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Chapter 131 Symbolic Art

 After the four beauties were in place, Lin Miao’s shooting this time was different from the last time.

In the last filming, he seemed to be a little transparent, a faithful recorder who did not interfere with the situation, but this time, he made everyone on the scene realize that he was really a director.

Of course, for some people to make people realize that they are directors, they only need to hold a big speaker in their hands, have a follower, and a director's chair.

Lin Miao is alone, with a one-man shooting team, and no sidekicks to show off, so how can people realize that he is a serious director?

That’s when it’s time to look at professional martial arts.

The first trick for directing on-set is to tell the story.

However, Lin Miao has completed it before.

Now it's time to use the second ultimate move and explain the positioning.

Anyone who has watched Johnnie To's "Gunfire" knows that the positions of the five people in the film are classic, but few people know that such classic positions were actually improvised by the director on the spot.

A truly great director will definitely make real-time arrangements based on the situation on the scene. In other words, nothing is set in stone, even if there is a script.

There are many factors that can determine his immediate adjustment, such as light, wind, mood, etc.

Only those who can keenly capture on-site factors and make immediate creations can be called directors. If you only act according to the script and do not change according to the times, then you are a novice, or in other words, an enthusiast.<


A good director can "see" the finished film before shooting on site, so he has to make timely adjustments for the "finished film" in his mind.

However, not all good directors are famous directors.

That's the difference.

A famous director can change the shooting plan at will. On the contrary, like when Lin Miao shot the scene in the basement, the producer would restrain him and not change a single word.

Therefore, for the same director, a famous director is called on-site creation, while a non-famous director is just a "hand" at best, a hand of capital.

In fact, many of Lin Miao's colleagues now, such as several directors whom Rener has met, are just "hands", but they are all better at showing off than Lin Miao.

The key to pretending is not only to have a partner, that is, to be "trusted", but also to be able to deal with people. Not to say that you have both sides, but to suppress and manipulate others as much as possible. For example, use more professional terms,

Say more ambiguous nonsense.

As an otaku, Lin Miao is not good at this, so that's why she walked away in the basement.

In other words, it is rare to find a director like Lin Miao who relies on his ability to make a living.

This kind of director will either fail, and there is a high probability that he will not succeed, because it is too unconventional, or he will succeed, and this probability can be ignored.

From Lin Miao's serious attitude at this time, that is, his attitude of being dedicated to the matter itself, the four beauties at the scene can feel that he is really capable and must be trustworthy.

But having said that, his shooting method will be shut down as long as there are producers from the capital.

Even in Hollywood, there are no more than ten directors who can have the final say on the set.

"Isn't he holding back all his energy to realize his ambition?" Nuanre secretly told Bai Mei what he had discovered.

Bai Mei nodded and said: "Then let's cooperate well and help him."

"Okay, it doesn't cost anything anyway."

"Cough cough cough..." Zhou Ya reminded them to keep their voices down.

Rener raised his head and glanced in Lin Miao's direction to make sure he couldn't hear her, because he was using headphones to calibrate the recording equipment.

It is indeed rare for one person to take care of all the positions on the film crew.

Lin Miao gave the positioning arrangement of the four beauties, which is also commonly known as the positioning.

"Now, when we shoot the first shot of the first scene, I won't make any plans. I say that after the start, everyone will silently count for three seconds before entering the scene and starting the performance." Lin Miao said, "Everyone's movements are clearly remembered.

Are you ready? Let’s walk through the mirror first.”

Well, it’s really troublesome.

One scene has to be shot so many times and auditions are required. Fortunately, everyone comes here based on interest. If this is to make money, it will cost the old nose.

To put it another way, today, business has killed art, and today’s art is pseudo-art.

Because business obeys capital, capital pursues returns, and returns naturally require efficiency.

Directors like Johnnie To in the past, who were still qualified to explore and debug on the spot when they were still unknown, have almost no chance of survival now.

This is why there are fewer and fewer masters.

Lin Miao also acted as the "recorder" for herself. After pressing the power button, she shouted: "First shot of the first scene, start!"

Following the command to start, Simei immediately moved from different positions to show the process of them sitting around the round table on the terrace.

It can be seen from the camera that Lin Miao wanted to capture the moment when their clothes were fluttering in the painting, four beauties, four personalities, four outfits, and four movements.

"Click!" Lin Miao turned off her phone and walked forward.

"Rener, I hope you can show the sense of security in front of your sisters, the kind of state that only comes from trust and admiration from the inside out. Of course, you can also add drama. Just now you saw your mother

I think the look in the eye tells a story and is very good. I can keep this detail when I do it again later."

"Zhou Ya, your performance just now was very good and natural. Your temperament is that of a proud swan, as light and beautiful as a dancer. However, you need to add a little more scheming to make you

Her long skirt swayed."

"Sister Mei is great, like it! Keep up the good work."

As everyone knows, when Amei sits down, her back is the least difficult.

"Bai Mei, do you know what your problem is?" Lin Miao turned and rushed towards Bai Mei.

Bai Mei shook her head and thought to herself, who gave this kid so much confidence? He seems to be a completely different person!

"You didn't understand my intention," Lin Miao said loudly. In fact, it was to reinforce everyone's impression. "My shot is to show the flow of you from your previous state to when you gather at this table.

This kind of flow is beautiful, relaxed, pleasant, and exciting, rather than like rushing to a company for a meeting!"

"Pfft!" Bai Mei actually laughed, and then she covered her mouth and said sorry, "I know, I understand now."

Lin Miao stood up, from leaning over to straightening her back, and concluded: "Let's do it again soon. Remember, this shot is a connection. It is a connection between your previous state and the next state on the terrace. The entire

The terrace is full of symbols. Symbolic art should be expressed through your body. Remember that you are free and completely yourself. It is the encounter and resonance of expectations between beauty and beauty. Show your full state, girls!

This chapter has been completed!
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