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Chapter 165 This argument is not real

 "Ge Kiln" is one of the five famous kilns in the Song Dynasty.

Ru, Guan, Ge, Jun, the "Ge" in Dingzhong is Ge Kiln.

The positioning of Ge Kiln is worse than that of Ru Kiln and Guan Kiln, but slightly higher than Jun Kiln and Ding Kiln.

To be honest, Shen Yu himself was a little confused about the origin of Ge Kiln. If it weren't for the golden eye of appraising treasures, Shen Yu would not have dared to appraise it for Lao Song.

Because although Ge Kiln was one of the five famous kilns of the Song Dynasty, among all the documents of the Song Dynasty, not just about porcelain, but all documents, there is not even one record of Ge Kiln.

Moreover, although the Ge Kiln has porcelain handed down from generation to generation, the kiln mouth site where it was fired cannot be found. In other words, it is not known where the Ge Kiln was once located.

Nowadays, when looking for information in ancient books, you can probably only find it in "Zhi Zheng Ji" of the Yuan Dynasty, "Ge Gu Yao Lun" and "Eight Notes of Zunsheng" of the Ming Dynasty.

Two enlightenment books for antique collecting enthusiasts from the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, namely "Complete Collection of Antique Guides" and "Yinliuzhai Shuo Porcelain", also have very general explanations of Ge Kiln, which can be said to be mentioned in just a few words.

Among these books, the one that introduces the Ge kiln in more detail is "Essential Theory of Ancient Antiques" written by Cao Zhao, a collector in the late Yuan and early Ming dynasties. This book is the earliest surviving ancient book on antique appraisal.

After comprehensively analyzing all the information and selecting the reliable ones, the summary is that in the early Southern Song Dynasty, there were two brothers of the Zhang family, both engaged in porcelain making, and each of them owned a kiln.

The elder brother’s name is Zhang Shengyi. Because he is the elder brother, the kiln he burns is called Ge Kiln, also known as Liutian Kiln.

The younger brother's name is Zhang Sheng'er. He is the younger brother but there is no such thing as a younger brother. The kiln where he works is called Longquan Kiln.

Both Ge Kiln and Longquan Kiln were among the pinnacles of porcelain in the Song Dynasty, but the older one was more skilled, so Ge ​​Kiln was famous all over the world and ranked among the five famous kilns in the Song Dynasty.

Of course, Longquan kiln is also very powerful. It was the sixth kiln in the Song Dynasty. It is also said that the black body celadon of Longquan kiln is the real Ge kiln.

In the Song Dynasty, unlike the Ming and Qing dynasties, all official kiln porcelain of the Ming and Qing Dynasties was fired in the porcelain capital. The kiln was called "imperial kiln" or "official kiln", and the porcelain fired was also named after the emperor's reign, which was regarded as a gathering of the country. There are many skilled craftsmen, so although there were many folk kilns in the Ming and Qing dynasties, they were not very refined.

There were no specific official kilns in the Song Dynasty, that is, there were no so-called imperial kilns, imperial ware factories, and imperial porcelain factories.

Some people may ask, isn’t the official kiln ranked second among the five famous kilns?

This official kiln is at most an internal kiln, firing only one kind of porcelain, instead of the blue and white, multicolored, and doucai porcelain that the official kilns of the Ming and Qing Dynasties fired.

It is also said that this so-called official kiln is not an official kiln. If we choose one of the five famous kilns, Ru kiln can be regarded as a real official kiln in the Song Dynasty compared to the official kiln.

Therefore, there is not much difference between folk kilns and official kilns in the Song Dynasty. Folk kilns also have many good porcelains, such as this Ge kiln.

Picking up the pen holder gently, Shen Yu thought to himself: "I haven't heard of a pen stand handed down from Ge Kiln. If Uncle Song's pen holder is a genuine porcelain hand-made from Ge Kiln, that would be amazing."

Shen Yu has never seen the porcelain handed down from Ge Kiln, but he knows the identification method, which is about four steps.

First, Ge kiln, Ru kiln, Longquan kiln and Dong kiln are all mainly cyan. Because the Song Dynasty liked cyan, the glaze of its porcelain was matte glaze. Although the glaze was not smooth, it had a "butter"-like glaze. gloss.

Due to different porcelain styles, the colors of Ge Kiln porcelain are also different, including light blue, pink green, emerald green, shrimp green, gray green, bean green or beige. This penholder is pink blue, which is no problem.< /p>

Second, the glaze layer of Ge kiln is very thick, and the thickest part is almost the same as the thickness of the carcass.

