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Chapter 537 Drop rate: 100! Hahaha, here comes the freak!

Chapter 537 The disconnection rate is 100%! Hahaha, here comes the freak!

"I don't want to play anymore, really."

After pausing the game, the audience could clearly hear that Pure Black was losing his breath.

Although at this time, the lights in the entire basement were not particularly dark.

But as a player who is extremely familiar with the Golden Wind horror game, Pure Black still felt his blood pressure soar.

"I just said something doesn't look right here!"

"Sure enough, I guessed it!"

"No... let's just continue the overall style of the castle. Wouldn't it be nice?"

"Everyone is having a great time, playing hide-and-seek with the wife, and playing hide-and-seek with the little sister. How harmonious and harmonious it is!"

"Why does he become like this just by doing it!!!"

Chun Hei gritted his teeth as he spoke, and his tone even made him want to cry.

The barrage at this moment was full of excitement——

‘Wuhu! The ancestral fuse has been lost again!’

‘It’s still the same modeling, it’s still the same taste. From Escape to Biochemical 8, only Fuse knows how much he has shouldered’

‘Only responsibility! (strong) (strong) (strong)’

‘It’s time for the young master’s favorite scary part again!’

‘Master God’s favorite part (laughing and crying)’

‘As soon as you go out and see this arrangement, you should realize that something serious is going on’

‘It’s like a gathering in the underworld’

‘I’m really looking forward to what the old thief will come up with this time’

‘It mainly depends on the old thief’s mental state’

‘The old thief’s mental state is mainly unstable (dog head)’

‘He never has a stable time (doge)’

'It's right, everything is right now!'

‘It’s really one level and one gameplay, it’s amazing’

‘This game is really fun’

'Master: Come on, come on, it's fun for you, I'll give you the somatosensory cabin, come on!'

'Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……'


The audience is buzzing with excitement!

Pure Black, on the other hand, wants to die!

Taking heavy steps, I returned to the room with the rocking chair. Taking advantage of the fact that the light was still on and the pure blackness calmed my mind a little, I managed to finish solving the pre-puzzle.

That's right.

This level is the level with the most complex puzzle-solving elements in the entire game, and the overall performance is quite exquisite——

The entire level starts from the 1:1 puppet lying on the platform in the middle of the room.

Players need to dismantle the puppets to obtain the passwords and clues to open the doors to various rooms in the basement.

In the process, players also visited most of the basements.

Of course.

Strolling the streets is not for free.

You can guess it with just a little thinking - the reason why the old thief asked you to go shopping by solving puzzles is to familiarize you with the terrain in advance.

As for why you are familiar with the terrain?

Do not ask.

Just asking will help later.

"No... ugh... I'm really in trouble... Damn it..."

Pure Black obviously knows this truth.

After all, the golden wind caused too much psychological trauma to him.

He is more familiar with this set of "warm-up activities" than anyone else.

It doesn't look like there's any danger.

But it’s precisely because of this!

As the puzzle progresses, it gets deeper and deeper!

That invisible sense of oppression is getting stronger and stronger!

This feeling is like throwing you into a secret room in advance and telling you: quickly familiarize yourself with the route. After the lights are turned off, Chu Renmei will sing songs all over the map to find you.

Who the hell can calm down and memorize the route?


With the final piece of the puzzle solved!

Pure Black followed the guidance and came to a dark well in the lower basement!

Obviously, this well is a tribute to "The Ring".

In the pitch-black environment, the faint light of the flashlight shone down to the bottom of the well.

Fine floating particles were flying in the wind, and there was darkness under the well mouth, like a black hole that swallowed up all the light sources around it.


The pure black vibrated.

After five minutes of mental preparation at the wellhead, I finally had the courage to climb down the ladder at the wellhead.


The old metal ladder made a hoarse groan in the small, dark wellhead.

Everything around me seemed to have lost its sound.

Only that disconcerting hollow sound kept lingering in my ears.

And the next second.


As his feet unexpectedly came into contact with a pool of dead well water that exuded a rotten smell.

Pure Hei felt that his fingertips were numb, and in his nervous throat, he kept praying softly:

"Don't, don't, don't...don't really come up with anything..."

"Please, please..."

"I really don't want to play anymore if something comes up..."

"I opened my eyes... I really opened my eyes...!"



Pure Black mustered up the courage and opened his eyes!

Anything happens.

Only a few ripples appeared in the stagnant water that smelled of decay.

There are various puppet heads and severed limbs floating on the water.



Chun Hei held his breath, resisting the violent beating of his heart, and pulled a mahogany box not far away.

As the wooden box was opened, a bunch of "keys to the safe" suddenly appeared.

Pure Black couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

There is hope.

He knew that next, he only needed to go to the elevator entrance - open the fuse box - get the puzzle key of the last door - open the last door and enter the room - find the fuse - return to the elevator to install it, and he would be done.

, leave this hellish place.

"Huh... I finally see hope..."

Pure Black said as he climbed up the ladder again:

"Hurry up and pass this level. I really can't bear it..."


