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Chapter 86 Expired Graduates

 Three days later!

Binjiang University, Zhixue Plaza.

The red flag is waving and there are huge crowds of people!

The annual campus recruitment event was held as scheduled at Binjiang University.

Large and medium-sized enterprises from all over the country have set up stalls in Zhixue Square, and there is an endless stream of students seeking jobs.

And among them!

The small booth near the north side is particularly eye-catching.

Because looking at the whole venue, only the front of the stage has the most people, and there is an endless stream of people interviewing!

Gu Sheng sat under the small red banner of [Golden Wind Game], looking at the pile of resumes in front of him with a resentful expression.


Golden Wind finally participated in the school recruitment activity.

Not only because of Shen Miaomiao's positive attitude towards cooperation, but also because Professor Lin promised them that as long as Golden Wind comes to recruit students, no matter what the result is, Gu Sheng and the others will be exempted from the assessment and defense of their graduation works and will be directly awarded bachelor's degree certificates. and diploma.

This condition was impossible for the three of them to refuse.

Because since joining Golden Wind, the three of them really have no time to prepare papers and works, let alone make any preparation for the defense.

"Be happy, Director Gu!"

Seeing Gu Sheng's dejected face, Shen Miaomiao patted his shoulder and stuffed a lollipop into his mouth:

"There are so many lovely classmates, so many young and immature juniors. How can you greet them with this expression? It seems that our Golden Wind has no vitality and vitality."

"Then this position is for you?"

Gu Sheng rolled his eyes and made a gesture to get up.

"No, no, no, you better come,"

Shen Miaomiao smiled coquettishly and pushed Gu Sheng back onto the seat:

"I don't understand your profession, so I won't choose blindly."

Shen Miaomiao felt a little frightened when she mentioned the interview.

Because so far, she has only conducted one interview as the main interviewer, and she has only interviewed one person.

That is Gu Sheng.

Out of ten thousand money-losing heads, she chose this money tree.

So far, she has tried her best and has only lost a little over one hundred and ten thousand.

What if she wins another jackpot?

The consequences could be disastrous.

Therefore, Shen Miaomiao wisely chose to retreat this time and gave up the interviewer's seat to Gu Sheng.

Gu Sheng has a big head.

Because so far, more than 95% of the nearly two hundred people he has initially interviewed have failed.

Among the ten people who initially passed the interview, only two were considered satisfactory.

One is a classmate from the same department as him. His surname is Kai, his single name is Lang, and he is cheerful.

Although his name is very cheerful, he is not cheerful at all. Instead, he is an extremely boring guy. After three years in the same department, Gu Sheng doesn't even have the slightest impression of this person.

However, although this guy is a boring gourd, he is a good programmer and has even written a high-quality engine himself. He is a rare talent.

As for the other one, she is a sassy junior girl with high ponytail and colorful arms. Her name is Jiang Shan. She is a junior this year and specializes in art modeling.

The first thing I said when I sat down was, can I get an autograph?

Gu Sheng had seen this kind of request many times, so he immediately signed one on the single page and gave it to his junior sister, causing Shen Miaomiao next to him to curl his lips.


But the little junior sister with flowery arms pushed the signature back, a little embarrassed and said that what she wanted was actually the signature of senior brother Xu Dajiang.

Shen Miaomiao next to her was made to laugh, and she repeatedly patted Gu Sheng on the shoulder, mocking her.

Gu Sheng was speechless, but after getting to know her better, he discovered that although this little junior girl with flowery arms looked carefree and even a little out of line, she was uniquely talented in art, especially in scene design, and her work style was grand.

Even some scenes don't look like they could be constructed by a girl. They are cold and solid, and full of steely style with a sense of future technology.

Two hundred interviews!

Leave ten people behind!

Two people stand out!

This pass rate really makes Gu Sheng feel a little tired.

Smashing the lollipop in his mouth, Gu Sheng sighed:

"It seems that it is really difficult to form a team of 15-20 people in school recruitment."

After hearing this, Shen Miaomiao scratched her head, somewhat puzzled.

Isn’t it just a cooking competition game? Does it need so many people?

“Can’t it be done even with ten people and outsourcing?”

"Not sure,"

Gu Sheng shook his head:

"If this 10-person team is all seasoned, experienced, and willing to work overtime, with the help of outsourced production, it should be barely enough,"

"But the thing is...it's all newbies,"

"The three of us almost have to work hand in hand to make them adapt to the real-life project, but we don't have much time left,"

"It's difficult to do..."

no experience.

