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Chapter 121

The moment he stepped into Huihe Yehu's tent, Zhou Jun's whole body tensed up. An indescribable sense of tension seeped into his body from every pore on his skin.

If the persuasion fails, then this place is very likely to be his burial place, and this may be the case in this lifetime.

Following Tu Lishi, Zhou Jun suddenly thought that he himself had died once, so what if he died again.

Now that I have come to the Tang Dynasty, no matter what, it is best to have no regrets and do my best, so there is no need to worry about the left and right.

Thinking of this, Zhou Jun slowly relaxed. Seeing Tu Lishi lift the curtain, he took a deep breath and walked in.

After entering the meeting room, Zhou Jun first looked around and saw about a dozen heads of tribes and nobles in formal robes, with different expressions, but they all looked over.

Knowing that his momentum could not be weakened, Zhou Jun first snorted coldly, then raised his hands towards the old man sitting in the main seat of the tent and said: "The Royal Protector heard that a guest from the Huihe Department was coming, so he sent someone to accompany him."

Turlish translated Zhou Jun's Tang dialect into Turkic language.

The old man was in his twilight years, his legs and feet were weak, and his eyes were a little cloudy, but his expression was calm, and there was no sign of panic on his face. He just said to Zhou Jun: "Gu Li Pei Luo invites the Tang envoy from afar to take a seat. Huihe people are hospitable."

, will be kind to every guest who comes to visit.”

After Zhou Jun listened to Tu Lishi's translation, he said in a deep voice: "What if I said that your other guest has no good intentions and is a bad wolf?"

After hearing this, a leader dressed as an Oghuz noble who was sitting at the table stood up and shouted loudly: "The Tang Dynasty is rude!"

Zhou Jun looked at the person on the other end, smiled slightly, and asked deliberately: "Who is this?"

Tulishi replied with some embarrassment: "He is the Haolenggu Tutun of the Bashmi tribe."

Zhou Jun walked up to Haolenggu and looked him up and down.

The latter was a tall man, with eyes like copper bells and a loud voice. He stared at Zhou Jun as if he wanted to eat him alive.

Zhou Jun said: "When I met the Tang envoy, he shouted and drank. He was so majestic."

Hao Linggu glanced at Zhou Jun's official robe and said loudly: "The people of the Tang Dynasty were arrogant and rude. They sent envoys with nine surnames, but they only sent one small official!"

Zhou Jun smiled, took out Wang Zhongsi's command talisman from his arms, and said, "This talisman is the order of Shuofang's army. The person involved can use this talisman to mobilize the army."

After saying that, Zhou Jun took out the body badges of the officials accompanying the supervisors from his arms, and said: "This badge is the badges of the supervisors' followers. The supervisors are angels. Even if the king's guardian sees them, they must bow down.

Respect your conduct and dare not exceed the rules."

Tulishi was a little surprised after hearing Zhou Jun's words.

He originally thought that Zhou Jun was an envoy sent by Wang Zhongsi, but he did not expect that the latter was actually accompanied by the supervisory army personally sent by the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Tu Lishi explained this situation to everyone in the tent. When people heard the word "Emperor of the Tang Dynasty", they immediately stood in awe of Zhou Jun.

Seeing that everyone's faces were moved, Zhou Jun said again: "Speaking of the military supervisor, there was something happened in Suizhou not long ago. Do you know?"

"There were rebels who disguised themselves as remnants of Turkic soldiers, ambushed and raided the supervisory army, and caused heavy casualties among the entourage. The emperor was furious and the governor also hated him deeply."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the tent was frightened.

The military envoy sent by the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty to Shuofang's army was actually attacked by rebels in the Tang Dynasty. This act was extremely audacious.

Seeing the strange look on the face of the Bashmi tribe's Haolenggu, Zhou Jun guessed that the other party must know the inside story, so he lied: "The rebels who attacked the supervisory army are all dead soldiers, and they all have poisonous sacs between their teeth. If they bite them, they will die...

…Fortunately, the Tang army took advantage of the chaos and captured a few people alive.”

Hearing this, Haolenggu's body trembled.

Zhou Jun continued to lie: "At first, those traitors refused to confess, and they just claimed to be remnants of the Turks."

"After being tortured for seven days and seven nights, all kinds of punishments were ineffective, and finally I had to use a secret medicine from the Tang Palace alchemist."

"Once a person takes the secret medicine, he will be in a state of ecstasy and fall into a sweet dream. No matter what others ask, he will tell the truth frankly."

Zhou Jun paused for a while, turned his gaze to Haolenggu, and said, "I would like you to take a guess, where did the rebels who attacked the supervisory army come from?"

Seeing that everyone was looking over, Haolenggu was in a panic and opened his mouth to argue, but he didn't know what to say.

When everyone in the tent saw this, they naturally saw the culprit behind the scenes, and they all reprimanded loudly.

There were actually many ways for the Basi Mi tribe to rebel against the Tang Dynasty.

It could act in both positive and negative ways, agreeing to form an alliance with the Tang Dynasty while secretly accumulating strength; it could also support the bandits' self-respect and drive the Turks away from invading the Tang territory, creating a situation in which several parties were at odds with each other.

However, the Bashmi tribe adopted the most stupid way to anger the Tang Dynasty - assassinating the emperor's supervisors.

Moreover, the Bashmi tribe deliberately concealed all this, hoping to bring down all the other tribes in the Nine Surnames.

This approach will naturally arouse the resentment of the leaders of various tribes.

