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Chapter 332 Comella’s mother returns for a limited time? A powerful matchup at E3

Decision! (Part 1)

(This chapter is two in one)


As a special anchor guest of Mouse Channel, pew naturally did not miss this global gaming event.

As soon as he entered the exhibition hall, pew couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

There are so many booths.

Although it sounds a bit like "there are so many people", it sounds like nonsense.

But in fact, only someone like him, who has been absent from the four major exhibitions almost every year, can understand how correct his sigh is at this moment.


Compared with previous exhibitions, the number of exhibitors at this E3 has obviously been greatly improved.

This can be seen from the spacing between booths.

Because the West Exhibition Hall of the Los Angeles International Convention and Exhibition Center can be regarded as one of the largest multi-functional comprehensive exhibition halls in the entire United States and even the entire Americas.

Therefore, in the past, the overall exhibition activity space of E3 exhibition was relatively ample.

But this time it's different.

As the number of exhibitors increased, the huge exhibition hall seemed a bit crowded at the moment.

The booths with various color themes are large and small, row upon row.

In addition, more and more players are entering the venue, and they are crowded together.

So for a while, the entire exhibition hall seemed extremely lively, and the flow of people was also bustling, giving it a feeling of going to a big cyber fair.

There is also a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room at this moment——

'Oh my God, there are at least 20% more exhibitors this time than last year, right?'

'Less, I feel like I'm almost in a hurry. I remember last year's E3, there were hundreds of people queuing outside some booths, and the aisles were still very spacious, but this time there was no one queuing up, and the aisles were almost crowded.

No more '

‘I guess people haven’t dispersed yet, it will be better if we wait’

'Pew, where are you going? Why do you feel like you are getting closer to the Furious Flames booth?'

‘pew: I don’t know where I’m going, I just follow the crowd and have no choice’

‘Hahahahahaha indeed, you can’t go wherever you want at this time’

‘The main thing is to go with the flow’

‘Just make peace with what you have come, Furyang’s motorcycle racing this year is also pretty good’

‘Ridge biking feels quite extreme, a bit like an expanded version of the ridge downhill racing in Peak Nation’

‘It is said that the angry flames are really looking for the golden wind this time’

‘Give it a try, you can’t go anywhere else for the time being anyway’


Because the Furious Flame booth was bright and fiery red, it was particularly conspicuous among the booths, so at this moment, many players were attracted.

Following the suggestions from the barrage viewers, pew also entered the Raging Flame exhibition area.

After all, as the audience said, even if he wants to experience other games now, he can't resist the crowds.

Like all other exhibitions, this E3 exhibition also has a media experience area.

Ever since, the [Twitch Special Invited Experience Anchor (Media)] certificate hanging around his neck has become pew’s play pass.

As soon as the job ID card was shown, pew was invited to the media experience area and took the lead in starting the first game experience at this E3 exhibition.

It can be said!

The "Ridge Motorcycle" produced by Fury this time is full of sincerity.

Relying on the support of Yiyou

Let out a heartfelt scream of joy.

What surprised and excited pew the most was that in such a game that focuses on "racing", Fury Flame actually added some "off-board moves" settings ingeniously.

In one of the modes called [Unlimited Ridge Pull], players can actually carry props such as steel pipes and whips with them.

According to the game settings, once the yellow sand on the ridge rolls up, the helicopter shots taken in the air will be blocked.

At this time, you can pull out the secretly hidden weapon and knock down the bastard driver who is keeping pace with you, or you can directly kick him away and use despicable means to kill the opponent who is keeping pace with you.

"I can't say it's a loss, I can only say it's too mean."

After experiencing it, the live broadcast effect was so amazing that pew almost went crazy laughing:

"Oh my God, I really didn't expect that I could insert a steel pipe into someone else's car. This is so fucking evil, hahahahaha..."

Besides being fresh and hilarious, pew is actually quite strange.

Although he is not a person who is very obsessed with racing games, he still knows a lot about Fury, which has been nominated many times internationally and is one of the most famous motion racing companies in the world.

As far as he knew, every aspect of Fury Flame's games was based on the competition principles of "fairness, openness, and impartiality." It even applied some of the real-life rally rules unchanged, without giving players the chance to commit malicious fouls at all.

"...Why did you suddenly come up with such an irregular hot-blooded pattern this time?"

