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Chapter 273 Welcome the Saint

After staying in the Villa for a few days, news came from Jie Qin.

Wang Zhongsi was interrogated by three judges in Dali Temple Prison and was tortured and tortured.

After many days, Li Longji's anger subsided and he released Wang Zhongsi, but took away his military power and general seal, and planned to demote him as the governor of Hanyang.

Wang Zhongsi, who was released, did not take up his post. Instead, he told Li Longji that he had suffered injuries in prison and was no longer able to walk. Moreover, he was old and lacked energy. He planned to retire, return home, and resign from all positions.

Li Longji gave a few symbolic words of persuasion, and finally agreed to Wang Zhongsi's request.

A generation of war gods of the Tang Dynasty ended their career in such a desolate situation.

But in Zhou Jun's view, Wang Zhongsi's fate has changed.

In the history books, Wang Zhongsi accepted the post of governor of Hanyang and died suddenly two years later.

But here, Wang Zhongsi resigned from all his posts, and he didn't know whether he would die violently in the future.

When Zhou Jun heard the news, he wanted to see Wang Zhongsi off, but went to the latter's home, only to be told that Wang Zhongsi had left Chang'an early without notifying anyone.

In desperation, Zhou Jun had no choice but to return to Bachuan.

In mid-December, Bachuan Market closed its entrance and stopped accepting foreign visitors.

At all checkpoints, the Bachuan guards responsible for checking travelers were replaced by military guards from the imperial city.

Markets, villas, temples, Taoist temples, ferries, inns, etc. were all decorated with lights and colorfully decorated and cleaned, just to welcome the holy driver.

Early in the morning, Zhou Jun led a group of subordinates and servants to wait at the entrance of the official road. In the distance, he saw an imperial convoy coming from the south.

When the royal chariot approached, Zhou Jun and everyone else shouted long live and knelt down to salute.

The window curtains of the carriage were opened a crack, and someone said a few words to the outside of the carriage.

Immediately afterwards, a chamberlain came forward and asked loudly: "Which one is Zhou Lang?"

When Zhou Jun heard this, he lowered his head and said yes.

The chamberlain smiled and said to Zhou Jun: "The saint has something to say, come forward quickly."

Zhou Jun climbed up, responded, and carefully came to the chariot.

Standing in front of the window curtain, Zhou Jun cast his gaze to the ground, waiting for questions, but unexpectedly, a woman's laughter came from beside him.

Zhou Jun carefully glanced sideways and found that Yin Yu was dressed in a princess dress and a golden phoenix crown on her head. She was looking at him with a smile. She was really a beautiful woman with bright eyes and white teeth.

Another rich male voice sounded in the car: "Are you Zhou Hengcai?"

Zhou Jun quickly lowered his head and responded.

The voice paused for a moment, and then it started ringing again: "My ears get calloused every day, but I finally see you today."

Facing Li Longji, Zhou Jun did not dare to make excuses, so he could only apologize first, and then say a few words of self-effacement.

Li Longji: "Lead the way, I want to see what the stunningly beautiful Bachuan Princess Wanchun said about it looks like now."

Zhou Jun responded, walked to the imperial chariot, and led the way.

A Habayashi military lieutenant in front of the car coughed lightly when he saw Zhou Jun.

Zhou Jun heard the sound and looked over, and found that this person was actually his old acquaintance, Luo Anyuan, the eldest son of the Luo family.

Leading the motorcade towards Bachuan, Zhou Jun looked to both sides when he arrived at the gate of Bachuan Villa. He saw Pang Gong had left his wheelchair and was leading the people in the Villa to kneel on both sides of the road to welcome the holy driver.

When the imperial chariot stopped, Li Longji, who was dressed in yellow robe, saw Pang Gong outside the gate. He sighed in his heart. Before the servants could set up the trap, he jumped out of the carriage and strode to the latter's face.

While saying: "Farewell to the mausoleum, we haven't seen you for a long time." Pang Gong's eyes turned red with emotion, and he kowtowed and said: "Your Majesty has worked hard for everything, but he still remembers the old slave. Zhonghe is terrified."

