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Chapter 163 The first sale

Leaving Kong You alone in the study, Zhou Jun walked out of the room and came to the courtyard.

Hua Yue had just fried the last batch of tea leaves and came to the front yard carrying the bamboo plaque.

Zhou Jun took the bamboo plaque in her hand and spread the fried tea leaves to dry. After doing all this, he sat in the patio and looked at the sunset in Bachuan River.

Huayue brewed a pot of tea and walked towards Zhou Jun. Just as she was about to speak, she saw Kong You walking out of the room.

Kong You looked calm and found an open space in the courtyard and sat down without saying a word.

Zhou Jun took the tea poured by Huayue and took a sip.

Kong You took the wooden cup, took a cup of tea himself, and said softly to Zhou Jun: "It is said in the Tao Te Ching that if the wind does not end and the rain does not end, the heaven and the earth cannot last forever, but what about humans?"

"All things in this world follow their own laws and move forward in a fixed direction."

"But now, someone like Erlang has been sent down by fate. Hasn't the master considered that behind all this, the Great Dao may really come to the world and change the world?"

After hearing this, Zhou Jun understood that Kong You's idea of ​​overthrowing Li Tang and replacing him with a new dynasty would probably not change.

The reason for this is, on the one hand, his hatred for Li Tang, and on the other hand, his awe at the miracles caused by time travel.

Zhou Jun said: "Li Tang still has one hundred and fifty years of good fortune. All the countries in the world and the people's aspirations are all convinced of the Tang Dynasty. How easy is it to replace it with a new dynasty? Moreover, I also said just now, the key is not

Whoever comes to power depends on how to recreate the world."

Kong You replied: "I also know that the Li Tang Dynasty was prosperous and was far from falling apart. However, the Book of Changes says: A house that accumulates good deeds will always be happy; a house that accumulates evil will definitely have lingering disasters. The building will collapse.

, it did not happen overnight, it happened gradually, because it was not possible to distinguish it early.”

"Erlang has spiritual consciousness, can see things that ordinary people cannot see, and knows all kinds of things in the future, so if he accumulates them bit by bit, he can also penetrate the water drop by drop of stone."

Kong You said again: "Moreover, just as Erlang said before, a century-old dynasty was destroyed by the hands of a generation of foolish kings, and there is no escape from the reincarnation of the world. This theory is really shocking to You and has never been heard before."

"However, I'm afraid Erlang has forgotten one thing. In the future, you will be a very human minister with overwhelming power. No matter what happens, you will still be just a minister. Even if you create a new world during your term of office and bring peace to the world, what will happen after this?"

"When Erlang dies and the new emperor succeeds to the throne, all it takes is a decree and a purge, and your life's efforts can easily be wasted."

Zhou Jun's hand holding the tea cup froze.

Kong You drank the tea in the cup in one breath and continued: "Furthermore, Erlang is an extraordinary person, so he can put aside common opinions and not follow personal interests, just for the common people of the world. But what about others? Erlang can count on others to be with you.

Do you have general knowledge and awareness?"

"You can assert that in the hundred years since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, the emperors of the past dynasties, even if they were as wise and powerful as Taizong, would never be able to put the common people of the world before the well-being of the clan like Erlang did."

Kong You sighed deeply, looked at the sky and said: "After hundreds of years of vicissitudes, there have been emperors, Li and Tang dynasties, but throughout the ages, there has been only one person like Erlang."

After Kong You finished speaking, the two fell into silence.

Huayue first looked at Zhou Jun, then at Kong You, and finally chose not to say a word.

The setting sun is like blood, and the sun sets in the west.

Time passed slowly. Zhou Jun took a sip of the cold tea in the cup and said softly: "The world is unpredictable, and the road ahead is still long."

Kong You's face was neither happy nor sad, and he echoed: "What Erlang said is absolutely true, there is still a long way to go."

