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Chapter 194 Knowing your intentions is like the sun and the moon

A few days later, I ran home.

Song Ruo'e was sitting in the hall, flipping through a book. After waiting for a long time, she finally learned about Qin.

The latter looked tired. As soon as he walked into the hall, he asked the maid to bring a pot of warm fruit tea and drank it all.

Seeing this, Song Ruo'e asked: "Are you still busy today?"

Xie Qin sat down and rubbed his neck: "In the morning, Ningzhou Xu Qilang hosted a banquet for the Shannan Chamber of Commerce, the Chang'an Gao family held a grand thank you banquet, and in the afternoon, there were official envoys from Anrenfang and Yankangfang, and..."

Song Ruo'e quickly stretched out her hand to stop playing the piano and asked, "Do you know that Nanqu's mother Yu Jun is ill?"

Xie Qin was stunned and quickly asked: "When did it happen?"

Song Ruo'e: "It's been a few days. I heard that I felt a little unwell after returning from the Qujiang Banquet. After that, I struggled for a few days, and then I had a fever, talked nonsense, and was bedridden."

Jie Qin frowned and finally sighed.

Song Ruo'e: "I recently heard a lot of people talking about the matter of the Zhou family's eldest son and Yu Jun's mother?"

Xie Qin nodded: "Zhou Dalang is deeply in love, but the Zhou family probably won't agree to this marriage."

Song Ruo'e: "The Zhou family has finally managed to produce a Jinshi. In the future, we will expect him to have a prosperous career and bring prosperity to the family. How can we agree to him marrying a Beili girl as his wife?"

Xie Qin felt vaguely angry after hearing Song Ruo'e's words, and asked softly: "Zhong Jialang still hasn't come?"

Song Ruo'e forced herself to calm down and said: "I know what you are worried about... Zhonglang and I are married at the same time, and they are concubines at home. The situation is naturally different from Zhou Dalang's. He did not come, probably because of the official selection of the Ministry of Personnel

Taking the exam was a waste of time."

Xie Qin nodded in agreement and said, "Zhong Lang's letters to you in the past are full of admiration. The depth of love is rare in the world. Maybe in the next few days, he will come to Beili to pick you up."

Before Song Ruo'e opened her mouth to speak, suddenly a maid ran into the hall and stopped in the hall. She was out of breath and couldn't say a single word for a while.

When Xie Qin saw this, he asked the maid strangely: "What's the matter that makes you so anxious? Can't you say something slowly?"

The maid took a deep breath and said, "I just heard someone said something happened to the Zhou family this morning."

Xie Qin paused and asked quickly: "What's the matter?"

Maid: "Early in the morning, Zhou Dalang arrived outside the gate of the Zhou family. He first placed a banquet on the ground, and then sat on the banquet. He sat there for a full hour before getting up and leaving."

When Song Ruo'e heard this, she was startled, and then asked: "This is something new, please tell me in detail."

Maid: "Earlier today, the elder of the Zhou family went to the front door of the Zhou family. He didn't say anything. He just sat on the banquet and looked inside the door. Outsiders asked him something, but he didn't answer. The family asked him

When he got up, he didn't get up either. He sat like this for a full hour."

Song Ruo'e said in a funny way: "It's really unheard of for someone to be a Jinshi to not enter the house and sit quietly without saying a word."

Xie Qin remembered Zhou Jun's words before and asked her maid: "How did the Zhou family do it?"

Maid: "At first, someone from the Zhou family came out and persuaded Zhou Dalang to get up. Later, perhaps because he couldn't stand the questioning from the neighbors, he closed the door."

After hearing this, Song Ruo'e lowered her head and thought carefully. Suddenly her eyes lit up and she knew to Jie Qin: "I know what's going on."

Before Xie Qin could ask, Song Ruo'e said directly: "Think about the story of "Butterfly Lovers" mentioned by Zhou Lang. Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai fell in love with each other, but they were beaten up because of their differences, and in the end they both died for their love.

The fate of a butterfly flying away."

Xie Qin understood somewhat: "You mean, when Erlang said "Butterfly Lovers", he was actually doing it to build momentum, and the purpose was to bring about a marriage between Zhou Dalang and Yu Junniang?"

Song Ruo'e: "As the saying goes, the book "Butterfly Lovers" can make people put aside their prejudices and think about the true love. Naturally, it can also make people sympathize with those men and women who are in love but have no destiny. Thinking about it this way, the eldest son of the Zhou family cannot

Entering the house and sitting quietly without saying a word is probably what Zhou Lang did."

After hearing this, Xie Qin sighed: "Erlang is really well-intentioned."

