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Chapter 207 Elegance

 Chen Mo narrowed his eyes slightly. It was another player who left this projection. What is his purpose?

This video seemed to have been recorded in advance. He started talking directly without giving Chen Mo a chance to ask questions.

"I want to ask you something. If you can leave here alive, I want you to find someone for me and pass a message to him. In return, I will tell you something about this copy."

Chen Mo was slightly frightened, but he saw the man minding his own business and said: "Since the birth point is here and the mission is mostly related to the human race, it means that your identity on the earth is at least lawful. If you can leave this copy,

Go find a person, his player ID is called [Silver Crow], you can contact him through the forum, and after you find him, do him a favor."

After Projection said this, Chen Mo thought for a moment.

It seems that the other party has already figured out this copy, so he said these words so confidently. However, the other party may not have completed this task in the end, or it may be said that the other party left this projection here in advance and is worried about it.

If he fails to complete the task and dies in this dungeon, he can still have backup to help him complete the remaining tasks.

Chen Mo thought about it, but saw the projection continue to say: "The biggest breaking point of this copy is to let the blood descendants, the werewolf clan, the undead army and the human resistance army fight each other, instead of two against one or three against one like now.


I believe you have also discovered that Emperor Virgil is performing some kind of evil ritual, and the key to stopping this evil ritual is to prevent these three parties from entering the Scarlet City. If the undead and werewolves can be made to hate each other, in Scarlet

If we start a war outside the city, we can easily break the situation."

Chen Mo has realized what he should do.

Although he had some vague guesses about the direction in which he might break the situation, he was never completely sure.

Now, Chen Mo can be sure that in this dungeon, the blood rose that controls the identity of the vampire seems to be useless.

If you want werewolves and undead to fight each other, you need to control a high-ranking werewolf or a high-ranking undead clan, so that things can be easily done.

"Okay, dear player, I wish you good luck. By the way, there are three cigars in the bookshelf over there. They are very high-end. I give them to you to try. Even in the copy, you must stay elegant."

After the words fell, the figure bowed gracefully and disappeared like a curtain call. The pocket watch also turned into a ball of ashes as the figure disappeared.

Chen Mo let out a breath. Instead of looking for the three cigars, he frowned and began to think carefully about what to do next.

This requires thinking about the positions and interests of each race.

Humans and vampires will definitely fight to the death.

In front of the blood descendants, humans are no different from slaves.

They will even select a group of human children and train them to become servants who are truly loyal to the vampires and a reserve force for the vampires.

That is, the first generation of blood servants.

Under the first generation of blood servants, there are also blood servants.

This refers to those beings who were first embraced by the Vampires but were not fully endowed with the power of the Vampires.

They are generally only available to those loyal enough humans.

These blood servants are not recognized as members of the same clan by the blood clan.

The biggest difference between them and the lowest-level blood descendants is that they cannot embrace others for the first time.

Those with weak combat power may just be the first generation of blood servants, or even blood servants.

As for the fighting power of the Vampires, although ordinary Vampires are relatively weak, their high-end combat power is still very powerful. After all, they are the ruling class of this world.

At least Chen Mo still suffered some hidden losses when facing those captain-level blood descendants.

Their individual strength is extremely powerful, and every pure vampire is a truly strong person.

Their immortal bodies have very few weaknesses, amazing recovery capabilities, great strength and agility, sharp eyesight, and are almost invincible in dark environments.

Being able to put his head back on again after being chopped off completely overturned Chen Mo's cognition.

Moreover, although low-end vampires have low IQs, high-end vampires have extremely high IQs.

That long life not only gave them skilled fighting skills, but also gave them wise minds.

They have a far-reaching layout, are cunning and ruthless, and are very good at disguise. This can be seen from the decision of the Marquis of Abloh to divide his troops into three groups, and the very decisive choice of Blood Rose to escape rather than fight back.

In addition to blood descendants, werewolves are also not weak in combat power. The ordinary werewolf they encountered before caused huge trouble to Chen Mo.

As for the undead clan, although Chen Mo has not encountered them yet, they are definitely not too weak.

Therefore, according to Chen Mo's speculation, the combat power of the werewolves, undead and blood descendants should be equal at 1:1:1. Therefore, once it falls into a two-on-one situation, the "one" will definitely lose, and the Scarlet City will definitely be destroyed.

Break through.

Once the Scarlet City is breached, the ritual will begin, and blood and chaos will be perfectly integrated.

Therefore, the three parties must fight each other and complete the checks and balances in order to stop the evil ritual of Virgil the Great.

It's a bit difficult...

Chen Mo was worried over there, but Kelis started rummaging around on the bookshelf carelessly.

When she heard the figure in the projection say the word cigar, her eyes lit up.

Sure enough, in the mezzanine of the bookshelf, Kelis found the cigar sealed in a copper tube.

These cigars look incredibly high-end and smell like money.

Kelis had long wanted to smoke like an adult. Although he was not very skilled, he still took out a knife and pried open the copper pipe. He followed the example of adults and cut off the head and butt of the cigar. However,

It seems that the cut is a bit big and the entire cigar is about to fall apart.

Kelis clenched the cigar quickly and shamelessly. This was a very precious thing and she had never enjoyed it.

After all, a lot of money is wasted if you lose one.

Chen Mo slashed Kelis's head, and the latter picked up the cigar angrily, and the two of them, one large and one small, quickly left with Blood Rose.

The three of them continued to set off, with Kelis still guiding the way and Blood Rose leading the way.

Soon, Chen Mo discovered several human settlements in the dense forest.

These should be human settlements under the protection of the human resistance army.

It was in a mountain depression, with a mouth and a small belly, like a big gourd.

A solid wooden wall was built at the narrow entrance. In the middle of the wooden wall was a double wooden door about two meters long. On the wooden wall stood several old guards armed with crude bows and arrows and bamboo spears.

So old?

Chen Mo did not go up rashly, but turned his head and looked at Kelis aside, "Is this the only human race nearby?"

"No, there is another group of people who seem to have left long ago."

Chen Mo's current location is probably on the mountainside. Looking down from above, the entire village below can be seen at a glance.

In this settlement, Chen Mo didn't see any young and middle-aged people. Only the old, weak, women and children remained in this settlement.

Chen Mo was a little disappointed. He said to Kelis on the side: "It seems that this is just a human settlement. Let's go. It's not the resistance I'm looking for. They should have left long ago."

This chapter has been completed!
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