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Chapter 454 Yinglong Cult

Zhang Yanling looked at Du Fu, and then said to the man dressed as an Orion next to him: "Wang Liulang, this is the Chang'an court official I mentioned before."

Wang Liulang knelt down, looked at Du Fu who was still in shock, and said in a deep voice: "If you are in good health, please leave this place with us quickly. If you leave too late, the thieves will become suspicious. Maybe there will be some accomplices coming again."

When Du Fu heard this, he quickly got up and followed Zhang Yanling and Wang Liulang out of the place.

The group of people walked along the mountain path.

Du Fu bowed his hands to Zhang Yanling and Wang Liulang and said, "If it hadn't been for the help of these two righteous men today, I would have died."

Zhang Yanling glanced at Du Fu: "I have told you a long time ago that people's hearts are sinister and you should be careful at all times."

Du Fu first bowed his head in response, and then said to Wang Liulang: "A certain person's name is Du Fu, with the courtesy name Zimei. He is the Secretary and Supervisor of Zhongshu Province and serves as the School Secretary. I don't know how to call a righteous man?"

Wang Liulang was tall and had an extraordinary bearing. He cupped his hands and replied: "Wang Hong, courtesy name Honghu, is from Jinyang, Taiyuan, but from a mountain village... Du Xiaoshu's escape from danger, the first person he should thank is Zhang Xiaoyou, who found him

We said that a court official who came here from Chang'an to provide disaster relief might be in danger, so I brought people to rescue him."

When Du Fu heard this, he bowed his hands to Zhang Yanling and said, "My dear friend, I will never forget your kindness."

Zhang Yanling waved his hand and said: "If you are an evil official, I wish you would die soon... Because you said that you would investigate the disasters in various places and report them to the court. I know that you sincerely care for the people, so I made up my mind to do this."

Save your life."

Du Fu: "I just have something unclear. How do you know that I am in danger?"

Zhang Yanling: "I went to Daning City to do business this morning and accidentally saw you leaving the house. As soon as you left the house, someone was sneaking around and following you all the way. I guess someone wanted to do something bad for you, so they ran back to the camp.

, found Wang Liulang and invited reinforcements."

Du Fu showed fear on his face and saluted Zhang Yanling again.

Wang Hong: "Although Du Xiaoshu escaped this time, the thief will definitely not give up and will definitely set up an ambush again on the way. You'd better be careful."

Du Fu nodded and asked Wang Hong: "I see that Wang Liulang is very good at archery, but he comes from the military?"

Hearing this topic, Zhang Yanling clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Wang Liulang is not only good at archery, he is also familiar with the art of war, and his martial arts is also superb. Neighboring villages know that Liulang is very wise and virtuous, and they all admire him."

Du Fu: "Liu Lang is so talented, why don't you join the army and serve the imperial court?"

Wang Hong was silent for a moment: "Two years ago, a certain person planned to go to Luoyang, the eastern capital, to participate in martial arts. Before leaving, someone in Jinyang City posted a book by Ying Long, saying that it was Ying Long's warning that there would be a flood within half a month. At first, a certain person

I didn’t believe it, so I later asked some merchants who traveled all over the country, and then I realized that what Ying Long said must be effective, and there had never been any deception.”

Du Fu was surprised and said: "It must be effective?"

Wang Hong nodded and said: "That's right... My relatives at home are all in Jinyang. I was worried about participating in the martial arts competition and fearing disaster at home, so I delayed my trip and stayed. Half a month later, a flood did break out in the city. Fortunately, there was a flood at home in advance.

As a result, there were no casualties. From then on, Hong made up his mind to pursue the sign of Yinglong, and gradually gave up the idea of ​​​​an official career."

After Du Fu heard this, he sighed for a while, and became even more curious about the corresponding dragon theory.

After walking for more than half an hour, the group finally arrived at an ancient temple in Pushuidang.

The ancient temple was built in the early Sui Dynasty. It was originally a Zen temple used for hermitage. Later, due to the war, the number of monks dwindled and it was finally abandoned in the mountains.

