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Chapter 294 The world needs more heroes! Will you come?


In the spotlight!

On the dark big screen, the logo of Golden Wind slowly appeared on the screen.

Although the main film has not been shown for a second, the barrage at this time is already filled with excitement——

'OHHHHHH - coming!'

‘Hahahaha I said there won’t be just a LOGO!’

‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m really looking forward to such a big new game...’

‘This announcement is too outrageous’

‘You can always come up with new tricks for me.jpg’

'Damn...it's almost 300 million views...'

‘I can only say that you are worthy of being the old thief’

‘I hope all future announcements will be in this form (dog head)’

'Ike: Will you risk me?'



Amidst the laughter of anticipation!


A slightly thick and honest cough sounded:

"Okay, let's start recording."

Follow the sound and look.

On the big screen, a chimpanzee wearing glasses and white battle armor held up the camera, and then shook the speech in his hand:

"Well...I can handle the time accelerator, so there must be no problem!"


Then the orangutan scientist Winston turned his face towards the camera, straightened his posture, and said in a serious voice:

"All Overwatch——!"


The camera failed to stand still and fell on the table.

"All Watchmen!"

"Uh... the tone is too harsh..."

"To all the Overwatch guys! I'm Winston haha!"

"Nonsense...otherwise who would I be..."

Winston seemed very nervous and was not satisfied with every speech he made.

So much so that the light behind him clearly showed that he had recorded this simple speech from day to night.

The ridiculous opening of the promotional video and the unexpected protagonist of the orangutan scientist made everyone laugh——

'So the protagonist of this game is actually an orangutan?'

'Am I a gorilla?'

'He's still a talking gorilla hahahaha...'

‘It’s too abstract, the opening is just like Xiao Huang’

‘The social orangutan, recorded from morning to night hhhhh…’

‘It unexpectedly feels quite cute’

'Orangutan scientist, maybe this is the contrast between cuteness...'


And with the discussion from the audience.

As night fell, Winston also took a deep breath, gave up the formalist opening, and sighed softly.

It seemed a little helpless and a little painful, and his voice was a little low:

"Thirty years ago, intelligent machines declared war on mankind..."

Following Winston's voice, a whole series of images appeared on the screen——

The huge robot trampled on the ground, its scarlet LED eyes exuding the light of death.

They were armed with heavy weapons and poured out firepower overwhelmingly. Everywhere they went, there was no vegetation, and humans fled in fear.

"Countries around the world were powerless until they gathered some heroic elites. In order to save humanity from the threat, Overwatch was born——"

Screen switching.

The huge omnic roared and poured out ammunition, the minigun roared, and the bullets intertwined into a deadly web of fire.

In this huge firepower network, several heroes in different costumes were launching a siege against the huge omnic.

Some of them have blond hair, wear tight-fitting combat uniforms and hold rifles.

Some shuttled through the fire net, wielding huge shotguns to attack the omnics.

Others wore burly armor with sharp edges and charged with a metal sledgehammer.

At the investiture ceremony, heroes of all shapes and forms received awards and praises under the witness of representatives of humans and omnics.

On the commendation poster, various heroes stand facing the dawn, symbolizing hope and peace.

"You have become the greatest peacekeepers and pioneers in history!"

"You were chosen because of your ability and strength!"

"The reason why you joined is--!"


It’s this exciting moment!

The screen was suddenly turned off by Winston.

The exciting music was also interrupted.

"You all know this..."

Winston's voice was very low.

A moment of silence.

Then Winston slowly raised his eyes and spoke seriously:

"Listen, people think their lives would be better without us, they even view us as a scourge..."

“But look at it!!!”

Speaking of which!

The music suddenly became tense!

Amidst the billowing smoke, the huge landmark tower was destroyed and exploded!

Under the raging fire, the factory burst into flames!

Human settlements are under siege, and so are the lawful good omnics!

A new round of turmoil and storm has arrived, and the forces lurking in the darkness have stretched out their black hands, intending to reshuffle the world!

"Now, someone must stand up!"

"We must stand up!"

"We can change the world again, and the world needs us more than ever!"

