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Chapter 245 Today is a good day

 There is a lot of discussion about "Gu Sheng fell from the altar".

There are two types of people who look at this.

One kind of people sees fun, and the other kind of people also see fun.

Once upon a time, Gu Sheng didn't understand the meaning of the two jujube trees in front of Mr. Lu Xun's house.

Now, he seems to understand.

The manufacturers and peers, headed by Comella, who did not know what was going on and completely regarded "Garden Warfare" as the jewel in the heart of Golden Wind, were more enthusiastic than Shen Miaomiao when they read the summary of China Entertainment Electronics data every day.

Seeing that the reviews of "Garden Warfare" remained at 69%, the reviews were mixed, and the sales volume also dropped from 150,000 units in a single day at the beginning, to 120,000 units, to 100,000 units, and then to 80,000 units...

I am overjoyed, my eyebrows are filled with joy, and I am beaming with joy.

Among them, there is Comella who has a grudge against the Golden Wind.

There are also those who simply want to see Goldwind take a big fall.

After all, the fall of the morning star is much more interesting than the lighting up of the morning star.

When you are high enough, there will naturally be many people who hope that you will have your wax wings melted by the sun like Icarus, and fall into hell to never recover, in order to satisfy the inherent evil in their human nature.

The other wave of people are the "pure music people" headed by Yiyou. These people know what Golden Wind is planning and they also know that Gu Sheng is going to produce an unprecedented masterpiece.

Although the number of these people is small (after all, not many people know about the Golden Wind sniper plan), the purity of the fun is very high.

He even couldn't help but cheer for Comella, shouting "Golden Wind Pills! Gu Sheng has fallen from the altar!". What stood out was that a person watching the excitement did not take it too seriously.

Overjoyed, never tired of it, happy in it.

And Shen Miaomiao was the happiest among the happy people!

Good man, Comella!

If it weren't for you, my "Garden Warfare" would definitely have sold over a million copies in a single week!

After all this trouble!

That sales volume, tsk tsk.

Not to mention cutting it in half, it’s impossible to reach a million sets in a single week anyway!

It’s already the seventh day!

According to statistics from China Entertainment Television, as of 8 o'clock last night, the total sales of "Garden Warfare" in the six days were only 650,000 units!

According to my previous calculations, based on the total cost of 38 million, "Garden Warfare" requires a total sales of at least 731,000 units to be able to achieve return on investment!


There are still more than 80,000 sets left before we can return to the main line!

The key is that according to the current growth situation, the total sales of "Garden Warfare" can no longer reach 80,000 sets per day!

That is to say.

As long as there is no interference from other aspects, such as another publicity announcement, Yan Sheng's backstabbing without any commission, etc.

Then you can steadily lose ten thousand sets!

Although these 10,000 sets may not seem like a lot, they are only a few tenths of the total sales in a single week.

But I can’t stand the high magnification!

Fifteen times rebate!

A casual loss of hundreds of thousands can turn into millions in an instant!

This is one of the few great opportunities!

You must take good care of yourself.

"...What are you thinking about? How can you still smile happily while eating an egg?"

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard Gu Sheng on the other side ask:

“Are eggs so delicious?”

"Ah? Hmm!"

Shen Miaomiao came back to her senses and nodded heavily with a serious look on her face:

"It's delicious! Today's tea eggs are especially delicious! If you don't believe me, try it."

As he spoke, he brought the half-bitten tea egg to Gu Sheng's mouth, joking with him.


Unexpectedly, Gu Sheng didn't hesitate at all, opened his mouth and ate the remaining half of the tea egg.


Gu Sheng tasted the product:

"There's nothing particularly delicious, right?"

"Then...then I've eaten half of it..."

Shen Miaomiao clasped her fingers in confusion, her mouth slightly opened, as if she was hesitant to speak, and her face was a little blushing.


Gu Sheng was confused and thought that Shen Miaomiao had not eaten enough:

"You don't have enough to eat. How about I go down and buy you some tea eggs?"

Their eyes met, Shen Miaomiao's big eyes were shining like a little fox, and she pursed her lips to hold back a smile.

Then he stood up and took Gu Sheng's hand, opened his mouth and took a bite of the few pancakes he had left:

"Okay, I'm full!"

"Are you full now?"

Gu Sheng was a little surprised:

"Just one bite?"

"Yeah!" Shen Miaomiao's little mouth was stuffed and she nodded: "This is the only thing missing."

Gu Sheng was speechless and couldn't help but shake his head with laughter, sighing secretly that little Nezha's appetite was really unpredictable, and then stuffed the last bite of pancake into his mouth.

He took the wet wipes from Little Nezha and wiped his hands.