Nothing could be seen from the outside, but as soon as Du Fu stepped into the temple gate, he saw a large crowd of people in the ancient temple, with people settling down everywhere.

There are men and women, old and young. A rough estimate is that there are thousands.

Although the people's clothes are ragged and their faces are disheveled, fortunately they are in good spirits and there is no sign of depression on their faces.

Wang Hong entered the ancient temple. He asked around first and saw that no one was sick or hungry. After feeling relieved, he took Du Fu and Zhang Yanling to the inner courtyard.

On the way, Zhang Yanling saw Du Fu's surprised look on his face and said: "The Yinglong Sect in Pu Shuidang is usually dominated by two people. The group practices hunting, maintains security and repels the enemy. Wang Liulang is the leader; he preaches the doctrines and recruits believers.

Marquis is responsible."

Du Fu: "Does Yinglong's theory still have a doctrine?"

Zhang Yanling: "Yinglong's teachings have three major sutras, namely ancient sutras, explanatory sutras and worldly sutras. Each sutra has quotations, sacred music, classics, wisdom, laws, apocrypha, and even talks about the laws of the heavens.


Du Fu: "Young friends, do you know what Yinglong's teachings are about?"

Zhang Yanling scratched his head: "Among Yinglong's three classics, the ancient ones are difficult to understand, and the interpretation is mysterious and unpredictable. Only the worldly classics are mostly filled with legends of gods and sages' words, and I can still understand some of them. The general idea

What it means is that all religions in the world, whether Taoism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Sutra Buddhism or others, are all branches under one god."

Du Fu: "What is the meaning of this statement?"

Zhang Yanling: "There is only one God of eternity. He is unpredictable, has countless names, and appears in countless places. Many religions have different views, so they have different doctrines and different sayings.

But in the final analysis, there is only one god, but they are called by different names. In Yinglong's teachings, this only god is called the true God. And Yinglong is the messenger of the true god to the world."

Du Fu listened and chewed the words carefully.

After entering the inner courtyard, Wang Hong knocked on the door of the wing.

Not long after, Maquis, who was in charge of doctrine and believers, came out of the room.

When Du Fu saw this man, he couldn't help being shocked.

There is no other reason than that the Yinglong priest named Maquis is actually a brown-haired and blue-eyed Westerner.

After listening to Wang Hong's explanation, Ma Kuishi said to Du Fu: "Master Du, if you want to know about the disaster situation on Hedong Road, I can help you."

Du Fu was a little surprised: "Can you help me?"

Maquis: "The Yinglong Order has hydrological and meteorological records of Hedong, as well as statistics on the number of people affected by disasters in the state capital. If these are helpful to you, I can lend you excerpts."

Du Fu said happily: "Is this true? This is the best!"

Maquis: "But you'd better hurry up, because it won't be long before the cult will set off and leave Pushuidang."

Du Fu: "Leave here? May I ask where to go?"

Maquis: "As Yinglong's teachings say, we are going to the Promised Land."

Du Fu: "Where is the Promised Land?"

Maquis: "Go west, keep going west, the distance in between is long, it should be an ascetic journey."

Du Fu hesitated for a moment and suggested to Maquis: "I will compile everything that happened here into a memorial, and then report it to the court through the secretary. As long as the court is willing to issue relief orders, all the victims will be properly resettled... So, you don’t have to leave at all.”

Maquis shook his head and said to Du Fu: "Ying Long came to the world not only to warn the world to avoid disasters, but also to teach the world to make a pilgrimage to the West. The profound meaning cannot be explained clearly in a few words."

Wang Hong on the side said: "Not only Pushuidang, Sangquan, Gan'an, Jiaoli and other places, but also dozens of Yinglong religious groups will set off, leaving their homeland and heading west to the promised land. Here The decision has been made long ago, so there is no need for Du Xiaoshu to persuade him."

When Du Fu heard this, he looked at the people in front of him and let out a long sigh.

This chapter has been completed!
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