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Chapter 731 Poisoner

General Zhakowangdui of the Tubo army was captured by the Tang army, and he and a group of vassal generals were taken to the Tang army's tent.

Being forced to kneel on the ground, Zhakowangdui struggled hard while cursing: "The people of the Tang Dynasty are all rats! They only know how to make sneak attacks. If they have the ability, the two armies will confront each other and fight with real swords and guns!"

Guo Xin looked at Zha Kewangdui coldly and shouted: "Shut up! I have something to ask you!"

Zha Kewangdui raised his neck and closed his eyes, looking completely helpless.

Guo Xin was secretly angry and wanted to drag him down and torture him.

Kong You stood up, stopped Guo Xin, smiled and said to Zha Kewangdui: "If you cooperate now, you won't endure hardship. Please think carefully."

Seeing Kong You's weak appearance, Zhako Wangdui ignored him and spat a mouthful of thick phlegm on the ground.

When Kong You saw this, he was not annoyed and said to himself: "Tubo Tantric Buddhism has the method of throwing tiles. The Tubo text is transliterated as "Powing Wa Zhongjue", which means to seize the body. The specific process is to remove the body of the recipient.

The eyes, nose, and tongue are gouged out one after another to destroy the five consciousnesses, and then the person is wrapped in living skin, and boiling oil is poured into the hole in the heavenly spirit cover. Finally, by reciting the sutra for three days, the person's soul can be taken out and trapped forever.

Among living creatures such as pigeons and mice, they will never be reincarnated..."

Every time Kong You said a word, Zhakowangdui trembled.

When Kong You finished speaking, Zhakowangdui's face was as pale as earth and trembling like chaff.

Kong You walked up to Zhako Wangdui and carefully looked at the top of his head, as if he was considering where to start.

Zha Kewangdui desperately nodded his head on the ground and said plaintively: "If you have anything to ask, just ask. As long as I know something, I will definitely tell the truth."

Kong You smiled slightly and asked Zhako Wangdui: "In recent years, have there been any envoys or lobbyists from the south of the Yangtze River going to Tubo?"

Zhako Wangdui nodded quickly and said: "Yes, yes! There is a group of businessmen from the south, who are said to be envoys of the Southern Tang Dynasty. They have lived in Luoxe City for more than half a year and can enter and leave the king's tent freely."

Kong You turned around and looked at Guo Xin.

Then, Kong You asked: "What exactly did these people talk about with the Tubo nobles?"

Zhakowangdui said with a bitter face: "I am just a Dongdai of a tribe, how can I be qualified to go to the king's tent to discuss matters? However, I heard that these Southern Tang envoys signed some credentials with Tubo, and what kind of credentials did they sign with Tubo?

Whatever agreement was made, I don’t know anything else.”

Kong You asked some more questions and found that the other party did not know, so he returned to Guo Xin.

The two of them winked at each other and walked together to the back tent where no one would disturb them.

Kong You said: "It seems that my prediction was correct. Those people in Jiangnan are indeed connected with Tubo."

Guo Xin frowned and said: "Jiangnan uses Jiangcheng as a bait to hold back our 400,000-strong army. Tibet can then take advantage of the situation and walk down the plateau, attack the capital, and cut off the army's retreat. What a vicious strategy!"

Kong You: "Not only Tubo, but also Uighurs and Yan Kingdoms may have been drawn into the situation by Jiangnan. This encirclement network must have been planned several years ago."

Guo Xin: "The Tubo army has 200,000 troops, and the Uighurs also have 120,000 cavalry. One is in the west and the other is in the north. If both sides attack at the same time, the situation may be dangerous... Why don't we go up to His Majesty and ask Marshal Guo to lead it?

The 400,000-strong army will withdraw from the Jiangcheng battlefield and return to defend the capital?"

Kong You immediately rejected the proposal: "If the Holy Emperor issued an order to order Guo Ziyi to return to the army, then he would have fallen into the enemy's plan. An army of 400,000 people is located in the Yangtze River area, and the surrounding water network is developed. The Puppet Tang Dynasty is also known for its navy. Once the enemy's plan is

After retreating, Jiangnan predicts that Guo Ziyi will return as fast as an arrow, and he will definitely use the navy as a surprise force to continuously attack the Tang army along the way, eventually causing chaos and defeat."