This is the main reason why Gu Sheng does not want to be recruited by the school.

In fact, he is not resisting school recruitment, but resisting school recruitment "at this point in time".

College students are of high quality, passionate, ideal and ambitious, and they focus on repaying kindness. As long as the rewards are given, your life will be yours. They are definitely the most ideal employee candidates for Golden Wind.

But the problem is!

At the end of the month, the PUBG project will be approved. After the project is approved, it will start actual development. They really don’t have much time to familiarize these new recruits with the battlefield.

Holding hands one by one... Gu Sheng always felt unsure.

Moreover, I am also worried that I do not have the energy.

Seeing Gu Sheng's frown, Shen Miaomiao felt a little guilty.

But more happy!

Hi hi hi hi!

Lao Gu's expression clearly indicates that the progress of the project will be very difficult!

Once the project runs into adversity, the quality of the final product will definitely not be high!

Hit the streets!

It means that my aunt and I will make a lot of money!

Thinking of this, Shen Miaomiao quietly made an apologetic face to Gu Sheng:

Sorry Lao Gu, it was not my intention to stab you in the back, it was mainly because the system gave you too much!

Just be patient. When I buy a big yacht, I will definitely invite you on board to have fun!

Just thinking about it!


I saw another interviewer sitting on the small bench in front of me.

But when the two of them looked up, they were both stunned.

However, I saw that the man in front of me was at least thirty years old. He had a plain appearance, wore a plaid shirt, and carried a shoulder bag cross-body. He looked like a programmer's stereotype.


Gu Sheng was even a little confused.

After all, he has been a man for two generations and has a lot of experience in reading people. He can tell at a glance that the person in front of him definitely does not look anxious.

Because this man's eyes showed that he was dusty, and he looked like he had been struggling in society for many years.

Gu Sheng opened his mouth: "Who are you?"

"My name is Jiang Yun,"

As he spoke, the man in plaid shirt took out a resume from his shoulder bag and respectfully presented it with both hands:

"This is my resume, please take a look."

Gu Sheng took the resume and looked down at it.

Just look at this resume, which is simple and exquisite.

Shen Miaomiao on the side also stretched her head to look over curiously——

Name: Jiang Yun


Birthplace: Binjiang

Time in business: 10 years

Educational background: Bachelor's degree in electronic engineering technology from Binjiang University

Experience: Deputy Director of Game Project Operation and Maintenance, Deputy Director of Game Project Planning, Game Project Director, etc.


Shen Miaomiao's head was buzzing as she looked at the string of dazzling career experiences.

This belongs to his grandma.

This is not at the same level as the vice president of the student union, deputy director of the art club, and director of the radio station on those resumes just now, holy shit!!!

Deputy director of operation and maintenance! Deputy director of planning! Game project director!

We are recruiting from school, Wori!

This is not social recruitment!

Even if you graduated from Binjiang University, it has been at least ten years since then. You have expired so long ago!

Seeing that another big daddy was about to come in, Shen Miaomiao panicked.

"Uh this... that... um..."

Shen Miaomiao gave an awkward yet polite smile to the boss named Jiang Yun:

"I'm sorry, we are recruiting 'fresh' graduates, you..."

But before she could finish her words!

Just beside me, I heard Gu Sheng's cold voice:

"You dare to sit in front of me, and you're not afraid that I'll slap you with my big mouth?"


As soon as these words came out, Shen Miaomiao could not help but tremble in her heart.

She and Gu Sheng have been together for such a long time, and Lao Gu has always looked like a smiling old silver coin. He is very kind to everyone, doesn't care when he laughs or scolds, and has a great personality.

She has never seen Gu Sheng's tone so bad!

"Lao Gu,"

Shen Miaomiao didn't know why Gu Sheng suddenly got so angry, but she instinctively touched his back and said softly:

"What are you doing? It's not serious. Why did you lose your temper suddenly?"

In Shen Miaomiao's view, the man named Jiang Yun in front of him was just a little too old.

There is absolutely no need for Lao Gu to lose his temper.


The next second, Gu Sheng slapped the resume on the table and pointed at the "Past Works" column with his hand.

Look in the direction of Gu Sheng's finger.