Before he can finish his words!

The moment he climbed out of the well!



Then I heard an inarticulate cry of a baby coming from the direction of the basement.

The live broadcast room went dead silent for an instant!

Pure Black seemed to be offline, his whole body was frozen on the spot!

And at this moment, the barrage is even more horrifying——


'Don't be so mean, brother... Don't be so mean, brother!'

‘Holy shit, I’m wearing headphones, this damn sound effect really scared me!’

'This...he...is that a baby crying?'

'I'm so hot...'

'I suddenly thought of the freak in the pool in PT...'

‘Stop talking, brother, just let me beg you, okay? All I can think about now is that’

‘It’s 0:05 a.m. Beijing time now, old GTMD thief, I asked you why the birth of 8 was postponed by an hour and it was announced at 9 p.m.’

'We have calculated that the brothers will go straight to the underworld at around 12 o'clock in the morning, when the Yin Qi is the strongest, right?'

'Turn off the live sound! Turn on the music player! Good luck! Play!'

'I just put the phone away...'

‘Remind the little assistant when you go to the toilet: It’s still too late to pee’

‘Thank you toilet man’

'The young master was immobilized directly...'

'My heart rate is rocketing hahahahahaha...'

'Holy shit! Heart rate 140! It feels like the young master is about to be kicked...'

'The main thing is this...'


"Too! Hell! Time! It's over! -!!!"

Pure Black felt like his face was numb!

This environment! This atmosphere!

Did you suddenly make me a baby cry?

【Go quickly!】

Pure Black thought.

It was pitch black here, and when I looked back at the wellhead, it turned into a hollow darkness again. Who knew if something would follow me up from below?

It would be better for him to rush back to the main room as soon as possible, after all, there are still some lights there.

Although it's not bright, it's still better than the pitch black darkness here.


Pure Black took three steps and two steps at a time, quickly ran up the stone steps, followed the steps all the way up, opened the door in a panic, returned along the same route as he remembered, and turned a corner——!

I'm having fun!

Pure Black roared in his heart!

I saw that the main room, which was originally dimly lit, was now completely dark, with only the indicator light on the door still emitting a faint light!

What's even worse is that the indicator light is red!

For a moment, the main room, originally filled with puppet limbs and severed arms, looked like a horrifying perverted murderer's mansion against the backdrop of red warning lights, with "trophies" brought back by the murderer everywhere.

"Holy shit!"

Pure Black almost gritted his teeth and squeezed out a small cry, his whole spirit was already tense to the extreme!

And at this moment——


The radio in the room also rang again.

The indistinct sound of a woman crying, the murmuring of a baby, and the intermittent rustling of signals blended together.

It’s hard not to think of that terrifying night when you faced Lisa in the haunted house of Silent Hill!

"Distribution box - distribution box distribution box distribution box - quick, quick, quick -"

In an instant, the desire to survive drove Pure Black to step up his pace.


I really can't stand it.

Because he could obviously hear the baby's murmurs and cries, independent of the rustling radio noise, and it was getting closer and closer to him!

The key is!

Golden Wind deliberately obscured the source of the sound.

This leads to the sound from the main room that the creepy baby is always lingering around him, as if he may appear out of thin air at any time!

"Distribution box..."

"Let's go, let's go...go to the elevator quickly..."

"It doesn't matter...pure black...it doesn't matter...you can do it..."

"I'm not afraid...I'm not afraid...I'm not afraid of anything...Nothing can scare me..."

While chattering!

Pure Black flashed a flashlight as he passed through the blood-red door and groped along the corridor quickly.

According to the route, go out from the gate and turn left, go along the corridor, turn right, and then turn left to reach the elevator hall.

The route was not too complicated, and Pure Black's pace became faster and faster.

And here!

The baby's murmuring cry was like a demonic sound, lingering in his ears all the time!

Go quickly!

Go quickly!

Go quickly!

In the dark corridor, the weak flashlight light was dim and insignificant.

As he moved forward, there were more and more blood stains on the wall, and a greasy and bloody "intestine" appeared on the ground.


Pure Black, who was already numb all over, couldn't care about that much anymore and just trotted forward!

The long corridor seemed to have no end.

The sound of rapid breathing and heavy footsteps sounded panicked in the dead darkness.

Hurry up! It's almost there!

As long as you turn the corner in front, you can see the elevator hall!

Thinking of this, Pure Black couldn't help but step up his pace again, so much so that he didn't notice at all that the baby's cry had gradually changed from vague overtones to a clearly located sound source!


Just around the corner in front of him——!!!

A loud cry suddenly sounded!

A twisted and ugly giant humanoid flesh insect, half as tall as a man, suddenly poked its head out from around the corner!

On top of the huge gray-white head full of hyperplasia, the facial features are distorted, and the empty eyes emit a strange white light!

From the strangely opened huge mouthparts, bursts of piercing baby cries came out!

Horror and weird, merge into one at this moment!

