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Chapter 254 “Wolf Game”

 And at the same time!

Across the water in China, anchors on major game live broadcast platforms have also taken action, adjusting their fixed live broadcast times and choosing to start the live broadcast this morning.

After all, this is one of the four major game exhibitions in the world. It is extremely popular and no one wants to miss it.

What's more, among the exhibitors this time, Golden Wind, which has always attracted much attention, as a representative of China's medium-sized game manufacturers, will once again compete with Comella!

Previously, "Sekiro" was at odds with "Torii" in terms of promotion.

Now, whether it is a mule or a horse, both sides have to pull it out, and the attention is naturally extremely high.

The audience's interest was very high.

After watching the actual demonstration of "Sekiro" and the personal explanation by the old thief Gu Sheng, everyone's interest became even higher!

This is simply a revolution in somatosensory cabin action games!

Precise and complex combat movements, delicate and cool combat effects, and level design full of challenges and operability!

Everything makes the players excited.

So, after the relevant demonstrations and explanations, the major anchors couldn't wait to get into the somatosensory cabin and come to work on it themselves!


At the beginning of entering the game, everyone made a certain estimate of the difficulty of this game.

After all, everyone watched the whole process of the real-life demonstration of the monk.

Obviously, the BOSS battle in the game "Sekiro" is definitely the top priority in the game. With the character of the old thief, players will definitely not be able to pass it easily.


Everyone obviously didn’t expect it!

In this game, it’s not just the BOSS that’s difficult!

Those damn little soldiers have incredibly high attack power!

After a slight stabbing, one-fifth of the blood will be gone, and it will bounce back!

Blood pressure spikes.

We! Professional anchors! Top anchors in the division! We make a living by playing games!

Although we don’t say that we are proficient in all games, the average age of gamers is already ten years upward!

PC, mobile phone, somatosensory!

We have played countless games, big and small, including action games!

Why the hell did I let that little soldier hiding in the reeds kill me as soon as I went out?

He went back to seek revenge and was hacked to death with a flick knife?

I haven't even left the door yet. Why the hell did I let some soldiers kill me two or three times?!

For a time, the anchors in the entire game area were a little overwhelmed by this unprecedented 'humiliation', their tempers became more and more violent, and their [death] patterns were all kinds of strange!

Some were pecked to death by chickens——

"Shit! Brother! No! You need to practice more, you know?"

On the bank, A Yin, who had avenged a great revenge, shook off the blood on his knife, sheathed the knife, and with the tone of avenging a great revenge, he coldly snorted at the little soldier who fell on the ground!

Then, he flicked the hook lock in his hand!

Snap! Swish!

Snap! Swish!

After three swings and two swings, we arrived at the next cut bank.

Then, he drew his knife and pointed it at the two chickens on the bank:

"Humph! Where did you come from, little Heizi! Die!"


Originally, A Yin just wanted to cut something to vent his anger.

However, as soon as he slashed the knife, he saw the two big roosters flying up.

He glided in the air and landed right in front of his face!

"Oh shit?"


A Yin hurriedly raised his knife to parry, but he blocked one, but he couldn't guard the other!


A Yin only felt a strong force grasping his shoulder, followed by a big mouth slapped by the big rooster's wings.

The whole person's center of gravity was unstable, and he fell to the ground with a thud!

Just about to get up!

The first big rooster is here again!


Puchi! Puchi! Puchi!

The two chickens took turns flapping, and their sharp claws grabbed A Yin and made him retreat!

In a panic, A Yin waved the sharp knife in his hand and killed one of the chickens with a click, but the last trace of blood was also caught by another chicken!


After two seconds of silence, I heard a roar from the live broadcast room:

"I'll rub your brother's! I'll fight with you today!!!"

The live broadcast room was full of laughter!

‘Life is boring, monkeys beat birds’

'Hahahahahahaha wonderful! So wonderful!'

'Just let the little soldiers beat him to death. It's really fun to trade with chickens...'

'"Are you awesome, Brother Kun?"'

'Hahaha! That's too stupid!'

‘Double Chickens and Wolf Slaying Formation!’

'It should be the double chickens and monkeys slaughtering formation...'

'Who knew this thing was so powerful...'

‘One thing to say, indeed, I feel that these two chickens are more powerful than the soldiers...’