Song Ruo'e remembered something, took a deep look at Jie Qin, and wanted to ask, but in the end she was speechless.

In the next few days, Zhou Ze brought the group banquet with him every day, no matter it was windy or rainy, frosty or snowy, he would come to the front door of Zhou's house on time and sit there for an hour.

No matter who it is, no one says a word.

Zhou Dinghai came out and beat and scolded him several times, Luo Sanniang came out and cried and shouted several times, but Zhou Ze was unmoved and just sat there, motionless.

At first, the neighbors thought Zhou Ze was willful and some others blamed him for being unfilial.

However, not long after, someone told the story about Zhou Ze and Yu Junniang in a garbled way.

When Ke Jinshi wanted to marry Beili Qi as his wife, he was unable to do so because of his family background, so he could only sit quietly in front of his house and protest silently... The gossips about talented people and beautiful women spread quickly throughout Chang'an City and became people's favorite after-dinner meal.

of conversation.

Soon, almost everyone in the city near Zhou's family knew about this matter. Coupled with the spread of the script of "Butterfly Lovers", the enduring topic of love and family was once again brought into people's attention.

Moreover, this wave of public opinion became more and more intense, gradually spreading to the entire city of Chang'an, and even had a faint tendency to expand outward.

Luoyang, the eastern capital, Sigongfang, Yangshi Garden.

Yang Yuhuan was wrapped in a fox fur, with a purple sandalwood burning beside her, and she was reading the storybook of "Butterfly Lovers" in trance.

She didn't know how many times she had read this storybook. The pages were full of comments, and some of the witty quotes were specially excerpted and copied into a single book.

Apart from the story, there are two things Yang Yuhuan loves most about this book.

One is a passage that Zhu Yingtai said before he died. The general idea is what is true love? Is it a happy life with wealth and power? Or is it a person who resonates with the soul and lives in peace and poverty?

The other place is the end of the book, which is the poem that asks what love is in the world.

While I was reading, the female official's voice came from outside the door, saying that Princess Wanchun was here.

Yang Yuhuan put down the storybook and saw Yin Yu striding into the study and saying, "Madam, help me."

Seeing that Yin Yu was wearing an undershirt, but she spoke and acted carelessly, looking like a man, Yang Yuhuan frowned and said, "Sanlang has said more than once that my daughter's family must be decent in their words and deeds."

Yin Yu ignored Yang Yuhuan's preaching, sat on the chair, and said, "I have a good friend in Chang'an City. She was born in Pingkangfang, and her name is Yu Junniang."

Yang Yuhuan: "I heard you mentioned it before, what happened?"

Yin Yu: "Zhou Ze, a high-ranking scholar in the imperial examinations, wanted to marry Yu Junniang, but due to family considerations, he was blocked by the adults in the family."

Yang Yuhuan: "Zhou Ze?"

Yin Yu patted the "Butterfly Lovers" on the desk and said, "That's Zhou Jun's brother."

Yang Yuhuan was stunned.

Yin Yu continued: "That week, he was also loyal. He took a table and sat quietly in front of his house every day, rain or shine, just hoping that the adults in the family would change their minds."

When Yang Yuhuan heard this, he couldn't help but sigh: "The Zhou family is really affectionate this time."

Yin Yu said anxiously: "There is no way to continue like this. Is it just like in "Butterfly Lovers", seeing the two of them being torn apart?"

Yang Yuhuan asked Yin Yu: "How do you know all this? But did Ms. Yu Jun tell you?"

Yin Yu: "No, Ms. Yu Jun is resolute and will never ask me for help. It was someone else in Pingkangfang Nanqu who wrote a letter and told me the whole story."

Yang Yuhuan nodded and said awkwardly: "The orders of parents and the words of matchmakers are all other people's family affairs. How can we interfere arbitrarily?"

Seeing that Yang Yuhuan didn't respond, Yin Yu shouted anxiously: "You talk about your parents' orders, and you talk about matchmakers. In the end, in this world, you live for others!"

Hearing this, Yang Yuhuan trembled slightly.

Seeing the "Butterfly Lovers" on the desk, Yin Yu picked it up and turned to the last page, pointed at the tail gate and said loudly to Yang Yuhuan: "Do you know what it is, Madam? What family, what wealth, and what power are all in the past.

If you can't be with the one you love, what's the point of living in this life, you're just a walking corpse!"

Yang Yuhuan looked at the tail gate and softly recited the sentence - "Ask what love is in the world, and teach us how to make love between life and death."

With a sigh, Yang Yuhuan said helplessly to Yin Yu: "Okay, let me go with you to intercede with Sanlang and see what he can do."

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