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Chapter 382 Fierce battle! Father’s debt must be paid by son!

 Here, preparations for all price adjustments for Fantasy's engines, as well as the pricing plan for the China region, are in full swing.

And on the other side——


Pew, who was standing on the watchtower holding an AK and wearing the clothes of Zakaev's army, muttered softly.

And this move naturally attracted panic warnings from many water friends in the live broadcast room——

‘Damn it! I don’t dare to say this!’

‘As a Swede living in the United States, shouting Allah XX, pew is really complicated (funny)’

'Three! Kingdom! Great! War!'

‘It’s not a big deal to be a main character just to watch the excitement’

‘Can this be said’

‘I’m so fucking laughing, pew has been banned so many times because he didn’t keep his mouth shut, the main character is a guy who doesn’t have a long memory’

‘I have reason to suspect that pew is not just wearing the enemy’s clothes, this grandson is probably really rebellious (dog head)’

‘All I have to do is tie BOOMBOOM (dog head) to my body’

‘This live broadcast room can only start broadcasting at noon, because sooner or later something will happen (rolls eyes)’

'laughing to death hahahahaha...'



With the end of the dual sniper past level, everyone finally learned who the person behind Alassad was.

Zakayev, the number one boss of this extremist organization, has always been committed to research and control of nuclear weapons, and hopes that the world structure will return to the Cold War period between the two giants in Warsaw, the United States, so as to extend his power to all parts of the world and expand himself.

Maximize your profits!

Now, 15,000 nuclear bombs are at stake.

For the sake of global peace and stability and to prevent the world situation from falling into turmoil again.

S.A.S must take corresponding measures against Zakayev, while the US Marine Corps must find an explanation for the 30,000-meter troops who died in action.

As a result, a "decapitation" operation jointly launched by the British Royal Air Service and the US Marine Corps began.

If you want to stop or arrest Zakayev, the first thing you need to solve is to find him.


After Arasad was found and killed by Captain Price and his team, Zakayev seemed to have disappeared from the world.

There are only a few people who know Zakayev's whereabouts.

As a result, everyone quickly set their sights on Zakayev Jr., one of the rebel field commanders and the eldest son of Zakayev.

According to reliable sources, just today, little Zhaka will appear in a rebel camp south of Warsaw.

So, Soap followed Captain Price, along with his instructor Gates, and several Marines, and took advantage of the moonlight to sneak into the rebel camp.

After cleaning up all the enemies, he put on the enemy's uniform and waited for little Zaka here. If you want to come, please come and enter the urn.


At this time, when pew was muttering and frantically testing on the edge of being sealed.

There was a sound of a motorcade moving.

Captain Price’s experienced voice also appeared in the headset: [Six vehicles are heading towards us from the southwest, be careful not to alert the enemy, and don’t shoot without my order.]


Hearing this, Pew, who was standing on the watchtower, looked at each other and his instructor, Gates, and nodded.

Not long!

As the sound of tires scraping the ground got closer, a motorcade appeared in everyone's sight.

Two military vehicles opened the road, followed by a military jeep, and then two more military vehicles, seemingly filled with combatants and equipment.

As for the last one, it's an armored vehicle.


In the headset, Captain Price's voice sounded: "Attention all teams, the target is on a military jeep. I repeat, the target is on a military jeep. We want to capture him alive, but first we pay attention to our own safety."


The biting cold wind blew, and pew subconsciously shrank his neck, counting the number of soldiers protecting little Zaka with his eyes.

And just at this time!

pew inadvertently glanced at the jeep in the middle of the motorcade, and saw little Zhaka, wearing a blue clover sportswear, sitting in the back of the open jeep, looking thoughtfully at him and Gates


Eye to eye!

Little Zaka's scarred brows raised slightly, as if he sensed the bad atmosphere.

And pew was also shocked!

So perverted!

To know!

This is a single player game!

To put it bluntly, Xiao Zhaka is actually an AI model generated from data!

But when they looked at each other for just one second, pew felt as if he was really looking at the son of a devil who was extremely vicious and could kill without blinking an eye!

That kind of cold-bloodedness, that kind of scrutiny, that kind of indifferent and sinister gaze, are all vividly portrayed by the golden wind!

Obviously, after accumulating experience and exploring in so many works, Golden Wind has now mastered the adjustment and use of Fantasy 5!

The air seemed to freeze for half a second at this moment!

And just after this look at each other!


As the SVD sniper rifle in Captain Price's hand accurately hit the head of the little Zaka driver, a loud roar was heard in the cold South Warsaw jungle, soaring into the sky!

"Do it! Catch them alive!!!"



As Captain Price took action without warning, the scene became chaotic in an instant!

Bullets poured down like raindrops one after another, knocking down all the enemies beside Zaka who were still stunned!

And the two Marines who were waiting below, also wearing enemy uniforms and camouflaged, rushed over to the jeep that little Zaka was riding in, like tigers emerging from their cages!

At this critical moment!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three loud gunshots resounded through the sky!

I saw little Zaka pull out a gold-plated Desert Eagle from behind and shoot one of the Marines who rushed towards him!


