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Chapter 331 Teaching

After summarizing the work of the foreign officials and asking for leave from the court meeting, they were sent to Chang'an by fast horse. Zhou Jun finally had some free time to pay attention to the training of the guards.

Sun Aying and other soldiers have now received lessons from the Yinmen masters and have begun special training.

Zhou Jun first went to Fei Weng's place to see how the training was going.

Zhou Jun originally thought that the "Magic Walk" taught by Fei Weng should be a martial art similar to Qinggong, but when he actually saw the content of the training, he realized that he was terribly wrong.

The so-called Shenxing Quick Step is actually a body technique that relies on force to move.

When Fei Weng demonstrated, he first ran back a few steps, then kicked off the ground violently, and jumped several meters up the wall. Then he grabbed the edge of the wall with both hands, turned over like a kite, and easily crossed the top of the wall.

Afterwards, Fionn demonstrated how to jump from a six- to seven-meter-high roof and how to roll to relieve force; and how to choose an appropriate route to shuttle and move on top of rows of buildings in the city.

After watching the class, Zhou Jun finally understood what Fei Weng's "Divine Walking and Speedy Step" actually was.

This is actually the "parkour" that is common in later generations, but it lacks those fancy moves and is more practical.

On the other side, Qing Yanzi, the main planner of the Dunhuang assassination, is now alive, but he has to teach the assassination skills to Zhou Jun's soldiers.

In addition to lamenting the impermanence of the world, Qing Yanzi felt a little embarrassed when facing these soldiers with unkind expressions.

If it weren't for Zhou Jun's strict order, these soldiers might have gone into battle together and eaten Qing Yanzi alive.

Zhou Jun came to the martial arts training ground where Qing Yanzi taught and saw a simple map laid out on the ground in the center of the courtyard using stones, branches and other debris.

Qing Yanzi represented these debris as the terrain and buildings of the ambush, and began to explain how to choose the right time to assassinate the target.

A Tang soldier listened and said scornfully: "If what you said was useful, how could we be reduced to where we are today?"

When Qing Yanzi heard this, he was speechless for a moment.

Seeing this, Zhou Jun coughed lightly.

When the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty saw their master, they all sang "Oi". Only Qing Yanzi stood there helplessly.

Zhou Jun found a place, sat down, and said with a smile to Qing Yanzi: "The assassination in Dunhuang was on the way back after a banquet, and the location was a blind spot under surveillance by the Drum Tower. First, the car was pressed with huge rocks, and then

Surround and strangle, force the target into a trap, and finally order the companions who are hiding in the ground to kill them with one blow...With this arrangement, if it were an ordinary person, grass would have grown on their graves."

Qing Yanzi broke into a cold sweat after hearing this, and he only wanted to be punished by death.

Zhou Jun: "You are a capable person, but you are with the wrong person."

After saying that, Zhou Jun looked at the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty again: "Know yourself and the enemy, and you will never be defeated in a hundred battles. As the deputy head of the Yinmen Hall, Qing Yanzi has been immersed in the art of assassination for many years. You should not feel contempt, and you should humbly ask for advice.

That’s it!”

The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty bowed and said yes, and their attitudes changed slightly.

Next, Zhou Jun followed Sun Aying and other Tang soldiers and listened to Qing Yanzi's lecture on the secret killing technique.

After hearing this, Zhou Jun realized that the assassins in the Tang Dynasty had so much knowledge in their actions.

The schedule, habits, guards, routes, etc. of the assassination target are all the most basic information. In addition, the weather, rain, snow, residents, and even noise, etc. are also factors that must be considered before taking action.

After obtaining all the necessary information, a precise and effective assassination plan often takes more than ten days or even a month to plan, and must be continuously adjusted according to changes in the environment.

After deciding on the plan, it was time to consider the weapons, division of labor, techniques and aftermath of the assassins.

After listening to Qing Yanzi's assassination lecture, half a month later, Zhou Jun went to listen to Long Qi's lecture on tracking and survival.

The latter was different from Qing Yanzi in that there was basically no theoretical teaching. Long Qi directly dragged the Tang soldiers to the desert outside Yanqi City and set up the classroom in the wilderness where quicksand was everywhere and storms raged.

Before the trip, the teachers and students did not bring water, food, or even weapons or tools.

It took Zhou Jun and his entourage a whole day to find Long Qi's camp.

When he first entered the camp and saw Sun Aying waiting for Tang soldiers, Zhou Jun almost thought he was dazzled.

I saw that Sun Aying and other Tang soldiers had completely lost their former glory. They were all unkempt and dirty, and they must have suffered a lot these days. However, Long Qi's special training was very effective, and a group of Tang soldiers followed

From making fire to hunting, from making tools to setting traps, from tracking prey to concealing traces, although I have to learn from scratch, I have made rapid progress.

In Long Qi's words, people who are soldiers are born with the instinct to survive in desperate situations. What they lack is just a master.