Seeing that the assassination was revealed, Hao Lenggu did not intend to pretend anymore. He just heard him shout loudly: "Heads of Ogus, please think about it, we are all sons of the grassland, and our blood is thicker than

The blood brother of water!"

"And the Tang State is just an outsider!"

"Shouldn't brothers help each other and jointly resist the encroachment of outsiders?"

These words of Haolenggu made everyone in the tent quiet down.

Seeing this situation, Haolenggu quickly said: "Don't you know how the Tang people treat us?"

"Look to the east of us. The military governor An Lushan once said to his servants after being drunk that Tongluo, Xi, and the Khitan people are just like sheep to him."

"Usually, the sheep are raised on the grassland, and they still let them graze and have fun. If they are hungry, kill a few of them, use their bones to make soup, and use their meat to cook. If they are cold, they will eat them.

Their skins are wrapped around the body to keep warm.”

"Gentlemen, please listen to this. The people of the Tang Dynasty treat our tribe like a butcher looking at a mutton!"

After hearing this, the originally angry heads of tribes and nobles looked thoughtful and remained silent.

Zhou Jun was also stunned after hearing this.

What Huolenggu said about Anlu Mountain must have been guided by an expert.

In fact, what Haolenggu said was entirely true.

Whether it was the Han Dynasty or the Sui and Tang Dynasties, many border generals had the behavior of serving the border and being favored by the market.

After all, if a general wants to get promoted and make a fortune, the only shortcut is to go to war.

What if the border is too peaceful and there is no fight to be fought?

Naturally, he wanted to find a way to cause trouble with the weaker tribes.

This is what An Lushan, the military governor of Pinglu, did, and what he did was very outrageous.

In the fourth year of Tianbao (745), An Lushan repeatedly sent private soldiers to invade Xi and Khitan, forcing each of them to kill their own princess and rebel against the Tang Dynasty.

In the winter of the ninth year of Tianbao, Mount Anlu repeatedly lured the Khitans, pretended to have meetings, drank scopolaris wine (poisonous wine), and made them drunk. Thousands of people were mobilized and sent letters to the heads of their chiefs, four in number.

Therefore, Zhou Jun could not directly refute Heolenggu's accusation, so he could only change it in a Huandao way.

Just listen to Zhou Jun say: "An Lushan is a Hu general. He only acts for personal gain, does not respect morality and justice, and does not care about the overall situation. Shuofang is also deeply hated by everyone."

"Shuofang Jiedushi Wang Duhu is a fake son of today's saint. He attaches great importance to Taoism, abides by his promises, and has never had any trouble with the nine surname tribes. I wonder if you have any objections?"

Speaking of Wang Zhongsi, most of the leaders in the tent praised him.

Because Shuofang's army mostly targeted Turks, the relationship with the Nine Surnames tribes was quite good. The silk horse tea market between the Tang Dynasty and the Nine Surnames was also one of the reasons for the strong relationship between them.

Zhou Jun added: "The Turks have been exploiting the nine tribes for more than fifty years. Now is the best time to overthrow their rule."

"The Bashmi tribe did not understand current affairs, colluded with the Turks, plotted to assassinate the supervisory army, and used their own selfish interests to undermine the great cause of the Nine Surnames. They are the most evil leaders!"

Zhou Jun's words made many people in the tent look approvingly.

Zhou Jun first glanced at the furious Haolenggu, and then at the leaders and nobles in the tent.

He saw Tulishi looking at him with approval on his face and nodding his head; but Guli Peiluo, who was sitting in the seat, furrowed his brows, presumably still thinking deeply about what Haolenggu had said before.

As for the remaining people, half of them nodded in support, while the rest were hesitant.

Zhou Jun knew in his heart that this was the best time to win the support of the nine surname tribes. He had to strike while the iron was hot and force those who were still hesitating, especially the leader of Huihe, Guli Peiluo, to come to the opposite side of the Basimi tribe and never return.

out on a limb.

Therefore, Zhou Jun decided to take a gamble.

The bet is nothing else but human nature.

I saw Zhou Jun deliberately turning his back to Haolenggu, slowly walking forward a few steps, coming to the leaders of the tribes, and said: "The king's guardian has reported to the emperor that the rebel tribe Bahmi will no longer be subject to it from now on."

You are the enemy of the Tang Dynasty!"

"The tribes of the nine surnames can attack and conquer Ximi. Regardless of silk, livestock, population, or pasture, whatever they capture shall be their own!"

When everyone heard this, they suddenly became excited.

And that Hao Ling Gu's face was red, and he must have been extremely angry.

I saw Haolenggu taking advantage of everyone's distraction, first reaching to his waist, pulling out a short knife, and then with a loud shout, he pounced on Zhou Jun who had his back turned to him like an eagle.

When Tulishi saw this, he was the first to react and shouted loudly: "Envoy Tang, be careful!"

Zhou Jun, who had expected all this a long time ago, did not show any panic on his face, but instead showed a slight smile.

He clearly knew that he had won this bet.

He moved his body to the side to avoid the short knife, then took out the dagger from his arms, and at the moment when he and Huolenggu were in contact, he stabbed with his backhand and directly pierced the dagger into the latter's throat.

The short knife in his hand fell to the ground, and Hao Linggu looked at Zhou Jun in disbelief. He would never have imagined that this thin and handsome young official from the Tang Dynasty could have such quick reactions and fierce skills.

A large amount of blood spurted out from the wound in his throat, staining the carpet on the ground red. He Linggu wanted to say something, but his throat could only make a weird sound.

After a period of struggle, he finally just closed his eyes, knelt on the ground, and stopped moving.

This chapter has been completed!
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