'Killing me……'


Some were killed with muskets——

"DNM, come on! Come on! Don't be afraid of fighting with swords! Come on, come on, whoever dares to scare the grandson of the other!"

Ding! Ding! Boring!

With sparks flying everywhere, Eggplant blocked the attack from the two guards.

Seeing that his blood volume was already in danger, and thinking that if he retreated, he would die, he couldn't help but feel angry and evil in his heart, and he suddenly had an idea and bounced back!


The two knives that attacked at the same time were knocked away together!

A huge red spot appeared in front of the eggplant.

I saw him advancing forward, as if he was born with the sword in his heart, aiming at the heart of the enemy and stabbing it!



Blood spurted out, and Eggplant swung the blade and began to cry:

"Goose, goose, goose, goose, goose, goose, goose, goose, this is what you want to do. Do you think you are more powerful when there are more people? Are you looking down on people?"

"Watch the live broadcast and learn from it. Do you know what Maoming Sword Master is? Learn from me!"


Eggplant passed through the wooden pass gate and wanted to continue moving forward along the small corridor.


Just stepped through the door.

Eggplant's goose smile hasn't even fallen yet.

Just listen to a dull explosion, coming from a cliff diagonally opposite!




Eggplant was shocked!

He didn't even realize what was going on.

Almost instantly, he died. The big word "Death" appeared, and the picture in front of him was dark.

"What the hell? Is this a bug in DNM?"

As he spoke, Eggplant used Resurrection to revive himself from the dead and stand up again.

But then, there was another muffled sound!



Now, the eggplant is completely cool.

But fortunately, this time, Eggplant at least saw who killed him——

On the cliff, a guard was poking at the long musket in his hand. Apparently, he had just been accurately sniped from a hundred meters away.

"WDNM, that's right! What the hell is that? A gun? How can DNM still use a gun?!"

At this moment, the barrage was already full of laughter and laughter——

‘Musketeer: There’s really no living thing in the sight!’

‘Hahahaha sniper god’

‘Old Thief’s Conspiracy’

'Look at this sniper! Look at this bastard!'

‘Hahahahaha the grass is really accurate’

'Who the hell would have thought of this...'


Some were killed by sledgehammers——

Ding! Ding! Boring!

Mars is everywhere!

Brother Shu dodges and moves around, fighting with three enemies in the snow!

This is a small enemy stronghold.

Originally, Brother Shu had already assassinated nearly one-third of the people in the stronghold.

But unexpectedly, a small mistake in his movement allowed the sentry at a higher point to discover his traces.

So ring the gong!

The guards from all sides in the stronghold all surrounded him!

With sparks flying everywhere, Brother Shu blocked left and right, constantly adjusting his position to deal with the enemy.

Amidst the clanging sound of the iron, one by one the enemies were killed with the sword.

For a time, blood was flying everywhere in the venue, and the sound of iron was heard endlessly!

The barrage exclaimed:

'woc A Cui OK, A Cui!'

‘Brother Shu is worthy of being the Taiyuan Flame Sword, he has two abilities’

'The little sapling is coming to fruition!'

‘The difficulty of destroying this stronghold is almost as difficult as the BOSS battle’

‘Damn it! Brother Shu is almost done!’

‘Brother Shu is awesome!’


With the comments and exclamations on the barrage!

I saw Brother Shu, who was moving around, killing another guard.

Look up!

At this time, there were only two enemies left in the entire field in front of a dilapidated small building.


He walked forward quickly and saw that Brother Shu was becoming more and more courageous as he fought. He rushed forward and actively fought with the guard downstairs!

Ding! Boring! Boring!

With one strike and two perfect rebounds, the sharp blade instantly penetrated the guard's neck.

Blood spurted out, and Brother Shu swung his long knife, throwing the guard away, and then made a deft step!


The musketry guard standing on the second floor fired a fatal blank shot, and Brother Shu snorted coldly:

"Hmph! It's just you?!"

As he spoke, he hung the hook on the eaves of the house, flew over and executed this annoying musketeer with three or two swords!


Just when he jumped off the dilapidated building, hummed a little tune, just passed the corner of the dilapidated building, and wanted to continue moving forward!


A sledgehammer suddenly came out from behind the corner and smashed Brother Shu directly into the soil!


Brother Shu was immediately stunned!