Just as he was about to put away his breakfast bag, he heard the phone vibrating on the table.



Gu Sheng waved his hand, turned over the phone and couldn't help but laugh.

It's Yan Sheng.

Before the release of "Garden Warfare", he had contacted Yan Sheng once, mainly to discuss the matter of joining forces with Xundo again to expand the sales market of "Sekiro".


In this matter, whether it is Gu Sheng or Jin Feng, they can act domineeringly.

After all, there is no exclusive landing agreement between Golden Wind and Yiyou. "Sekiro" can be launched wherever it wants.

We are discussing this matter with you Yiyou because our two families have always had a good relationship and we are willing to discuss this matter with you in a peaceful manner.

This is a negotiation, not an application.

Even, originally it was supposed to be a notification.

However, Gu Sheng did not choose such a tough approach.

Yan Sheng obviously knows this, and Yi You also appreciates it.


"...After discussions at our senior level and unanimous determination by the board of directors,"

On the phone, Yan Sheng said:

"We will fully support and agree with your company's proposal to join forces with Xunteng again and participate in this Dongjin Game Festival together with Golden Wind."


Gu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Before that, he had been worried about what he would do if Yiyou didn't accept the proposal.

Are you determined to join forces with Xundeng?

So will Yiyou launch sanctions on itself and no longer allow Golden Wind games to be launched on Yiyu x2?

If that's the case, both Golden Wind and Yiyou will suffer losses.

Gu Sheng didn't want to see a lose-lose outcome.

After all, the domestic gaming market has just stabilized, and he is going all out to expand into the gaming market outside of China.

At this time, it is necessary to avoid backyard fires as much as possible.


After some hesitation, Yiyou finally chose to coexist peacefully and decided to join forces with Xundo again to launch the second round of joint operations against Comora.

"On behalf of Mr. Yan of Golden Wind, I would like to express my gratitude to Yiyou Group."

Gu Sheng said sincerely on the phone.


On the other end, Yan Sheng waved his hand:

"We won't talk about the word "thank you" between us, but what will Xun Teng say?"

"I haven't said it yet,"

Gu Sheng laughed:

"Mr. Yan is not respectful, how dare we make our own decisions and kill first and then report later?"

"To be honest, Mr. Yan, everyone in our company has been waiting for your reply these days!"


After listening to Gu Sheng's words, Shen Miaomiao rubbed her arm beside her.

Steamed goose heart, Lao Gu!

It was obviously because of your strong ability and good game skills that you half-discussed and half-notified Yiyou, allowing them to discuss it for nearly a week before reluctantly accepting the plan to join forces with your mortal enemy for the second time.

The result is the end.

You have become a vulnerable group, with a fragile look that says, "You don't dare to be a concubine unless you open your mouth."

Bah! Green tea!

Shen Miaomiao secretly cursed.

But on the other end of the phone, Yan Sheng laughed continuously, and was very helpful to the steps given by Gu Sheng:

"What are you talking about! Mr. Gu, we would be very grateful if you could think of our art tour and inform us in advance and wait for the results of our discussion!"

not good!

Originally, Shen Miaomiao was just observing secretly from the side without making a sound.

But after hearing the key word "gratitude", I couldn't help but feel excited and quickly put my legs down from the desk!

You can’t do it, Mr. Yan!

Don't be grateful!

Your gratitude is a small thing, but if you thank me for the millions that I have already obtained, who can bear it?

Today is the seventh day of the release of "Garden Warfare" and it is also the last day for the settlement of rebate receipts.

As long as you wait until 8pm, you can definitely get the rebate.

Therefore, Shen Miaomiao is now in a state of chaos and will never allow the slightest mistake to be made, which is bound to nip in the cradle all possibilities of getting back the original value!

"Ah...Mr. Yan, it's me, Shen Miaomiao."

Shen Miaomiao quickly spoke up!

"Ah, ah! Mr. Shen is here too!"

On the other end of the phone, Yan Sheng obviously did not expect that Shen Miaomiao was there and was stunned for a moment before hurriedly saying hello:

"What instructions does Mr. Shen have?"

"I can't talk about instructions. Mr. Gu happened to be here, and I just listened in passing."

Shen Miaomiao grinned:

"That's right. As for the importance of the "Sekiro" project, I don't think I need to tell you. Your company must also know it,"

"What I want to say is that although we have achieved a certain stage of victory in the hands of Comella before,"

"However, it is not enough to shake Comella's dominance,"

"What we are facing this time is still a behemoth,"

"So I think we should jointly set our sights on the "Sekiro" project and make a detailed and detailed publicity plan for this Tojin Game Festival exhibition,"

"After all, this is our top priority."

A word!

What you say makes sense.

Shen Miaomiao was very satisfied.

