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Chapter 212 Escape this way, not that way

 "Let the player go to jail?"



Time is tight and the task is heavy!

After confirming the game, Gu Sheng immediately began to make arrangements for participating in GDC.

First, let Secretary Chu prepare a reply letter and give it to the GDC organizer, saying that Golden Wind is honored to accept the invitation and will contact the organizer later to learn the specific participation details.

After that, with a wave of his hand, he immediately summoned all the senior managers of the project department for a pre-project discussion meeting.

As the saying goes, doing well is worse than doing well!

Now, the Escape Informer DLC has been basically completed, and all that remains is some finishing work and minor bug fixes.

Everyone is feeling empty and confused because they have no next goal!

Good news comes——

Directly invited by GDC, they are going to a bigger stage!

Everyone in the project department knows the importance of GDC.

For those in the industry, GDC is even more important than the four major game shows in the world!

Because this is the only platform in the world for the top professionals in the industry to communicate and gather!

Even an exaggeration.

Shining brightly at the four major game shows can only prove that your game production technology is recognized by players and the market.

If you can win a full house at GDC, then you are truly awesome!

But this also makes sense.

The so-called peers are enemies.

If your enemies all applaud you, it means that you really have two brushes, which makes people have to obey.


Upon hearing this news!

The entire project department was in a state of shock. They rushed to the conference room as fast as possible, with the attitude of ‘I can’t wait any longer, I want to go to GDC and show off in front of my peers’!


Next second!

After hearing Director Gu tell the project settings for this meeting, everyone's expressions of excitement were solidified on their faces.


As soon as this concept came out, there was a dead silence in the entire office!

Everyone looked at each other with surprise and suspicion on their faces!


I heard from the director that players not only have to go to jail, but they also have to find opportunities to try to escape from jail in various ways!

This game... is too punishing, right?

Seeing the civil and military officials in the court hesitating and not knowing what to say, Gu Sheng laughed and waved his hand:

"It doesn't matter. If you have any ideas, just tell me."

Everyone, look at me and I look at you. In the end, it was Lu Bian who spoke first:

"That's right, Lao Gu,"

"Although crime-type games are not uncommon, it's rare for people like us to commit such serious crimes... aren't they?"

Lu Bian has watched many movies and TV series about prison escape.

But he had never heard of someone making this thing into a game, and he was a little worried about market acceptance.

However, before Gu Sheng could speak, Jiang Yun spoke:

"There have been games of this type before, probably seven or eight years ago, on the PC platform,"

"It's called "Prison Break". It's a game adapted from the IP of the American TV series of the same name. It's produced by the Chicago studio of CloudWeight Games in the United States."

"The game was quite popular when it was first released, but it quickly declined due to mediocre gameplay design and bugs."


Hearing this, Gu Sheng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

He originally thought that this type of game had never appeared in this world.

Unexpectedly, someone had already come up with this idea as early as seven or eight years ago.

But think about it.

In this world, there are "Shawshank Redemption" and "Prison Break". Under the influence of such film and television dramas, it is not surprising that games with this theme have appeared.

"Then what exactly does the so-called mediocre gameplay mean?"

Gu Sheng wanted to know why this game authorized by a genuine IP was so popular that it almost disappeared from the gaming industry. Now only experienced practitioners like Jiang Yun can remember it.

"Missions, infinite number of missions, the main line and branch lines overlap,"

Jiang Yun said:

"Suppose I want to prepare to cause a prison riot, then I need a new sharpened toothbrush, and the toothbrush needs to be replaced at the jailer, and the jailer needs a cigarette bribe, and the cigarette needs to be changed at the boss, and the boss needs you to join the gang.

Joining a gang requires you to please your younger brother, and pleasing your younger brother requires soap..."

"Moreover, during the mission, you will also encounter various different branches,"

"The end result is that as you get further into the game, your map will be filled with mission question marks,"

"Coupled with poor optimization and vicious bugs that appear from time to time,"

"The player successfully synchronized with the protagonist of the game and experienced the feeling of being in jail,"

"This leads to this game... What's wrong with you, Mr. Gu?"

Jiang Yun didn’t finish speaking!

Gu Sheng was seen covering his heart and seemed a little uncomfortable.

