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Chapter 353 Kang Lang seeks knowledge

When Kang Kejing was a child, she once heard a Sogdian elder say something like this: There are three categories of merchants. Lower-class merchants care about prices; middle-class merchants care about goods; and upper-class merchants care about people.


Kang Kejing came to Bachuan Market in the first month of the year and was able to return to Shicheng Town several times, but finally chose to stay.

It's not that he is greedy for the prosperity of Bachuan, but that he has been waiting for someone - Zhou Jun.

Before coming to Chang'an and staying in Bachuan, Kang Kejing heard too many stories about Zhou Jun.

The Sogdian intuition told him that meeting Zhou Jun was crucial to his own future and the future of the Kang family.

Therefore, Kang Kejing has been waiting for Zhou Jun to return to Bachuan, and this wait lasted from the first month to October.

Standing at the entrance of Caiwei Courtyard, Kang Kejing straightened her clothes over and over again and reviewed the speech she had prepared in her mind.

Hearing someone calling her name, Kang Kejing raised her head and saw a fairy-like girl in a red jacket standing in the courtyard. She couldn't help but blush on her face. She didn't dare to look any further and walked into the courtyard with her head lowered.

Following the corridor and passing through the vestibule, Kang Kejing came to the door of the side hall. After singing a farewell, she finally saw a young man.

The man was handsome in appearance, tall and tall, and his skin was a little dark. No matter in his expression or words and deeds, he was not aware of the superiors' bossy, but he was gentle and polite.

When Kang Kejing heard that this person was Zhou Jun, she was a little stunned for a moment. When she realized what she was doing, she quickly bowed and saluted and introduced herself to her family.

Zhou Jun looked Kang Kejing up and down and said with a smile: "I once passed through Shicheng Town, but because of my rush, I didn't visit Kang Shijun. I wonder how your family is doing?"

Kang Kejing knew that this question was for a school examination, so he explained the specific situation of the Kang family in Shicheng Town.

After listening to this, Zhou Jun felt confident and asked Kang Kejing: "As a young man from the Shicheng city guard family, you are traveling to Chang'an. Why are there no guards with you? You don't see Hongshu when you enter the memorial hall?"

Kang Kejing escaped from Shicheng Town again, followed Changxingfang to Liangzhou, then came to Chang'an, had her luggage stolen, and finally entered Bachuan. The whole thing was roughly told in detail.

Zhou Jun nodded when he heard Kang Kejing mentioning Jin Jiajiangfang and Uncle Shen. Later, he also felt emotional when he heard what happened to him in Chang'an City.

After listening to Kang Kejing's narration, Zhou Jun said: "You have been away from home for so long, and your family will definitely miss you... Well, I'll give you some money and help you contact a caravan heading to the Western Regions."

Kang Kejing shook his head and said: "Thank you very much for Supervisor Zhou's kindness, but Jing is not talented. In these months in Bachuan, I have made some money. If you want to go home, you can leave at any time. I am not here to ask for help."

Wealth, but to meet the God of Wealth among the merchants of the Western Regions."

Zhou Jun heard this interestingly and asked: "When did I get such a nickname among businessmen in the Western Regions?"

Kang Kejing thought for a while and said: "The name of the God of Wealth originally originated from Liangzhou. Later, the Daqi Trade Road was opened, and the name slowly spread."

Zhou Jun looked at Kang Kejing with a smile: "With the opening of the Daqi Trade Road, the Silk Road caravans have gradually moved from the north to the south. This is a good thing for Shicheng Town."

Kang Kejing nodded in agreement.

Zhou Jun suddenly changed the subject: "But I heard that the Sogdians, who were born in the ninth surname of Zhaowu, have most of their industries in Qiuci, Gaochang and other places, so they don't like the Daqi trade route. Is this a problem?


Kang Kejing was stunned and didn't react for a moment. He just nodded subconsciously. Zhou Jun leaned forward and asked Kang Kejing: "I just don't know whether the Kang family will stand on the side of the Sogdians or not."

