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Chapter 463 No time to explain! Pass the fire!!!

'I got something... ah?'

'This is...the second stage?'

'No...I'm not...wait a minute...this...?'

‘Is this the BOSS of the first level?’

'What is that...?'

'I can't come...'

'It just tore down the place?'

'Did someone beat this guy? I was so fucking dumbfounded...'

'It's just... outrageous...'


How outrageous!

Until the anchor fell, the water friends seemed to be a little unbelievable about what they just saw!

no doubt!

The design of Guda's BOSS not only far exceeds players' expectations for BOSS, but even for the entire industry, the design of this first BOSS is enough to be called a textbook!

Because according to common sense!

Each BOSS in a game should have its own unique style and iconic features.

This unique feature and style is usually unique.

But Guda is different.

In the first stage, his image is strong and righteous.

Although he is a BOSS, every move is powerful and precise.

Whether he is slashing or striking, throwing or trampling, he is all like a heavy-armored general in the Middle Ages, fierce, fearless and majestic.

But in the second stage, with the emergence of human pus.

The entire logic of Guda's behavior has undergone a change that can be called a twist!

Not only is the desire to attack stronger, but the attack movements and methods have also become brutal and twisted!


This distortion still stems from the behavioral logic of the first stage of action!

For example, "slash"——

In the first stage, Guda will swing the giant ax and perform a powerful and heavy sweep. After a slight delay, Guda will retract the giant ax again and perform a second sweep.

Powerful and powerful! Incomparably fierce!

In the second stage, human pus will control the giant axe.

It is still a sweeping movement with an arrow, but this time, under the control of Human Pussy, the giant ax will be swept out at an extremely fast speed, and after the sweeping movement, it will quickly change into three crazy chops!

Crazy and reckless! Absolutely evil!

The same move! Different effects!

The ingenuity of its design is amazing!

The key is!

Such a BOSS design is combined with the physical destruction of the golden wind and the visual presentation with the technical support of Phoenix!


Heart rate 135!

It’s been a long time since Octane experienced a game that made his heart beat faster!

Full of pressure!

Until he stood up again, the lingering power had not even dissipated, and he could not help but tremble slightly!

And now!

Octane’s live broadcast room has exploded——

‘A generous gift—crab!!!’

‘That’s crazy! The design of this BOSS is enough to be recorded in history!’

'Wonderful! My scalp is numb just looking at it! I can't imagine how exciting the real experience will be! I must try it later!'

'Sam never disappoints! He originally only needed to continue to release Wolf 2 step by step to make a lot of money, but he didn't!'

‘It seems like sikero is more like an experimental work of this type’

'Yes, yes! I feel the same! I also feel that Dark Souls is the real expression of this type of game in Sam's mind!'

‘Wolf type may be just a temporary title, this type of game should probably be called [Soul type]’

‘No wonder GW will be the main guest this year, this work is really beyond imagination’

'The perfect combination of imagination and technology is simply crazy...'


Majestic! Bizarre!

Just as the barrage said!

With the support of almost perfect technical support, this "Dark Soul" that Gu Sheng has been longing for for four years provides all players with an unparalleled feast of "souls" games!

And it is so shocking that it can even be called a terrifying BOSS!

In addition to surprising and frightening the players, it also stimulated them even more!

God knows how overwhelming the sense of accomplishment would be if we could conquer such a BOSS!

I admit it! You are strong!

But soon, I will be stronger than you!

This is the creed of soul players!

Stand up countless times.

Fell down countless times.

Fail, try again.

If you fail again, try again!

Failures come again and again, in exchange for experience again and again!

Even in the battle after battle, the players can't help but tremble and feel frightened by Guda's giant ax and the terrifying human pus snake.

After all, its performance is simply unprecedented and perfect.


The fighting spirit of the players has never been extinguished!

"...Smash down! Roll!!!"


Smoke and dust are everywhere!

Octane flew and rolled.

This was the countless times he had tried.

Now, he is able to skillfully predict most of the attacks of the Human Pygoda.

Avoid the heavy stomp of Guda in the second stage!

Octane did not get up to steal the knife like last time, but continued to fly and roll without looking back!

And at the same time!


Guda's giant ax was also thrust out with a bang, but it failed!

It's now!!!

Hearing the giant ax above his head stabbing into the air, Octan knew that he had firmly grasped Guda's attack interval!

Rolling to his feet, Octane didn't stop. He raised the chicken leg in his hand and whipped it towards Guda with his backhand!