"I...it's okay..."

Gu Sheng waved his hand, indicating that he was fine.

He just felt too worried!

Although Jiang Yun was complaining about the game "Prison Break" in this world.

But as Gu Sheng, who had worked under Ayu in his previous life, he always felt that every word was mocking him.

The screen is full of question marks, countless branch lines, all kinds of weird and even vicious bugs...

Fortunately, "Prison Break" back then was a stand-alone game, otherwise with the addition of a "Potato Server", Ubisoft's entire family would be complete.

"That kind of situation should never happen in our game,"

Taking a deep breath, Gu Sheng said:

"Because this time, our game will focus on the plot,"

"And in addition, there will be an unprecedented innovation."

Speaking of which!

Everyone in the conference room craned their necks with anticipation.

Gu Sheng's creativity is obvious to everyone.

The unconstrained whims and whims of that day can bring quite a shock to the gaming circle every time.

This time, at the GDC conference, Golden Wind attended an international game exchange event for the first time.

What surprises has Gu Sheng prepared?

"Two people cooperate, and the entire game process must be completed by two people working together."


As soon as this statement came out!

There was a gasp in the entire conference room!

The entire game "must" be completed by two people working together!

In other words, in this online game, there will no longer be an AI!

The configuration requirements are too high! They actually require a friend!

"The fundamental reason for such restrictions is that we will enable bilinear game plot advancement in this game,"

"Two people, two perspectives, two story lines connected in the same story,"

Gu Sheng said:

"Sometimes the two players will be in the same scenario build, and other times they will be in two completely different scenarios,"

"The two complement each other and cannot exist without the other,"

"Even at the same time, the different choices made by the two players will directly affect the direction of the story and the occurrence of the plot,"

Speaking of this, Gu Sheng clapped his hands:

"Friends, this is no longer an online adventure game, this is a true two-player cooperative game,"

"It's a two-male movie shot by us."


Gu Sheng said it!

Just listen to the commotion in the conference room!

A true ‘cooperative game’!

It's not like Road to Survival, where four people form a team to fight zombies, and the ultimate goal is only a safe house.

It’s not just messing around in the kitchen. Friends cook online. The ultimate goal is to serve food on time.

The core of this game has gone far beyond the scope of ‘action mutual assistance’.

It’s no longer as simple as ‘helping teammates up’ or ‘passing dishes’.

But starting from the plot, the depth binds the two players participating in the game together, and neither one can be missing!

This is true 'cooperation', true 'cooperation' that leads to the same goal through different paths!

"Of course, because so far, there has never been a game of its kind in the game market,"

Gu Sheng said:

"So for us, the production of this game is relatively difficult,"

"Before the end of this week, I will make a plan and distribute it to everyone,"

"We will discuss the game presentation form in detail later at the formal project establishment meeting."

The meeting is dismissed!

Say goodbye to the meeting!

Everyone stood up excitedly and geared up to prepare for the new project!

"Oh right!"

Just as he was about to leave, Lu Bian suddenly remembered something and stopped and looked at Gu Sheng:

"We've been talking for a long time, but the name of our new project hasn't been decided yet, right?"

'His right...'

‘I’ve just been thinking about this setting...’

'So what is the new project called?'

'Mr. Gu hasn't thought of what to call it yet...'

'The director will reveal it...'

Just listen to Gu Sheng say: "Escape."


Hear the words!

Everyone was stunned!

Wait a minute? Did we lose our memory or did Mr. Gu lose his memory?

Escape? Didn’t we just release Escape less than a week ago?

Is it going to be a sequel?

A two-player, dual-perspective cooperative escape between Miles and Waylon Parker?

But hasn’t the director always shown little interest in sequels?

Seeing everyone's surprised looks, Gu Sheng laughed:

"Escape this way, not that way,"


"Abbreviation - Escape."

With new projects being prepared!

Golden Wind's already high fighting spirit has become even stronger, and everyone is gearing up, waiting for the launch of new projects.

Gu Sheng also extracted "Escape from Life" from the system and began to re-edit it and transform it into a form suitable for transplantation into the somatosensory cabin.

This is no easy task.

