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Chapter 508 'Village Of Shadws'

"Please come in?"

Hearing the knock on the door, Gao Shanxun raised his eyebrows slightly and answered.


The office door opened, and a woman wearing a short skirt suit and holding a tablet appeared at the door.

Is Nakamura Masaichi’s secretary:

"Team Leader Takasugi, the president has called you for a meeting."


Find me?

Gao Shanxun was stunned for a moment, a little surprised, but he nodded immediately:

"Okay, I'll come right away."

After saying that, Nakamura Masaichi's secretary leaned over slightly and left first.

Nishikawa also stood up with Gao Shanxun:

"What's going on? Why are you suddenly being 'arraigned'? Is there no problem?"

Today, Masaichi Nakamura is in charge.

Although theoretically speaking, the status of Nishikawa and Takasugi Studio alone cannot threaten Nakamura's status.

But Nishikawa knew that Nakamura was a man with a strong desire for power and control.

No one can say for certain what such a person will do to secure his position.

Who knows if Nakamura Masaichi suddenly thought of something and was ready to completely destroy them, the brothers in the "former Gosanjia Studio".

"It shouldn't be any problem,"

Knowing Nishikawa's worries, Takasugi waved his hand:

"Now that the video game festival will start in one quarter, Nakamura will not allow internal instability to occur at this time,"

"I guess if you call me over, it's most likely that your team will help develop a new game,"

"After all, [safety valve technology] was developed by our team, and it is the main selling point of KMN-4 this time,"

"Maybe he wants to show mercy and give us jobs."

As the two of them went out together, Takasugi also smiled and joked softly.


Takasugi Studio has always been responsible for the industry-leading [safety valve input/output technology] in the Amaterasu engine.

And this is one of the reasons why Takasugi, as one of the "three ancient royal families", survived Yamamoto and Koizumi and is still at the top of the studio industry today.

After all, it is the main development team for the core technology of the self-developed engine.

In addition, Takasugi Studio has always focused on racing games, and almost never competes with Golden Wind as a flagship masterpiece.

Therefore, the position of Takasugi Studio has been very stable over the years.

Now, the Dongjin Game Show is about to open, and Comella, as the host, will never be absent.

Thinking about it this time, Nakamura asked himself to participate in the meeting. In all likelihood, he needed the help of their Takasugi Studio...


Gao Shanxun also came to the door of the conference room.

The door opened with a click.

as expected.

Those present inside, except for the president Masaichi Nakamura and the managing director, are all the group directors and executives of Nakamura Studio.

"President Nakamura."

Takasugi Isao didn't say much, he just nodded slightly and said hello to Nakamura Masaichi.

Nakamura Masaichi didn’t come up and ask questions, but clapped his hands:

"Okay, we are all here and starting the meeting, Kazumiko..."

After a simple opening, Nakamura Masaichi waved his hand to the secretary next to him: "Before we start the discussion, let me show you a trailer."

Say it.

The secretary and Meiko stepped forward, turned on the laser projection, and played the pre-prepared trailer in the confused eyes of all the attendees——

In a brief moment of silence.

On the dark screen, the sound of pages turning was heard.

Immediately afterwards, a gentle and gentle female voice slowly sounded——

【long long ago】

[A little girl and her mother pick berries for her hard-working father]

[But the forest is cold and silent, and the bushes are empty...]

As a gentle female voice sounded.

I saw that the darkness on the screen gradually turned into a sheet of flipping pages!

The pages are stacked up one after another, and the exquisite and beautiful hollow paper-cuts present a dark, quiet and dark forest with overgrown branches!

This is actually a three-dimensional fairy tale book!

Oh no!

And as the pages of the book turn again!

You can see the dark style cartoon animation, combined with the woman's voice, leaping on the screen!

In the dead silence and darkness of the dense forest.

A slender figure appeared, looking like a mother.

And in the thick fog behind her, a jumping little girl also walked out and ran to her mother's side.

The female voice telling the story became ethereal at this moment, as if she had fallen into a cold and misty forest——

[The naughty girl was determined to find the berries, so she broke away from her mother's hand and ran deep into the jungle...]

The little girl pointed to the thorny jungle deeper ahead, then took out her hand, jumped up and down, and ran quickly along the path formed by the vines.

My mother shouted hurriedly from behind.

This jungle is too dangerous.


The little girl was so fast, her gray-white silhouette jumped up and down, and she immediately disappeared from her mother's sight.

[She ran through the forest, through the vines, her mother's voice became weaker and weaker, and she ran into the depths of the jungle]

[The girl felt a strange gaze...]

Oh no!

With a slight jump of the little girl, the small figure jumped from the end of the vines to a cliff.

She saw a huge fruit-like thing hanging on a dry branch on the cliff, which caught her attention.

And the next moment.

I saw this huge pale white fruit suddenly cracked.

