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Chapter 360 The storm rises again!

 Life is always full of all kinds of ridiculous stories and accidents.

Once upon a time, Joey Kagemasa was full of confidence and always regarded himself as the hegemon of Asia. His eyes were too high and he collided with the golden wind again and again, but he was still stubborn and unwilling to stop.

But now.

When he was really hurt by the beating, frightened by the beating, weakened by the beating, and wanted to retreat and raise the white flag, he had to bite the bullet and resort to suicidal behavior to carry the gold with his helpless body.

The wind blows from the steaming locomotive.

Joeshi Keimasa can actually foresee what will happen in the future.

The difficulties and coercion on the board of directors this time definitely concealed the conspiracy of the seven directors.

Especially Ito.

That seemingly innocent questioning actually brought about a fatal threat.

Kamigoshi Keimasa can even imagine what his fate will be if "Yexia Island" fails this time.


He cannot fail.

After all, in half a year, he will be relegated to the second line. He needs to step down from the position of president firmly and firmly. He must step down from the position of president firmly and firmly!

At this moment, Shangyue has completely lost the greed he had at the beginning.

He just wants to survive half a year safely and then retreat to the second line.

"...I know you can't wait as long as half a year, and I can't wait that long either. We need to make a quick decision."

Right after the meeting!

When Ito returned to his residence, he immediately dialed the phone and called a "respected lady" in Gaul.

Sarah Gascogne

——A noble lady with a quarter of the noble blood of Gaul.

——Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Vivendi Group.


This time, Ito spent a lot of effort to kill Joeshi Keimasa, just to be able to quickly launch impeachment when other directors were not ready to seize power, so as to remove Joeshi Keimasa from the position of president as quickly as possible, and then prepare himself

The puppet Nakamura helped him up and took refuge in Prestige!

By then, with the support of Vivendi, I will be able to firmly sit on the position of chairman of the board of directors of Comela, monopolize all the power of Comela, and become a strong support for Vivendi in the East!

By then, Comella and Yunwei will become Vivendi's right-hand men, unify the global game market, and even form a certain degree of monopoly!

Great power and huge profits are at hand.

Just thinking about it made Ito feel excited from the bottom of his heart.

"Thanks for your help,"

Ito said with a smile:

"Now we have a lot of key evidence about the embezzlement of Joetsu Keimasa..."

According to Neon's legal provisions, corruption, misappropriation, bribery and other issues in independent companies like Comella can be regarded as the crime of job embezzlement. If the amount of embezzlement is huge, not only will you have to face huge compensation, but you will also receive free gifts.

A pair of shiny silver bracelets and a free small house with full board and lodging.

Kamigoshi Keimasa has been the president for so many years.

The words "huge amount" could not be more apt when applied to him.

Although in Neon, there are not many cases where people can really be brought in through the crime of job embezzlement, and it can even be said that the difficulty is not low.

But for Ito, it doesn't matter whether Kametsu gets in or not. All he wants is to force Kametsu to sell his shares.

We don’t have any hatred for killing our father and seizing our wife. What’s the use of me wanting you to die?

I just want your equity and money.

Of course, you can also force yourself to go through litigation with me, so let's do it.

I have a Camela in my hand, Vivendi as my back, and I am a former president who has been relegated to the second line and is rejected by everyone. How much money and time do I have to waste with me...oh no, "we"?

Even if you consume energy, are you not afraid that one day you will get into a car accident while crossing the road? Will you accidentally be hit by a falling window while passing by downstairs? Or will you be blackmailed by a gangster with a butterfly knife while walking at night?

The reason why Yamamoto was not sunk into Tojin Bay at the beginning was because he was not enough for us to start a war.

But if you have read Das Kapital, you should know that Big Beard once made the most incisive summary of people like us -

[If there is 10% profit, capital will be used everywhere; if there is 20% profit, capital will be active; if there is 50% profit, capital will take desperate risks; for 100% profit, capital will dare to trample all human laws;

With a profit of 300%, capital would dare to commit any crime, even risk being hanged...]

"I don't care what methods you use,"

On the phone, Sarah’s voice was calm after listening to Ito’s report:

"Now the board of directors is very optimistic about your company, Comella, and has full confidence in the Eastern market,"

"Of course, this view not only means that the board of directors recognizes your efforts, it also means..."

Speaking of which.

Sarah paused deliberately, then lowered her voice slightly and said:

"It also means some dissatisfaction with Yunweikaonik. After all, their recent results are really unsatisfactory. Do you understand what I mean?"

If at this time!

Ito would have read the history of China's Ming Dynasty and would have sincerely admired Emperor Yongle as a truly divine man.

The sentence "You should encourage them" is applicable everywhere, but it has deceived so many people over the past hundreds of years!

It's a pity that Ito has not read it.


Ito nodded heavily, with a slightly flattering smile on his face unconsciously:

"I feel that you value me so much that I will definitely live up to it!"

The storm is rising!

As the Dongjin Game Festival in November is getting closer!

Although the weather is getting colder day by day, the popularity of the game market is getting hotter day by day!

Many participating games have been announced one after another, and players’ expectations are getting louder and louder!

Among them, the most vocal one is——

"Yexia Island"!


It’s not “Call of Duty” but “Yexia Island” that seems to have been born overnight!

After all this time!

Kamegoshi Keimasa's desire to survive forced him to use all his tricks and wasted no time!

"Yexia Island", with a total investment of 300 million U.S. dollars, has enjoyed the most ambitious launch campaign in the history of the Comela somatosensory cabin game!

