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Chapter 824 Assassination (Part 2)

Among the chaotic crowds running in all directions, Zhou Shang, who was riding on horseback, only traveled a few dozen meters before he was blocked.

As a last resort, Zhou Shang had no choice but to dismount, and with several teams of military guards around him, he accelerated towards the emperor's chariot in the middle of the motorcade.

The closer we get to the explosion site, the more shocking the situation on the road becomes.

A huge watchtower collapsed in the explosion, blocking most of the long street.

The corpses of civilians and soldiers can be seen everywhere on the ground, with blood stains and debris everywhere.

The smoke from the explosion filled the shop, and as you walked through it, you couldn't see the scene in the distance, but you could faintly hear the sounds of weapons clashing and the roar of fighting.

After a lot of effort, Zhou Shang and his men lifted away a huge stone blocking the long street, climbed up to a high place, and finally saw where the royal chariot was.

In the middle of the long street, hundreds of guards formed a circular formation to protect the royal chariot.

In front of the imperial guards were a group of assassins wearing armor.

This group of assassins were all extremely sophisticated, including armor and weapons. They even had throwable thunder and fire bombs that had just been installed by the elite army of the Tang Dynasty not long ago.

The assassins were well-trained and fearless of death. Most of them adopted the method of dying together and launched charges against the emperor's chariot again and again.

Moreover, the terrain is unfavorable and debris is everywhere.

Therefore, although the imperial guards had the upper hand in numbers, they were always suppressed by the assassins and could not gain any advantage at all.

Zhou Shang looked at both ends of the battlefield and found that these assassins had used explosives to blow up the buildings in front and behind the long street before taking action, blocking the reinforcements of the Tang army. They were obviously prepared.

Zhou Shang ordered to his men: "Leave a few people to clear the passage, and the others will follow me to rescue the car!"

After the reinforcements led by Zhou Shang rushed into the battlefield, they immediately greatly reduced the pressure on the imperial guards.

The Tubo assassins were attacked on both sides and had to detach one of them first to block Zhou Shang's reinforcements.

Zhou Shang originally thought that the enemy would be in disarray due to being attacked from both sides, but to his surprise, instead of panicking, the enemy was aroused and became more ferocious the more they fought.

On the other hand, after actually fighting with the enemy, Zhou Shang was shocked to realize that these assassins were not only brutal, but also each of them was terrifyingly powerful.

The iron rod, which weighed thirty kilograms, was as light as a stick in the hands of these assassins.

These tall enemies seem to never be able to use up their strength. Coupled with the iron armor protection, each of them is as difficult as a killing god. Ordinary martial guards, even two against one, or even three against one, can take several rounds.

After that, the only end result is to be killed.

Zhou Shang saw that there were fewer and fewer military guards around him, and the blocked long street blocked the pace of reinforcements, and he couldn't help but feel anxious.

An assassin saw Zhou Shang wearing official robes and knew that he must be a high official, so he abandoned other opponents, brandished his sword and rushed directly towards the latter.

Zhou Shang's martial arts skills were only at the level of ordinary people. In panic, he subconsciously wanted to raise his weapon to block.

At this moment, a sharp arrow pierced the sky, passed through the gap in the assassin's helmet, and directly pierced the latter's eye socket.

Seeing the assassin who failed in the sneak attack and screamed on the ground, Zhou Shang let out a long breath, then looked back, wanting to know who saved his life.

Princess Qiongyu, dressed in a vermilion red dress, holding a walking bow in her hand, with cold eyes, stood on a high platform on one side of the long street, with a bird shawl shining dazzlingly in the sun, floating in the wind

Dance gently.

While Zhou Shang was stunned, the assassin who was hit by the arrow stood up and raised his sword again toward Zhou Shang's back.

Princess Qiongyu exclaimed and wanted to fire her bow again, but found that it was too late.

At this critical moment, a spear was thrown from a distance with great force. It first penetrated the assassin's breastplate, and then nailed him to the ground without losing any force.

Zhou Shang, who had escaped from the gate of hell twice in a row, was so frightened that his back was covered with cold sweat, and he looked to the side of the long street again.

The person who threw the spear was none other than his unmarried wife Ning Qiniang.

Ning Qiniang has been practicing martial arts since she was a child. Regardless of her strength or skill, even men are willing to be inferior to her.

Wearing a red undergarment, she walked towards Zhou Shang and picked up another spear from the body of the dead military guard.

Looking at an assassin holding an iron shield and standing with his back, Ning Qiniang's Qi Luck Dantian, her feet were separated from the front and back, and her whole body was as tight as a bowstring.

The next second, with the harsh sound of breaking through the air, the spear drew a perfect parabola and directly pierced the enemy's back.

On the other side, the earth and rocks blocking the long street were gradually cleared away by military guards and officials.

Reinforcements came one after another from both ends of the long street, gradually forming a siege on the Tibetan assassins in the center of the battlefield.

The two leaders of the assassins, the two brothers Yin Pu and Yin Yuan, the main and deputy generals of the Shan Wei Army, were at the end of their strength at this time.

The eldest brother Yin Yuan looked around and found that most of the Shankui soldiers who followed him had died in battle, and only a dozen of them were still alive.

Yin Yuan wiped the blood from his face and said to Yin Pu: "Today's battle has been entrusted with important tasks. How can we return without success?"

Yin Pu was seriously injured on his chest, and blood was dripping down his armor. He said to Yin Yuan: "Brother, I will listen to you no matter what you say."

Yin Yuan: "According to the previous arrangements, we still have enough strength to make a last ditch effort. Are you ready?"

Yin Pu picked up the package on the ground and nodded vigorously to Yin Yuan.

Yin Yuan put his fingers to his mouth, first let out a whistle, and then opened his clothes, revealing the layers of explosives wrapped around his body.

With a loud roar, Yin Yuan used fire to ignite the fuse of the explosive, and then, under the cover of other Shankai soldiers, he rushed towards the Tang army guarding the emperor's chariot.

Just heard a loud roar.

Following the earth-shattering explosion, human limbs, blood, broken armor, and weapons fell from the sky like rain.

A bloody pit suddenly appeared in the field in front of the royal chariot.

Just when everyone was so shocked that they lost the ability to move, Shan Wei Army Deputy General Yin Pu untied the package and took out a heavy Crouching Tiger Cannon.

Holding the tiger crouching cannon, Yin Pu rushed over the corpses and debris scattered on the ground, ignoring the crazy arrows and stabbing weapons of the Tang army, and rushed to the spot only ten meters away from the imperial chariot.

Holding the fire with his teeth, Yin Pu lit the Tiger Crouching Cannon.

A cannon shot.

A steel storm like a rain of flowers swept across the imperial chariot.

After a period of shaking, hundreds of holes appeared on the emperor's chariot caused by shotgun attacks.

Wisps of blood slowly overflowed from the holes and flowed to the ground again.

In an instant, the entire long street fell into deathly silence.

Yin Pu, who was covered with wounds, dropped the cannon and laughed loudly at the frightened Tang army: "I killed the emperor of Tang!"

Not far away, Zhou Shang, after witnessing all this, felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and his hands and feet began to tremble uncontrollably.

At the other end of the long street, Luo Anyuan, the general of the auxiliary state who came to rescue him with reinforcements, arrived belatedly.

Looking at the mess in the long street, Luo Anyuan narrowed his eyes slightly and shouted loudly: "Surround the assassins and don't let anyone escape!"

This chapter has been completed!
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