In this regard, pew was also very lucky to interview Director Li Xiaofeng, the chief game director of Fury Flame and the chief designer of "Motorcycle Ridge".

Then Li Xiaofeng laughed:

"Yes, in fact, for this game, our original intention was to combine it with Golden Wind's "Apex Kingdom" to create an extreme mountain rally motorcycle racing game,"

"Even for this reason, I personally found the golden Mr. Gu and specifically asked him for design ideas,"

"During our conversation, Mr. Gu proposed such a design concept and suggested that we give it a try,"

"Yes, the mode you just experienced was actually proposed by Sam,"

"In fact, in the official version, after the first completion of this mode, players can also see the words [Special Consultant: Sam] that we specially marked,"

"Even at the beginning, when our team was discussing, we wanted to produce games specifically in this mode,"

"The name "Ridge Motorcycle" was changed later. The original name of this game was actually "Violent Motorcycle"..."

Hear the words!

The audience in the live broadcast room suddenly realized it and couldn't help laughing——

‘Fuck! I knew such a cheap model wouldn’t be thought up by a well-behaved manufacturer like Nuyan, hahahahahaha…’

'Hahahahaha Saaaaaaaaam, as expected of you!'

‘This model is too abstract and is indeed the work of an old thief’

'It does look like something this guy could have designed...'

‘But it looks really fun, good news for Road Rage players, I’ve pre-ordered it’

‘Hahahahahahahahahahahaha Road Fury Gospel made me laugh so hard, now I see the idiot driver and I can really beat him up’

‘Don’t drive away from me when you start, right? Just wait, little boy. When the sandstorm comes, I will give you some juice to eat (dog head)’

‘Hot-Blooded (Physics) Racing’

‘There were 20 contestants, and after a sandstorm, only the top six were left (squinting smile)’


'Buy, buy, buy, I am Zhao Zilong, a motorcycle, you dare to fight with me!'

'Motorcycle Zhao Zilong is too careless hahahahahahaha...'

'Chinese manufacturers are so happy! How can they fix it! They can actually use the old thief's creativity for nothing! Why is the old thief not from our neon!'

‘It doesn’t matter, your neons can belong to the old thieves (referring to Comella)’

'Seize the bamboo shoots, hahahahaha...'


A good start!

Although it was not pew’s original intention to be brought along by the crowd, there is no doubt that Fury’s “Ridge Motorcycle” is eye-catching!

The immersive experience and the unique "Modern Cavalry Brawl" mode made people excited. Many players immediately chose to pre-order, and the live broadcast room was also very enthusiastic!

After leaving the Fury Flame booth, pew followed the crowds and experienced several games from different manufacturers.

It can be seen that the quality of everyone's games has really improved significantly in this wave.

And in these advances, you can more or less see the shadow of the Golden Wind.

Needless to say, there is no need to say more about the second-generation FPS. Since its launch three years ago, this shooting mode has now become the standard feature of somatosensory cabin shooting games.

In addition, game modes such as skill + shooting and battle royale have also become popular among game manufacturers today.

Of course, in addition to FPS games, the unique gameplay and game modes created by Golden Wind have also more or less influenced manufacturers around the world——

For example, "Shadowland", a "Sekiro"-like game developed by a Swedish studio, has gained the love of many TikTok fans at the exhibition with its gloomy painting style and the difficulty of the underworld.

For example, "Nobile" is an "Escape"-like game produced by Warsaw Studio. Players need to use a flashlight that may run out of power at any time to escape from a radiation area full of radioactive mutant monsters, while also

To collect supplies and materials to assemble a mask, the dark and tense atmosphere does seem like an escape.

For example, "Rescue", a multiplayer cooperative game similar to "House Kitchen" produced by Huaguo Studio, turns cooking into rescue. It is also a mess, and the cartoon style is exquisite and delicate, which can be called a domestic party.

Excellent game.

The quality is quite high.

After experiencing this journey, pew is full of surprises.

The audience members also had a lot of feelings——

‘The quality of this E3 is quite high’

‘It feels like there are many games where you can see the shadow of Xiao Huang’

‘I can only say that butter is indeed awesome, and the creation of each type is really a benefit to friends and businesses.’

‘It feels like since Xiao Huang appeared, the entire game market has come alive’

‘After all, just picking out any of Xiao Huang’s games is enough for other manufacturers to study for a while.’

