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Chapter 458 The fire is about to go out, but the king is nowhere to be seen

[The fire is about to go out, but the king is nowhere to be seen...]

And just after this narration that runs through the core of the entire game!

The originally dark and low symphony became more graceful and grand with the addition of violin!

The chorus-like singing of the choir, accompanied by the loud ringing of the bells, echoed over this gloomy world!




[When the inheritance flame goes out]

【The bell will ring throughout the earth】

[And then awaken the ancient kings in the coffin...! 】

'I-fuck-I'm getting goosebumps!'

'Art! This is simply aesthetic art!'

‘Full of an epic feeling!’

‘It’s so shocking. Even though the mountains are covered with fog, it’s precisely this style that makes the quality of the entire promotional video top-notch!’

‘It’s so awesome that this promotional video was made’

‘Inheriting the flame? It feels a bit like some kind of ritual for primitive people to preserve fire’

'It shouldn't be something as concrete as fire. The fire here should be a very abstract concept, probably similar to the sun?'

'My guess is similar to that of the brother upstairs. The world seems to be in a state of rest soon, cold and dark. In order to continue the prosperity and power similar to the sun, the king has to shoulder the responsibility of spreading fire.


‘The old thief really likes this kind of background of the end of an era and the fall of an empire’

'Indeed, the previous Sekiro was the end of the Ashina Kingdom, and this time it is the end of the fire.'

'The fire is about to go out, but the king is missing? It means that the world is going to be destroyed, but the king who spread the fire has run away? So the bell is ringing, waking up the old kings who have been burping before?'

'Maybe no one has the qualification? It's not that you are qualified to pass the fire only if you become a king, but you can be the king if you are qualified to pass the fire? Because no one can pass the fire, that's why the old men were resurrected?'

‘I don’t understand, it’s too cloudy and foggy’

'The old thief's usual style is so nagging, I can only say it's so right...'


And with the players’ excitement and speculation!

The former salary kings also slowly woke up and resurrected from their coffins along with the grand and distant bells——

[The Deep Saint—Eldridge]

In the dark and claustrophobic mountain stream.

Gray vines crisscrossed the area.

The dim light of the campfire outlined the outline of the huge coffin.

At this moment, the top cover of the sarcophagus covered with moss had been overturned.

And the next moment!

A mass of unknown fluid that was as thick as asphalt, viscous, rotten, and full of sharp and sharp edges surged out of the coffin!

[Monitor of the Abyss—Flan Undead Team]

The embers of fire are everywhere!

The billowing smoke was blown away by the howling north wind!

Among the coffins standing in the forest, a figure wearing mottled armor, a broken cloak, a peaked helmet on his head and a half-man sword, stood up one after another.

Silent yet sharp.

The afterglow of the setting sun casts an old and cold halo on them.

【as well as……】

[The Lonely King of Sin City—Giant Yum]


In a huge coffin that was as big as a mountain, a huge blade that could crack mountains and crack the ground suddenly hit the ground, sending up billowing dust!

Immediately afterwards, a giant that covered the sky and wore a hood of mail slowly sat up from the coffin!

The storm is raging!

The giant looked towards the direction of the royal city.

Accompanied by the increasingly exciting and magnificent symphonic chant, the giant also raised the sky-opening giant blade and issued a soul-stirring and deafening roar!

A sudden storm!

The arms that were as withered as cracked tree bark emitted a blazing and hot light!

Like fully burned coals blown by the wind, crackling embers flew wildly in the air!

Three BOSS!

Epic performance effects!

Thick texture and unparalleled imagination!

This time, even the colleagues at the scene couldn’t sit still!

The astonished uproar was like a wave, rising one after another!

"As expected! It's still the familiar magical style!"

"The previous Sekiro was like this, and now this new game is also in this style!"

“Choosing a realistic era, then constructing an imaginary background, and then adding some magical settings may seem easy to implement, but in practice, it is indeed not an easy task to achieve a level that is not inconsistent or even fascinating.


"The performance is fantastic, with a cinematic quality and a rich epic feel, as well as GW's unique and sophisticated narrative style..."

"I can only say that fortunately Yunwei exited in time..."

"Hahahahaha... Otherwise it would really be a public execution, right?"

"Sam really knows his own strengths very well. He can give full play to his strengths every time and deliver perfect answers."

"Indeed, one of the characteristics of Golden Engine is its ability to shape grand scenes, and in this work, they have deliberately highlighted the grand scenes and epic feeling, and combined with Phoenix who just announced the establishment of cooperation... tsk tsk!"


The exclamations kept coming!

And with the announcement of the dish names, the display of the three top salary boss bosses is completed!

Have a symphony!

Then, the tone became soothing and gentle.

In a building that looked like an abandoned church, a girl with long silver hair wearing a dark nun-like dress picked up the silver crown eye mask with black swirls surging on the church table, and gently put it on.

On the beautiful cheek.

【But actually--】

[Kings will definitely abandon their thrones...]

[And the ashes of the non-fire will come one after another...]

