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Chapter 384 Three Immortals Watching the Moon Great Feng Shui Bureau

 "Those who purchase this painting will be given a piece of imperial paper called 'Chengxintang Paper'. This paper is an old collection of the Qing Palace and is absolutely authentic."

After he finished speaking, a piece of slightly yellowed rice paper appeared on the big screen, which looked ordinary.

Just when Shen Yu and Wu Laogang were about to look at the paintings, Dong Baiming gave all the buyers present a big surprise.

Shen Yu knew that Chengxintang paper was a type of ancient rice paper.

It is said that paper is like film and as clean as jade.

It is evenly thin from beginning to end, with fineness, thinness, gloss and smoothness being the best among all papers.

This kind of paper can be said to be the pinnacle of paper for calligraphy and painting, as well as the pinnacle of the history of rice paper manufacturing.

The ancients said that paper is worth a thousand pieces of gold, and an inch of paper is worth an inch. This is Chengxintang paper.

Legend has it that Empress Li of the Southern Tang Dynasty highly praised this kind of paper and built a hall to hide it.

In ancient times, Chengxintang paper, Li Tinggui ink, and Longwei stone inkstones were the best in the world. If a literati owned these three, he would wake up laughing while sleeping.

In fact, Chengxintang was originally the place where Li Min, the martyr of the Southern Tang Dynasty, entertained guests, studied and worked when he was in Jinling.

Later, Li Min's eldest son, the middle master Li Jing, specially used Chengxintang to store this extremely rare and valuable paper, which had nothing to do with the empress Li.

Of course, it is true that empress Li likes this kind of paper very much.

The works of the great painter Xu Xi mostly use Chengxintang paper.

The same goes for Li Gonglin, who ranked first in Song Dynasty painting. For example, "Five Horses" was made of Chengxintang paper.

Famous artists such as the Four Masters of the Song Dynasty and Ouyang Xiu also liked to use it, but a piece of Chengxintang paper was already very expensive in the Song Dynasty.

Paper was expensive in Bianliang. At that time, one piece of paper was worth a hundred gold.

This kind of paper was extremely rare in the Ming Dynasty. Dong Qichang once got one. Yes, it was not a knife but a piece of paper. He frankly said that he did not dare to write on this paper.

After the Qing Dynasty, there were naturally fewer of them. Emperor Qianlong was reluctant to use one less than one. He only allowed the use of one and a half sheets when repairing extremely cherished calligraphy and paintings.

It also shows that the so-called Chengxintang paper of the Qing Dynasty is not authentic from the Southern Tang Dynasty, but is an imitation of the Song Dynasty, which is inferior to the real Chengxintang paper.

Shen Yu thought: "Mr. Dong really did not care about the cost in order to do a good job in this auction! I even took out the Chengxintang paper, but I don't know what Mr. Dong's real purpose is."

The antiquities map is protected by double-layer bulletproof glass and can only be viewed but not touched.

After watching for a while, Mr. Wu turned to Wu An and ordered, "Have someone turn on the track lights here."

The headlights were turned off, and everyone except the viewing stand was hidden in darkness.

A beam of light that was bright enough but soft and not dazzling came down from the lighting lamp on the top ceiling.

For a moment, the glass display cabinet appeared in front of everyone like a piece of beautiful jade.

In fact, many buyers at large antique auctions cannot see the actual objects and can only take a look at the albums.

Chuzhou is different. Auctions in Chuzhou allow buyers to go to the viewing platform to watch. It not only allows you to watch, but also makes you feel like you are at home, which may feel better than at home.

It can be said that the buyer's experience is unmatched by other auctions.

This ancient painting is about 130 centimeters in length and 85 centimeters in width.

At just the first glance, Shen Yu knew that this painting had been repaired recently, because most of the painting had thick patina, but there were not a few places, and the traces of repairing were obvious, obviously for Caused by being in a hurry to place the auction.

But for an ancient painting that is nearly 700 years old, this is not a problem.

If an ancient painting is too new, no one would dare to touch it.

And there is a huge difference between repairing and forging.

Repair is when an object is broken, such as a huanghuali chair with a missing leg. After repair, it means that the chair has been repaired, and the selling price will basically not make any difference.

After looking at it for a while, Shen Yu discovered that the painting looked somewhat different from a close up view to a distant view.

The painting style is elegant when viewed from a distance, but interesting when viewed up close.

