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Chapter 433 Pencil God of War! The killing begins!


Even Nakamura Masaichi and Itosuke were equally surprised!

no doubt.

The moment Legendary Pictures appeared, the entire DLC promotional video barrage area was already in a state of excitement!

‘OMG! It’s Legendary Pictures! Oh my god! Will I be able to see Golden Wind and Legendary Pictures collaborate again in my lifetime?’

'So what kind of DLC is this? Is the Gift Crab a mecha robbing a bank?'

‘Hahahahaha, man, don’t be too outrageous, the fucking mecha robs the bank’

'I'm just asking you how many banks do you have to rob to create a dangerous homeless man'


‘GW should be co-producing a movie with Legendary Pictures! So use this free DLC to warm up!’

‘The high probability is’

'Damn... Is Xiao Huang so brave? To directly enter the film industry?'

‘I think it’s expected, after all, the old thief’s camera language skills are obvious to all’

‘Holy shit, shit, shit… I get goosebumps as soon as these two LOGOs are placed outside’

'Coming, coming, coming...'


Along with the audience’s discussion!

The logos of the two major groups gradually faded out of the screen.

In the darkness, a radio voice familiar to players gradually sounded:

[Attention East District, attention East District, there is a fight at the Flashpoint Bar on 8th Avenue, both sides are carrying heavy firepower]

[Repeat, a heavy fire broke out at the 8th Avenue Lightning Bar, and additional personnel are needed immediately...]



The sound of radio communication gradually faded out.

And in the pitch-black scene, bright colors finally appeared.

Neon swaying.

Feasting and feasting.

The lights in the bar flicker.

Countless drunk and indulgent people swayed and twisted their bodies on the dance floor.

In the middle of the dance floor, three steel poles flashed, and women in simple and revealing clothes danced around the poles like snakes.

The perspective, along with the back of a man, moves forward.

Black leather shoes, black trousers, black suit.

The collar of the white shirt that was turned out was also hidden under the tall man's half-length, slightly curled, middle-parted black hair.

In the background, a man's voice is deep and magnetic:

【I'm ready to retire, Jonathan】

And another, older voice sounded with a hint of loss:

[Then - congratulations, you will always be welcome to stay at the Continental Hotel again]


The sound of clinking glasses sounded.

The conversation from the man's memory seems to be intertwined with the bar under the feasting and feasting at this moment.

"Need something?"

The beautiful waitress is wearing sexy clothes, trying hard to show off her career line, and selling drinks to the men in suits.

And the man also stopped:

"A pencil."


The bar front desk obviously didn’t respond:

"what did you say?"


The man in a suit raised his hand covered with various scars, his voice was elegant and low:


【...But before that, can I ask you one more thing?】

In the background, the older man's voice sounded again:

[Charon, was held hostage... The Continental Hotel cannot lose such an excellent gentleman]


this moment.

The background sound and the bar front desk lady were both silent for a long time.


Dang clang——

With a crisp sound.

A sharpened pencil was placed into the empty cup in front of the man in the suit.

And the man's deep voice also sounded from the background——


Mysterious and elegant.

At this moment, the "Shen Shen Nao Da Da Aesthetics" unique to the golden style seemed to be brought to its extreme.

An extremely rare live-action promotional video that left all viewers breathless.

The man in a suit walking through the bar in the picture is so tall and gentlemanly, yet so mysterious and cold.

He is taciturn and seems out of place in this restless bar.

The nervousness about to come reached its peak as the pencil was held in his hand.

Da da da……

Soft leather heels clicked on the bar floor.

The bright bar lights are still dazzling.

But the noisy music and boiling voices solidified at this moment.

"This is a VIP area. You can't enter without an invitation, sir."

Two burly thugs standing in front of the VIP channel of the bar blocked the way of the man in suit.

Behind them, there was a foreman who also frowned and looked at this strange man.

Dead silence.

The entire bar seemed to fall into a brief freeze at this moment.

And just right.

Right now.

The strange red light of the lamp ball flickers past the pencil in the hand of the man in the suit.

A moment!

Scarlet light flashed!


Like lightning!

The overwhelming electronic music sounded again!

A shot of scarlet blood suddenly shot out from the throat of one of the strong thugs!


The plasma instantly stained the cuffs of the man in the suit red!

"Shet! Kill him!!!"

The other thug and foreman also reacted at this moment!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The surging electronic music reaches its climax at this moment!

I saw two strong men suddenly pounce on me, while the man in the suit stepped back deftly, holding the tie of the big hand with one hand, and stabbed sharply with the blood-stained pencil in his hand!

Puff puff puff——!!!

Blood is flying!

The other foreman also reached out and touched his lower back: "VIP is in danger! If you find an unknown intruder, you need...!"


Before he can finish his words!

The man in the suit stepped forward, held down the foreman's hand that was drawing the gun, and then suddenly waved his other hand!

There was a pop, and the sharp pencil penetrated into the foreman's ear canal instantly.

The man in the suit followed up with an elbow kick!

Bang! Click!

The sharp pencil entered his ear, and the foreman died suddenly and was found dead on the spot!