‘I don’t know how Xiao Huang’s “Resident 7” will be like this year’

‘Returning to the terrifying biochemistry, tsk tsk, my scalp goes numb just thinking about it’

‘The key is this is the old thief’s Biochemistry 7’

'But to be honest, this wave of Comela's "Silent Hill" is not weak either.'

‘Indeed, when I watched the promotional video before, it did have the flavor of PT. This time, Comella has really studied PT thoroughly’

'To be honest, I won't say much, as long as this "Silent Hill 2" can have 60% of the skills of PT, it will be considered a success.'

'I think it's interesting. After all, Nakamura's previous "Night Owl" is also the best wolf game so far after "Sekiro". This designer really has something...'


As the audience started talking, the tourists in the exhibition basically dispersed.

Players who like racing look for racing, and players who like sports look for sports. Although the venue is still bustling with people, they can finally move around normally.

And pew was finally able to follow the venue's instructions and find the target area he had set from the beginning.

"A generous gift——crab——"

Just when we arrived at the target area, we heard a soft cry from pew.

Look up.

But at this moment, a large exhibition stand was erected in front of him.

In fact, it seems inaccurate to call this thing a booth, but it would be more appropriate to call it a "model room".

It is like an enlarged model of a model house without a ceiling. The entire "room" is filled with outdated decorations, the wallpaper on the walls is peeling and faded, and the displays in the house are also old and outdated.

The living room of the room is the main exhibition stand, and the other large suite connected to it is the experience area. As for the bedroom on the right side of the room, it is the media experience area.

The entire booth exudes a dark, scary, and spine-chilling atmosphere.

And here.

It’s Comella’s booth!

Such a unique booth decoration naturally caused pew to exclaim:

"Oh my god...Comella's booth layout this time...is such a shame..."

The ghostly old apartment booth exudes a chilling air from inside to outside. The jaw-dropping scene is unprecedented in previous game exhibitions!

The audience was shocked when they saw it——

‘Damn! What a thoughtful booth layout…’

‘Comella is really attentive this time’

‘After all, it is a super 3S masterpiece with 350 million yuan, and it is also a reboot of Silent Hill. It will definitely be the main hit in the second half of the year.’

'This is so fucking impressive...'

‘Compared to other manufacturers, it is simply unique’

‘I’ll just say that the designer Comella has something special...’



For a while, the audience kept screaming in exclamation.

The never-before-seen booth layout style attracted the attention and amazement of players as soon as it was unveiled.

You know, in the past, the family style of Comella booths was very obvious in red and black colors.

But this time, their transformation turned out to be so drastic, which is really surprising.

At the same time, the previously released promotional video for "Silent Hill 2: Reboot" was also played on the big screen above the booth.

In fact, as a veteran player of horror games, it would be a lie to say that pew doesn’t hate Comela.

Everyone knows that if Silent Hill rides on the PT trend and continues to be supervised by Gu Sheng, then it definitely has the potential to become another horror IP after Resident Evil.

But because of Comella's insatiable greed, although Silent Hill has finally competed with Resident Evil on the same stage, Gu Sheng is on the side of Resident Evil.

Players hate Comella and what Comella does.

But players are not blind at the same time. Most players still maintain an objective mind when facing a work.

Now, Comella has put on such a battle, coupled with the superb quality of the previous trailers.

For a moment, even Pew, who wanted to skip Comella and come to this area to look for the Golden Wind booth, couldn't help but take a deep breath and set foot in the gloomy model room of Comella amid the urging voices of the audience.

exhibition stand.

The high-quality promotional video, coupled with the unique booth layout, breaks away from the family-style design.

In fact, pew at this moment, like the water friends, couldn't help but become curious and wanted to see if the quality of this game was worthy of such a battle.

For pew's arrival, the Comela booth naturally welcomed him with both hands and feet.

Even though he knew that before this, pew had quite a bit of criticism towards them and Comela because of the Silent Hill PT thing...

Well, it’s not a criticism, it’s just [Fvk KOMINA].

But what time is it now?

Game Show!

At other booths, pew is eager to come and experience it!

No matter how stupid the people of Comella are, they will not be stupid enough to turn over old scores and shut out pew at this time.

So soon, the experience of "Silent Hill 2: Reboot" was arranged for pew under the enthusiastic guidance of the relevant staff of Comella.

And this time.

Comella did not prepare a demo version like Golden Wind, but directly moved out the prologue of the main game.