Various media, global forums, various placements, and various forms of publicity!

In order to prevent the Golden Wind blitz from happening again.

This time, Joey Kagemasa seemed to be crazy. After being forced to confirm his participation in the exhibition, he immediately spread the advertisement of "Yexia Island" all over Dongjin, as if a needle could not be inserted and water could not penetrate.


Stop talking about others.

Toruya Moritani was amused, and he bluntly said: Mr. Draft, if you had done this as early as the time of Sekiro, how could I have become the vice president of Golden Wind?

Gu Sheng, who spoke directly, had a dark look on his face: "Moritani-san, did I make you dissatisfied in any way?"

"No, no, hahahahaha, Gu Sang is the best,"

Moritani patted Gu Sheng on the shoulder and told him not to be so stingy. He was just enjoying seeing Kamigoshi Kage 'taking it for himself':

"I just saw my 'ex-boyfriend' dying and wanted to open a champagne to celebrate."

Hear the words.

Gu Sheng almost spit out a mouthful of water:

"This metaphor is really damaging."

Moritani raised his eyebrows, shrugged and joked: "Those who are close to the vermilion will be red."


The two of them also took a final look at their own booth from the front.

Then he took a sneaky look at the Camera booth that was back to back from his own home.

Still a familiar location, still a familiar smell.

Only this time——

"You two can finally sit openly and openly in the backstage drinking tea and chatting, right...?"

During the video call, Shen Miaomiao, who was stationed at the Hua Country Base Camp, rolled her eyes, her tone full of sourness.

I originally thought about making a video call to Lao Gu to ask about the situation before the launch!

In the end, he didn't even say a word, and his mouth was full of Gu Sheng and Mori Gu's dog food!

Gu Sheng, please wake up! I am your girlfriend, okay?!

Shen Miaomiao's eyes almost rolled to the sky.

In front of me, they are so playful and playful, and they are so happy. I shouldn't have let these two people sleep together in the neon star exhibition in the first place!

"Hey - Miao Miao Sang,"

Hearing this, Moritani waved his hand towards the phone:

"We are not just two people drinking tea!"


I saw Moriya waving!

Shen Miaomiao watched helplessly as she watched on the video call, a young man with dyed green hair walked over obediently like a little chicken and made a standard ninety degree bow.

Seeing this person, Shen Miaomiao was immediately stunned and then raised her eyebrows slightly!

It's him?

Isn't this the neon gangster who deliberately made trouble at last year's exhibition and almost hurt Lao Gu?

Gu Sheng told her before!

This grandson is...?

Seeing Shen Miaomiao's surprise, Mori Gu chuckled and turned to look at Lu Mao:

"Boy, do you know what the mission is today?"

"I know! I know, I know! Moritani-senpai!"

Lu Mao nodded repeatedly:

"Keep an eye on the booth! Attract tourists! Anyone who dares to cause trouble will be dragged away and taught a lesson!"

"Then your hair..." Moritani frowned slightly and looked at the green hair.

Lu Mao was suddenly panicked, and he hurriedly pulled his hair.


The little crew cut is exposed, and the little green hair is actually quite energetic: "Wig! This is a wig! Moritani-senpai!"

"Hey - this is so true,"

Moritani patted the little green-haired man on the shoulder with satisfaction and waved his hand:

"Replace the rivets to prick your hands."



I saw the little green hair making another standard ninety-degree bow, then turned around and left.

But after taking only half a step, he seemed to remember something again, and turned back to Gu Sheng and bowed deeply: "Arigado! Mr. Gu! Thank you for giving us this opportunity!!!"

Then, he turned to change into security clothes.

It turned out that Gu Sheng also revisited this situation on purpose, and couldn't help but think of last year's episode.

So I asked Moritani to find the little green guy and his friends who came to cause trouble last year, and hired them as temporary security.

"They are all little tigers from Kansai District. They are quite bluffing and have rich experience in the market. They are willing to take action when something happens."

Gu Sheng looked at the stunned little Nezha and smiled:

"And it seems like they all like this formal job."

Shen Miaomiao:......


No one cares about him?!

He walks one way to charm and the other?!

Who can feel at ease if this old man is released?!

Jiang Yun from the childhood gaming days!

To Chen Guangde in the era of domestic strife!

And then to Tetsuya Moritani in Asia Confrontation!

Now, even his gangster team from the neon Guanxi District has been turned into friends by Gu Sheng, and they all listen to his orders!


Shen Miaomiao was truly speechless!

I want to speak but stop, I stop talking but I want to!

Finally, I held my forehead and sighed helplessly!

Forget it, what about others? Aren't you one of the unlucky ones who were seduced by this thief?

He seems to have such a charm that one can't help but fall in love with his personality.

But I am different!

Thinking of this, Shen Miaomiao curled her lips.

I also enjoy the extra benefit of a large double-door refrigerator!

"Then I wish you success and achieve greater success,"

Shen Miaomiao gave Gu Sheng a funny kiss:

"Happy World War II neon, my Mr. Gu..."

And as Shen Miaomiao hung up the phone!

Not long!

Just listen to the entrance of the huge exhibition hall not far from the Golden Wind booth, and suddenly there is a burst of people!

Much anticipated!

For the first time, Golden Wind participated in the Dongjin Game Festival with a grand and grand work——


PS: It’s the end of the month, please give me a monthly ticket~

This chapter has been completed!
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