"The world needs more heroes!"

Speaking of which!

Winston took off his glasses, raised his eyes and looked at everyone resolutely!

"Are you guys coming?"

Then, the screen went wrong!

In the grand orchestral symphony, heroes from all walks of life appeared one after another——

【I see you...】


The soldier wearing goggles rolled forward as he landed on the ground. He fired the rifle in his hand, and cluster missiles exploded in the dense rain of bullets!

【Hit me with a hammer!】


The warrior wearing a burly armor rotated the giant hammer with a jet, and hit the ground hard, causing cracks to appear!


Tom! Tom! Tom!

The god of death, like a dark fog, descends on the battlefield, shoots in circles, and kills lives with bullets of death!

【Justice from heaven!】

Tsk tsk tsk!

Wearing dark blue armor that looks like an eagle, a female warrior soars into the sky and rains missiles down on the ground!



The neon Ronin shot out his bow and arrow, and the dragon-shaped tattoo on his arm suddenly came to life, forming two hanging dragons roaring towards him!

【Heroes are immortal!】


The angel-like doctor descended from the sky with golden holy light, spread the golden wings behind his back, and stretched out his hand to everyone!

Amid the grand symphony, the Overwatch LOGO emerged in the darkness in front of millions of viewers!


A sensation across the board!

The audience at the scene was fired up and screamed in excitement!

As for the live broadcast room, the barrages came like a blowout——

'I come!'

'Come on, come on! Must come!'

'You really told me when to come!'

‘I’m here! Where are you?!’

‘The Overwatch headquarters is in the Northeast?’


'FPS! Another FPS! Pass on, Xiao Huang is back to his old business!'

‘It’s hard to imagine that I was moved by an orangutan’


'Looks like a battle game'

‘It should be a battle, after all there are so many characters’

‘The last quick cut is so handsome that I can’t stand it’

'Sister Angel, suck, suck, suck...'

‘I guess it’s still with skills, the sense of déjà vu is too strong as justice descends from heaven’

‘From Titanfall’s Polaris, to APEX’s Waji, to Overwatch’s who-knows-what chicken, the old thief really likes the skill form of Flying Big Slot’

‘God damn Feitian big slot hahahahahahahaha’

'It's broken, my wallet resonated with the promotional video!'

'Mine too! He flew out! He was sucked into the somatosensory cabin!'

'Hahahahahaha, don't be too outrageous...'


The unique debut promotional video mode was grandly launched after this unprecedented shocking challenge on January 1st.

Nearly three million people around the world watched the live broadcast, and the crowd was excited!

And with the bang bang fireworks blooming!

The first Golden Bull Challenge came to an end amidst a sensation.

And the sensational effect caused by this began to spread crazily!

On the streets of Florida, extreme sports enthusiasts print the cheering bust of Ike Garcia on their cultural shirts, treating him as their spiritual idol and paying tribute to his fearless courage to challenge.

More and more extreme sports challengers are also spray-painting the Golden Bull logo on their equipment.

Mountain bikes, skateboards, helmets, sportswear...

More and more people know about extreme sports, and at the same time, many people are getting a glimpse of the door and choose to join this sport that challenges themselves.

Just one week!

When the financial person in charge took the report and reported it to Xu Zhixing and Matt, he seemed to be on high, his face was red, and his eyes were filled with incredible excitement——

Tencel Bull sales in the first week of the year.

Compared with the total sales in the last month of December last year, it was 0.25 percentage points higher.

One week!

It lasts more than a month!

When the news came, Xu Zhixing and Matt were both stunned!

However, this is not over yet!

When the financial person in charge showed the detailed report, Matt and Xu Zhixing were even more excited and wanted to do it now!

Set off to China again to offer incense to their partner and God of Wealth, Sam!

Because the data shows it.

After this sensational event, Tencel Bull’s sales in Europe and America increased by 382% and 507% year-on-year!

And this means that Tencel Bull has successfully taken a big step forward into the European and American markets!

This is not something that can be summed up in just four words: "profit growth".

This is the opening up of sales channels and the broadening of channels!