This is the beginning of the game and a key part that sets the tone for the entire work.

So for a while, both pew and the audience were all attentive, wanting to see if this Silent Hill movie could change the reputation!


As a pleasant doorbell rang, pew slowly opened his eyes.

But at this moment, he seemed to be lying on a big bed, and everything around him was so lifelike.

With the support of strong technical support, Comora once again launched the Phoenix engine, pushing the graphics performance of this engine to the extreme.

In terms of other aspects of full-sensory performance, although KMN-3 does not have the full-sensory auxiliary technology of Yiyu x2, it relies on the top-level picture performance blessing, and the overall experience is really amazing.

After exhaling, pew stood up from the bed and asked casually: "Who is it?"


The person outside the door didn't seem to hear it, and kept ringing the doorbell: "Mr. John? Mr. John, are you at home? Hello? Is anyone there?"

"Here it is, there it is, there it is..."

Pew answered a series of questions, walked out of the bedroom, and entered the hall through the corner.


Just turned around!

pew paused coldly!

Because at this moment, he saw several iron chains hanging on the door of his room, and on the iron chains, there were countless densely packed locks!


Pew frowned, took three steps in confusion, and rushed to the door of the house, trying to open the door covered with chains:

"Hey! Hey hey hey! I'm here! Where the hell is this?"

While talking!

Pew tried to shake the door, but it didn't move at all.

In an instant, a stream of cold air climbed up his back.

Putting your eyes on the cat's eye, you saw two people standing at the door.

A young woman seemed a little worried and said to another middle-aged man wearing a security uniform:

"I've been hearing strange noises in Mr. John's room these days, and he seems to have not been out for three or four days. Is there some accident?"


The young woman was her neighbor who lived next door. Out of safety awareness, she reported to the apartment security guard that she had 'disappeared' for several days.

I haven't gone out for several days?

Hearing this, Pew raised his eyebrows slightly, then slapped the door:

"Someone! Someone! I'm locked in here! You have to help me!"


Although pew's throat was about to burst from shouting, the two people outside the door seemed to have no reaction at all. The security guard even took out the spare key and tried it.

After trying to no avail, he shook his head:

"It can't be opened, and there doesn't seem to be anyone in the house. Otherwise, I'll report it to the superiors. If it doesn't work, I'll call the police to break down the door and check..."

Say it!

The security guard nodded to the young woman, and they both left.

"Hey--! I'm--! Hey--!!!"

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

This realistic and immersive experience immediately made Pew feel a little hairy. He banged on the door desperately to make any noise, but to no avail. He watched the two people leave through the peephole.


pew cursed.

But the next second!

His body was frozen in place.

Damn, something is going to happen.

Because as far as pew knows, in the world view of Silent Hill, the world is divided into the "surface world" and the "inner world".

And people in these two worlds, no matter how they shout or what actions they make, are unable to detect each other.

That is to say...


Pew left the cat's eye, heard the rustling sound above his head, and couldn't help but slowly raised his head.

On the door frame, I saw several shiny black cockroaches clinging to the old wallpaper, crawling back and forth.

And at this moment.

Keji - Keji -

A strange sound, like the sound of joints twisting under the flesh, also slowly sounded behind him.

A hollow sound like Silent Hill PT, accompanied by a strange chirping sound, was like an invisible big hand that instantly strangled his neck.

Slowly look back.

On the wall not far behind him, a black mass of corruption appeared, as if the entire wall had turned into a thin plastic film.

Under the film, a lifeless pale human face was slowly protruding.

"A generous gift - Wardfa! Fake brings a girl!"

pew was indeed frightened by this strange scene. He wanted to find something to resist the human face, but he was blocked at the gate again!

As a result, he could only watch the human face break out of the film on the wall, and twitch and shake his head crazily as the lights in the room flickered!

This moment!

The fear that was once dominated by Lisa comes again!

With his heart beating rapidly, Pew pressed his body tightly against the chain of the door, watching the expressionless pale face approach, and then come closer!


Open your eyes again!

pew suddenly jumped up from the bed, covered in cold sweat.

At this moment, the protagonist's soliloquy also sounded in his mind:

"Huh - it's been getting weirder and weirder lately. Ever since I moved into this house, weird things have happened one after another, and nightmares have come one after another. What on earth is going on..."


this moment!

The live broadcast room was in an uproar!

