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Chapter 335 Obtained two antiques

 Shen Yu also wanted to shout into Yu Maolin's ears: "Brother, you are indeed a famous money-splitting boy in the market. Is there anyone who buys things like this? You said it is authentic? Is that okay? Don’t try to kill you?

But Shen Yu can't say anything now.

In other words, if Old Wang Tou insists that this painting is an authentic work by Fan Kuan, then Shen Yu can stand up and accuse him loudly.

Because the other party can be said to be an honest liar.

In this way, Shen Yu will not only offend the ignorant old Wangtou in front of him, but others will at most say that he is stupid and asking for trouble.

But no one can say he has bad rules!

Because the original "Travel to Xishan" has been collected by a famous museum, which is well known to everyone. You suddenly point at a painting and insist that it is Fan Kuan's original work. What else can it be if it is not a lie?

Even if Lao Wangtou said that he was not an antique dealer or that he set up a baggage stall to sell ancestral antiques, it would not work.

Since you are not an expert in antiques, and Shen Yu exposed him, there is no one to blame.

You are not from the antique shop, so why should I tell you the rules of the antique shop?

But now they don't say that the painting is the original work of Fan Kuan, and even the old Wangtou doesn't even say the three words "Dong Qichang". Now they are selling ancestral calligraphy and painting, which is a serious business.

That's why Shen Yu is in trouble now. Just opening his mouth is a bad rule. If word spreads, it will be difficult to make a living in the Chuzhou antique industry, but he will also face a certain amount of pressure.


After coughing twice, Shen Yu looked at Yu Maolin and shook his head slightly.

Unfortunately, Yu Maolin didn't see Shen Yu's hint at all.

"Brother, if you don't like this painting, then I will buy it!"

"Brother, how much do you want to sell this painting for?" Yu Maolin took out a Sanwu brand cigarette and handed it to Lao Wangtou.

Okay, now we can negotiate the price? Shen Yu simply rolled his eyes, and all the reminders he had just given were just playing to the bullshit.

Lao Wangtou waved his hand to indicate that he didn't smoke, and then said calmly: "Since you guys know each other, I won't talk nonsense. I want this painting for 600,000 yuan, and the actual price is 500,000 yuan. If you want, just give me 500,000 yuan." You can take the painting away, but one thing is, you can’t transfer money, just cash.”

"500,000? Is it a bit expensive?" Yu Maolin lit up a cigarette again, took a puff and blew a smoke ring on the ground.

Hearing Yu Maolin calling you expensive, Lao Wangtou immediately changed his expression to a warm one, "The price is easy to talk about. We are all elegant people who love painting, and talking about money is actually a bit vulgar. Well, let's find a shop to sit down and have a good time." Let’s talk?”

"Heroes agree, let's go!" Yu Maolin readily agreed.

"By the way, Xiao Shen, wait for me here. I've bought a painting and I have something else to tell you."


Ten minutes later, Lao Wangtou came back with great satisfaction. At this time, he and Xiaojiu no longer had the long wooden box containing the painting in their hands. Apparently, the so-called Dong Qichang's copy of "Travel to Xishan" had already been sold. .

When the old man passed by Shen Yu, he suddenly said in a low voice: "You didn't discredit the old man. You are a man who abides by the rules. I am very happy, old man. I like to deal with people who abide by the rules. This jade paperweight made of fancy materials is considered a good choice." My thank you gift, you can take it to drink tea after you sell it.

"By the way, old man, I'm from Hongzhou. If you get into trouble in Hongzhou in the future, just say that you are my friend Wang Tiangu. As long as you are making a living in the antique collecting community in Hongzhou, no matter who you are, you will sell me some thin noodles." .

"Of course, it is limited to those who set up stalls and shops. If you offend those rich people, I will not give you justice."

After saying that, Lao Wangtou forced an emerald green jade paperweight into Shen Yu's hand.

"Oh, Chuzhou is such a good place. I have to come here next time." After Lao Wangtou said this, his whole body's energy and energy changed, from the energetic one just now to an old and senile one, and he slowly trembled. Walking towards the west gate of the flea market.

"Emerald paperweight? It's still made of flower brand material."

People who deal in jadeite like to call some jadeite with green color, that is, uneven green color but still a certain water head, as flower brand material.

To put it simply, the emerald green color is uneven and the emerald color is dark.

Huapai material is also called carving material. It is generally not used to make bracelets. Most of it is used to carve various jade ornaments. It is a kind of medium and low-grade jade. Most of them are sold by kilogram, and the price per kilogram is thousands. Between yuan and tens of thousands of yuan.

