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Chapter 122 Broken Star

Chu Feng slowly opened his eyes. Wherever he looked, various planets were slowly rotating, which were somewhat similar to those in the universe.

Chu Feng's body is now covered with a layer of light film. With his strength, without the protection measures of Paradise, he would probably die the moment he enters the void.

"Boy, the protection on your body is all our energy. If you fail the test, don't blame us for not thinking that you are of the same race."

The appearance of void demons is similar to that of humans, except that their whole bodies are surrounded by black flames. Even if they have no intention of attacking Chu Feng, they can feel the stinging pain just by looking at them.

"Don't always stare at me. This black flame was created by me after I suppressed it. Otherwise, you will be devoured by just one glance. Even so, if you look at the current black flame for a long time, it will have some side effects.


Upon hearing this, Chu Feng immediately turned his head to one side. He was not in the habit of seeking death.

But having said that, Paradise is really stingy. When Chu Feng came to the Void, he even refused to give him the energy to protect him, and had to rely on the Void Demon to provide it.

"Okay, stop inking and hurry into the world, she is coming soon."


Before Chu Feng could react, he suddenly discovered that a hole had opened in the void, and a figure was walking towards the outside.

At the same time, Xu Ya quickly activated the formation at Chu Feng's feet and teleported him into the world.

"Xu Ya! I'm so angry! Did you agree that I would be the examiner?" Mo Su walked out of the crack in the void and stamped his feet angrily when he saw Chu Feng who had already teleported.

The planet under her feet couldn't withstand it, and it split open on the spot to show her.

With no place to stay, Xu Ya had no choice but to start flying.

"With your temper, if I let you be the examiner, I'm afraid that kid will be killed by you before he takes the exam. Anyway, he has already entered, and you have no chance. Go back."

Xu Ya took the lead in opening the crack in the void and walked in.

Mosu did not follow him back, but ran to the planet Chu Feng teleported to, and was always watching Chu Feng's assessment outside.

Broken Star.

"The Awakener has entered the Broken Star."

"Advanced tasks have been issued."

In an instant, the scene in front of Chu Feng began to change, and the current situation of the world appeared before his eyes.

Broken Star was originally a complete world, but for some reason, the whole world was shattered, leaving only this fragment.

As for the reason, the paradise was not shown to Chu Feng, and Chu Feng didn’t want to know. There was no need to guess. It was most likely related to those so-called gods.

Today, there are only three major camps left in Broken Star, and their technological level is probably around the Middle Ages.

An'er City: A human city, a city composed only of humans.

Crab City: A city of void creatures. It is composed of a kind of void creature similar to a blue crab. Crabs are so barbaric that they will enslave humans.

Dolan City: A large city where intelligent void life and humans with void bloodline coexist. To put it bluntly, it is a mixture of various creatures, located in the center of the world.

No need to think too much, Chu Feng, a native of Earth, will definitely go to An'er City.

"The world introduction has been played, now the awakened ones choose the place to descend."

"The place where the Awakened One will arrive is: Dulan City, Lina Village."


Chu Feng scratched his head. He didn't know if others could see his Void Demon bloodline, which had been diluted twice. Then he might be caught as a human spy, right?

Chu Feng looked around and saw that Lina was just a village. There was a large amount of farmland as far as the eye could see, but a large part of it was dead.

Behind the crops, there are thatched houses, and behind them is the breeding area.

Opening the system panel, Chu Feng checked the tasks.

Advanced mission: Obtain 100% of the withered core, current progress: 0%

Advanced mission reward: Enter the second level

Advanced mission punishment: Permanent pursuit from the void demon race

Note: Exploring this world can randomly trigger other tasks. All tasks that are not advanced tasks are optional and you can choose to accept or reject.

Note: Those who are awakened should take the advanced task as the highest priority. Those who fail the advanced task will lose their qualifications for this assessment.

The paradise only mentioned the requirements for advanced tasks, but there was no mention of where to get the core of blight.

Although advanced tasks are given the highest priority, that does not mean that other tasks cannot be done. After all, advanced tasks have no time limit.

It can only be said that while completing the advanced mission, he also completed other missions. However, without any information, that is not realistic. After all, Chu Feng doesn’t even know what the Blight Core is, let alone what it is.

Went looking for it.

Paradise did not give Chu Feng an identity disguise, so Chu Feng frowned and walked to the nearest house.

He doesn't know if his Void Demon bloodline can be sensed by the indigenous people. If so, it's hard to say. If not, he may have to take some extreme measures to obtain information.

As for what if Chu Feng is not as powerful as the aborigines? Lina is just a small village. If Chu Feng can't beat the farmers here, there is no need to enter Duolan City. The strength of this world is simply beyond his reach.<


"What should I do? The crops are dead. How should I pay the agricultural and grain taxes this time?"

"How about...let's evade taxes..."

"Are you crazy!? Do you want to die?"

"But after paying the tax, we may not be far from death..."

Chu Feng stood outside the room with his eyebrows furrowed, listening to the conversation between the two.

Large areas of farmland outside have died, which has had a huge impact on these indigenous people. Food is no longer available.

After thinking for a moment, Chu Feng knocked on the door.

The conversation inside the door suddenly stopped. After a moment, footsteps were heard and the door was opened.

Inside the door is a "human" covered in transparent scales. His scales squirm from time to time, looking ugly and disgusting.

"Big, big, sir." After seeing Chu Feng, the mixed-race man sat down on the ground, his whole voice trembling.

Chu Feng's appearance, which is exactly the same as that of a human, represents the high concentration of his human blood, which also means that he is more "pure".

In Dolan City, the concentration of a certain bloodline accounts for more than half, and it is also a symbol of status. They are basically high-level figures.

Moreover, although Chu Feng’s strangely dressed mixed-race people have never been seen before, the materials used are definitely not something that low-level peasants like them can use. Chu Feng might be a noble from Duolan City.

"I ask, you answer."

Chu Feng glanced at the mixed-race man indifferently and then stopped looking at him.

Since the mixed-race person has given Chu Feng an identity, Chu Feng will definitely use it directly, saving him the time to make up an identity.

Nobles should have aristocratic temperament, and indifference is their most common attitude towards the lower class.

"Yeah." The mixed-race man quickly got up and knelt in front of Chu Feng.

"Do you know the reason for the large-scale withering of farmland?" According to the conversation between the two mixed-race people, it is most likely the first time that large-scale withering of farmland has occurred. If it had happened before, they should have corresponding solutions, instead of

Worrying like this now.

Moreover, the advanced task is for Chu Feng to find the core of withering. No matter how you think about it, when farmland withers, it may be related to the core of withering.

"Sir, I...I don't know. It was fine at first, but overnight, the farmland suddenly became like this."

Chu Feng frowned. The large-scale withering of farmland overnight did not seem to be the cause of a natural disaster.

In other words, it is impossible for the indigenous people to be unaware of the natural disasters that can cause such damage.

This matter was probably done intentionally.

"Unlock optional side mission: Investigate the cause of large-scale blight in farmland. Do you accept it?"

This chapter has been completed!
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