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Chapter 312 Some ancient paintings are real and some are fake

 Why does Shen Yu think this painting is very interesting? Mainly because the appraiser who just went to the sixth floor for help said he was "not sure".

That's right, Shen Yu recalled it again and again, and what the other party said was "not sure".

There are fake seals and you are still not sure? There is only one possibility, that is, the authenticity is mixed.

So what is a mixture of authenticity and falsehood?

It means that in a calligraphy and painting, you can see both the authentic part and the fake part. The two are mixed together, making it difficult to distinguish.

Some people may ask, even if there is some fakeness in the authenticity, isn’t it still a fake?

What is so difficult to identify?

But there are exceptions to everything.

For example, a painting itself is an authentic work by an ancient famous artist, but it is classified as an anonymous painting just because there is no inscription or postscript.

Because later generations knew that this painting was authentic, in order to increase the value of the painting, they added some fake inscriptions and postscripts to the painting paper.

Therefore, the inscription and seal of this painting are fake, but the painting is real.

In this case, it seems wrong for you to say that the painting is a fake, because it itself is real.

It doesn’t seem right to say that the painting is authentic, but the inscription and seal are fake.

How to define a painting? It’s difficult.

In addition, there are several situations where there is a mixture of truth and falsehood, and a mixture of falsehood and truth.

Several thoughts flashed through his mind one by one. Shen Yu shook his head to throw away the distracting thoughts and put his attention on the drawing paper again.

Looking at the lower half of this painting, there is no doubt that the painting style belongs to Tang Yin's style.

Shen Yu had seen several authentic paintings of Tang Yin's landscapes and figures in the homes of several famous collectors in Dongjiang. The painting style was not exactly different from this painting, but it was also quite different.

What made Shen Yu a little troubled was that the upper part and the lower part of the painting were too inconsistent.

Tang Yin also painted paintings of immortals, but Shen Yu always felt that something was not right.

And I can’t tell what’s wrong at this moment.

"Come on, appraise the treasure!"

I silently recited a treasure appraisal, and saw a group of dark blue treasure light condensed three inches above the ancient painting.

First it started to rise slowly one inch, then it rose up to six inches and then slowly settled down.

After a few seconds, it finally turned into a ball of light the size of a walnut and settled on the drawing paper.

"The treasure light as big as a walnut indicates that the painting is worth a lot, perhaps tens of millions of dollars."

"And the six-inch treasure light is one hundred years old, that is six hundred years, which is when Emperor Zhengde was in power."

"From this point of view, there is no doubt that this painting is an authentic work by Tang Yin, but why does this painting look so inconsistent?"

After thinking about it, Shen Yu smiled at the white-haired old man who always had a smile on his face, "Old sir, can I feel your painting without gloves?"

The old man asked with some doubts: "Young man, do you want to take a look at this painting?"

Shen Yu nodded sincerely, "Yes, to be honest, it is very difficult to authenticate the painting you brought. I need to see if the painting has been repaired. It is difficult to get a good answer with gloves on. ”

"No problem. Since you are here for appraisal, you have to listen to the appraiser. You can decide how to appraise it." The white-haired old man agreed happily again.

The equipment in the appraisal room was complete. After washing his hands, wiping them several times with a towel and drying them thoroughly with a hand blower, Shen Yu returned to the appraisal table again.

At this time, Mr. Xu and Xiao Zhongying had already arrived hand in hand. However, they saw Shen Yu washing his hands and did not speak. They just stood aside quietly waiting for the identification results.

After calming down, Shen Yu began to stroke the ancient painting with his hands, while slowly feeling all the differences in this ancient painting in his heart.

Eye examination, hand examination, ear examination, nose examination, and heart examination can be said to be all methods of identifying antiques, and they are equally important.

To identify ancient ink, some people can tell the date by smelling it with their noses.

To identify ancient porcelain and ancient bronzes, someone can guess the answer by just playing it lightly and listening to the feedback from the sound.