I saw the titles of three games written in that column——

"Fantasy Contest", "Brothers Adventure", "Bullet Shell"

Shen Miaomiao's expression froze.

She doesn’t know about other games, but she doesn’t know about the game “Brothers’ Adventure”!

Why did she go to Zhongjing in a fit of rage, turning Yiyou upside down and beating Yan Sheng to pieces!

It’s because the production company of this game conducted shameless behind-the-scenes operations on the vampire survivors of Golden Wind!

That is to say!

The man in front of me now...

He was the game director of Starlight Games at that time?!

In this way, Shen Miaomiao could completely understand where Gu Sheng's temper came from.

Even Shen Miaomiao herself frowned and buttoned up her resume!

"You are not welcome to the golden wind."

After saying that, Shen Miaomiao waved her hand, signaling Jiang Yun to go back to where he came from and get out of here.

At this moment, look at Jiang Yun again!

He seemed to have anticipated Gu Sheng and Shen Miaomiao's reactions, and bowed to them with a guilty look on his face.

Then, he bit his lip and whispered:

"I...I know it's very abrupt for me to come to the interview rashly,"

"But can you please give me a little time and give me a chance to introduce you to job applications? Thank you."


This "expired graduate" is sitting in front of the Golden Wind recruitment center.

It is the former Starlight Game project director who once entered the small game market with a fantasy game, and then plummeted due to a brother's adventure——

Jiang Yun.

Time goes back to yesterday.

"The Asian E-Sports Game Developers Conference is about to be held, and China Entertainment Electronics has announced the list of domestic game manufacturers participating in the conference"

"The golden wind is gaining momentum, aiming at the Asian Games"

"MFGA is about to be heard in Asia? Industry insiders analyze that Golden Wind will continue to produce FPS games this time!"

"Topping the list! What surprises will Golden Wind bring this time?"

"Innovation within innovation! Many senior game reviewers have judged that if you want to win the first place with the size of Golden Wind, you can only innovate again!"


In the underground parking lot, Jiang Yun sat in his Bora, which had been driven for more than ten years, flipping through his cell phone.

News items slide across the page.

He couldn't help but sigh.

However, more than half a year ago, Golden Wind was just a seedling-like game company, while Xingguang has been deeply involved in the industry for a long time and is a well-deserved T1-level small game company.

And now.

The Golden Wind has gradually grown from a small seedling into a tall and graceful tree, becoming more and more lush, and has even begun to set foot on intercontinental areas and extend its tentacles internationally.

But Xingmang had already changed his name and was hanging on for breath, half dead.


Since the Vampire Survivor incident, Yiyou has completely removed all Xingmang games from its shelves.

After learning about this incident, Xingmang's parent company immediately fired Chen Hang, then vice president, and told him to pack up his bed and get out of the house, fanning himself wherever he could.

Then backhand, Xingmang was renamed Xingrui, and at the expense of accepting a huge 50% commission, Xingrui was affiliated with the Xunteng gaming platform.

After that, he stopped paying attention and had an attitude of letting it fend for itself.

The newly transferred vice president also knew that he had been sent to the frontier, so he simply failed and showed no concern for the company's situation. His job every day was to fight Landlords, and he only focused on the company's overall development plan - copy.


As a result, Star Rui launched five Vampire Survivor-like games in just three months, imitating Vampire Survivor.

But with the exception of "Hustlers", which was relatively successful, the other works all received a mediocre response and did not make any splash.

Today, the entire company is in a state of being in a state of decline.

No innovation, no passion, waiting for slow death.

Jiang Yun knew that if this continued, the company would be doomed sooner or later, and he would also face unemployment.

But resigning now is not a wise choice because he has seniors and juniors.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun couldn't help lowering the window and lit a melancholy cigarette.

Everyone else is in their thirties.

But now, as I was about to reach my thirty-fifth birthday, not only did I fail to stand still, but I actually shriveled up.

Jiang Yun couldn't help but sigh when he thought that he was also an outstanding designer who once mastered Fantasy Hegemony and stood at the press conference and attracted bursts of applause from media players.

Why do I become more and more rebellious the longer I live?

While thinking about it, Jiang Yun flipped down the page on his phone.

Then, he discovered a piece of news——

"The big one is coming—Golden Wind officially announced its recruitment expansion today! It wants to make a big hit and compete in the Asian Games!"


PS: Asking for a monthly ticket

This chapter has been completed!
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