Reach a new level of fear in this narrow, dark, musty corridor!


In the live broadcast room, a shrill scream suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, the prompts from the somatosensory cabin came one after another——

[Didi! It has been detected that blood pressure exceeds the standard, heart rate exceeds the standard, respiratory rate exceeds the standard, and adrenaline exceeds the standard... You have automatically disconnected from the somatosensory connection! 】

The live broadcast room exploded instantly——!



'Wo! De! Fa!'

'WDNMD really scared me, I even broke out in a cold sweat!'

‘Hahaha, here comes the freak~’

‘I’ve been blanched! It’s really the underworld, isn’t it? Is this something that can be designed by humans???’

'Holy crap! Lisa's baby has grown up!'

"It's now 12:10 in the morning. Thank you Golden Wind, I've already peed on the bed..."

'How are you, Master?'

‘The deceased’s mood was very stable before his grave’

'It scares me that the white hair on my head is sweating...'

‘My heart is pounding across the screen. It’s hard to imagine how big the young master’s psychological shadow is in the somatosensory scene...’

‘I would call it the most hellish game level in history’

'The lights have been turned on, that's good, don't sleep again tonight...'

‘I’m really trembling, what a long and chic little girl!’

'Come on! Give me a change of pants!'


Scared away!

The whole crowd screamed!

You know, the level of horror in this level, even in Gu Sheng's previous life, the performance on the console platform was enough to be called an explosion!

There are even many people who are stuck on this level. They just wait for the guide explanation to be online and follow the video step by step before they can barely pass it!

Not to mention that now, it has also landed in the somatosensory cabin and has become an immersive somatosensory game!

And with this bridge, Golden Wind also created an extremely abstract data achievement——

In a single level, the world’s first drop rate is 100%!

Send them all!

All players around the world who have purchased this game will be kicked out if they encounter this level during the first round of the game!

Without exception!

completely annihilated!

In fact, even if some players can rely on their keen sense of smell to sense danger ahead, they can decisively turn around after the baby's cry becomes clearer and avoid this initial kill.

I only escaped the first grade of junior high school, but not the fifteenth grade.

Because next!

Players need to find ways to avoid the freak while being pursued by taking detours, open the elevator fuse box, and get the key to the last door.

Then use this key to open the room with the fuse, take the fuse back and put it in the elevator fuse box.

During this period, players will have countless opportunities to face the freaks!

The cries of babies in the underworld will follow each other as if they are everywhere, and the unclear "baba——" in the murmur is even more terrifying and numb!

And what is even more hellish than this is——

Theoretically, what the players have done is to transfer the "basement power supply" fuse to the "elevator power supply" fuse box.


Once you pull out the fuse in the room.

Then the entire basement will become pitch black!

Even the emergency lights in the elevator hall will turn into darkness!

And the moment you pull out the fuse, the freak will be refreshed to the door of the room and open the door to enter the room!

Block people directly!

at this time!

If you don't hide under the bed or in the cupboard immediately, you will have a "love kiss" with the freak and be swallowed up by it!


It's like hell has reached its extreme.

The structure of the basement itself is narrow and cramped.

Now coupled with the chase is a giant freak that is slowly making a horrifying cry.

The horror level of the entire game is directly maxed out, and the sense of oppression is like the flowing water of the Yangtze River, which makes people almost breathless.

Some anchors were crazy and lost, and some were screaming and crying. For a time, the entire live broadcast circle was filled with mourning, everyone was screaming to avoid the abnormality, while greeting Gu Sheng cordially——

"I love you to death, Gu Sheng! I love you so much, you little cutie! I can't wait to give you a hug! Hey, hey, hey... don't, don't, don't chase me... I was wrong!!!"

"You ****! What a **** you are! You are my father, okay? If you have the spirit, go find the Golden Wind! Stop chasing me, wuwuwu——"

"Stop crying, Dad... Just stop crying! Damn, I almost want to cry... My face is numb..."



Even if some players finally bypassed the abnormality, got the fuse, and put the fuse into the elevator fuse box to complete the task!

This level in the underworld will also give you a "parting surprise"!

at this time!

The freak will appear at the door of the elevator hall, approaching the player step by step, crying.

And all the players can do is watch it walking towards them little by little, waiting desperately for the slow elevator to arrive!

The ultimate sense of oppression!

All the anchors were really scared crazy, the effect was explosive!

One was like a gorilla shaking the elevator door wildly.

Some were paralyzed on the ground, wishing they could turn into pieces of paper and squeeze into the fence.

Some of them just closed their eyes and waited for death.

Another screamed and slapped the upward button of the elevator, hoping to shoot out sparks!

And finally!

In the precise route time calculation of Golden Wind, the players can finally squeeze into the elevator at the last second and in front of the freak.


This "parting shot" is enough to leave the most profound and terrifying mark in the gaming career of all players——


PS: Cold + stomach flu, I feel like I'm going to burp. Shareholders should take care of themselves. Colds seem to be very popular recently.

This chapter has been completed!
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