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Chapter 425 'Battlefield: Rise of the Dragon'

Chapter 422 You are not important, but not having you is important to me

"And this! This is our chance!"

As page after page of test reviews about "Payday" flashed across the laser projection screen.

Itosuke, who was sitting at the head of the conference room, said in a deep voice!

The huge KOMINA logo is right behind him.

Looking around, the six directors and most of the top executives of Comella are lined up on both sides.

Opposite Itosuke is Nakamura Masaichi, the new president who currently oversees all administrative affairs of Comella.


Itosuke, who was sitting in front of the red and white LOGO of Comella, looked at the directors and senior executives in the conference room, like an emperor who ruled the world, examining his own civil and military affairs.

And in fact.

Nowadays, he is indeed the biggest decision-maker in Comella.


Just three days ago!

Under the collective vote of Itosuke and the other two directors!

Comella successfully joined Vivendi, and like Yunwei, it was officially renamed [Comella-Vivendi Co., Ltd.], becoming the eastern pillar of Vivendi's dominance in the global gaming industry.

And Itosuke, after several twists and turns, finally received the 7.85% stake from former president Kamikoshi Keimasa from Gu Sheng, he also became the largest shareholder of Camera and firmly sat on the top of the board of directors.



Vivendi fully supports him. His alliance holds a decisive and absolute shareholding on the board of directors. Even the new president Masaichi Nakamura is someone he personally supports.

It can be said that the current Comella is completely the property of Ito's assistant and is completely controlled by him.

When all is said and done!

Now, it’s time to regroup and return to the hegemony of the Eastern Hemisphere with an unrivaled attitude!

Itosuke's ambitions are very great.

Even bigger than Joetsu Keimasa.

In his opinion, although the previous Comela was powerful, it only dominated the Eastern Hemisphere.

If they want to truly take charge of the world's gaming industry, they must be like Yunwei and find a capital backer like Vivendi.

And now.

Their opportunity has come.

Just as Itosuke planned, Vivendi became their biggest backer.

The more exciting news than this is that just when they were negotiating the merger with Vivendi, Yunwei, led by the stupid Cornick, encountered an unprecedented Waterloo at the German Cologne Game Show!

The quality of the flagship project, which cost more than $500 million in investment, was appalling. It not only ruined Yunwei's own stock price, it even affected Vivendi's stock price to a certain extent!

This way!

Yunwei, who was originally regarded by Itosuke as a strong rival after merging with Prestige, suddenly became a mud bodhisattva who couldn't take care of himself.

Although for a behemoth like Yunwei, the current defeat is only temporary, but this temporary opportunity is enough for Comella to gain a firm foothold.

after all!

Now, in addition to successfully joining Vivendi, He Yunwei has made himself half dead!

Another joy!

Under Yunwei's movement, Golden Wind has now become a representative company in the Chinese gaming industry that has been isolated and sanctioned.

The haze of unavailable engines has shrouded this game manufacturer that has made a splash in the international game industry in recent years.

And now.

Although their self-developed "golden engine" has achieved initial results.

However, whether it is in terms of quality presentation or support functions, there is still a big gap between it and the mainstream commercial engines in the industry today.

Not to mention the well-deserved industry leader in the market now, a T0-level fantasy.

Even compared with first- and second-tier engines like Zi Ao and The Paper, the golden engine still has a long way to go!

Backed by mountains!

Internal opponents are defeated!

External enemies are in trouble!

Never had such a wonderful start!

no doubt!

The current situation is definitely a great opportunity for Comella that has not been seen in twenty years.

The right time, right place, right people, and everyone was on their side at this moment.

"As we all know, our biggest opponent today, and the opponent that needs to be solved most urgently, is the Golden Wind."

At the meeting, Itosuke, chief executive of the board of directors, said:

"Certainly, in terms of market capitalization and direct impact,"

"Hua Guo's Fury, Yiyou and Xunteng are all our strong opponents,"

"They can compete with us not only in the gaming field,"

"Even with the development in recent years, the market share of somatosensory cabins has been eroding our share year by year,"


Speaking of which.

Itosuke paused, frowned slightly, and lowered his voice:

"In the final analysis, it is the golden wind that is behind them. As a driving force, it is constantly squeezing and devouring the Eastern Hemisphere game market that should originally belong to us."

If it weren't for Golden Wind, Yiyoux2 would never have become famous in the international market in a short period of time.

If it weren't for the Golden Wind, Yiyou and Xunteng would never have been able to fight together in this life, and the two swords would have eaten away at their share of Comora.

If it weren't for the Golden Wind, Fury Flame wouldn't have been able to make such a big splash at the Europa Exhibition, killing Yunwei with an Ouka and making him unable to hold his head high.

The golden wind is very important.

At least it looks like he's important.

