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Chapter 575 Global uproar! Thousands of people are calling for shit to come out!

Wait a minute!

Wait wait wait wait wait!!

Wait for a fucking moment!!!

For a moment, Dream didn't even take a step and walked out!

Because everything around me is so familiar!

Dream suddenly realized with horror that this official version of "On the Eve of Catastrophe", compared with the demo version that was criticized at the previous E3 exhibition, it seems that not only the opening CG has not changed at all...

And everything in the game!!!

To know!

According to what Yunwei said!

The rough trial version that was shown at the E3 exhibition was a small demo they made when the project was first established!

What is a small demo!

It is used to display the basic structure of the game and express the basic framework of the overall concept of the game!

The main function of this framework is to show investors the general idea of ​​the game!

The model can be made as rough as possible, and the rendering can be done as easily as possible. It is the most basic and lowest-level rough architecture, with no industrial technology at all!

After all, the original function of the demo does not include the display of industrial technology!

That is to say.

If you compare a complete game to a house with fine carvings, stable structure and beautiful decoration.

So the small demo is the sales model of this house.

Yes, a demo is just a concept display. It’s not even a blank, it’s just a model.


At the E3 exhibition, Yunwei was criticized for taking out this model.

Fortunately, their explanation was timely and reasonable, which not only calmed the storm, but also further raised players' expectations for this game.

But now!

The official version is lifted!

The quality of the game is still the same as the previous demo, but the resolution of the textures has been slightly improved!

For a moment, Dream couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded!

No...no, no!

No! Right! Great!

For the first time in Dream's life, he had such a strong sense of foreboding because of a game!

Ignoring the barrage of question marks and doubts, Dream hurriedly opened the door and walked out of the safe house!

Before solving the doubts of the barrage viewers, he had to solve his own doubts first!

"This thing...can't be done..."

at the same time!

Not just a dream!

As the review editor of SNG, Simon is also experiencing this game, and he also has a bad premonition that can be called fear!

To be honest, Simon has been doing game reviews for so many years and has seen a lot of good and bad games.

And as of now!

The only game that can be regarded as refreshing the upper and lower limits of his knowledge is only one——

"Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II"

The emergence of this masterpiece has undoubtedly refreshed his cognitive ceiling for "good games". The legend created by legends has greatly raised his cognitive ceiling for game production.

And now, he is experiencing this "Eve of Catastrophe"!

It seemed that he was falling crazily towards an abyss that he could not even imagine, at a speed that exceeded the limit of imagination!

A game.

A manufacturer.

You can’t…right???

Simon, who has always been very knowledgeable about games, analyzed and analyzed them thoroughly, and was a good talker, was speechless and choked at this moment!

With incredible doubts!

Simon followed the UI prompts, crossed the street in a familiar way, and came to the door of the tool store across the street.

Everything is exactly the same as the demo at the E3 exhibition.

And next!

Simon knows!

Next, is the moment to truly “witness the miracle”!


As Simon opens the door of the tool store!


As expected, there was a loud noise, and the "veteran actor" zombie suddenly jumped out from the counter next to it, and gave Simon a hard bite on the wrist!

Simon, who turned over and sat up, waved his fist nervously and punched the first punch in the official version of the game!


No change! No change! No change!

Nothing has changed!

Still that stiff and sluggish body feeling!

It’s still the same move without any change!

Straight punches and straight kicks, super long and stiff!

The same process with no optimized feel!

After Simon killed the zombies with three punches and two kicks, he started to rummage through the shelves!

The bigger one is coming——

The search UI interface with the progress bar spinning on one side was like a huge piece of shit, and it slapped Simon in the face once again!

I fuck your mother——!!!

Simon roared like the melee mage Liu Haizhu!

This is just a fucking demo of a clear filter mod!

Nothing has changed!

What! Damn! All! Damn - no! Change! Change!


It seems that because the map of the official version is wider, the optimization of the game seems extremely difficult, and the item search UI interface in front of us is not very smooth!

A moment!

Simon only felt a surge of anger, like a nuclear bomb launched by Price, roaring and roaring straight into the sky!

"U fucking kidding me..."

"U! Fucking! Kidding! Me—U son of biiiiiiiiiiitch?!"


After taking a hot mouthful, Simon was furious!

I pushed out the door of the tool shop with a clang, walked onto the street, and headed straight to the east side!

Because judging from the map, the road closest to the edge of the area specified in the previous demo is this straight avenue heading east!

Even if he eats shit, he still has to eat it clearly.

