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Chapter 72 You are more awesome than agarwood

 Not bad!

After months of development and polishing!

Just two and a half months after China Entertainment Television announced it with great fanfare, but Shen Miaomiao had no idea about it!

The road to survival has finally completed all projects, fixed all known bugs as much as possible, and passed the national somatosensory cabin entertainment electronic product safety assessment!

Got the release number.

It is scheduled to be officially launched on the art game platform on Qingming Festival!

10.85 million yuan!

This is Golden Wind’s first work with an investment of over 10 million since its establishment!

In order to complete the development, Golden Wind has tried its best!

Almost all game profits are invested into this project as much as possible after being withdrawn!

From Shen Miaomiao's point of view, this was a desperate act!

With a 100-fold rebate card in hand, once she loses all her money, she will receive nearly 1.1 billion in funds in an instant!

At that time, she will achieve wealth and freedom on the spot, realize her dream of life, break away from her father's life arrangement, become a woman as free as the wind, buy a yacht of her own, swim in the sea, and travel around the world!

As for the golden wind!

Of course, she won't just shut down, but will withdraw one to two hundred million from her own funds and inject it into the company as restart capital.

After that, he handed it over to Gu Sheng, allowing Gu Sheng to use it as a starting point to start again, realize his ideals, and reach the pinnacle of life!

At that time, if the company makes a profit, Gu Sheng is willing to pay her a dividend of 1.8 million yuan every year.

It doesn't matter if Gu Sheng doesn't want to, she doesn't expect those 1.8 million to live anyway.

This is Shen Miaomiao's ideal situation.

On the other hand, look at the Iron Triangle!

The three people headed by Gu Sheng also regarded this project as a life-threatening blow!

As the pioneering work of the second generation FPS!

Audio-Technica has received the greatest support from the company, so it will naturally repay the company's trust with the best results!

Moreover, in the eyes of the Audio-Technica, this is a gamble that can only succeed and cannot fail!

On the one hand, the game market is very rough, and most of the time, success and failure happen in an instant.

If this work explodes, then the name of the second-generation FPS will also be established; on the other hand, if it fails, then the second-generation FPS will become one of the biggest laughing stocks in the gaming industry and will never recover.

On the other hand, they don’t know that little Nezha has a BUG-level system!

In other words, from Audio-Technica's point of view, this work, which has absorbed almost all of the company's profits, will fail!

Its impact on the Golden Wind will be devastating!

There is Shen Capital behind Xiao Nezha.

If others don’t know, don’t they still know?

Then Shen Capital is just a name!

From the establishment of the company to now, we have not funded them at all, and it is impossible to fund them!

Once it fails!

When Little Nezha returns home, he will either directly inherit the family business, or inherit the family business in disguise through a business marriage!

And the three of them are looking for other jobs!


This worst-case outcome doesn't sound particularly bad.

After all, little Nezha will not go bankrupt, and as a supernova, Gu Sheng is now a very popular figure in the domestic gaming circle.

Even if he fails, there are still people rushing to get him, and with the system in hand, there is no need to worry about not being able to make a comeback.


Gu Sheng just didn't want to see this ending!

Although I don't know why.

But he just felt vaguely that he couldn't accept this failure at all!

Absolutely not!

The wind blows and Qingming comes!

Eight o'clock sharp in the evening!

Under the all-round platform announcement and recommendation of Yiyou again!

"Road to Survival"

Online on time!!!

“It’s Chinese New Year! It’s Chinese New Year! It’s Chinese New Year!!!”

At eight o'clock in the evening, Sister Zhou appeared in the live broadcast room on time!

Put on the specially customized extra-long watermelon strip plush hood and start getting started!

"Family members... who knows..."

""Long 4 Survival" is finally officially launched..."

"The ticket didn't bounce...I'm so happy..."

The barrage is numb, and the screen is full of [bad luck]!

‘You’re really going to lower your head!’

‘Tsk, as soon as I opened Shark, I saw Puxin Watermelon on the homepage. Unlucky...'

'Fuck! You still have to look after me, Sister Zhou, to do the whole job!'

'Can't you...can you do some work in the underworld?'

‘Everyone else is pretending to be abstract, but you and Brother Yaoshui are the only ones on the whole platform who are really fucking abstract’

‘Abstract? Where is abstract? Who is abstract? (Brother Shengzi probes)’

‘Hahahahaha, yes, there is also the golden wind’

‘I’m really numb at this time. The game will be online during Qingming Festival, and only Golden Wind can do this’

'Stop beeping! Hurry! Summon Captain Yin! Survive!'