Blood splatters!

At the same time, little Zhaka suddenly jumped out of the back seat like a cheetah, kicked the driver whose head was shot out of the car, and then slammed the accelerator!


"Fuck! He's going to run away!"

pew also reacted at this time, picked up the AK, and fired a burst of shots at the car's bonnet and tires!

Ta da! Ta da da!

Although pew's reaction was not too slow, after all, everything happened in the blink of an eye.

But at this moment, little Zaka's jeep had already rushed over.

I saw a string of bullets hit the hood of the jeep, causing a burst of sparks!

And the next second!


pew felt the wooden watchtower beneath his feet shaking violently!


The wooden watchtower was unexpectedly broken by Zaka who jumped over the wall in a hurry. There was a click, the wooden beam broke, pew screamed, and the watchtower fell heavily to the ground as it collapsed!



The pew who fell to the ground went far away!

Stars suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, and my vision became blurry.

When he was dizzy, he watched little Zaka stumble out of the scrapped jeep that was crowded into a roadside gas station, push the door and get out of the car, grab the golden Sand Eagle, clutch his ribs, and flee towards the alley.


"You... fucking... caused the accident... and escaped...?"

Pew felt a heavy pressure on his chest. He raised the muzzle of the gun and wanted to shoot at the back of little Zaka, but was held down by Instructor Gates who got up from the ground first:

"Leave the soap! We have to catch him alive!"

With that said, he pulled pew up from the ground and pressed his headset at the same time: "This is the B-6 team! Vulture! We need you to provide aerial guidance!"


The scene was in chaos!

Captain Price stayed behind with the Marines to stop the enemy, and the important task of hunting down Zaka naturally fell on Pew and Gates.

The two of them moved forward quickly!

They moved forward along the ambush position, turned the corner, and heard the Vulture helicopter in the sky transmitting news to them——

[Vulture: The target is fleeing to the northeast. Be careful, there are reinforcements of the enemy here. Be careful to engage the enemy! 】

Da da da--!

The words have not yet been spoken!

Pew, who had just poked his head out from the corner, saw three enemies rushing towards them along the path. The AK trigger in his hand was pulled, and the bullet hit the corner wall, causing a cloud of smoke and dust!


pew was so shocked that he hurriedly slid his shovel and hid his body behind the abandoned car. Then he stretched the AK over his head based on his feeling and fired back in the direction of the enemy!

Ta da! Ta da da!

'Here we go! Middle Eastern style AK!'

The live broadcast room burst into laughter:

'Let me just say that this guy has a bit of a back bone in him!'

'The true nature has been exposed! I suggest that Instructor Gates execute justice immediately!'

‘It was so funny that I exposed my identity as an undercover agent in desperation’

'Damn it! He really killed one of them!'

'The person on the other side probably didn't react, thinking to himself, this guy is wearing our clothes and using our shooting methods, why is he still hitting one of our own people?'

‘Double Agent’

‘Chicken Soup Agent’

'Hahahahahahaha that's too stupid...'


Here, the audience was excited and laughing!

In the game, as pew and Gates eliminate the enemies in front, the tense chase begins again!

[Vulture: At six o'clock, there is an enemy attack! 】

[Vulture: You have to hurry up, the target is fleeing due north! 】

[Vulture: At ten o'clock, enemy snipers are deploying! 】


"Stop! Little Zhaka!"

"Put your fucking hands up! Stop!"

"Stop the fuck!"

Da da da--!!!

The fierce exchange of fire sounded like exploding beans in the narrow alley!


He used the butt of his gun to knock down the enemy he was facing. Pew pulled out his pistol and fired two shots at the enemy who fell on the ground to make up for the death. Then he continued the pursuit without stopping!

Before, he had always wondered why the police officers kept shouting stop, stop running, and raise their hands when arresting criminals.

Then think about it with your fucking knees, there is no way that a vicious gangster can just listen to you and be captured!

And now.

pew figured it out.

In fact, the purpose of such angry shouting is not to really make the criminals stop.

Shouting for arrest actually serves to deter the gangsters, and secondly, to boost their own morale.

Loud words to intimidate and apprehend are actually an effective means to wear down the enemy's psychological defenses and make them more courageous in their pursuit.

Just like now.

Amidst the constant shouts of anger from him and Instructor Gates, little Zaka, who was in a panic, jumped over the wall. He ignored the glass shards on the wall of a dilapidated apartment building, jumped up, grabbed the glass shards with his hands, and turned over in embarrassment.

Passed the fence.

"damn it!"

When Gates saw this, he cursed angrily, took three steps at a time and stepped forward, leaned his back against the wall, bent down from his horse, and at the same time crossed his hands in a lifting motion:

"Soap! Chase!"

And pew was not shy, he rushed forward with a strong step, stepped on Gates' hand and jumped over!


The dense stubble of broken glass may be effective on fleshy palms, but it is not worth mentioning in front of cut-resistant and sturdy tactical gloves.

pew grabbed the wall with both hands and climbed up the wall.

