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Chapter 812 Trend

The Yuan Day Dynasty in the 16th year of the New Yuan Dynasty coincided with the Jia Chen Long Fu, which was a rare and auspicious day in a century.

After the end of the dynasty, the imperial court held a Yuanzheng banquet in the imperial city, received envoys from foreign countries, and invited guests from all over the world to celebrate together.

There was celebration everywhere in Chang'an City.

In the streets and alleys, different countries, different ethnic groups, and different races gathered together. Nearly a million people celebrated Yuan Zheng in the same city.

The grandness of the scene, even the peak of the Tianbao period, was far less than it.

Linde Hall was once one of the largest palaces in the Daming Palace in Chang'an. In the last years of Tianbao's reign, it was burned to the ground by the rebels during the An-Shi Rebellion, leaving only half of it in ruins.

The emperor ordered thousands of Chang'an craftsmen to spend a whole year rebuilding the Linde Hall and further expanding it based on the original design drawings.

The main hall now built in Linde Hall is a three-story vertical return structure that is rare in Tang Dynasty architecture. The first floor has a staggering construction area of ​​16,000 square meters, and the second floor also has an area of ​​9,000 square meters.


Today, Emperor Zhou Jun, together with hundreds of officials and members of parliament, held a banquet in the main hall on the second floor.

In the center of the main hall, there are nine sections of palace music, musicians, musicians, musicians, musicians, etc., a total of more than 500 people, performing songs and dances during the banquet.

In addition, there are horse dancing, poetry fighting, Liubo, drinking and other entertainments, which are also held in the palace.

Emperor Zhou Jun is sitting on the throne, Queen Yin Yu is sitting on the right, and below them, Concubine De (Hua Yue) is sitting on the second seat.

First, foreign envoys came one after another with heavy gifts to congratulate the emperor.

Tubo was a servant country, and its envoys ordered their men to carry up a top-quality Tianhuang stone weighing half a ton.

Tianhuang is also known as the "King of Stones" and is often used to make top-quality seals.

As for this top-quality Tianhuang stone from the Tubo Kingdom, the stone skin has been worn away, revealing the crystal clear stone mouth. The inner material is the top-quality Tianhuang stone - stone jelly. What's even more rare is that there are no impurities and the shape is complete.

After accepting the gift from the Tubo Kingdom, Zhou Jun smiled and said to the Tubo envoy: "Go back and tell Xi De Zuzan that you have taken the trouble. I am very satisfied."

The Tubo envoy bowed and said: "Before departure, Zuzan told me that the Tang Dynasty is the master, and it is necessary for Tubo to do its best. In addition, there is another gift, but it is not convenient to give it out today."

Zhou Jun asked curiously: "Is there another gift?"

Tubo envoy: "In June last year, the traitor Sang Chiruo escaped from Luoche City. In order to hunt for him, Tubo mobilized the whole country. Finally, at the end of November, they surrounded Zang River in the north of Niboluo (now Nepal).

Live him."

Zhou Jun heard this and quickly asked: "Did you catch him?"

Tubo envoy: "The soldiers around Sang Chiruo fought tooth and nail to protect their master. They fought bloody battles for three days and three nights, and finally all died. But Sang Chiruo himself was forced to the snowy cliff of Zang River and refused to surrender. In the end, he jumped off the cliff and died.


Zhou Jun asked: "Has his body been found?"

Tubo envoy: "Our army searched downstream along the Zang River and finally found Sang Chiruo's body bitten by wild beasts in a shoal."

Zhou Jun: "Been bitten by a wild beast? How can you confirm that it is Sang Chiruo?"

Tubo envoy: "Sang Chiruo participated in the war in his early years and left many scars on his body. These are recorded in the golden account. We compared the wounds on the corpse one by one and finally confirmed that the deceased was Sang Chi.


Zhou Jun took a long breath after hearing this.

For Zhou Jun, if we talk about how many people can become his real opponents in this life.

Sang Chiruo is definitely one of them.

Due to the butterfly effect brought about by time travel, Sang Chiruo was born. This person has no historical follow-up to trace, and there is no possibility of prediction. In Zhou Jun's view, this kind of person is like an unstable factor. If

If it cannot be removed as soon as possible, it will cause trouble sooner or later.