On the second day, Zhou Jun rode on horseback and asked Kong You to drive a carriage filled with cloud tea. At Baqiao Village, he met the caravan of Shuofang's army who came to buy tea.

To Zhou Jun's surprise, the person in charge of the caravan was none other than the slave trader who sold the painted moon to him - Sha Shiqing.

Sha Shiqing, who had a sunken right side of his face and one eye missing, walked respectfully to Zhou Jun, first sang a song, and then laughed and said: "Sha has long said that Zhou Jun is not a thing in the pond, but now he can

It really lives up to what I said back then.”

Zhou Jun smiled and said: "Guanshi Sha did not make a living as a slave, but changed his career to become a tea merchant."

Sha Shiqing smiled and waved his hand and said: "No, no, what Zhou Lang said is wrong. As long as it can make money, no matter what kind of business, Sha will not refuse anyone who comes."

Zhou Jun nodded lightly. Everyone knew some of the words, but there was no need to say them too straightforwardly.

Sha Shiqing looked at the carriage under Kong You and asked, "Is that the rumored 'Cloud Tea' in the carriage?"

Zhou Jun said: "If Manager Sha is interested, why not try to have a pot?"

Sha Shiqing traveled between Mobei and Guannei, and also did tea business, so he had some research on this subject.

After hearing Zhou Jun's words, Sha Shiqing felt a little moved and responded.

Zhou Jun carefully opened a bucket of tea leaves, took a small amount and brewed it with boiling water.

After Sha Shiqing tasted it, his eyes lit up and he kept nodding and said: "Good tea, good tea!"

Zhou Jun and Sha Shiqing found a remote place and drank tea while talking.

Sha Shiqing took a sip of tea, took a long breath, and said to Zhou Jun: "Zhou Lang went to Mobei with the royal guard. Did he ever know about the shortage of military pay?"

Zhou Jun nodded.

Sha Shiqing: "Sha heard that Wang Duhu was also serving as the governor of Hedong. The first thing he did was to go to the army to check the Kan register. After some inspection, he found that many soldiers in the Hedong army were killed in battle, but the name was Kan.

But I recorded Shang Zai."

At this point, Sha Shiqing became indignant and said in a deep voice: "The previous guardian of the Hedong Army deliberately concealed the death of the soldiers, so that he could get free pay, and secondly, he could hide his defeat. Humph! One bag is the plan.

, Counting both ends, it’s really smart! I only pity the soldiers who died in the battle, and they will be recorded in the Kan register after they die, adding a tax to the family in vain!"

Zhou Jun understood that Sha Shiqing was talking about the promotion of the restoration of taxes on border soldiers by the Minister of Civil Affairs, Wang Xian.

Sha Shiqing continued: "With this cloud tea, Shuofang Army and Mobei can get more money from the mutual trade. Although it is a drop in the bucket, it is better than the current predicament."

Having said this, Sha Shiqing glanced sideways at Zhou Jun, rubbed his hands and said, "I just don't know how Zhou Lang plans to price this cloud tea?"

Zhou Jun: "Yun tea is hard to come by, and someone wants to pay twice the price of ordinary tea..."

Before he finished speaking, Sha Shiqing quickly shouted: "Deal!"

Zhou Jun was a little surprised and looked at Sha Shiqing, who was filled with joy.

Seeing Zhou Jun's expression was different, Sha Shiqing thought he was going to regret it, so he hurriedly said: "A gentleman's words..."

Zhou Jun shook his head in a funny way, interrupted him and said, "Don't worry, since I said it was twice as long, it won't change again."

Sha Shiqing stood up, bowed to Zhou Jun and said, "Brother Sha, thank you Zhou Jun!"

Zhou Jun stood up with a smile, called Kong You over, and made a deal with Sha Shiqing.

So, a cart of cloud tea was sold to Shuofang Army.


Don't worry about whether you will become emperor or not. There is still a long story ahead.

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