‘I can’t survive a single day of this April! Just wait for today!’

‘The days when I have no chance of survival, I feel like there are ants crawling all over my body, finally I have waited (yawned, shed tears, twisted all over)’

'Brother, your withdrawal reaction is too strong...'



Much anticipated! Long-awaited!

Seeing that gifts were already flying in the live broadcast room before the live broadcast even started, Sister Zhou couldn't help but feel excited!

Throw away the watermelon strips!

"Exactly!!! I have been practicing my aim every day for more than two months! Today I have to prove something to you!"

"Special Forces Soldier Zhou Shuyi! Apply to fight!!!"

The words have not yet been spoken!

Pineapple’s WeChat number came over:

"Zhouzhou! Zhouzhou! I'm waiting for you! Come quickly!"

"Oh! It's coming, it's coming!"


The survival team assembles again!

It's still the same as before, with A Yin leading the team and Liuliu, Sister Zhou and Bobo as team members.

After an absence of more than two months, A Yin felt a surge of excitement when he stood on the rooftop again!

After the re-improvement of Golden Wind in recent days, the actual picture quality of the game has been improved visibly to the naked eye.

Whether it is the delicacy of scene modeling, lighting quality, gun floodlight, etc., they have all reached a new level.

Although as Gu Sheng said, due to financial constraints, their picture quality is still not up to the level of Xundo's "Fearless Sniper".

But the overall quality is already very good and the experience is full of immersion.

"Tell me a few words!"

Organizing his team again, A Yin cleared his throat and said in the team voice:

"Two months of training! I believe our team has made a qualitative leap in technology!"

"Today! It's time to test us!"

"Then next, shout out our slogan——!!!"

Say it!

Just listen to Sister Zhou and the three of them saying in unison:

"Three points and one line——! Aim and hit again——!"


The barrage made me laugh on the spot!

'My assessment is - it's hard to hold on'

'Hahahahahahaha, what a psychological shadow this has caused to the boss...'

‘I was drinking water and sprayed it all over the keyboard’

'My mom told me to get out and laugh'

‘It’s such a great show, I would rate it on par with Ghost Hunters’

'Isn't this fucking better than the Spring Festival Gala?'

‘I always feel that this slogan reveals an unlucky atmosphere from the inside out’

'I seem to have seen the ending...'


In the live broadcast room, the audience burst into laughter.

But Captain Yin was very satisfied with the three people’s answers: “Yes! Very good! Very energetic!”

As he said that, he saw A Yin lift the fire ax and wave his hand!

"Open the door! Follow me and charge!"


The rooftop door opened, and the group of people went down the stairs with familiarity, and came to the familiar yet unfamiliar stairwell again.

As the four of them went all the way down, the name of the level also faintly appeared in the heads-up display of the three of them - Death Center.

The reason why it is said to be familiar is because the stairwell is the same as the scene setting in the previous demo. The way downstairs is blocked and the familiar fire door is closed.

The reason why it is unfamiliar is because in the official version, Gu Sheng added flame effects to some obstacles.

The entire stairwell was filled with fire and smoke.

Just looking at it makes me feel choked.

For a time, a chaotic atmosphere filled the air, and several people in the team were a little nervous.


A Yin pushed open the fire door.

Above the corridor, there was also a fire shooting into the sky, the flames were roaring, and blue-black billowing smoke was rising, billowing at the top of the corridor.

And at the end of the corridor, there is still the familiar zombie guy.

But this time, A Yin did not choose a pistol, but held on to the fire ax.

During the demo experience before, he wanted to try this thing.

It's a pity that before it could be used, it was shot to death by good teammates.

This time, he got to experience the feel of close combat.

"The distance between this zombie and the zombie wave is too close,"

A Yin turned around and confessed:

"As soon as it falls, the group of corpses will definitely be disturbed. I will lure them over at that time. Please pay attention and be sure to——"

"Aim and hit again!!!"

Captain Yin was obviously psychologically affected by his three team members, and he gave repeated instructions.

"Okay!" Liuliu nodded.

"No problem!" Bobo promised.

"Captain Yin, just go with peace of mind!" Sister Zhou made a cheering gesture.

A Yin opened his mouth: "...Jie Nima doesn't sound like a good word."

Muttered something!

A Yin didn't hesitate, picked up the fire ax, and tiptoed behind the zombie.

The arm holding the fire ax was slowly raised, exerting all his strength!