At this moment, little Zaka was seen limping away towards the dilapidated apartment building not far away.


At this moment, pew, who should have pulled Gaze up with his backhand, was stunned on the wall——

At the third-floor window of the apartment facing the wall, there were four or five black guns pointed at him.



At the critical moment!

Accompanied by pew's wide eyes and terrified screams!

Just when the enemy's machine gun is about to open fire and shoot him into a sieve!

The Vulture helicopter gunship that had been following them overhead, tracking Little Zaka's position in real time, finally launched an attack!

The minigun activates instantly!

A dense storm of bullets like a laser gun sweeps across the enemy's firepower points!

Suddenly, a thick cloud of ash rose into the sky from the wall of the dilapidated apartment building!

With bricks and rubble constantly flying!

Not to mention the enemies inside the firepower point!

The entire three-story exterior wall was completely destroyed by the blast of bullets!

"Wooooooooo--gift crab! Are you a bitch like Fuck? You're so fucking fierce--!"

Timely! Efficient! Fierce!

pew originally thought that the air support on the freighter in the initial level was enough to make people excited!

Even after that, after he called for fighter jets, Apaches, and even personally controlled an air gunship, no air support could make his blood boil!

Same bridge, different critical moments!

But it can still make his blood boil, saying that the immersion and rhythm of this game are simply the best among gods!

"Let's go! Instructor!"

Reaching down, Pew pulled Gaz up to the wall, the two of them jumped down side by side, and ran towards the apartment building where little Zaka was escaping!


Bang bang!

Da da da!


Da da!

In this complex apartment building, there are many corners and countless rooms!

Perhaps pew in the past was helpless when faced with this situation and didn't dare to enter.

But now, CQB is like an arm and a finger for him, and it is deeply rooted in his bones!

Because this is not only the countless experiences accumulated by my recruit Soap, but also the teachings of Instructor Gates, the experience of Sergeant Paul, and the words and deeds of Captain Price!

As sporadic gunfire and enemy screams rang out in the apartment building!

The thumping footsteps are getting closer and closer!

And Captain Price’s voice also appeared in the headset!

[Captain Price: Soap! Go to the rooftop! Little Zhaka ran towards the rooftop! We are intercepting him! He has no way to escape!!!]

Thump thump thump——!!!


With a loud bang!

Pew's hard military boots kicked open the rooftop door!

Dodge and aim the gun!

But at this moment, little Zhaka is at the end of his rope and is forced into a blind spot on the rooftop!

In the sky, two helicopters hover!

Price, who had descended through the rope, led the Marine Corps and was slowly approaching Little Zaka!

As for little Zaka, his back was against the blind spot on the rooftop, with the golden sand eagle in his hand pointing directly at Price!

"Put it down! Put the gun down!"

Instructor Gates approached with a shotgun.

"Cooperate with us and we will extradite you to the Warsaw government!"

Price is also holding a 1911, approaching little Xhaka!

Seeing that everyone is approaching the disarming range of little Zaka!

The next second.

"Don't even think about it."



The bullet shot out from the muzzle of the golden sand eagle, instantly penetrated the lower jaw of little Zaka, and then shot out from the top of his head, carrying a blood arrow...

The once prosperous Chernobyl is now a desolate place.

The originally quiet and peaceful remote town in the south of Warsaw has now been swept and devastated by the continuous war.

In the distant Middle East, 30,000 Marines were buried in a foreign country forever in a violent nuclear explosion.

A shocking nuclear network conspiracy that has been brewing for a long time has finally evolved into an irreconcilable and bone-deep blazing hatred in a series of fierce game confrontations!

[Our so-called leader betrayed us to the West...destroyed our culture...our economy...our glory...]

【Our blood is flowing on our land...】

[My bloodline... is cut off in their hands...]

【You are intruders】

[Effective immediately, all American and British troops must evacuate Warsaw immediately]


【You will definitely pay the price!】

The situation is urgent!

Just when Pure Black, led by Captain Price, crossed the Altai Mountains and arrived at the outskirts of the missile launch base under Zakayev's command that the United States and Britain had spent all their resources on!

It's less than a kilometer away from them!

Just listen to the sound of violent flame jets!

The entire missile base was illuminated by fire!

Under the dusk sky!

In the midst of the strong rising fire!

One! Two! Three! Four! Five...

Nearly ten intercontinental rockets blasted off into the sky under everyone's stunned gaze!

Like sharp swords rising into the sky, the light emitted is even more dazzling than the setting sun!

It's like the mountains are splitting apart!

It’s like the end is coming!

As the image of the satellite map appeared in front of me.

Manhattan, New York, Philadelphia, Washington, London, Manchester, Oxford, Nottingham...

Intercontinental rockets carry countless nuclear warheads and head toward the sky.

Zakaev, who lost his beloved son, has lost his mind!

He wants the entire West to be buried with his beloved son!

A horrific nuclear attack that could destroy the entire Western Hemisphere, under real-time calculations, turned into countless arrows piercing the sky, and suddenly attacked the major European and American cities!


PS: Ten o'clock in the next chapter

This chapter has been completed!
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