The glaze of genuine Ge Kiln porcelain contains many small bubbles, which look like jade beads looming when viewed with a magnifying glass. The antique industry calls this phenomenon "foam gathering and beads gathering", or "beads gathering balls together".

Shen Yu took a closer look at this pen holder with a high-power magnifying glass. The bubbles in the glaze were very fine, just like small water droplets. There was no problem at all.

Third, Ge Kiln is famous for its "purple mouth and iron feet". Of course, the same is true for Guan Kiln and Longquan Kiln. The body of Ge Kiln porcelain is mostly purple-black or brown, that is to say, the rim of the bowl and bottle mouth is glazed The thin part will show a purple color that is slightly lighter than the black tire, so it is called purple mouth.

The body of Ge Kiln has a high iron content, and the exposed part is black, which is called "iron foot".

There is no way to verify this, or it can only be half verified, because this is a pen holder, this thing has no mouth, and the base is dark brown, so there is no problem at all.

The fourth and final point is Ge Kiln’s most famous “golden iron wire”.

The golden iron wire refers to the dense cracks on the surface of Ge kiln, which is commonly known as cracking.

The formation of flaking was initially caused by the failure to control the temperature properly when the kiln was opened and the porcelain was not completely cooled, resulting in cracks on the glaze. In the end, I don’t know what happened, but it turned into a very cherished defective beauty.

Shen Yu is indifferent to split-piece porcelain, and even dislikes it.

Of course, as long as most people like it, it will be valuable.

If the Ge Kiln porcelain is made into small pieces, its color is mostly yellowish brown and looks like streaks of gold.

And if you open a large film, generally speaking, the color is gray with a little black, so it is called iron wire. This is the so-called golden wire.

"Ge Gu Yao Lun" says, "The Ge Kiln pattern is based on the blood of eel cracked in the ice, followed by the plum blossom ink pattern, and the fine broken pattern below the pattern."

The entire pen holder is made of mesh-like openings, which overlap like ice cracks. It can be said to be the best of the Ge Kiln openings.

"Wait, that's not right!" Shen Yu looked at the pen holder in his hand, as if he suddenly caught something.

The glaze openings of the handed down Ge Kiln come in different sizes.

In other words, its opening is very irregular, which is easy to understand. Legend has it that the opening of Ge Kiln was originally caused by accidental collision and was not controlled by humans, so its cracks naturally vary in size.

And whether it is a large film or a small film, the colors are not the same.

The openings of this rack are all about the same size, and even the colors are the same. This seems to be artificial and intentional.

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After thinking for a while, Shen Yu opened the bottom of the pen holder. The bottom was fully glazed and there were no supports.

If there was still a third possibility that it was genuine from Ge Kiln just now, then it is 100% fake now.

In order to test his eyesight, Shen Yu silently recited a treasure appraisal and waited for a full twenty seconds. There was no treasure light condensed above the pen holder. This shows that this pen holder is not even from the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, but a modern handicraft.

Putting down the so-called Ge Kiln pen holder firmly, Shen Yu picked up the tea cup and took a sip of warm tea.

"How should I tell Uncle Song?" Shen Yu was a little embarrassed.

The old Song Dynasty regarded this modern handicraft as a genuine porcelain handed down from the Ge Kiln of the Song Dynasty. Shen Yu would definitely be able to see it as long as he was not blind.

Again, if Lao Song knew that this pen holder was a fake, would he be able to accept it? If he couldn't accept it, this would be a bit troublesome.

"Uncle Song, I wonder how much you paid for this penholder?" Shen Yu asked pleasantly.

Lao Song replied without hesitation: "Four hundred thousand, that person's price is not a penny less."

Hearing Lao Song's quotation, Shen Yu was slightly relieved. Although 400,000 was a lot, it was not a lot. Excluding the 270,000 he earned from buying the Huanghuali book box, he still lost about 130,000.

If this penholder were placed in his own store to help him sell it, with this level of firing and imitation, and sold as antique porcelain, it should be able to sell for 30,000 to 50,000 yuan.

Generally speaking, the loss is less than 100,000 yuan. Uncle Song should be able to bear this amount.

Thinking of this, Shen Yu decided to tell the truth.

"Uncle Song, I've already made up my mind about this deal."

Old Song sipped the tea happily, and then asked confidently: "Is it okay that this shelf is a real Ge Kiln?"

Shen Yu smiled: "Uncle Song, I personally don't think this pen holder is very real."


When Lao Song heard this, he spit out all the tea he had just drank.

"Fake, fake???"

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