He ordered his servants to help Pang Zhonghe onto the carriage. Li Longji refused to be followed by the servants and strode into the villa. He also said: "This used to be my residence. I don't need you to guide me."

When Li Longji stepped into Bieyuan, he could not help but be amazed by the changes.

I saw the green tiles and white walls in the garden, and countless long-bright lamps with goose-yellow windshields, illuminating the entire middle street like a dream, and the Bachuan River flowing continuously along the surrounding channels, setting off the

Looking at the egrets on the water and sky in the distance, the vast mist makes this place as beautiful as a fairyland.

Li Longji took a deep breath, feeling relaxed and happy, and couldn't help but sigh: "After many years of absence, this Bachuan Villa is more elegant than before.

Pang Gong sat on the wheel and said to Li Longji: "Sage, please go along the middle street to the inner garden. The scenery there will be more beautiful."

Li Longji was full of interest and went to the inner garden.

On Zhou Jun's side, he was leading his servants, receiving the royal relatives who came to the garden together, and at the same time arranging food and accommodation for the huge palace entourage.

Inadvertently, Zhou Jun saw a woman stepping out of the chariot behind him and was startled.

I saw that woman dressed in gorgeous clothes, with astonishing beauty. Standing among the royal family members, she felt the dew and fragrance, and her elegance was beyond compare, but she outshone everyone around her.

Zhou Jun knew clearly in his heart that this woman was probably Yang Yuhuan.

I had only heard her voice before, and saw her from a distance during the Lantern Festival. I didn't expect to see her true face today.

Fortunately, he met the Concubine Yang in the history books. Before Zhou Jun could sigh, a pain in his waist brought him back to his senses.

Withdrawing her right hand, Princess Wanchun Yin Yu stood next to Zhou Jun, always maintaining a royal demeanor, but the words she spoke sounded full of resentment: "Zhou Lang is really hardworking. He has been in Chang'an for so long and has never been here.

Let me know."

Zhou Jun glanced around.

The maids and chamberlains beside Yin Yu deliberately turned their heads to the other side, pretending not to see anything.

Zhou Jun had no choice but to raise his hands and said: "Princess, please forgive me."

Hearing this, Yin Yu took two steps closer and lowered his voice and asked, "Where is the token I gave you?"

Zhou Jun took out the flower and bird sachet from his arms and showed it to Yin Yu.

The latter turned his anger into happiness and said, "You still have some conscience."

Seeing more and more people nearby, Zhou Jun whispered to Yin Yu: "This is not the place to talk."

Yin Yu thought for a while and said: "My father is going to the market tomorrow. There is a Buddhist temple in Xizhou. I will leave in an excuse to worship Buddha and pray for blessings. You can wait for me there."

Zhou Jun nodded lightly...

When Yin Yu walked away, Zhou Jun began to be busy again. Someone not far away called him: "Zhou Erlang."

Zhou Jun looked around and saw a tall man with a beard on his chin and dressed in luxurious clothes, walking towards him with a smile.

Looking at his face, Zhou Jun felt vaguely familiar, but he couldn't remember it for the moment.

The man walked up to Zhou Jun with his head held high and said, "I say goodbye to Zhou Jun in Luoyang..."

When Zhou Jun heard this, he finally remembered and blurted out: "Yang Yushi."

Yang Zhao shook his head and said with a smile: "Zhou Lang has been absent from the court all year round. I'm afraid he doesn't know. Zhao is now a member of the Ministry of Household Affairs."

Zhou Jun sighed in his heart that Yang Guozhong's promotion was quite fast. He had worked hard until now, but he was only a trade supervisor from the sixth rank, while the latter had now become a Yuanwailang from the fifth rank.

Yang Zhao said to Zhou Jun: "Zhao has heard about Zhou Jun's achievements for a long time in the court. Even the right prime minister also praised you highly. I will find a restaurant someday. You and I can catch up on old times. If something happens in the future, we can help each other."

A handful."

After Zhou Jun heard this, he humbled himself and excused himself to say goodbye to Yang Zhao.

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