest patience.

It was like that before, it is like that now, and it will always be like that.

because I love you.

From the beginning to now, it has never changed.

Although my dying wish is to go to the moon, which is strange to say.

in my memory.

It's all you.

Accompanied by the soft piano music "For River".

In the light, the two danced awkwardly, and soft laughter floated out from the lighthouse.

Like a boat full of love, it shines with warm light in the sea of ​​stars.

The mottled memories sealed in the long river of time are reopened.

Romance and beauty like lingering streams infect every witness

As time goes back scene by scene, the two people have gone from acquaintance to mutual understanding to falling in love, and every bit of it has been merged into the fragments of memories!

Under the witness of the pastor, they intertwined their fingers and promised to each other that they would always be loyal to each other no matter life, old age, sickness or death.

In the hustle and bustle of the breeze, they rode cheerful horses and galloped freely in the racecourse, leaving laughter all the way.

In the crowded movie theater, they looked a little shy, but they sat side by side.

Yes, from youth, to middle age, to dying of a critical illness.

From meeting, to getting to know each other, to falling in love and saying goodbye.

Life is so short, so short that before I have time to love you better, I can only watch with this lighthouse.

Life is so long, so long that I sit in front of your tombstone day and night, waiting for the unbearable change of day and night.

Backtracking again and again, time moves forward again and again.

The amazing thing is that it is different from the previous traceback.

In the several rewinds during the two people's love process, the players used the same item——

That ugly stuffed platypus doll!


And all the memories about the two of them were traced back to that ugly platypus doll!

That platypus actually followed Xiaoxi all her life and never left her arms.

Even when John first plucked up the courage to ask Xiao Xi to watch a movie.

Next to her, there was also sitting the ugly platypus doll.


When they want to continue to look back!

An unexpected situation occurred——

As the backtracking white light gradually dimmed, the two doctors were seen standing in a broken patch of chaotic light!

Old John's memory suddenly stopped?

This chapter has been completed!
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