It can be seen that you are also a fireless ashes controlled by this pitch-black parasite.

Although you are stronger now, in comparison, I still admire you more for your fierce and righteous moves at that stage.




After three consecutive hits, Guda's blood volume has bottomed out!

Octane's energy bar is down to the last bar!

On the opposite side, Guda's hand has also been raised!

If this throwing skill catches him, he will definitely die based on his small amount of health!

In this flash of lightning!

Goodbye! Teacher Guda!


Keep up the progress!

Octane's drumstick finally moved a step faster and hit Guda firmly!

The energy bar is emptied and the octane is exhausted!

And the next second!


Human pus twisted the body, and the screams reached the sky!


Guda's body knelt down.

Along with the grand symphony, the body rapidly calcified and eventually turned into a trace of dust in the air.


At the same time, Octan only felt warm all over!


In the field of vision, a cluster of firework effects rose up!

Like firewood being lit, his body changed!

The faint red color flowing under the skin symbolizes the rekindling of the embers!

There are little sparks scattered around the body.

Ember state unlocked!

Guda, Judge of Ashes - Guide!!!

Path of Fire recognized his ability.

In the distance, the huge ring-shaped building seemed to be opening its arms to him!


The audience in the live broadcast room cheered!

Octane cheered loudly and screamed happily!


As said before!

In soul games, the difficulty of the BOSS is always directly proportional to the player's sense of accomplishment!

The more terrifying the BOSS, the greater the sense of accomplishment after defeating it!

At this point, the BOSS design of "Dark Soul", which can be called the opening lightning strike, is enough to make players scream with joy!


The somatosensory design makes players lose the convenience of third-person perspective and remote sensing operation.

But what comes with it is an unparalleled sense of immersion and a huge sense of accomplishment after overcoming difficulties in an immersive situation!

"No time to explain, brothers——!!!"

"Pass the fire!!!"

With a cheerful shout of pew!

After absorbing the soul dropped by Teacher Guda, he strode towards the circular building not far away!

There are still those skinny skeleton-like monsters wearing black cloaks on the road.

After getting rid of these miscellaneous fish along the way, pew came to this huge ring-shaped building.

Gothic is the main style, and the church-like architecture is beautiful.

Revealing a mysterious ancient atmosphere.

In front of you is a door with beautiful medieval patterns embossed on it.

The useless man in the ember state put his hand on the door, and then pushed forward!


The door was pushed open.

[Fire Transferring Sacrificial Site]

The steps around the huge circular sacrificial hall are stacked one on top of another, like the seats in an opera house.

Directly opposite are five huge high platforms.

On each high platform is a throne of different shapes, which looks extremely mysterious under the halo of dim candles.

It is worth mentioning that four of the five thrones are empty, and only one is sitting on it is a skinny little old man who is not in proportion to the throne.

Looking down, in the middle of the sacrificial site, a girl with white hair and a black robe wearing a mysterious metal eye mask was standing next to the circular extinguished bonfire in the sacrificial site.

The light in the entire sacrificial site is somewhat dark.

But it is precisely because of this that it appears even more vicissitudes and mystery.

'Oh my God - this art is amazing -'

The moment the door was opened, the pew live broadcast room couldn't help but exclaimed——

'I finally understand why GW wants to join forces with Phoenix for technology...'

'Indeed, the scene-shaping capabilities of the Golden Engine, coupled with the detailed performance of Phoenix's graphics, are simply amazing!'

‘This kind of dilapidated grandeur really makes people’s scalp numb’

‘It even seems like we can see the end of an era’

‘I have to say that the art of Golden Wind is definitely an indispensable part of the success of their game’

'Just kidding, this time "Dark Souls" was produced by Steel Finger Studio. The original team of Sekiro are naturally very good at creating the atmosphere of this bleak era.'

'This feels really great...'

‘You can even feel the coolness in the air’

'The whole process is shocking, this game is really scary...'


And just when the audience was talking about the Fire Sacrifice Site!

Suddenly, in the middle of the sacrificial site, the girl with a mysterious metal eyepatch, white hair reaching her waist, and a black robe spoke softly as if she felt the arrival of the person carrying the fire.

The gentle and delicate ethereal voice slowly echoed in the spacious fire-passing sacrificial site:

"Welcome to the campfire, Lord Ashes..."

"I am the fire prevention girl, who specializes in maintaining campfires and serving you..."


PS: Asking for a monthly ticket

This chapter has been completed!
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