The scenery on the screen seems to be completed in one go, but it is not written hastily.

The strokes are thick and thin, thick and light, dry and wet. The rich changes in pen and ink are indeed a bit of Huang Gongwang's brushwork.

I saw green pines pouring down rain and water washing peach blossoms.

The bamboos are green and quiet, the pavilions are well-proportioned, and the building has an excellent sense of distance and distance, which shows that the painter has a very good sense of space.

This alone can be said to be an extraordinary writing skill.

Looking more closely, the artist's painting skills can be said to emphasize both hardness and softness, making the expressions conveyed by the characters' eyebrows very delicate.

The expressions of the characters in the painting are dynamic and full of changes. Shen Yu can even tell which of the literati in the painting is seriously appreciating antiques and who is casually socializing. It is really interesting.

How to describe it? Although the picture is still, it gives people the feeling that it is moving, talking, and criticizing. This is what is called movement in silence.

The ancients said that when appreciating a painting, one must look carefully. After looking closely, Shen Yu discovered that this painting was not just an ancient painting, but also a landscape.

The waterfalls on the mountains in the distance are white, the pine forests are lush, and the area is full of vitality.

Li Sixun and Li Zhaodao are the founders of landscape painting.

When he arrived at Jing, Guan, and Dong, he flourished greatly.

Li Cheng and Fan Kuan completely ranked landscape painting as the first.

The four families of the Southern Song Dynasty, Li, Liu, Ma and Xia, had a bonus effect again.

When it comes to the Yuanliu family, especially Huang Gongwang, it can be said that Huang Gongwang is the last top master of landscape painting.

In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, even if he was stronger than Shen Zhou, he would still be inferior to the idiot Taoist.

Shen Yu did not use Jian's special ability for this painting because Shen Yu knew that the painting would definitely fetch a sky-high price, so Shen Yu had no intention of bidding.

Huang Gongwang's original works are very rare and very rare. For decades, no authentic works by him have been seen in major auctions. Now that his calligraphy is available, people will naturally get it quickly.

Just because Shen Yu doesn't want to buy it doesn't mean that Shen Yu has no money.

Shen Yu is rich!

That’s a lot of money!

The cash he has at his disposal now is about 38 million yuan, which is not a lot, but because it is not worth it. The money needs to be spent wisely, and he has to focus on picking up leaks.

"Xiao Shen, whose original painting do you think this painting is?" Mr. Wu asked Shen Yu with a smile.

Shen Yu scratched his head: "Mr. Wu, this is hard to say."

"Could that be Wang Meng, one of the four Yuan families?"

"Wang Meng?" Shen Yu's heart moved when he heard this.

It’s really possible!

Wang Meng was the youngest among the four Yuan families, and he also had the identity of being Zhao Mengfu’s grandson.

In other words, Zhao Mengfu is his maternal grandfather, Mrs. Guan is his maternal grandmother, Zhao Yong and Zhao Yi are his uncles.

His father Wang Guoqi is also famous for his calligraphy and painting.

So Wang Meng grew up next to top bosses.

Since Huang Gongwang considered himself a disciple of Zhao Mengfu, he naturally knew Wang Meng.

It is said that the two have a good relationship because they have created calligraphy and painting works together.

Since we have a good relationship, it is very possible to appreciate antiques together.

Wang Meng disdained official career and was a hermit. He lived in seclusion in Huanghe Mountain all year round and lived a leisurely life of sitting on the mountain, looking at the clouds, fishing and reading.

Later, he became an official in the early Ming Dynasty, but unfortunately he was involved in the case of Prime Minister Hu Weiyong and was imprisoned, and died in prison.

Just when Shen Yu was thinking about whether this painting was an authentic work by Wang Meng, Dong Baiming's voice came to mind again.

"The ancients said: If there is no ink on the wall or grass in front of the steps, you are not allowed to interact with it. The base price of this painting is 200,000, and each increase in price must not be less than 100,000.

"Note: Each price increase must be valid with a sign. Anyone who increases the price indiscriminately or shouts without holding a sign will be disqualified from purchasing on the spot. At the same time, the 500,000 yuan deposit will not be refunded.

"Okay, I don't like to talk nonsense. If you like this painting, you can bid now."

After Dong Baiming finished speaking, he slowly took a sip of hot tea, and then scanned the audience with his eyes, as if expecting who would be the first to raise a bid.

This chapter has been completed!
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