Will you stand on the side of Shicheng Town?"

Faced with Zhou Jun's question, Kang Kejing was surprised at first, then changed his thoughts quickly, and finally said: "There is an old saying among Sogdians: Stupid businessmen always focus on the past; smart businessmen will strive for everything that belongs to the future.


Zhou Jun looked at the young man from the Kang family in front of him. When he said this, his eyes were full of confidence and determination, but the answer was already clear.

Zhou Jun smiled and said: "Shicheng Town is the gateway to the Western Regions and an important town on the Daqi Shang Road. If everyone in the Kang family thinks like you, then the future development of Shicheng Town will be unlimited. In time, the Han Dynasty will be restored

It is prosperous at that time, and it is natural for it to become the pearl of the commercial capital."

Kang Kejing was so excited by Zhou Jun's words that he nodded and said: "What Zhou Jian said is right. In the Western Han Dynasty, Shicheng Town was located on Loulan Road, which was the commercial center at the junction of the Central Plains and the Western Regions. The construction of Yiwu Road in the future was slow.

The decline is slowing down... Now, with the opening of the Daqi Trade Road, it is the best time for Shicheng Town to regain its prosperity. I plan to go home and discuss it with my father."

Zhou Jun nodded, called his servants to get paper and pen, wrote a handwritten letter, and gave it to Kang Kejing to take to Kang Randi, the governor of Shicheng Town.

The two talked for a while, and then Kang Kejing said goodbye and left.

After leaving the Bachuan Villa, Kang Kejing saw the maid Danqing waiting outside the gate for a long time. He stepped forward and grabbed her hand, and asked softly: "But you are too impatient to wait?"

Danqing was startled, turned around and saw Kang Kejing, breathed a sigh of relief, and asked in a low voice: "Has Lang Jun seen Lang Zhou?"

Kang Kejing nodded, pulled Danqing aside, and said: "Last year, I traveled from the Western Regions to Chang'an. What I saw along the way really opened my eyes. In the few months after arriving in Bachuan, I even

Thinking about the future of the Kang family... After today's talk with Zhou Erlang, I plan to go back to Shicheng Town. Danqing, please go back with me, and if we get along, I will give you a status."

Danqing lowered his head and watched Kang Kejing holding his hand and refusing to let go. He thought for a moment and finally nodded lightly.

Kang Kejing was overjoyed and hugged Danqing. The latter screamed and said urgently: "Master, please don't forget that Danqing is a lowly family."

Hearing this, Kang Kejing patted her forehead and said to Danqing, "Just wait here. I'll be back as soon as I can."

After saying that, Kang Kejing turned back to Bachuan Villa, but she went to Zhou Jun to intercede for Danqing's release.

A few days later, Kang Kejing entered Chang'an City with Danqing in a carriage belonging to the Jin family, and then walked along the street to the south of the city.

Danqing opened the curtain of the carriage and saw the dilapidation and desolation of the surrounding residents. He asked Kang Kejing beside him: "Mr. Lang, where are you going?"

Kang Kejing: "There is a Sogdian saying that friends who have helped you in times of crisis are more reliable partners than relatives who are close relatives."

Danqing looked puzzled.

The carriage finally stopped at the gate of Duckweed House. Kang Kejing got off the carriage and told the coachman to protect Danqing's safety.

Afterwards, Kang Kejing stepped into the door of Duckweed House. After some inquiries, she found He Tanchong who was making a fire and cooking in the backyard.

He Tanchong looked at the young Sogdian man in brocade clothes in front of him. He couldn't remember his identity for a moment, and his face was filled with doubts.

Kang Kejing knelt down and smiled at He Tanchong: "Last year's New Year's Eve, young man from the Kang family."

He Tanchong opened his eyes wide and looked excited. He pointed at Kang Kejing and was speechless, but he finally remembered the identity of the person in front of him.

Kang Kejing extended her hand to He Tanchong: "I am going back to the Western Regions, would you like to go with me?"

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