Turn off the lights
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Chapter 1128

 Huh, huh.

Unable to bear it, Chen Mo took several deep breaths.

He forced himself to calm down.

It seemed that the other party's minions were not far away from him, so he searched the room again.

Compared to the bare-walled room in Shefu, the things inside are much richer.

The place in Shefu is just a temporary foothold. I am afraid this is a real stronghold. No, it is more appropriate to describe it as a den.

Chen Mo searched the room carefully.

There was a large box on display. He frowned and walked over quickly.

He did not open the box immediately, but summoned [Liu Bei's Straw Sandals]. If this was some kind of detonating device, he could use [Liu Bei's Straw Sandals] to instantly dematerialize his body and temporarily evade the bomb.

"I thought only people in Lantian Community knew about it. Forget it, let me tell you." After collecting the money, the lady at the bar told Chen Mo some of the rumors she had heard with a smile on her face.

Just like what Hu Yi said, strange things happened not just to their family, but to the entire community.

At first, there were only a few people who said they would have strange dreams in the middle of the night, but later, a suicide occurred in this community.

As for why it was determined to be a suicide rather than a homicide, it seems to be because the deceased was an old aunt who lived alone, and no one was around when she died.

The girl at the bar is quite reliable and even remembers the deceased’s information clearly.

"The deceased's name is Li Lu, female, 47 years old, with normal development and balanced nutrition. The body spots were purple-red when found."

In fact, it is not normal for you to say it was suicide.

Because when Li Lu died, she was paralyzed on the ground in the shape of a "big". There was blood everywhere in the room, and most of the living room floor was occupied by dark red. What's even weirder is that the skin and flesh tissue on the body was missing in large areas.

There are only white bones left on the palms and soles of the hands, and all the fingers and toes are missing. The whole face of the corpse, including the eyes, has all disappeared.

Chen Mo frowned. When he heard the eyeballs disappear, Chen Mo thought of the eye-gouging weirdo. The mission was not triggered. Could it be because this was not a simple supernatural event, but someone was causing trouble behind the scenes?

Are you from the Charity Society?

If this is really the case, then Chen Mo must weigh whether he can touch this matter.

Chen Mo investigated carefully in advance, and the information about this matter on the Internet was blocked so strictly, which shows that the official is also aware of this matter, and maybe people from [Tiangang Disha] are also investigating.

Chen Mo always felt that the direction of things was becoming a little strange.

At this time, the lady at the bar suddenly stared at Chen Mo with a scrutinizing gaze, but Chen Mo was so thick-skinned, and he was wearing a mask and a peaked cap, so he was not afraid of any admiration or admiration.

He thought for a while and said cheerfully: "Even if I'm handsome, you don't have to look so hard, right? I'm not interested in your type."

After joking in the latter's tone, the young lady suddenly said: "You are wearing a mask and a peaked cap, and yet you are so concerned about this matter. I think you have a big problem!"

"Do you believe me when I say I'm a private detective?" Chen Mo said pretending to be mysterious.

"Go away, you can play by yourself."

The information was almost collected. Chen Mo was just about to open the door of the Internet cafe when he suddenly saw a black Bentley coming from the corner of the road, heading towards Lantian Community.

It stands to reason that in such a high-end community, it is not surprising that all the cars coming in and out are luxury cars, but the problem is that Chen Mo has seen the license plate number of this Bentley.

"When I was at Yunyin Temple today, I saw with my own eyes that Zeng Guoyu got off this car. It couldn't be such a coincidence, right?" Chen Mo felt a toothache for a while.

What made his tooth ache even more was that the Bentley did not drive directly into Lantian Community, but stopped at the entrance of the Internet cafe. Chen Mo instinctively wanted to turn around, but saw the Bentley's window rolled down, revealing Zeng.

Guo Yu’s sweet and pleasant face.

"Lao Yu, Lao Yu!"

Zeng Guoyu was wearing a black windbreaker, which was slightly open, revealing the beautiful curves outlined by the black tights. She was the only one in the car, and Zeng Lai was not there.

Erin said without thinking: "Yes, of course."

"Then can you describe to us what dreams are like?"

"Actually, at the beginning, I couldn't remember the specific content of the dream. But later, the dreams became more and more scary. Every time I dreamed, I was soaking in water. No, I should say soaking in the sea, it was pitch black.

, I can’t see the light at all, the sea water is squeezing me, and there are all kinds of strange creatures in the sea water, not to mention how weird it is. Oh, by the way, in addition to the sea water, there are also roses, and I have had dreams a few times.

I dreamed that I was surrounded by roses. They were countless fiery red bouquets. They were so beautiful. "The Priest's Book"

"Primary Healing": slightly heals injuries, requires guidance, casting time: 3 seconds, mana consumption: 1/second, skill point consumption: 1

"Smite": Shock the enemy with holy light, causing 9 points of holy light damage to the enemy and additional burning damage of 1/second. Lasts for 3 seconds. Casting time: 2.2 seconds. Mana consumption: 8. Skill consumption.


"Psychic Blast": Impact the enemy with mental power, causing 6 points of mental damage to the enemy, and stunning the enemy for 1-2 seconds (the stun time is affected by the opponent's physique and spell resistance), casting time: 1.5 seconds, mana consumption:

6. Skill points consumed: 1

"Holy Light Bullet": Create a Holy Light Bullet, causing 8 points of Holy Light damage to the enemy. Casting time: 1.5 seconds, Mana consumption: 5, Skill point consumption: 1

"Power Word Shield": Creates a shield of light, which can absorb 12 points of damage. The amount of damage absorbed increases with the level. Casting time: 0.3 seconds, mana consumption: 8, skill point consumption: 1


Chen Mo and Zeng Guoyu were stunned at the same time. Shouldn't it be fear or other emotions?

At this time,

After asking, Chen Mo and Zeng Guoyu left Villa No. 6.

When the two of them went out, because the door was not too wide, Zeng Guoyu and Chen Mo walked out almost shoulder to shoulder. At this moment, there was a commotion in Zeng Guoyu's sleeves.

Zeng Guoyu was stunned for a moment, because there was a gray Brazilian spider hidden in her sleeve. After its eight legs were spread out, it was about the size of half a palm. This was something she wore on her body at all times. As for the Red Lady and the others,

, is distributed around her.

Zeng Guoyu's expression became a little strange. The insects and beasts she controlled would start to stir inexplicably every time they approached each other. It seemed that they wanted to get closer to Lao Yu.

It has not been more than a year or two since Guoyu kept these "pets" in captivity, but she has never encountered such a situation.

This made her fall into deep thought. It seemed that this old man had many secrets.

Zeng Guoyu did not dwell on this issue, but thought about it and asked: "Initial judgment, it should be a ghost that appears when sleeping or at night, but it is getting late now, why not..."<


Just when Zeng Guoyu was about to propose a late-night snack,

This chapter has been completed!
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