The European and American sales problems that once troubled the Bulls have been solved, and what they have to do next is to use this shareholder momentum to stride forward again in the European and American markets and expand their business territory to the other side of the ocean!

And after this battle!

It also established the principle of Tencel Bull to "take the Golden Wind as the core, establish a long-term cooperation mechanism, ensure a good cooperative relationship between the two parties, and promote the sustainable and stable development of the Golden Bull Challenge"!

An event is watched by millions of people, has an influence of tens of millions, and has a total broadcast of hundreds of millions around the world!

Extreme sports fans are happy.

It is precisely because of such a sensational event that more and more people are paying attention to their niche and solitary sport.

It was Golden Wind and Tencel Bull that gave them a stage to show themselves, and there will only be more and more stages like this in the future.

Gamers are happy.

The excitement in the game affected reality. The influence of Golden Cat was realized through Octane, and Ike Garcia also contacted the Golden Wind through Octane and completed this amazing challenge.

This kind of transmission of spiritual power is exciting and even more touching.

Tencel Bull is very happy.

The free-spirited wave of borrowing Dongfeng not only borrowed the influence of Golden Wind, but also allowed both parties to go hand in hand and increase their influence in the international market to a higher level.

The most important thing is that the opening of European and American sales channels is of far-reaching significance for their further improvement and expansion.

Gu Sheng was also very happy.

I saw the car, saw the octane, received applause, and made announcements.

The huge Overwatch LOGO witnessed by millions of people around the world has now aroused heated discussions among players around the world.

The glory of 2016 in the previous life is now recovering. In this new world, it is full of vitality and climbing towards another peak.

Everyone is happy!

Except for Shen Miaomiao who had a resentful look on her face.

I'm so...

You have committed a great sin!!!

Looking at the financial report in her hand, Shen Miaomiao's face turned red, her whole body was like a kettle sitting on the fire, and she almost opened the Tianling lid to let out steam——

"Summary of Benefit Data of "Golden Bull Challenge" Activity"

A whole stack.

All are compiled by the financial lady of Golden Wind.

The finance lady is very professional.

In addition, the overall profit status of Golden Wind has always been very good, and all accounts are clean and transparent. Except for the general ledger being a little busy at the beginning and end of the month, she is usually doing well.

This time, because the challenge is their first attempt to invest in projects other than games.

Therefore, when it comes to data collection and organization, the young lady also used 120% of her heart to integrate all the various data in detail, compare them, and report them to the president Shen Miaomiao.


However, Shen Miaomiao only focused on the last item of the report——

[Total profit from single-week activities: 30.45 million U.S. dollars]

I'll die immediately!

Shen Miaomiao didn't need to look at anything else.

After all, this alone is enough to declare that the derivative document of her [activity project] has failed.

10 million investment!

Thirty million returns!

Originally, the car racing was quite good!

It’s fun, it doesn’t attract too much attention, and it doesn’t stimulate too many players’ desire to buy. Just order as much as you can.

The result is good for Lao Gu!

Thief Sun, do you really dare to play?

You really dare to sponsor people to jump out of a plane from an altitude of more than 7,000 meters!

Still parachuting without an umbrella!

The originally enjoyable sand sculpture car competition immediately attracted nearly a million spectators to watch!

Good! Good! Good!

Even if you are ingenious and successful for subsequent activities, I hope this event will get off to a good start.

I don't care about the rebates from this activity, and I don't ask for its success or how much rebates it brings to me. I am fully prepared for the great responsibilities that God will send to this people.

But that fucking big one of yours!

Printed on the Ike Garcia Intercept!

Seen simultaneously by nearly three million viewers around the world!

What does the Overwatch LOGO mean?

If you are so good at publicizing, you will die???

"Dog thief!"

Thinking of this moment, Shen Miaomiao clenched her fists tightly, gritted her teeth, and whispered viciously:

"You must never let me see you——!"


The words have not yet been spoken!


The knock on the door interrupted Shen Miaomiao's impotent rage.

With a click, Gu Sheng appeared at the door of the office:

"Are you busy? We seem to be...in a bit of trouble."


PS: Chapter 12:2 as usual

This chapter has been completed!
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