Now that Sang Chiruo is dead, a huge hidden danger has been eliminated.

Finally feeling relieved, Zhou Jun rewarded the Tibetan envoys with many treasures and even promised to increase mutual trade between the two countries.

The emperor held a banquet in the palace, and in the palace corridor outside the palace, a group of guards in royal robes were responsible for patrolling the Linde Palace.

Looking at the snowflakes flying in the sky in the courtyard, the guerrilla guards of the Jin Yiwei called out the white mist, looked into the distance, and stood there in a daze.

"General of the class."

When Ban Weizheng heard someone calling him, he turned around and saw a familiar person - Zhang Yanling.

Ban Weizheng raised his hand and said, "Congratulations to Deputy Governor Zhang, for being promoted again."

Facing Ban Weizheng's congratulations, Zhang Yanling didn't show any pride on his face. He just smiled bitterly and said: "Sail against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat."

Hearing these eight words, Ban Weizheng felt strange and asked: "Vice-Governor Zhang is now second only to Governor Yuan in Jinyiweinan Town. His promotion speed is very fast. He is unique in the whole court. Why do you look at this?"

But he looked unhappy when he got up."

Zhang Yanling did not want to dwell on this issue, but asked about an unrelated matter: "The prince born to Concubine De is extremely intelligent. He can compose poetry at the age of three, and is especially good at arithmetic. According to common sense,

It is said that the prince should reach the age of ten before being granted the title of king. However, your majesty doted on this prince and actually violated the etiquette and made him the king of Liang last year."

Ban Weizheng: "I know all this, what are you talking about?"

Zhang Yanling: "Liangzhou is the old capital of the Tang Dynasty. Earlier, the twenty-nine sons of the Supreme Emperor were named King of Liang in the 22nd year of Kaiyuan. Later, in order to avoid taboos, they asked His Majesty to change the name... But now, His Majesty

To actually give the title of Prince Liang to the son of Concubine De, doesn't that mean something?"

Ban Weizheng stared at Zhang Yanling for a long time: "Deputy Governor Zhang, I have something to ask you a long time ago. Although you and I are both Jin Yiwei, our relationship is not so good that we can talk about everything. You are around

I have so many colleagues, why don’t you bother others but come to talk to me?”

Zhang Yanling said with a smile: "It's not like you don't know what kind of people my subordinates are. I usually have something on my mind and never say it to them. On the other hand, the squad general, although his words and deeds are casual, he knows how to advance and retreat.

It’s a perfect time to chat with me on weekdays.”

When Ban Weizheng heard this, he was immediately angry and simply turned his head away, pretending not to hear anything.

Zhang Yanling continued by himself: "The imperial court has been promoting the new imperial examination in recent years, and the people who have the greatest influence are none other than the powerful people. Ordinary people can't even read the Four Books and Five Classics tested in the old imperial examination."

Understand it, let alone apply it freely. This is like a big mountain, completely blocking the promotion path of many civilians. Nowadays, the new imperial examination has begun to focus on practicality and abandon the use of hard essays. As long as anyone who has received compulsory education and has a skill can

The opportunity to serve as an official in the court suddenly eliminated the advantage of the powerful clan in the officialdom."

"On the other hand, the number of parliamentarians who can enter the court is increasing, and even in terms of number, they are vaguely on par with officials. Originally, parliamentarians only had the power of supervision and review, but now they have more responsibilities such as proposal, punishment, and management.

It can be said to be gradually growing.”

Ban Weizheng heard this but still ignored it.

Zhang Yanling: "The son of Concubine De was granted the title of Prince of Liang, the new imperial examination led to the decline of the family, and the power of the congressmen who entered the court became more and more powerful. Putting these three things together, it seems that they have no connection with each other, but those who are careful will think about it carefully.

, you will naturally be suspicious...how will the Tang Dynasty change in the future?"

At this moment, an official came out of the side door of the main hall and whispered to Zhang Yanling: "Deputy Envoy Zhang, in a little while, it will be the turn of the officials to toast to the emperor."

Zhang Yanling nodded and said, "I understand, I'll go right away."

Ban Weizheng glanced back at the direction Zhang Yanling left, and slowly fell into deep thought.

This chapter has been completed!
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