This paperweight seems to be quite old, probably from the late Qing Dynasty.

It's just in average condition, it looks very dilapidated, not to mention missing corners and a lack of flesh, and the whole thing is still full of bumps and bruises, but it's still in tatters, and there's nothing wrong with selling it for four to five thousand yuan.

Pei Yu'an said curiously: "Brother-in-law, this old man seemed so stingy just now, why has he become so generous now? I even gave you a nice jade paperweight."

"I abided by the rules of the antique shop, and he is also abiding by the rules."

Shen Yu sighed and did not explain much. He was now with Maolin, and then he would tell Yu Maolin what happened.

After another five or six minutes, Yu Maolin happily walked over holding the wooden box containing the paintings.

Shen Yu felt a little guilty and took two steps forward, "Brother Yu, just now I..."

"I know, I know everything. It's because I know that I asked you to wait for me for a while."

Yu Maolin looked around and saw that no one was there, then leaned into Shen Yu's ear and said, "Brother, I know what you mean. Did you just want to remind me that this painting is an old imitation and not worth 500,000 yuan, so that I don't buy it?"< /p>

Shen Yu was stunned when he heard this, "Brother Yu, since you can see it, why do you still buy it?"

"Haha, I definitely don't want this 500,000 yuan painting. I bought this painting for 90,000 yuan. You don't know, there are some wealthy businessmen who don't know anything but want to be arty. Now there are sixteen or seven people who ask me to buy the painting." If you find someone to sell this painting to him for 500,000 yuan later, just tell him directly that it is a Qing Dynasty imitation, and he will have to thank me, brother!"

Shen Yu was stunned, "Isn't it right, Brother Yu? Is this okay?"

The corner of Yu Maolin's mouth curled up, "Why not? In the eyes of those people, a foot-long hand scroll can be sold for hundreds or tens of millions. Such a large double-piece masterpiece is a copy of the Qing Dynasty. 500,000 is too cheap. ”

"They are all human spirits!" Shen Yu sighed secretly.

After taking a few steps, Yu Maolin stopped again.

Seemingly thinking of something, he fumbled around in the wooden box containing the painting a few times, took out a dark object, weighed it for a moment, and then threw it towards Shen Yu.

After Shen Yu caught it steadily, he glanced at it and it turned out to be an inkstone. Before he could take a closer look, Yu Maolin's voice rang out again.

"This is an extra for buying a painting today. In fact, I only gave him 80,000 yuan at most. When the other party took out the inkstone, I gave him 90,000 yuan. According to the old Wangtou, he bought it from his old house. This painting was given to him by the seller. I looked at it and saw that it was a good inkstone. It was worth seven to eight thousand yuan, so I didn't make any further counter-offers.

"Xiao Shen, you give this painting to Brother Yu and me today. I have to remember your kindness. I don't have much money with me today. I borrowed the money to buy the painting from Lao Li of the teahouse. You can take this inkstone. I have it. Let’s make money together as brothers!”

After Yu Maolin finished speaking, he had already gone away.

"Inkstone? How come we are facing each other this year?" When Shen Yu heard the word inkstone, his heart tightened.

Looking down, Shen Yu suddenly broke out in cold sweat.

This is the Duan inkstone that Fang Fang made according to its shape when selecting stones.

Overall color: black as paint, smooth as jade.

The inkstone is not very big, accounting for about one-third of the surface of the inkstone.

There are two tigers carved in relief above the inkstone.

On the left is a tiger climbing up the mountain like looking up at the moon. This is a fat tiger. It is more cute than powerful. Its two tiger eyes are so smiling that it makes people not afraid but also endears them to it.

On the right is a hungry tiger descending from the mountain. The tiger's mouth is wide open, its fangs are exposed, and its eyes are as bright as stars.

It takes hundreds of years to form the patina on the inkstone.

Turning the inkstone over, the back of the inkstone is also shallow and covers the hand, with a Tai Chi diagram engraved on it, and there are many writings around it that are still difficult to read.

"Let me go, why is there such an inkstone again? Or is it two tigers and one inkstone?"

Although Shen Yu feels that he has a big heart, he is still a little confused now!

Looking at the writing on the inkstone again, Shen Yu thought to himself: "Perhaps only by trying to figure out what these inscriptions say can we understand why there are so many inkstones.

"Or is the existence of special abilities related to this inkstone?"

This chapter has been completed!
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