'Damn it! There's something...'

'This sense of horror and suspenseful atmosphere... are so similar to PT...'

'Let me just say that this time "Silent Hill" is a bit better!'

‘I announce that Comella’s mother will return for a limited time, we will see the performance later’

'Although the overall atmosphere is still not as hellish as PT, but this performance can already be regarded as the strongest psychological horror work on the market besides PT, right?'

‘It’s a bit like that. Although pew is not as exaggerated as PT to the point of disconnection, the sense of oppression is already very strong.’

‘Hiss—it feels like a strong showdown—’

‘This wave, this wave seems to be a duel between Comella and the Golden Wind, but it is actually a duel between the old thief (gold version) and the old thief (comela version)’

‘Indeed, whether it’s the twitching face or the crawling cockroach, this is simply a slightly weaker version of PT’

'This designer has really studied the old thief style thoroughly. Whether it is the previous "Night Owl" or the current "Silent Hill 2", the old thief style is very strong.'

'There's something, let's take a look...'


Opening lightning strike!

no doubt!

The setting and performance of Silent Hill 2’s opening dream-within-a-dream far exceeded players’ expectations!

Although it cannot be ruled out that the poor quality of Silent Hill 1 under the control of Yamamoto is a foil factor, the psychological horror flavor displayed in this Silent Hill has indeed won the praise of many fans!

As pew continues to play more and more, the quality of the prologue of Silent Hill 2 is also very satisfactory!

When pew woke up for the second time, the door was still locked.

But the difference is that a big hole appeared on the wall where the pale ghostly face appeared in the dream.

Climb in along the big hole, and a strange and bizarre inner world will appear.

Here, pew met a strange woman, who seemed to be trapped in another world just like him.

Through the protagonist's soliloquy, pew learned that he seemed to have met the woman before, and the two seemed to have worked together.

However, now he seems to have fallen into the confusion of amnesia. He only thinks that the woman looks familiar, but does not know who the woman is.

After some conversation, the woman roughly talked about her situation and kept insisting that she was in a dream.

Afterwards, the two parted ways.

And pew walked along the inner world behind the wall hole. After some strange battles and puzzle solving, he also found a card with an address.

Following the clues on the card, pew finally met the woman again in an empty store bathroom shrouded in heavy fog.

However, this time the woman fell into a pool of blood, dying, with a series of numbers strangely carved on her arm.

When she was dying, the woman left a message: "I wish you a speedy liberation", then she stared and said nothing.

And pew suddenly woke up from his sleep again!

Who is this woman? What does the mysterious number on her arm mean? Why does she say I wish you a speedy relief? Why did we meet before? Why did I lose my memory?

All in all, it seems that the only way to find the answer is in the official version.

At this point, the prologue of the trial version ends.

Get out of the somatosensory cabin!

pew only feels that his whole body is still a little chilly!

There is no doubt that this "Silent Hill 2: Reboot" has subverted his understanding of the horror game of Comera.

Although compared to the PT that made Silent Hill famous, its overall look and feel is still slightly lacking, and the atmosphere of psychological fear is not as suffocating as PT.


Compared to all horror games before Comela!

This Silent Hill is enough to be called a unique and high-quality masterpiece!

The strange monsters are designed very cleverly, and the arrangements of several jumpscare are just right.

Thriller and suspense coexist, and at the same time, the nagging temperament is almost the same as PT.

For a moment, even pew couldn't help but nod and praise:

"The quality of Silent Hill from Comella this time is indeed very high, and the atmosphere is also very good. It scared me at least a few times..."

While talking.

pew also went to the Golden Wind booth.

After all, the reason why he came here was because of the golden wind.

He had not originally planned to go to Comella's booth, and the experience he just had could be said to be an unexpected move.

"Comella's mother can indeed return for a limited time. I even feel that if Sam doesn't come up with something strange this time, it is very likely that he will be evenly matched with Silent Hill,"

While talking, pew turned around the aisle and came to the side of the Golden Wind booth:

"I hope the golden wind can give me a surprise this time..."

Not finished yet!


pew's voice was stuck in his throat!

Accompanied by gasps of surprise from the people around him, it took three seconds!

pew spoke slowly, whispering with shock on his face:

"The Golden Wind booth..."

"It's too fucking exaggerated..."


PS: There is another chapter at ten o'clock

This chapter has been completed!
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