He stared blankly at the fat brother who had been hiding behind the corner, holding a wooden sledgehammer, and was more than two meters tall:

"...fuck me!"


Take the first step!

Swing the knife!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

After three consecutive hammer blows, Brother Shu looked at the word "death" in front of him and couldn't stand it anymore——


Amidst the laughter!

At the video game festival, everyone looked at Pew, whose screen went black again in the live experience live broadcast, and burst into laughter:

‘Hahahahahahahaha I feel like I can even write the word [death]’

‘I was killed instantly as soon as I came up’

'This must be an elite monster, right?'

'Looking at the difficulty level, I even think he can be called a BOSS...'

'Indeed, the damage is really too high. One cut will kill nearly half of your health.'

'One blood can support three swords, and one gourd can support almost one sword's health. Including resurrection, it is equivalent to only eight mistakes.'

'Hiss - if you think about it this way, it's really difficult...'

'I even feel that if Pew can beat this general in half an hour, it is already very powerful...'



At this moment!

In the exhibition area of ​​Golden Wind!

The anchor pew is engaging in a tense and exciting knife game with the first elite monster in the trial version - the samurai general Naomori Kawahara!

The small courtyard is empty, surrounded by walls and dilapidated gates, and looks like an arena specially reserved for players and generals.

Pew held a samurai sword, stared closely at the general, moved slowly, and started a duet with the general in the field.

As an experienced game anchor, pew's talent is still very good.

Although, the setting and gameplay of this game are a completely new experience for almost everyone and are very innovative.

But players like pew, because they have accumulated a lot of gaming experience, can adapt relatively quickly.


After the live demonstration and Sam's personal explanation, pew also knew very well that the core of this game is to perfectly parry the bullet knife, which is to make the enemy's posture bar collapse and break the defense.

Therefore, along the way, he was deliberately practicing flicking the knife.


In the somatosensory cabin, pew took a deep breath:

"The first meeting just now was a momentary negligence on my part. This time, it's a real contest!"

"It's embarrassing——!!!"

Take a deep breath!


Then he saw Pew take steps, step forward, and take the initiative to kill the general wearing dark warrior armor!

When the general saw Pew rushing up, he gave a sharp shout, stepped on his horse, and swung the sword in his hand!

The huge blade collided with the sharp blade in pew's hand!


A golden roar and sparks flying!

The two of them were fighting together in an instant!

The sharp blade in pew's hand stabs and cuts like lightning!

The long sword in the general's hand chops and blocks the frame, causing the tiger to become windy!

Amidst the golden roar, all the spectators at the scene were in a soft uproar, shouting that it was beautiful——

'woooo! So handsome! Pew's attack is so powerful!'

‘After all, I have been a game anchor for so many years, and my talent is still very high’

'The general's posture is so fierce, and he feels so oppressive...'

‘I really love the tinkling sound of the iron, it’s so addictive...’

'The whole booth is like a blacksmith shop, hahahaha...'

'His! Not good!'


Just as he was talking, an audience member in the crowd exclaimed.

Suddenly, a big eye-catching red font suddenly appeared on pew's UI——


The appearance of this font means that the enemy's next attack cannot be blocked, and you can only avoid its sharp edge for the time being.

Players can choose to take steps to escape.

Of course, that's just a last resort.

Because in the original setting, once [Danger] appears, it means that players can make special response actions to neutralize and defeat the enemy.

As for this point, when players first meet the general, the game has already given corresponding prompts——

When the enemy makes a thrust attack, the player can choose to perform the [Run Step and Step on the Knife] action to break the enemy's defense.

When the enemy makes the next attack, the player can choose to perform the [jump and head-stomp] action to break the enemy's defense.

Once these two special reaction actions are successful, they will greatly increase the burden on the enemy's posture bar, making it easier to achieve defense-breaking effects.

In addition to "piercing" and "lower attack", there is also an enemy attack that will make the word "Danger" light up, and that is "throwing skill".

This [danger] cannot be countered, players can only hide.

That is to say!

When [Danger] lights up in front of your eyes, you need to judge in a very short time through the enemy's movements whether he is "thrusting", "sweeping his legs" or "throwing skills".

If you make the right judgment, the battle rewards will be rich, and the enemy will break through defenses faster.

Isn’t it right to judge...


