Turn off the lights
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Chapter 012 Controlling the Baoguang

 "No, I really need to figure this out."

After pouring himself a cup of herbal tea, Shen Yu leaned on the bookcase and drank tea while thinking about the time from when he went to Lao Liu's place at five o'clock in the morning until he returned to his small shop at eight twenty-five. Everything that happened inside slowly went through my mind.

"Everything that happened before I saved people is fine and can be ruled out because there was no change in my eyes at that time.

"If I have to make a reasonable guess, it can only be that something happened while I was unconscious.

"Yes, that's right, the point is what happened after I was knocked down by the man named Fatty Qin."

Shen Yu drank the herbal tea in the cup and felt much better. Looking out the window, Xingfu Street was busy with traffic and people coming and going, full of the atmosphere of metropolitan life.

"But the problem came again. At that time, I only felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and fell unconscious. The experience after the coma was blank to me.

"Then I was woken up by Uncle Li pouring a basin of water on me.

"At this time, I felt that the vision in my left eye was getting better, and I started to feel overwhelmed.

"It wasn't until I looked in the mirror at a barber shop outside the market that I was finally convinced that there had been real changes in my eyes. They had completely returned to their pre-injury level, and even looked more handsome in terms of appearance.


Taking a deep breath, Shen Yu walked to the wall and turned off the ceiling lamp.

"So there are two possibilities. The first is that after I fell on my head, my body underwent some kind of change that is difficult to explain medically, which in turn affected my eyes.

"The second type is a bit legendary. It may also be like in film and television novels, where the male protagonist gets some kind of adventure after doing something good, such as clairvoyance?

"If it's the second type, the onlookers should have seen it. Lao Liu was among them. Why didn't he tell me?

"Even if Lao Liu doesn't tell me, Uncle Li will definitely tell me, or maybe they didn't see what happened at all?"

"Hey, it's really a headache!"

At this time, Shen Yu felt a slight swelling and pain in his temples. He gently hit his forehead with his right hand and lay down on his single bed.

The moment he lay down, Shen Yu suddenly seemed to have captured some useful information, "By the way, there are no light groups anywhere else, only on the ancient inkstone, and the inkstone is a kind of antique.< /p>

"Then why does this ball of blue light look a bit like the antique treasure light in the novel?"

When Shen Yu set up a stall at the Qingniuguan Antique Market in the provincial capital, he met many antique stall owners from different places across the country.

When business is bad, everyone sits together and chats. To put it bluntly, they brag and gossip.

Among them, stall owners who love to watch TV dramas and read novels will lament that it would be great if their eyes could also gain perspective function. They could just go gambling on rocks and no longer have to suffer from the wind and sun.

Of course, some people will immediately refute that clairvoyance is pure nonsense.

Some people also say that the precious light of antiques has always existed, such as the clam light on porcelain, and even some ancient antiques have a layer of precious light.

As long as you can see this layer of precious light, you can naturally tell the authenticity of antiques. This is purely an accumulation of identification experience.

And some young stall owners are even more mysterious, saying that someone really has obtained special abilities from some kind of ancient jade, bronze tripod, bronze mirror, and gourd that have been passed down for thousands of years.

Just look at it with your eyes or touch an antique with your hand, and a panel like a computer screen will appear in front of you.

It is clearly written on the panel whether this antique is real or fake, how old it is, who the previous owner was, and how much it is worth now, and then it will reach the pinnacle of life.

Others naturally sneered. Everyone set up stalls to read novels to pass the time. Do you really think that you are the only one who has read this kind of urban fantasy novel, or a fantasy fairy tale novel?

Shen Yu always sarcastically said, "Did you read it in a book or on TV?"

The other party usually smiles and admits.

Shen Yu also likes to read fantasy urban or fantasy novels like this, and now there are more than 20 tomes thicker than bricks on the bookshelf at home.

Of course, he also envied the male protagonist in the book.

No matter what kind of antiques you look at, you can pick them up successfully just by putting out the system or the panel. It’s not too easy, unlike when he is tired of appraising an antique and has back pain and numb wrists.

"Since it's possible, let's try it. Anyway, we won't lose anything. Maybe this is a kind of golden finger for me!"

As soon as he thought of it, Shen Yu rolled over and got out of bed. He took the trouble to look carefully at all the antiques in the store.

It's a pity that he was disappointed. None of the antiques appeared like the green light on the ancient inkstone.

Shen Yu, who returned to the bed and sat down again, was somewhat discouraged, "Isn't it some kind of golden finger? Is it just my eyesight?"

Shen Yu muttered, turning around and picking up the ancient inkstone from the bedside table.

"Hey, why is this green light missing?"

At this time, the top of the inkstone was empty, and there was no cyan light group.

"So, I must have been dazzled just now.

"Yeah, how can anyone have any special abilities? This is just a wonderful scene in novels or movies and TV series.

"Shen Yu, Shen Yu, you are just an ordinary antique shopkeeper. Do you really want to be treated like the leading actor in movies and TV novels? Stop dreaming!" Thinking of this, Shen Yu couldn't help laughing at himself.

"Now it's better to repair this ancient inkstone first and then sell it at a high price!"

Shen Yu stared at the ancient inkstone in his hand, smiled and shook his head again. At this moment, a slightly familiar blue light group emerged again three inches above the inkstone.


No? Am I really the fate of the hero of the novel?


An hour later, Shen Yu sat blankly on the wooden bed, with no sign of excitement or loss on his face.

But looking at his slightly trembling hands, it was obvious that he was a little uneasy.

Shen Yu has now determined that his eyes do have some special ability to detect the light of antiques.

It is also the legendary "Golden Finger".

Shen Yu has figured out how to activate this golden finger after many experiments.

As long as you silently recite the word "appreciating treasures" in your mind, you can immediately see the treasure light on the antiques.

There is also a method where you don’t need to do anything. Just stare at the antique for more than ten seconds, and you can also see the precious light on the antique. Another advantage of this method is that you can observe multiple antiques at once.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages. Staring at antiques from behind requires him to concentrate without any distracting thoughts.

If you are distracted for a moment and think about other things, the identification will be interrupted, and this method cannot be used continuously. If you use it continuously, you will burst into tears or even your eyes will sting.

As for whether the first method of silently reciting treasures to unlock special abilities has any drawbacks, or whether there is a limit on the number of times, Shen Yu is still unclear.

However, in view of the latter, Shen Yu believes that the first will definitely have its shortcomings.

He still needs to study it in detail as to what it is.

As for whether the treasure light on the antiques has always existed and can only be seen after using special abilities, or whether special abilities are used to make the antiques emit treasure lights, Shen Yu doesn't care much.

As long as you can see the light of the treasure and know in advance that it is an antique that others don't know about, then your road to collecting and appraising treasures will be smooth.

***The author has something to say***

In the end, Goldfinger chose eyes. In fact, I have thought about panels, light curtains, systems, live broadcasts, etc., and written an opening chapter for each one, but I still want to write a traditional treasure appraisal article.

For a person like me who likes antiques (with a little knowledge of antiques), I think it would be very tiring to create a panel and set the protagonist as a newbie who knows nothing about antiques, and then introduce the knowledge and hydrology of antiques through the panel or system.< /p>

As for why not be more innovative? Because in addition to the golden eyes for appraising treasures, you can only write about the golden hands for appraising treasures. You can't write about having ears to listen to antiques to distinguish authenticity from fakes, or nose to distinguish authenticity from fakes. (Manual funny)

I hope readers will bear with me. (Thank you, please add it to your collection, and please recommend it.)

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