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Chapter 426 Seeing Tang Hua Again

 The skinny stall owner yawned repeatedly, and Shen Yu felt that he was a little sleepy after seeing the other person yawning.

There is a small window next to the stall. Looking out through the glass, the moon is in the sky outside the window, and the whole courtyard is filled with light. The view is much better than when it was dark just now.

By the moonlight, Shen Yu discovered that the scenery of Mr. Dong's garden could be seen in all its glory, including rockeries, small lakes, pavilions, ancient pines and green plants, all of which were beautiful.

Although it is a bit bleak in late autumn, the tranquility also makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Shen Yu walked over and opened the window, and a gust of cold wind blew in.

The clear brilliance of the cold moon and the cool breeze of late autumn lifted everyone's spirits instantly.

"Do you really want to buy this painting?"

With the cool breeze blowing, the thin young man seemed to be more energetic. He tightened his suit and asked Shen Yu.

Shen Yu turned around and showed a hint of anger on purpose, "Of course I want to buy it, but if I don't want to buy it, what am I talking to you about?"

The thin young man nodded. He took a cigar from the cigarette case and sniffed it under his nose. "Brother, don't be angry. I was addicted to cigarettes just now. I can't smoke here and I can't leave, so I'm asking you." Be patient."

Putting the cigar back into the box, the skinny young man thought for a while, "If you really want to buy it, give me 30 million. Well, you can take the painting for 30 million!"

"How much?"

"Thirty million!"

As soon as the price of 30 million was announced, there was a sudden silence around the stall.

The first person to speak was not Shen Yu, but an old man passing by. "Nowadays, there are really everyone in the antique circle. At a young age, I don't want to start from a small place and then slowly expand. I just want to eat everything in one bite." Fatty, 30 million, 30 million stacked up can build you a cheap house, be careful to overwhelm you, and mess up the good antique market with random bidding..."

"Yes, yes, I hate the seller who eats a fat man the most. How dare you sell a broken painting for 30 million? Are you asking for such an exorbitant price that we, the buyers, can't start collecting?"

"That's right, 30 million is too little. It would be better to sell it for 300 million."

"Let me tell you, instead of writing about the authentic works of Li Zhaodao, it would be better to write about Wu Daozi directly. Wouldn't the authentic works of the painting sage be more attractive?"

"Brother, this is wrong. Everyone knows that Wu Daozi has no authentic works handed down to the world. Writing about Wu Daozi is actually not easy to fool people. Authentic works written about the three great masters of the Northern Song Dynasty: Li Cheng, Fan Kuan, and Dong Yuan are more likely to sell."

For a time, countless sarcastic voices sounded in the skinny young man's ears, making his face full of embarrassment.

However, this person is also a talented person, and he did not retort. You can say whatever you like, and I will listen.

Taking advantage of this time, Shen Yu silently recited a treasure appraisal to the "Picture of Ten Thousand Mountains and Pavilions" hanging on the screen.

A ball of dark blue precious light instantly gushes out, no more or less in length, exactly three and a half inches, and finally turns into a ball of precious light the size of a glutinous rice ball, floating motionless three inches above the painting pole.

"I really didn't expect this to be an imitation of the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, but the painter is so good that I don't know who specifically painted it."

When everyone saw that the skinny stall owner didn't reply, it was meaningless, so they dispersed after criticizing him.

Shen Yu smiled: "Boss, you don't really think this painting is an authentic work by Li Zhaodao, do you?"

The skinny young man didn't get it for free, so he asked Shen Yu, "Isn't it?"

Shen Yu shook his head, "It's really not true. Boss, don't you know that all Tang paintings are not signed?"

"Hey, I knew you would use this to fool me. Most Tang paintings are not signed, but a few are still signed."

The thin young man had an expression on his face: "I am very experienced, please don't fool me."

After knowing that it was not the original work of Li Zhaodao, Shen Yu didn't want to waste any more time, so he asked straight to the point: "Boss, there is not much time left before the market closes. Let's have a good time. I don't know if there is any discussion about your painting." ?"