He wanted to see what Yunwei had done besides this thing!

Walk all the way and see all the way!

The "surprises" along the way make people "excited"——!

There is no such alert, vigilant, and oppressive zombie tide in the promotional video.

Not to mention the tide of zombies, there were very few zombies on the entire wide avenue, and all of them were slow, sluggish and stiff!

In the promotional video, there are abundant supplies, but there are not all buildings that can be entered.

There are not many buildings on the street itself, and there are even fewer that can be entered and explored. Even if there are sporadic buildings for exploration, their internal structures are highly consistent, and there are no available resources at all!

As for the so-called alternation of day and night in the promotional video, there is no such thing as wind, frost, rain or snow.

On the way forward, although time is constantly changing, the overall environment in the game has not changed at all. The sun is always in that fixed position, the light and darkness remain unchanged, and wind, frost, rain and snow are even more nonsense.


The awesomeness of this game doesn’t stop there!

Halfway through the journey, Simon tried to search for abandoned cars on the street. However, a sudden vicious bug actually caused the car door model to get stuck. A huge "ERROR" word appeared majestically on the car door.

In front of him!

His huge model passed through vehicles, through trees, through buildings, and even through his body!

And after that!

Simon finally found a bicycle for riding on the street. He originally thought that riding on the road would save some time, but unexpectedly, a vicious bug caused by the wrong collision volume directly caused the game to completely crash!

What’s even more amazing!

When he reconnected, the game went back to when he just left the tool store!

Abstraction is constantly being performed.

Anger is constantly accumulating.

There is no actual machine in the so-called actual machine promotional video.

But on the eve of Yunwei's catastrophe, it actually brought about a catastrophe.


Just when everyone saw this, they thought this was the final form of this unprecedented reply!

As Simon grits his teeth and persists to the edge of the previous demo map, he enters a brand new land!

"Eve of Catastrophe", a veritable "reply game", has finally been elevated to the level of a "fraud project" that was not originally a game!

Black screen!


With up to twenty-eight seconds to load!

A scene that shocked players around the world and caused an uproar in the world's gaming industry - the full picture of the 'seamless large map' on the eve of the catastrophe - was then presented!

Completely copy-pasted tree modeling.

Apply nested and repeated building materials.

The overall image quality is rough and crude.

Exactly the same zombie action simulation.

There's shoddy appropriation of free material everywhere.

Everything you can see is dull, stereotyped and crude scene settings.

The landmark buildings in the previous promotional videos were jagged and rough, clearly representing distant views.

The shoddy and dull supermarkets in the promotional videos were clearly just thrown away.

There are no vast cities, no terrifying zombie waves, no exquisite buildings, and no depressing atmosphere.

The gameplay has been severely emasculated, leaving only the simplest survival.

The picture has been infinitely lowered, exuding the atmosphere of the previous era.

The optimization is poor, the body feels stiff, bugs are constant, crashes and files are destroyed.

It is no exaggeration to say that any of the problems Simon has encountered in this game today are enough to cause a game to suffer a devastating blow.

And now!

"The Eve of Catastrophe"

This masterpiece!

He actually managed to do everything right!

This is not a game.

Simon understood.

This is a challenge letter.

This is a letter that challenges the endurance limit of today's somatosensory game players.

This is a letter challenging the extreme mentality of all junk game hunters around the world.

This is a challenge to the lowest level of inferior games, and a challenge to the critical point from the game level to the legal level.

It’s not like Simon has never played rubbish games.

I have been working as a game review editor for so many years, from being an unknown game enthusiast to joining SNG as a review editor, to my current position as editor-in-chief.

He has played countless eye-catching games, some of which even made him feel physically nauseous.


The eve of this catastrophe!

But it brought him a new experience that he had never had before!

In addition to the psychological and physical disgust, what made Simon feel even more uncomfortable was its extremely despicable and despicable "fraudulent propaganda" that even touched the bottom line of the law!


That’s it!

Everyone can see it——!

Previously, the so-called "real-game promotional video" that shocked all players and was widely reported and released by various media and caused a stir in the industry was clearly a huge scam!

It is a shocking lie created by the seamless UI interface of animated CG!

From beginning to end!

"Before the Cataclysm" never reaches the quality shown in the promotional video, and the many gameplays are just empty pie!

The whole game!

It’s all a complete and shocking fraud!

But now, as the truth of this scam is finally revealed, the whole world is in an uproar!

A real "catastrophe" swept over like a tsunami of destruction——!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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