This was a subconscious move by A Yin.

After all, this is a somatosensory cabin. In this immersive atmosphere, people will always make instinctive actions.

Of course!

In A Yin's view, this is just a kind of inner comfort.

After all, in the games he played before, no matter how hard he used, the effect of cutting down with a cold weapon was the same.

It's nothing more than a blood spurt on the zombie's head, then the ragdoll system starts up, and it falls to the ground with a thud.

Then, I heard A Yin shout loudly!




A rounded ax can chop through Mount Huashan!

The next second, a sharp fire ax was seen, like chopping firewood, from top to bottom, splitting the zombie in half!


The blood rushed out like a splash, splashing all over A Yin's face, and even his vision was filled with blood!

And as the body divided into two parts fell, fragments of plasma also covered the corridor floor!

A Yin’s pupils are earthquake!

at this time!

He finally remembered that the one that was specially marked by Golden Wind before various exemption clauses and was customized by Huayu Electronics under strict specifications——

Level 16+(M)!


Just two years ago, in order to standardize the game market and encourage the development of somatosensory cabin games in a good, stable and healthy environment, China Entertainment Electronics took the lead and with the active cooperation of relevant departments, the game grading system was implemented.

The game "Long 4 Dead" has been specially classified as a youth restricted category because of the large number of bloody and violent scenes!

At first, A Yin didn't care. After all, he had seen too many shooting games, which were just about pumping blood.

But I never expected it.

With the blessing of Gu Sheng's ingenious "limb removal system", the expression of complete death of zombies is so outrageous!

The key is!

Golden Wind controls the level of bloodiness just right!

Whether it's a huge amount of bleeding or a broken limb, it's all at the balance point between reality and virtuality!

Not only will it not make people feel uncomfortable, but it will even give you a bit of...the refreshing feeling of chopping melons and vegetables???

"Wo! De! Fa!!!"

A Yin was shocked!

A Yin, who had never experienced this kind of kill feedback system, cursed on the spot!

And the next second!


The live broadcast room was blocked on the spot——

[The anchor is suspected of violating the rules and is being rectified, please wait...]

The barrage exploded!!!

‘I’m going to blanch! This amount of bleeding!!!’

‘Hahahahahaha, I destroyed the live broadcast room with an axe…’

'Back then, Agarwood didn't have such visual impact when he killed people, but you are even more awesome than Agarwood!'

'WDNMD is too exaggerated! Really! This damn effect is really too exaggerated!'

‘As expected of 16+! It’s worth it!!!’

'Fuck...this game...fuck...'

‘As we all know, words cannot convey sound (funny)’

'First of all, I'm not a pervert, and secondly, this really seems too decompressive (crying)'

'Helan does not support...'


'I thought the ragdoll system alone was the limit of killing performance, but this limb-severing system is really outrageous, outrageous...'

'Is it okay, boss! I can't stand it anymore! If you don't broadcast it, I'll go play by myself!'

'Team up, team up, team up...leave your IDs, brothers!'

'I feel like there are ants crawling all over my body...'

'Me too, the withdrawal reaction is getting stronger and stronger...'


And just when the audience of Yiyoux1 in the live broadcast room were ready to try it out for themselves!

"I'm back, I'm back, I'm sorry..."

A Yin started the live broadcast again:

"I'm sorry, everyone, I really didn't pay attention to the rating at first. I was reminded by the supervisor that the live broadcast room has been rated and can broadcast normally."

Hearing this, the audience looked over one after another and saw that the popularity of the live broadcast room at this time had indeed dropped by tens of thousands. It must be that some viewers under the age of 16 were automatically kicked out.


The live broadcast room is still hot!

After all, only a small portion of the audience is subject to rating restrictions!

In fact, the barrage enthusiasm is even higher than before!

‘I will brag about the classification system for the rest of my fucking life!!!’

'Thank you China Entertainment Television! If it wasn't rated, this game probably wouldn't have passed the review!'

‘I don’t have much talent, so I’ll give it to China Entertainment Television’

'By the way, I'll give Brother Shengzi another thumbs up. This limb-severing system is so cool...'

'Then I'll give it to the art modeling team, the visual effect is so good...'

'And me, I give a thumbs up to the programming team, the overall performance is great...'

‘Then I’ll give one to Mr. Ou, thanks for the product...’

'Oh! It's really the Qingming Festival! As soon as I entered the live broadcast room, I saw a group of people visiting the graves...'



PS: Please use your monthly ticket to beat me to death! More updates will be added tomorrow!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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