[That is a nameless, useless, cursed immortal person]

【But that’s why! 】


[That’s why you are so eager for the remaining fire...]


With the rest, the symphony of the entire promotional video came to an abrupt end!

On the large LED screen, the name of this latest work of Golden Wind finally appeared——


【"Dark Soul"】


In an instant, the whole audience burst into applause!


This time, what Gu Sheng specially created was "Dark Souls 3" produced by Hidetaka Miyazaki and produced by From Software in his previous life!

In the next plan, he will use flashbacks to gradually reveal this bizarre and magnificent soul world starting from the end of Soul Three's fire extinguishing.

Of course.

The reason why I chose Soul Three is that, besides the fact that this work is more mature than the first and second works, it actually also contains a little selfishness of Gu Sheng——

This is one of the works that he personally participated in the production of in his previous life.

He has a different kind of feeling towards Hun San.

In fact, when he first came to this world, the work that Gu Sheng wanted to present the most was Dark Souls 3, which he had personally participated in the production of.

But unfortunately, their Golden Wind was still too weak at that time.

Not only is the technology lacking, but the funding is even worse.

The result was unsatisfactory.

This delay lasted four years.

Now, I can see this work reappearing in the world in this way.

For a moment, Gu Sheng was even a little dazed.

This feeling is really wonderful and interesting.

When the large LED screen fell into darkness, the lights in the venue came back on, and the cheers and applause in the entire venue reached its climax.

"Fuck, that's awesome, that's awesome..."

at the same time.

Shark, A Yin live broadcast room.

A Yin, who watched the whole GDC first-day press conference, couldn't help but applaud along with it.

“It’s really awesome,”

A Yin nodded repeatedly:

"From the scene setting and world view profile, you can see that it is very different from Sekiro,"

"But what's the difference..."


I saw Ayin enter the developer page of Golden Wind on the game platform.

At this moment, with the release of the trailer for "Dark Soul", the developer page has also made adjustments.

DARK SOULS's logo hangs in the most conspicuous place on the page.

Right below the promotional LOGO, there is a line of large and eye-catching words——

[The trial demo of "Dark Souls" is now officially unlocked]

[Click to load, open for free]


This time, as Dark Souls was officially announced at GDC, the related trial demo was also released.

The overall demo process prepared by Gu Sheng was not too long, starting from the unveiling of the coffin and ending at the fire transfer sacrificial site and the insertion of the spiral sword.

Perhaps for the overall process of this game, arriving at the Fire Sacrifice is the beginning of the game.

But Gu Sheng believed it.

For players, the monsters and BOSS settings that can be explored and defeated on this road are enough for them to have a good drink.

Because the dark soul in the somatosensory cabin is really difficult!

Far more difficult than the controller!

As we all know!

Originally, Dark Souls and Sekiro were two games based on the basic setting of combat.

If you use the playing styles of these two games to bring them into each other's game, you will definitely suffer.

Because Sekiro's requirements for players are to have the courage to step forward and fight with swords, strive to defeat the opponent's posture slot as soon as possible, and carry out a forbearance kill against the enemy.

Black Soul, on the other hand, requires players to win steadily and not be greedy, let alone indulge in output.

Because Black Soul has a very important indicator that can even directly determine the outcome of a battle——

Energy bar.

In the game, almost all your actions are linked to this energy bar.

Whether it's an offensive slash or a roll to avoid damage.

Almost all combat actions are tied to this energy bar.

Once the energy bar is exhausted, you will become a walking vegetable, a living target that moves forward, left, and right.

Although after a short period of time, the consumed energy bar will be restored.

But the outcome of a battle often depends on that short vacuum period.


In the battle, players not only need to be like a wolf, avoiding the opponent's damage as much as possible, but also always pay attention to their own energy bar not to run out.

You must have a plan for offense and defense, and you must not be reckless or run away.

The difference in playing styles is only one aspect of the difficulty increase.

On the other hand, the limitation of the perspective of the somatosensory cabin undoubtedly increases the difficulty of the game to a certain extent.

You know, the way to avoid damage in Dark Souls is not to step, but to roll.

Although with the help and blessing of the motion assistance system, players will not feel stiff or dizzy no matter how much they roll.

But the problem is——

As long as you roll, the viewing angle will definitely be affected.

The original advantage of the third-person perspective disappeared in an instant.

It's very possible that as soon as you rolled over, the BOSS's delay knife came down.

At this time, if it is the previous console version of Dark Souls, as a player, you can clearly see the BOSS taking action from a third-person perspective and make an immediate evasive judgment.

But the somatosensory cabin is different!

Players don’t have any clues behind their backs!

I'll give you a delayed sword technique behind your back, and I'll send you back to the bonfire in all likelihood!

Therefore, although the soul is still the same soul.

However, due to the advancement of technology and the different operating modes of the two, the difficulty of the somatosensory cabin version has increased significantly.

Who knows how many times the players will be sent away by the terrifying second stage of human pus when they first meet Mr. Guda.

This chapter has been completed!
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