‘I’m so confused——!!!’

The players were all dumbfounded!

'Isn't this too fierce?'

'What the hell is this brother? A professional killer? What kind of pencil war god?'

‘Fuck, it’s really a game played by an old thief, it’s so imaginative’

'This camerawork! This action! This lighting! This tension in the picture! It's definitely a warm-up for the movie! Xiao Huang is really going to make a movie!'

'Holy shit, this is so cool, isn't it? One against three and three of them were killed in reverse, do you know how to play?'

"Is this a new character? The gift crab is so handsome!"

'Holy shit, it's started! Support from the other side is coming!'


Accompanied by the fiery electronic sound!

I saw four or five strong men coming in the narrow VIP corridor with guns raised!

The man in the suit didn't mess up at all. He stepped back and moved behind the foreman who had a pencil in his ear. At the same time, he pulled out a pistol from the waist of the corpse and aimed at the first man who rushed towards him. He raised his hand and fired two shots!

Bang! Bang!

Blood spurts!

The thug made a grunt and knelt on the ground.

And the next second!


Another gunshot!

A bullet accurately penetrated his head and flew out with a bloody arrow!

Mozambique shooting!

Also known as 'Two spears for the body and one for the head, the gods shook their heads when they saw it!'

A fierce gun battle instantly started in the narrow corridor!

Outside, the rhythmic electronic music was booming!

Inside, there was a loud bang and short bursts of gunfire!

With blood splattering, the man in the suit used the foreman as a shield, and every time he fired a gun, one of them fell down!

Bang! Bang!


As the pistol slide was hooked, all the rounds of bullets were poured out.

When the two thugs saw this, they rushed over shouting.

And among the confusing neon lights, there was a buzzing sound!

The pistol was thrown by the man in the suit and hit one of the thugs in the face!

In the midst of lightning and flint, another thug was seen punching hard, and his fist as big as a sandbag came towards him with the sound of thunder!



And the next second, I saw the man in a suit grabbing the thug's wrist, doing a judo back throw, knocking the thug to the ground with a grunt, followed by a naked choke, using his legs to immobilize the struggling thug, and from behind his twisted and deformed wrist,

Zhong grabbed the pistol and shot the other thug who had just gotten up from the ground with his backhand!


The bullet instantly overturned the thug's Tianling Cap!

Immediately afterwards, the man in the suit shot back again, hitting the locked thug in the head!


Clean! Neat! Pure!

The killing skills without any fancy were brought to full display at this moment!

Just a few seconds!

In the interplay of psychedelic light and shadow!

In the midst of the roar of gunfire!

The entire corridor was littered with corpses!

Even though there were occasional thugs who were still squirming, the man in the suit accurately shot him and shot him in the head!

Look crazy!

Electronic music and lights!

Gunfire and blood!

The surging tension of punching to the flesh and the adrenaline stimulation of decisive killing will make the players' blood rush!

‘Holyshit——!Its so fvking coooooooooool!!!’

'You're so handsome, damn! God of Death!'

'He actually knows how to reload the gun! Who can resist this! It's so fierce!'

‘It’s wet, it looks wet’

‘How come you can be so handsome when you reload? Damn it! Those throws and pushes! I can’t stand it, I really can’t stand it!’

'The old thief really knows how to show off invisibly! He is really handsome!'

‘A pure killer, not even a single superfluous move, clean and neat, one of the coolest guys’

‘So is this the fucking protagonist of the movie? If you make it, I will definitely watch it! Just make it according to the quality of this promotional video! I’ll buy five tickets for each person!’

'Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-so handsome! Guys, I can’t stand it!'


Break in! Firefight!

In the layers of rescue raids, the man in the suit always leaves the player with his back!

But this does not affect the visual impact of his fierce killing at all!

Long guns, short guns, shotguns...

Various types of firearms appear in turn.

Grappling, Jiu-Jitsu, Jeet Kune Do...

The world's best close-quarters combat skills, punch to the flesh!

Killing and cutting all the way, this fast-paced DLC is vividly presented!

While countless players are excited, their curiosity about the actor who plays the man in the suit is also growing!


When all is said and done!

The sound of footsteps sounded again in the VIP corridor.

Da da da……

The sound of wet soft leather heels, accompanied by the sound of thick and dense blood stains, was getting closer and closer.


A bloody pencil returned to the empty wine glass, splattering with blood.

The young lady shivering in the front desk of the bar shivered, looked up at the man in a suit who had completed his task and carried a black man to the exit of the bar, and spoke tremblingly:

"Who are you?"

Hear the words.


Then I heard the man in the suit stop.

The sound of cloth sounded in the silence.

The man in the suit slowly turned his head, and the camera slowly rolled up——

The half-long hair that is slightly curled in the middle hangs down naturally, and in the deep eye sockets, a pair of dark eyes are as sharp as blades.

The thin face has sharp edges and corners, and the delicate short beard goes straight to the temples.

He nodded politely to the bar lady:


"John Wick."


PS: It’s so late, life is at stake, I owe you a chapter, I’ll still pay 2 in the next two days

This chapter has been completed!
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