Hand appraisal is a very important process for appraising ancient paintings. It can allow the appraiser to feel the subtle defects and repairs of ancient paintings to the greatest extent.

"Thickness, yes, thickness. There is something wrong with the thickness of this painting. Is it a painting within a painting?"

After thinking about it, Shen Yu picked up the magnifying glass and observed it again.

After only half a minute, Shen Yu dismissed the possibility of painting within a painting in his mind.

Generally speaking, the thickness of the painting-in-painting paste is about the same.

But this painting is different. What can I say about this painting? The thickness of the painting paper is quite different. The top is about three millimeters thicker than the bottom.

"So that's it!"

Seeing this, Shen Yu already had the answer in his heart!

"Old sir, if I read correctly, this painting of yours must be an authentic work by Tang Yin."

The white-haired old man was obviously surprised, "Authentic? Young man, do you want to take a closer look? You must know that many people say that my painting is a fake."

When he spoke, the old man's eyes seemed to be filled with light.

What he said was very strange. He was obviously the owner of the painting, but instead of being happy that the painting was authentic, he seemed a little reluctant.

"Yes, it is indeed Tang Yin's authentic work." Shen Yu affirmed calmly.

"You say it's authentic, so you have to prove it, right?"

"Proof, good!"

After Shen Yu finished speaking, he made an action that stunned everyone. He first twisted the drawing paper, and then tore off the first layer of the drawing.

Moreover, Shen Yu threw the layer of drawing paper in his hand aside before anyone present could speak.

Then he pointed at the ancient painting on the appreciation table and said with a smile: "Old sir, this is my proof. This is a 'covered painting', similar to a painting within a painting.

"But the painting within the painting is completely covered. You used a special piece of rice paper to cover half of the painting. The painting now is the real authentic work of Tang Yin."

Everyone gathered around to look at the painting again, and found that the content of the painting had changed drastically.

After the original paintings of boats, fairy birds, and fairy mountains and pavilions were torn down by Shen Yu, they were replaced by a landscape of Jiangnan.

I saw waterfalls and springs on the cliffs, and white clouds lingering among the green mountains.

The whole painting has vivid charm and sophisticated brushwork, and it looks quite a bit like the pine wind of Wanhe Valley in Li Tang Dynasty.

Some of the scenery in the courtyard has also changed accordingly. For example, the original chaotic ancient buildings have become sparse and replaced by a verdant bamboo forest.

The bamboo wind blows and the sky is blue.

Next to the maids holding fine wine and delicacies, there were more than a dozen scribes drinking in the pavilion next to the bamboo forest.

Some of these people raised their glasses and wanted to talk, some sat and listened, some recited poems and composed poems, some made fist fights with each other, and most of them looked drunk.

Looking at it this way, the entire painting is perfectly connected.

For example, the previous scene only saw the maid but not the host and guests, which seemed very abrupt.

By comparing the before and after, even people who don't know how to draw can tell the difference between good and bad at a glance.

In the upper left corner of the painting is the title of the painting: "Picture of an Elegant Scholar in the Bamboo Forest".

There is also the author's own inscription in running script: "On the three days before the Mid-Autumn Festival in the Wuchen year, I was warmly entertained by my husband, and I painted a picture of an elegant scholar in the bamboo forest as a gift to Tang Yin."

The font is round and beautiful, the right amount of fat and thin, and there is a hint of natural arrogance in the gentleness. Judging from the characters alone, there is no doubt that it is the original calligraphy of Tang Yin.

At this time, the face of the white-haired old man was full of surprise, "The painting method on the first layer of this painting can be said to be quite exquisite. How did you notice it at such a young age?"

Shen Yu suddenly laughed when he heard this, "So, you have always known that this painting is a 'cover painting'."

"Ah, this..." The white-haired old man's expression changed from surprise to embarrassment, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer Shen Yu.

This chapter has been completed!
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