Hearing a scream from Pew, he followed the general and stepped forward, trying to step on the general's raised sword!

to be honest.

He didn't know what action he should take. He just made a random guess. After all, during the battle with the soldiers, he had no chance to practice this "somatosensory QTE".

The word "danger" suddenly appeared, which made pew a little confused.

Among all soul games, the most fearful thing is panic.


As soon as he stepped on the air, he heard a short exclamation from pew: "NO——!"


The general's long sword swept across!

With a fierce killing spirit, he slashed hard on pew's body!

Just hear a squeaking sound!

Blood splatters!

pew flew out sideways, fell to the ground and rolled three times!

Two-thirds of the blood volume disappeared instantly!


Stop talking about pew.

The audience at the scene was shocked!

And pew in the somatosensory cabin screamed repeatedly!

"Wardfa! Wardfa! NONONONO! PleasePleasePlease! NO——Fvvvvvvvk!!!"

Run away!

Fill the gourd while running!

What the fuck does this hurt?

One knife almost killed me?

Damn old thief Sam, can you really be a human being?

The UI improvement does say that the benefits of making a correct judgment are extremely high, but it does not say that the risks of making a wrong judgment are also extremely high!

This is fucking similar to the charged blows in other games!

If you guess wrong, you will be disabled if you are full of health, and you will die if you are full of health!


Before he can finish complaining!


The samurai general had already rushed over quickly, and the sword struck again. Pew hurriedly fought!



There were two more knives, and Pew, whose rhythm was disrupted, hurriedly parried and even forgot to flick the knife.


Another bright red font lights up in front of pew!

"Uh... Stomp on the head? Is it a stamp on the head this time?!"

pew was not feeling well. He was frightened and panicked. He bent his knees and was about to jump up.

However, this time, before he could get into the air, the general's sword had already reached his face!

Whoosh - whoosh -!!!

pew felt a numbness in his heart, and was stabbed to the core!

Immediately afterwards, the general raised his sword and dropped it!

The body fell to the ground.



The incompetent and furious roar sounded in the somatosensory cabin, causing the audience to burst into laughter, and the barrage in the live broadcast room also burst into laughter:


‘If you say you’re going to show off your ugliness, you’re going to show off your ugliness, pew really keeps his word (dog head)’


‘Guessing wrong twice in a row is really frustrating’

‘It depends on the enemy’s starting hand. The starting hands of these two attacks are different’

'The main reason is that the time is too short and it is really difficult to make a calm judgment under that kind of pressure'

‘Oh my god, now I understand how difficult it was for Sam to accurately break through the defense in the actual demonstration just now.’

'Indeed! The general's hand gesture is quite obvious, but I can't tell the difference between the monk's hand gesture!'

‘I can’t imagine what the situation of a monk who breaks the precepts will be like’

‘This kind of setting requires real practice to learn, and you can’t rely on guessing. After all, no one can beat Sam at guessing puzzles (squinting smile)’

'On this day, pew once again remembered the fear of being dominated by the cat Leo...'

‘Small tricks to catch big fish’

‘Pew doesn’t have [resurrection]? Why not use it?’

'It's meaningless. He's resurrected with half health, there's no gourd, and the general's posture bar is gone. There's no need to fight at all. He'll die with one strike...'



And as the audience discusses!

This is where pew’s true journey of suffering begins!


"Uh... uh... step on the knife!"



"Emmmm... Or step on the knife?!"



"No matter! This time it must be a slap on the head!"



"Ahhhhhhhhh! Step on the knife! No! Grass! It's a throwing skill——!!!"

Buzz—boom! Phew!!!

Pew's body was slammed to the ground by the general. The huge blade ruthlessly nailed him to the ground, and another knife flew away!

pew doesn't know if the throwing skill setting is 100% sure-kill.

But with his current blood volume, if he takes a throwing skill, he will die.

Once or twice is fine.

Three or five times is enough.

I gritted my teeth eight times out of ten times.

Until thirteen times!

pew really couldn't stand it anymore and broke the defense on the spot!

"I won't guess anymore! Fake! Fake! Fake is so damn [dangerous]!"

"I **** your ****, I **** guess again and I am ****!***!"

"Come on! Fight with knives! Just fight with knives!"


pew gritted his teeth and vowed never to guess the word "danger" again.