Zhou Jun could generally understand the above courses, but the content of the lessons Mu Xieh gave to the Tang soldiers really shocked the former.

As the leader of the Dharma Hall that trains new members of the Yin Sect, Mu Sheikh is well-read and has independent views on religion.

He took the Tang soldiers to the Dragon Cave and asked Sun Aying and other Tang soldiers several questions in front of the Yinglong statue.

Mu Sheikh: "When was the Tang Dynasty founded?"

Sun A responded: "In the second year of Yixing, Emperor Gaozu established the Tang Dynasty. It has been one hundred and thirty years since then."

Mu Sheikh: "When will the Great Food Sect come to the world?"

The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty were not familiar with the scriptures, so they did not know the answer and could only look at each other in confusion.

Musheikh himself answered: "It has been one hundred and fifty years since the Prophet Muhammad was meditating, and God sent an angel to convey the revelation to him, and the Taoist religion came to the world."

Mu Sheikh: "When did Buddhism come to the world?"

Everyone doesn’t know either.

Mu Sheikh asked and answered himself: "It has been thousands of years since the Buddha Sakyamuni attained enlightenment through cultivation under the holy tree."

Mushaykh: "When did Zoroastrianism come to the world?"

Mu Sheikh once again asked and answered himself: "In the Zoroastrian holy book "Gatai", it is said that the God of Light leads believers, which has been 2,500 years ago."

After listening to these incomprehensible questions and answers, most of the Tang soldiers were confused, and only a few were thoughtful.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! Mu Sheikh said: "The so-called gods and the so-called religion are products born with the passage of time. In different periods and in different countries, the names of the gods are different.

, the names of the religions are also different, but every believer believes that the god he believes in is the only true God. Do you know why believers do this?"

The Tang soldiers shook their heads.

Mu Sheikh: "The reason why believers emphasize that the God they believe in is the only true God in the world is because the gods of different religions have never appeared at the same time. Naturally, there is no one who is true or false, who is stronger or weaker.


Seeing the puzzled faces of the Tang soldiers, Mu Sheikh smiled and asked: "Have you ever heard that the Buddha in Buddhism and the God of Light in Zoroastrianism appear in the same scripture at the same time?"

Everyone shook their heads together.

Mu Sheikh: "This is it. For thousands of years, regardless of the rumors and legends in the countryside, no matter which religion, there has never been two religions in their official scriptures and holy books.

Gods have appeared at the same time. Believers attribute the reason for this phenomenon to the fact that the gods they believe in are the only true gods, and the gods believed in by pagans are false gods. However, is this really the case? "

The Tang soldiers below the podium were from different ethnic groups and naturally had different beliefs. After hearing Mu Sheikh's words, they all started to argue.

Buddhists believe that Buddha is the only one, while Zoroastrian believe that the God of Light is the true God.

For a time, there were divergent opinions and quarrels.

Mu Sheikh raised his hand to signal everyone to calm down, and then said: "No matter what kind of religion, if it can be spread for hundreds of years, or even thousands of years, and still stand, it naturally has its reasons. Whether it is Buddhism or Zoroastrianism,

There is a founder who is like a prophet, and there are countless evidences that can prove the existence of gods. Therefore, it is wrong to rashly call any one of them a false religion and any god a false god."

Someone in Tang Zhong asked: "Well, since no one is fake? Is it possible that everyone is real?"

Mu Sheikh clapped his hands: "Is this possible? There is only one true god. It is omnipotent and unpredictable. Its shape, language, race and ability can constantly change. So, in one

One hundred and fifty years ago, the Allah who appeared in front of Muhammad was the true God; a thousand years ago, it was the true God who stood under the holy tree and talked to Gautama Buddha; two thousand five hundred years ago, it was also the true God.

, the god who guides believers to the holy land is still the true God."

"From the beginning to the end, there is only one god in the world, the only one. He just changes into different appearances in the eyes and mouths of different believers. This is why we cannot see two true gods appearing at the same time in any religious Bible.


Someone in the Tang Dynasty was puzzled: "Since the gods of different religions are all one existence, why doesn't the true god come forward to correct everyone's mistakes and declare that he is the only god? Instead, he allows believers to fight with each other?"...

Mu Sheikh: "Two reasons. First, in the eyes of the true God, human beings are extremely small existences. The names, shapes, and appearances that we know are just some insignificant differences to the true God. What the true God cares about

It is the key person who appears at the critical moment and the great vision that will be completed next. As for other things, it doesn’t care at all.”

"Second, after the establishment of religion, secular people need to use the name of the true God to achieve secular goals, such as money, power, land or believers. Therefore, those in power in religions will use doctrines to amplify the differences between religions.

It embodies the form of the true God to enhance the recognition of religion and expand the ranks of believers, thereby achieving secular goals."

Zhou Jun stood in the main hall of Dragon Cave, listening to Mu Sheikh's preaching from beginning to end, with cold sweat dripping down his back.

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