After all, she can't directly threaten, 'Don't touch my Garden Warfare project! Or I'll kill you!'

Therefore, he could only make side remarks and let Yan Sheng focus on "Sekiro".

There's only one day left, so don't give me any trouble!

Hear this.

Yan Sheng also agreed seriously: "What Mr. Shen said is that now that the list of Dongjin Game Festival will be confirmed soon, we must fight the battle before it starts."

"But in this case..."

Speaking of this, Yan Sheng's tone seemed a little awkward:

"As a result, we may not have the energy to deal with malicious negative reviews of "Garden Warfare"."

"No! No, no, no!"

Hearing this, Shen Miaomiao was overjoyed and quickly grabbed the phone from Gu Sheng's hand:

"Just let the Garden Warfare project go as it is. We must not alert the enemy in the first place. We must give Camella the illusion that we are unable to resist and are in dire straits."

"In this way, the announcement of our "Sekiro" project will be more unexpected!"

Shen Miaomiao is smart.

Especially when it comes to rebates.

Whether it’s intelligence or reaction, they’re all overclocked!


Hearing Shen Miaomiao's words, Yan Sheng also took a breath and couldn't help but praise:

"Goodbye, Mr. Shen!"

Say it!

The two parties exchanged a few more pleasantries and hung up the phone.

Shen Miaomiao's heart was in full bloom!


take off!

All the best!

Just waiting to receive the bank card transfer notification tonight!


Thinking of this, Shen Miaomiao stood up and pulled Gu Sheng along.

"Let's go? Where are we going? Why are we going?"

Gu Sheng didn't know why.

"Today the temperature is cooling down, let's go buy ingredients for hot pot, and we'll have a good time tonight!"

Shen Miaomiao was excited and ready to celebrate.

Gu Sheng was speechless: "But it's only nine o'clock now, and we just had breakfast..."

"Oh - the meat and vegetables in the morning were fresh,"

Shen Miaomiao couldn't wait any longer, so she pulled Gu Sheng up and buttoned his coat:

"Let's go, let's go..."

While pulling Gu Sheng, he pushed open the office door and went fishing——


The security door is closed.

Shen Miaomiao's low hum sounded at the entrance: "Today is a good day... whatever you want can come true..."

Behind him, Gu Sheng wanted to laugh while changing his shoes: "What's wrong with you today? Have you been so excited all day?"

Little Nezha is so strange today!

Although on weekdays, little Nezha is also heartless, he is either cheerful or smiling all day long.

But today, it was obviously different from her usual.

Whether it’s jumping around while going out to buy groceries and preparing ingredients, or chattering on the way home from get off work.

All of them showed her excitement.

It's like taking two pounds of stimulants.

“It’s hot pot today! Isn’t it great to have a happy home?”

Shen Miaomiao put on her slippers, hung up her coat, shook her little head and went back to the room to put on her pajamas.

Gu Sheng also went home to wash his hands, sorted the ingredients, and prepared to wash and cut them.

Dishes are being prepared.

I heard little Nezha's voice coming from behind me:

"Lao Gu Lao Gu!"


Gu Sheng was washing the duck intestines and looked back.

He saw little Nezha sitting cross-legged on the sofa, waving to him: "Come here, I have a surprise for you."

"What's the surprise?" Gu Sheng wiped the water on his hands and came to sit next to little Nezha.

"Close your eyes,"

Shen Miaomiao bared her little white teeth and waved excitedly:

"Close your eyes, close your eyes."

"What?" Gu Sheng didn't know why, but still closed his eyes: "It's mysterious."

But the next second!

His voice was stuck in his throat.

Because he clearly felt that Shen Miaomiao lifted up his woolen sweater.

Gu Sheng was shocked all over, and couldn't help but tighten his abdominal muscles, secretly thinking that Xiao Nezha's recent behavior has really gone too far.

She is really not afraid that one day she won't be able to bear it any longer and will be caught by the flames of desire——


The flame of desire is extinguished instantly!

Gu Sheng only felt a coldness that went straight to his soul, running down his waist and reaching the Tianling Cap!

When he opened his eyes and lowered his head, he saw Shen Miaomiao stuffing her little feet into his sweater!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

A triumphant smirk and an angry shout sounded in the living room at the same time.

"Shen Miaomiao, is this your surprise? Are you trying to cover your feet with me?"

"You've trained your abdominal muscles well, young man. Your thin sweater is quite warm."

"Then it's me who's keeping you warm! It has nothing to do with the sweater! Take it and take it out!"

"Oh, please cover it, just for a moment, please..."

"It's too cold! You're giving me ice and diarrhea!"

"It's okay, our company has medical insurance..."

"What the hell..."

This chapter has been completed!
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