After giving up this idea, the situation seemed much easier to handle.

Ding! Boring! Dang! Boring!

Mars is everywhere!

Pew and the general were engaged in a concentrated fight, focusing all their attention on the flick knife.

When encountering a "dangerous" attack that cannot be parried by a flick knife, use small steps to move away. At the same time, you can also take a pill, drink a gourd, etc.

The more you play, the more comfortable you become, and the more you play, the more confident you become!



As sparks splashed again, the general's posture finally collapsed under Pew's repeated flicks of the knife!

And pew also screamed with excitement, holding the knife with both hands, and inserted it into the general's heart!


A thick spurt of blood!

Suddenly, pew's surprise cheers came from the somatosensory cabin!

"Wuhu! I understand! I understand!"

"What kind of insight, what kind of judgment, what kind of guessing!"

"I don't need those at all. I can defeat this BOSS just with a sword!"

While talking!

While pew was fighting with the general's second blood bar, he watched the general's posture bar getting higher and higher, and couldn't help laughing:


Originally pew was quite happy.

Since he suffered some injuries during the second stage of the fight, he originally took advantage of the word "danger" to appear and retreated from the battlefield to drink the gourd.

I thought that this would be good, if you just stab yours, I would take advantage of the situation to replenish the blood.

But when he looked up again, pew was confused.

Because just as he was taking these few steps away, the general who was keeping distance actually took advantage of him to drink the gourd to gain energy.


He drank in a deep voice.

pew watched helplessly as the general's posture dropped by half!


pew no longer knows what curse words to use to express his current emotions!

I restored it and you replied too?!



Is there anyone to take care of this?

Who the hell BOSS can recover on its own?

This...this river?

pew is really confused.

From the beginning!

Until now!

The feeling this game brings to him has been constantly refreshing his understanding of ARPG!

No matter the overall difficulty, the setting of the scene, the design of the BOSS, or even the basic underlying logic of the game!

Obviously, "Sekiro" is different from all the games he has played!

Yes, all games, not just ARPG.

You said it was fun?

It really is in all kinds of places and tries every means to torture you!

From the monsters hiding in the reeds, to the chickens flying up and slapping you, to the wild dogs running on the street, to the cold shots you get when you walk in, to the sledgehammer coming out of the corner...

The BOSS's ridiculously high attack power, the unpredictable [Danger], and the mechanism that you can respond to him when you respond...

pew even once suspected that this game was not designed for people to clear the level at all, but was designed simply by Gu Sheng to watch players break their defenses.


Are you saying it's not fun?

The changeable and flexible body movements, the delicate feeling brought by the blade cutting through the air, the mysterious and majestic scenery of Ashina City in the distance, the smell of blood brought out by every successful endurance kill...

Golden Wind uses an attitude of excellence to fully immerse players in this world.

The creation of a stealth atmosphere, the pleasure of a successful assassination, the excitement of the clash of cold weapons...

The most critical thing is when you successfully deflect the enemy's weapon and achieve a victory in a brutal killing amidst the brainwashing sound of iron.

That kind of unparalleled pleasure is really exciting.


Although this feeling is invisible and intangible.

But you can clearly feel that through repeated failures and resurrections, your combat experience is gradually improving!


Although for the protagonist of the game, there are only two attributes that can be improved - physical strength and attack power.

But "you", the player, is getting stronger and stronger as the game progresses!

Your movements are getting smoother and smoother, and your combos are getting smoother and smoother.

Your judgment becomes more and more accurate, and your timing of flicking the knife becomes more and more precise.

From being confused and confused at the beginning, to being able to face three or five people without falling behind.

The clanking sound of iron is not only the sound of swords fighting, but also a test of the players' skills.

Especially, in this first-person somatosensory cabin game mode, the player is fully immersed.

This feeling of "cultivating to become stronger" will make the player's experience even more intense!

Every time I am reborn, the knife in my hand seems to be more in tune with me!

The feeling of being able to move your fingers with your arms is so hard to extricate yourself!

Ding! Dang! Boring!

The revitalized pew goes into battle again!

Flick the knife, chop, step forward, see through!

Die again and again, resurrect again and again!

Every [death] is an improvement in his skills for him!

From the very beginning, I had to stumble and stumble to kill the general, and later I was able to get close without getting hurt without using a gourd!

