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Chapter 58 Encounter again

 Zhu Jingxuan's passion on the phone was like Jian Mimi's "The Ending Dance" being played in a corner of the city at this time.

The psychedelic electronic sound smashed into dense sound waves, and together with the first heavy rain, the big raindrops hit the ground, like drum beats.

It’s going to rain and thunder, and the decline of an industry is particularly inevitable in this early summer of 2021.

Bai Mei is in the industry, so she doesn't know some data.

2021 is a big year for real estate market regulation. On January 21, the regulation kicked off with the "Shanghai Ten Measures" as the starting point. Since then, Shanghai has successively introduced new policies to reduce the heat of the real estate market. The scope of regulation has extended from the new housing market to the second-hand housing market, covering the legal

Auction houses, donated houses, school district houses and other emerging hot areas.

Seeing the heavy rain pouring down quickly, Bai Mei and Amei ended their romantic drinking session on the terrace and retreated indoors.

"Haha, the rain came so fast."

"Yeah, if you slow down a little, you'll be drowned."

"Your wine is really good. If you drink any more, you will get drunk."

"Then you can take the rest and drink it yourself. If you get drunk, remember to call me and I will accompany you." Amei half-jokingly said that there was still a third of the mezcal tequila in it.

The wine was handed to Bai Mei's hand and she pinched her cheek lovingly.

"Thank you, Sister Mei!"

"By the way," Amei thought of something when she was about to turn around and asked, "Have you collected the wall of roses I left for you?"

"Yes, yes, I gave it to Manager Tang. He kept it for me and agreed that I would pick it up another day." Bai Mei quickly took out her mobile phone and called Manager Tang. The rain might damage the flower wall.

Manager Tang finally answered the phone.

"Manager Tang, it's me, Bai Mei."

"I know, Miss Bai, why did you think of calling me so late?"

"I see it's raining, and I'm worried about the flower wall left at your place. If it's convenient, put it away for me, okay?"

"You don't need to tell me, I have already asked my employees to take action," Manager Tang said proudly, "I predicted in advance that it would rain when there was thunder, and now it has been received in my warehouse, don't worry."<


"That's great, thank you so much!"

"It's my honor to serve Miss Bai. I hope to see you again soon. In addition, store manager Zhu is my good friend, and you are his friend, so you are also my friend."

"Uh..." Bai Mei was a little embarrassed and said, "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, Amei patted Bai Mei on the shoulder and encouraged her: "If you love, love boldly, don't hesitate, a good boy won't wait for anyone."

"Sister Mei..." Even when Bai Mei acts coquettishly in front of the eldest sister, Mei, her voice is so loud that it makes people go crazy.

"Haha, okay, okay, I'm leaving. I'll have to fall in love with you if I go downstairs." Amei waved her hand jokingly and went downstairs.

Bai Mei took the wine, retreated to her room, took a shower, poured some wine, and poured it on the sofa. It was so comfortable that I really didn’t understand why it had to be a man!

Is hermaphroditism bad?

Pick up the IPAD, and even if you don’t play games or watch short videos, Bai Mei should also pay attention to the recent industry news.

She has an industry database, just open it.

In this month that is about to pass, that is, May 2021, the number of new commercial residential buildings signed online in the entire city has just exceeded 5,000. Even if the efforts are made in the last three days, the decline this month has become a foregone conclusion.

In the database on Bai Mei's IPAD, you can see this set of information when you open it:

[In terms of supply, in May 2021, the concentrated supply of new houses in Shanghai ended in the first batch, and the second batch gradually entered the market. There were 3,376 new commercial housing units, 392,200 square meters, a month-on-month decrease of 60.22% in units, and a month-on-month decrease of 56.19% in area. Commercial housing throughout the month

10 new projects entered the market, 11 less than last month and 6 more than the same period last year.

In terms of transactions, Shanghai's commercial residential transaction volume decreased by 19.86% month-on-month in May 2021, falling for two consecutive months. Shanghai's commercial residential transaction volume was 5,530 units, covering 614,200 square meters. From a regional perspective, new home transactions in May were concentrated in Jiading, Qingpu,

Pudong and other places. Affected by supply, the transaction volume between and outside the suburban rings accounted for as high as 80.61%.

In terms of price, the price of commercial housing in Shanghai rebounded sharply in May 2021. The average transaction price was yuan/㎡, an increase of 14.64% month-on-month and a year-on-year decrease of 8.99%. As the early-stage projects that were just needed were sold out one after another, the total price in May was more than 10 million.

The proportion of commercial residential transactions continues to increase, the demand for luxury homes is strong, and the city’s average price has increased significantly due to structural influences.]

There are various signs that Bai Mei's good days of earning high salaries based on her abilities are about to go away forever. Now, whether she can fight against the odds and become a store manager from the top seller really depends on whether Zhu Jingxuan's plan B can make a comeback.

Realize Zhu Jingxuan’s strategic goal of the so-called industry self-rescue game.

That is, the best-selling characteristics of Bai Mei will form a new behavioral template in the industry, be promoted to all group stores, and then boost morale and start from scratch.

It sounds quite full of revolutionary optimism and romanticism.

Bai Mei likes this.

By the way, Zhu Jingxuan, apart from being a bit scumbag, is... Bai Mei held the wine glass and looked at the wall hanging in the glass, her eyes were blurred and charming.

After a good sleep, Sunday.

Bai Mei stretched out on the bed, looked at the time, and couldn't help but laugh at herself for being a miserable person.

The long-term biological clock has made her unable to sleep in, and she wakes up when the time comes.

I set my alarm every weekend, and although I do wake up naturally, it’s always the same as when I’m at work, which is quite frustrating.

After she woke up, she arranged herself in a big picture on the bed. Zhou Ya's loss of orders, her failure in the industry, and her inability to sleep in were like three big mountains pressing on her.

Wherever there is oppression, there is resistance. No, we cannot let ourselves collapse.

Bai Mei performs a hip bridge movement, using the strength of her abdominal core to sit up from the bed and look at her gym bag. Lying so lonely in the corner, it's time to go to the gym to relieve stress and sweat.

Other girls go to the gym to make videos and check in. Bai Mei goes to the gym to do real training. The intensity of her training cannot even be called fitness. It can be called self-abuse.

In a corner, no one dares to approach because of its strong aura.

These are sensible people who know that approaching someone to strike up a conversation will not lead to good results, but will easily disturb the beauty’s elegance.

It is better to watch from a distance than to be exposed.

Therefore, if you draw a fan shape with the white rose as the starting point, you will see those men who are sneaking lewd glances while training.

Bai Mei turned a blind eye.

"Greedy, you can't get me anyway."

Bai Mei is like a deserted place, her exclusive OS is ringing in her heart, and her exclusive sports playlist is playing in her headphones.

So uncomfortable.

But there happened to be a naive character, like an ignorant zebra, who broke into Bai Mei's territory.

Bai Mei was doing seated leg abduction training. She watched helplessly as a man with long hair, tied up with a hairpin, sat down on a piece of equipment next to her, adjusted the strength, and felt

It's a little light. It gets heavier when you stand up, then sit back and start practicing.

Compared with this man, Bai Mei's training results pale into insignificance.

Bai Mei stopped and stared at the other person.

She was not angry that she was suppressed by this ignorant man, nor was she angry that her beauty was ignored and regarded as nothing.

But this person...

Bai Mei recognized him!

***The author has something to say***

Let’s guess who this person is first, and we’ll know the answer tomorrow~

This chapter has been completed!
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