But Itosuke knew very well——

Nowadays, their blockbuster market is being squeezed. Is it because of the greatness of Golden Wind's works?

Yes, but not entirely.

In other words, what really squeezes their market is the united Chinese game industry.

After all, it’s been so many years!

Yiyou and Xunteng are standing on the other side of the continent, and game companies such as Zhenting, Fury, Tianlang, etc. are also old among the old.

Why didn't these companies threaten their market at that time?

Because they are busy competing for the vast and rich domestic market!

but now!

Relying on its unique corporate culture and the charm of its works, Golden Wind has conquered the Chinese market, twisted the entire Chinese game market into a single rope, and focused on the broader international market!

And that’s why!

Manufacturers that were not worth mentioning to Comella in the past have now become powerful enough to shake or even change the gaming landscape in the Eastern Hemisphere and even the world.


"The golden wind is not important,"

Itosuke said:

"But there is no golden wind, which is very important to us."

Hear the words.

All the senior executives in the conference room looked at each other and nodded.

Seeing this, Itosuke continued:

"These are tough times for the Golden Winds,"

"And we are stronger than ever,"

"Furthermore, with the major failure of Yunwei, Vivendi's senior management has placed their expectations on us for the Huaguo CJ Exhibition in June,"

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,"

"As for how to use this opportunity..."

Speaking of which.

Itosuke stretched out his hand and gestured to Nakamura Masaichi opposite:

"Professional matters should be left to professionals. Let's listen to President Nakamura's opinion."

This is where Itosuke is smart!

As said before!

In fact, many times, some companies suffer major failures not because of errors at the execution level, but because of the blind confidence of management, especially senior management, in their own ideas!

But Itosuke does not have this problem.

Leave professional matters to professionals.

Itosuke knew that in terms of the game industry, his views were far less solid than Nakamura, who had worked his way up from the grassroots.

Even now, as he ascends to the position of chairman, he is crazily enriching himself with relevant knowledge.

But in terms of experience and industry understanding, he is far inferior to Nakamura.

It is said that there are successive professions and specializations in hearing the Tao.

The position of chairman is just to take charge of the general direction and steer the ship.

As for the specific administrative decisions and detailed project establishment issues, Nakamura still has to take care of them.


Nakamura Masaichi took Ito's words and said:

"The chairman has a very keen sense of attack. As the chairman said, the upcoming Huaguo CJ Exhibition in June is our best opportunity to launch a comprehensive counterattack,"

"Because the current problems faced by Golden Wind are very serious——"


Speaking of which.

Nakamura Masa paused.

"Some people may say that this is just a commonplace issue. Reports about the unsatisfactory golden engine are now flying all over the sky, and everyone knows it,"

"However, after I read through many reviews and related reports, I found that there are very few opinions that can really point out the flaws of the golden engine."

As soon as this statement came out!

In the conference room, all the senior executives present took a deep breath thoughtfully.


Everyone says that the Golden Engine is not very good.

But where is the difference?

Is it the picture? Generally speaking, it seems to be okay? It can’t be said to be too bad, right?

Is it a function? Is everything that should be there available? Is the completion of Payday OK?

Is it performance? It’s hard to evaluate this thing, right? At least they developed the game during the A-beta, right?

So - what exactly is the difference between the Golden Engine?

"In other words, let's think about it differently -"

Nakamura Masaichi spread his hands:

"What are the advantages of the mainstream business engines on the market today?"


Hear the words.

All the senior executives of Comella seem to have found the key to what President Nakamura said.

Huanmeng is good because it has strong overall performance, strong somatosensory properties, great optimization, and high efficiency.

Phoenix is ​​good because its graphics are outstanding and its visual experience is unparalleled.

ZiAo is good because it has low cost of use, high intelligence, and extremely high cost performance in the creation of medium-sized games.

Pengpai is good because it is well optimized, has powerful audio tools, complete tools, and rich customization.

But what about the golden engine?

The picture is average, the audio is average, the overall performance is average, the difficulty of operation is unknown, the customization is unknown, and the optimization is unknown.

In general--


Masaichi Nakamura concluded:

"An engine whose graphics are not outstanding, whose audio and audio are not outstanding, whose body and body sensations are not outstanding, whose cost-effectiveness is unknown, and does not have the engine features that you can use yourself,"

"This is the fatal problem of the golden engine,"

"An engine without characteristics is destined to be difficult to present game works with outstanding characteristics,"

"And just right,"

"Gu Sheng is a designer with great personal characteristics and rich game imagination,"

"That is to say——"

"If you compare the original Dream Engine to the wings of a tiger, it is the weapon that supports him in everything from heaven to earth,"

"So now this golden engine is the cage that locks up the tiger, the shackles that keep him from showing off his glory..."

This chapter has been completed!
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