Especially in the middle and late stages of the game, that ten-minute long chase shot can be called a god.

On the PC side, since the entire game uses a third-person perspective, it is relatively easy to shape the expressiveness of the camera.

However, in the somatosensory cabin, it is quite difficult to achieve a smooth transition between CG and first-person perspective.

Gu Sheng also knew that such a transition would be very difficult.

But he still chose to turn it into a somatosensory cabin game without hesitation.

Because, for him, a time traveler, "Escape" is just an appetizer.

The real ‘trophy making machine’ will be his next two-player co-op game.

In order to cater to the current mainstream market, and to further enhance the sense of immersion and novelty, that work must be made into a somatosensory cabin game.

That’s it!

It's better to make some preparations in the early stage and use "Escape" to try it out!

Of course!

Gu Sheng, who worked so hard, also enjoyed the royal treatment he deserved!

Little Nezha is an angry person, he does what he says, and takes over all the housework this week.

In addition, serving tea, pouring water and cutting fruits are all provided and the service is in place.

Later, Gu Sheng became a little scared, fearing that Little Nezha would poison his tea or spray poison into his fruits.

In the end, he was scolded by Little Nezha with his arms crossed before he started to enjoy it with peace of mind.

Euphemistically speaking, ‘This makes me feel more at ease’.

Time flies by!

Fast forward to Friday!


[Leo gradually drove away with his wife and children, and the light blue car finally disappeared on the wilderness road... (Ending 2: End)]

The clicking sound of the keyboard stopped.

The last storyboard is completed.

The plan, which spans hundreds of pages, has finally been completed.


Gu Sheng picked up a piece of apple next to his hand, stuffed it into his mouth, and stretched:

"It's finally finished."

The words have not yet been spoken!

There was a click.

The study door opened, and little Nezha poked his head in: "Is it finished?"

Gu Sheng trembled.

The words he just said were not shouted, the volume was normal.

So how did little Nezha, who had been playing by himself in the living room, hear this?

"You...have been standing at the door?"

Gu Sheng's expression was a little strange.


Shen Miaomiao scratched her head, she had actually been leaning on the door and eavesdropping for ten minutes:

"I just happened to be passing by."

"That's quite a coincidence,"

Gu Sheng smiled and did not expose it. He stood up and moved his limbs, and looked at the time:

"Hey, it's almost eight o'clock? Is the Whistleblower DLC coming online?"

"Yes! That's why I came here to remind you that happy time is here!"

As she said this, Shen Miaomiao raised the two bags of potato chips in her hands.

"You are quite a dark person,"

Gu Sheng couldn't laugh or cry:

"Seeing other people shouting about food, do you really regard the anchors as a source of happiness?"

"Oh, isn't that the purpose of their live broadcast!"

Shen Miaomiao said and threw a bag of potato chips to Gu Sheng, walked up and pushed him towards the living room:

"Let's go, let's relax, and take a look at our first week sales."

Quietly see the picture!!!


In fact, Shen Miaomiao's second priority was to watch the anchor play the Escape DLC!

Her main concern is the first week sales performance of the upcoming "Escape"!

1.3 billion!!!

Just today!!!


Her original figure of 1.3 billion was just an estimate, and the actual sales will definitely differ from what she estimated.

But even if there is a discrepancy, it will definitely not be too big!

After all, she couldn't help it and secretly checked the sales of "Escape" yesterday -

Global sales totaled 1.03 million units!

Sales exceeded one million units in six days!

There is no doubt that for a horror game, the sales volume is indeed terrifying.

But for Shen Miaomiao, who had always been worried about the return of capital, it seemed to be nothing to worry about!

Just one million sets! Total sales were 18 million knives! Excluding the average commission of 25%! Profit was 13.5 million knives!

There is a huge difference from the cost of 18.15 million dollars!


Judging from the current sales momentum, it is impossible for Escape to explode instantly in just one day, and directly make up for the losses with a wave of crazy sales!

Unless the system cheats!


With a pop, Shen Miaomiao sank into the sofa, sat cross-legged, opened the ice Coke and took a swig!


What a great loss!!!


PS: I saw that many readers in the comment area guessed it right, awesome!!!

PS again: Please give me a monthly ticket!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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