Guo Xin had a headache: "So, Chang'an's 80,000-strong garrison is exhausted, reinforcements from the south cannot be counted on, and Tubo has a huge army. We only have 10,000 cavalry in hand. What should we do next?"

Kong You put his hands behind his back and paced in the tent.

After a while, Kong You said to Guo Xin: "The puppet Tang general Jiangcheng was used as a bait to hold back Guo Ziyi's army. In the same way, we can also use Chang'an as a bait to hold back the Tibetan army... Moreover, not only

By holding back the Tibetan army, we can also use the war in Chang'an to instigate rebellion and destroy the alliance between Tibet and the Southern Tang Dynasty."

Guo Xin's thinking can't keep up with Kong You's.

Obviously what we were talking about just now was about defeating Tubo and relieving the siege of Chang'an. Why did we suddenly jump to the alliance between instigating rebellion against Tibet and the Southern Tang Dynasty?

When Kong You saw this, he did not intend to explain in detail, but asked: "The scouts came earlier to report that the Tibetans have arrived in Chang'an and are preparing to start attacking the city?"

Guo Xin nodded.

Kong You: "General Guo, there are a few things to do next. First, send the report of the victory of Jingchuan to Chang'an City, and then inform the city guards that there are reinforcements in Liangzhou and they are on their way.

He must defend the city."

Guo Xin agreed.

Kong You: "Secondly, after the great victory in Jingchuan, our army can take advantage of the empty defense of Fengxiang Pass and take advantage of it. However, the Tubo army suffered a disastrous defeat in Jingchuan, so they will definitely draw troops from the Chang'an battlefield and return to attack. We

After the army captures Fengxiang Pass, they can set up an ambush there again to wait for work."

Guo Xin: "Okay, let's follow Zhongcheng's plan."

Kong You cast his gaze at the Tibetan prisoners in the distance and said faintly: "Now, there is one last thing left to do, which is how to deal with these four thousand prisoners?"

Guo Xin: "There is a Tang army stationed in Shangbi County in Jingzhou. I can send a partial army to escort these prisoners there and keep them under strict guard."

Kong You narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a low voice: "Escorting four thousand prisoners requires at least two thousand soldiers. Along the way, we have to pass through the North Branch of Jingshui River. The situation there is unclear. In case something happens... Moreover, Fengxiang Pass is probably going to happen next.

There is a fierce battle, and any army under the general's command may be the key to victory, so how can we easily divide the troops?"

Guo Xin was in trouble for a while. How to take care of and escort these four thousand prisoners was indeed a problem.

Kong You held a sword in his right hand, and after making a false cut, he said: "It is useless to keep these four thousand prisoners any longer. The best solution at the moment is to execute them on the spot."

Guo Xin was stunned and asked: "Kill prisoners?"

Kong You: "The Tubo people are violent and ruthless, killing the people and plundering the prefectures and counties. These disasters are no different from wild beasts, so why should they be regarded as prisoners? You suggested that it is better to let them dig deep pits, then seize their clothes and armor, and finally

Push it into a pit and bury it."

Guo Xin took a deep look at Kong You.

The latter was worshiped as the Censor Zhongcheng, but he also served as the chief officer of the Royal Guards. He was cruel and sinister, and had long been famous both inside and outside the court. Even Guo Xin, who was far away in Beiting, had heard about it.

However, let the prisoners dig their own pits, take off their clothes and armor, and finally bury them alive.

Guo Xin asked himself, this kind of thing still made him a little uneasy.

After Qiang calmed himself down, Guo Xin asked: "Why did Zhongcheng still want to seize the Tibetan people's clothes and armor?"

Kong You smiled and said: "It will be of great use."

Seeing Kong You's smile, Guo Xin shuddered unconsciously from the depths of her soul.

This chapter has been completed!
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