From the initial panic when faced with the word "danger", to later holding one's breath and carefully observing the general's raised hand!

Step on the knife!


Step to dodge and throw!

All of a sudden, pew's playing style became more and more skillful!

With sparks flying everywhere, the general's posture becomes increasingly precarious!

Bang - bang -!

Stepping on the knife accurately again made the general stagger!


The precise flick of the knife knocked the general's war blade away among the sparks!


A panicked roar!

The samurai general in pitch black armor staggered repeatedly and his posture collapsed!

And pew followed up and kicked the general in the chest!

At the same time, hold the handle of the knife with both hands!

Cold light shone on the blade, reflecting the sharp eyes of the wolf.

The resolute and cold eyes are as sharp as an eagle and as fierce as a lone wolf!


A loud shout!

The tip of the knife pierced the chest of the samurai general and penetrated diagonally!


"Uh-giggle uh-"

In an instant!

A sword sealed his throat, making the general's body stiff and solidified.

Immediately afterwards.

Then Pew turned around and drew the knife, and red blood spurted out along with the bright white blade!

Turn around and put the knife into its sheath, there was a click!

At the same time, there was a bang, and the dead body of the samurai general fell to the ground, unable to get up again!

【Endure Kill】


After a brief silence, the scene went completely crazy!

Everyone screamed, clapped and cheered wildly!

Then, the somatosensory hatch opened.

pew slowly took steps and stood in front of the somatosensory cabin, like a victorious king, striking a cool pose:

"Hmph! The enemy is off! I'm going to take off his clothes!!! (Japanese: The enemy general has been defeated by me!)"

To know!

This is neon!

Although many of the audience at the scene are from abroad and come from all over the world, the largest number of people are still the neon people!

What's more, this line was shouted domineeringly by Ashina Isshin, the sword master, in the CG of "Sekiro"!

A moment!

Everyone at the scene was shocked!

And pew also excitedly rushed to the audience after being naughty and handsome!

"I did it! I did it! Wuhu! Friends! I won!!!"


Taking advantage of the large number of people, pew, who usually played outside, could no longer contain his excitement. He ran onto the stage and did a "dive" on the spot like a DJ in a nightclub!


The audience and players at the scene were obviously attracted to it!

Holding up Pew's body, there was a scream and cheer!

At this time, Gu Sheng, who had been observing everything secretly from the side, also laughed loudly, asked the staff for a microphone, lowered his voice, and announced in English:

"Ladies and gentlemen! I announce! The record holder of the first kill of the elite BOSS "Samurai General Kawamoto Naomori" in Neon Video Game Festival "Sekiro" is——"



The players themselves were already cheering!

And now that Gu Sheng is working part-time as the host, he directly announced Pew’s ‘achievement’, which naturally made the players even more excited!

In an instant, Golden Wind’s booth became the most lively and eye-catching booth in the entire video game festival!

Wuyang Wuyang's crowded sea of ​​players threw pew up over and over again!

"Pew——! Pew——!" Shouts shook the venue.

Pew cried.

I believe it is difficult for anyone to withstand such an exciting scene.

Dozens of attempts, dozens of failures, a full hour of life and death without giving up.

At this moment, all the efforts seemed worth it.

The overwhelming sense of satisfaction and achievement made the hairs on his body stand on end, and the cheers from the audience and the sea of ​​​​people relaying made him burst into tears!


Click click click!

Countless media focused on this moment, freezing the scene!

And at this moment!

pew also seems to have finally been able to define his own definition for the game "Sekiro".

It's neither an action game.

It's not role-playing either.

It's not an action role-playing game either.

It is what it is.

It is a unique game type created by supernova designer Sam with his unparalleled talent and wonderful ideas.

It should be called -

"'Wolf Game' is unique! Leading the video game festival in popularity!"

"It's so exciting! The announcement of Sekiro caused a wave of people in the whole place!"

"Action? Playing? No! It's a wolf! 'Wolf' games may become a mainstream in somatosensory cabins in the future!"

"Neon hot discussion! Global attention! What is the charm of "Sekiro" that can make people feel pain and happiness? "



PS: Here comes another big chapter! Eight thousand words! Dear readers, please don’t tell me that Xiaobu only added one chapter! It’s spicy!

PS: There will be more updates around 00:00! Please vote for me!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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