The huge wings spread out, and two pointed ears stretched out from the top of the head!

This is actually a huge bat hanging upside down!

The little girl was startled and backed away.

However, the bat spoke!

"Hey, my dear..."

The Bat Lord bit his bat wing as he spoke.

A stream of golden blood flowed from its wings, and the attractive color of golden rosin was like the most beautiful nectar in the world.

The little girl couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

The bat greeted the little girl affectionately:

"Come, child, quench your thirst..."

As he spoke, the bat's blood dripped into the girl's hand.

The little girl didn't doubt that he was there, and raised her hand to drink the Bat Lord's gift.

[The girl drank the bat's blood and continued walking forward...]

Oh no!

The pages of the book turned again.

At this time, the mist in the dense forest began to fill, and rumbles of thunder came from the sky.

The little girl walked aimlessly and came to a cemetery.

There was lightning and thunder here, and the dampness and coldness in the air made her tighten her shoulders involuntarily.

[The little girl was wearing thin clothes and was shivering from the cold, but at this moment——]

A towering grave mound suddenly stood upright.

A skinny ghost figure wearing a terrifying mask, four skinny arms, and covered in thick fog appeared in front of the little girl.

Golden silk threads ran across the ghost's hands.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the ghost reaching into his arms.

But in the blink of an eye, a beautiful golden dress woven like the feathers of a divine bird appeared in front of the little girl.

"Come on, kid, put on some warm clothes..." The ghost's voice was dreamlike, cold and lonely.

As the golden dress is worn on her body, the little girl becomes warmer.

The golden light reflected the little girl's smiling face.

She turned around lightly and saluted the ghost.


The ghost turned into black mist again, and instantly dissipated in front of the little girl.

Thick billowing black fog engulfed the screen.

And in this thick foggy ink, a small golden fish suddenly appeared.

One, two, three...

Schools of golden fish shuttle in the black undertow, as if taking people into the underwater world.

Follow the school of fish through deep sea canyons and rocks with surging undercurrents.

A huge body appeared in front.

It was a huge fat fish like a lantern fish.

Densely dense golden eyes grow on its face, which is magical and weird at the same time.

And the next moment.


The deep-sea fish king suddenly stuck his head out of the sea.

In front of the huge body, a little girl in a golden dress floated on the dark ocean in a small boat.

[The girl was floating on the ominous dark water in a small boat, trying to find the way home, but she was already hungry, but fortunately...]

The huge deep-sea fish king had a honest voice and took off a golden fish scale from his body:

"Come, child, satisfy your hunger..."

The little girl happily took the fish scales and ate them, with a smile on her face again.

The deep-sea fish king dives back into the seabed and swims away.

The pages of the book continued to turn.

The forest hollows made of paper cuts are getting deeper and darker.

[The little girl finally came to the dark center of the forest. The appearance of a steel war horse caught the little girl's attention...]

But only a rumbling sound was heard.

In the center of the forest, there is actually a fantasy world intertwined with chains and gears.

A steel war horse leaped high and ran around the little girl.

On its forehead, a golden gear shines brightly.

[The girl walked towards the war horse, but the war horse said nothing]

[The little girl thought the golden gear was also a gift to her and took it away, but the next moment——]

A long chirping sound!

The war horse was angered by the little girl's unreasonable behavior!

Anger spurted out from its nose and mouth, and its eyes suddenly glowed with a terrifying red light!

Then I saw a rumbling sound throughout the forest!

The furious war horse actually summoned the three leaders who had previously helped the little girl!

Four monsters in the dark forest surrounded the little girl!


In an instant!

The wind is blowing and the wind is strong!

Four monsters are approaching the little girl.

The little girl was frightened by the scene in front of her, and stepped back tremblingly!

Amidst the lightning and thunder, an undercurrent of gray-black storm swept across the four kings!

In the obscure and dark fog, the Four Kings transformed into a tall and strange witch!

Dark and solemn, eerie and terrifying!

The little girl shivered and fell down next to the audience!

The gravel scratched her foot, and golden blood flowed out.

Dust stained her beautiful golden dress.

In his hand, the remaining half of the fish scale fell to the ground and was buried in the dust.

The golden gear in my arms also rolled out of my arms, and rolled away into the distance!

No one could see the witch's face clearly.

The witch with bared teeth and claws was hidden in the billowing black mist, and all she could see was a dark, skinny, huge shadow.

At this moment, the crisscrossing vines on its body seemed to be alive, squirming and waving.

Two hands as thin as tree branches grasped the little girl.

And just when this terrifying and weird atmosphere reaches its peak!

Blah blah blah——!!!

The pages of the book suddenly turned, and finally the book closed with a bang.

A string of twisted golden fonts also appeared on the cover of the book——

"Village Of Shadows"

【Village Phantom】

This chapter has been completed!
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