The thin young man shook his head first, and then nodded, "My grandfather said when he was still alive that no matter which way this painting is sold, it cannot be sold for less than 20 million. If you give me 20 million, I will sell it now." Sell ​​it to you."

Shen Yu looked calm on the surface, but in his heart he praised the stall owner's grandfather.

Because this painting is really worth 20 million.

To put it bluntly, the painters of the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty were all born in the Ming Dynasty. Among this group of people, it can be said that there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers. This is the case with the Four Monks and Four Kings. It is definitely not surprising that the price of 20 million yuan was actually sold at auction.

It's just that Shen Yu's purpose is to pick up leaks, not to spend money to collect like those wealthy businessmen, so even though this painting is very collectible, the price of 20 million is no longer Shen Yu's cup of tea.

"Then I can only say I'm sorry."

Seeing that Shen Yu was about to leave, the thin young man quickly stopped him, "Brother, don't worry, I can't have any less paintings, but I don't just sell paintings, don't I have a lot of calligraphy and calligraphy? To be honest, These are all collections left to me by my grandfather. These signatures were collected by his old man. If they are not prepared, there will be leaks that can be picked up. Don’t worry, the prices of these signatures are negotiable."

In fact, even if the thin young man didn't keep him, Shen Yu wouldn't leave. Just when he was about to turn around, a group of dark blue pebble-sized treasures suddenly appeared on top of the pile of calligraphy on the stall.

The dark blue color indicates that this is a post from the early Ming Dynasty, and the pebble-sized Baoguang indicates that the value of this calligraphy is immeasurable.

Shen Yu pretended to be free and easy, "I'm a person who values ​​righteousness when buying and selling. Since you said so, boss, I'll pick two pieces. It's just that you didn't mark the price, boss."

"Choose yours, whatever you want, and we'll negotiate the price when the time comes."

Shen Yu shook his head, "That's not okay. If I find something I like and you ask for a high price, then I will suffer a big loss.

"Let me say, for this kind of antiques that require buyers to choose, we should follow market rules, that is, negotiate the price first and then choose, so that there will be no other disputes when settling the accounts."

"Okay, then you can choose a copy of 100,000. Don't think it's too expensive. I'm not bragging. Each of these calligraphy and calligraphy was collected by my grandfather. They are definitely antiques and are definitely worth the price."

Perhaps he was afraid that Shen Yu wouldn't buy it, so the skinny young man forced himself to explain.

"One hundred thousand is a bit expensive, let's say fifty thousand." Shen Yu counter-offered.

The thin young man shook his head and disagreed, "Fifty thousand? Fifty thousand is definitely not possible. You give me 90,000."

"Eighty thousand!"

"Deal, take your pick, brother."

He knelt down and before he could get started, the smell of damp and moldy old paper hit his face, causing Shen Yu to choke and almost burst into tears.

Shen Yu asked with a suspicious look on his face: "Boss, have these signatures of yours been exposed to the rain? If so, I will suffer a big loss if I have 80,000 copies."

The skinny young man was drinking water. When he heard this, he quickly explained, "No, absolutely not. My grandfather lived in his ancestral home in the countryside. After he passed away, I didn't go back for two years because the ancestral home was relatively humid, and these calligraphy sheets were indeed damaged. There is some moisture, but it has definitely not been soaked in water. Brother, you can choose with confidence. If the condition is really bad, I will give you a discount based on the specific condition."

Shen Yu nodded. There seemed to be more than a hundred pieces of calligraphy in this pile. Most of them were old-fashioned colors, exuding an antique charm.

I picked one at random and opened it. This is a fragment of "The Broken Thousand-Character Essay" written in cursive script by Lin Zhangxu. It dates from the late Qing Dynasty.

The second piece, "Shangyu Tie" in cursive script written by Lin Wang Xizhi, should be a copy of the late Qing Dynasty. The handwriting is ordinary and has little collection value.

The third piece, again in cursive script, is the "Mid-Autumn Tie" written by Lin Wang Xianzhi. The handwriting is acceptable, but the quality is a bit off, and it is in tatters due to insect and rat bites.

The fourth piece is running script, which is Lin Huang Tingjian's "Songfeng Pavilion Poems". The condition is still not good, and the handwriting is even difficult to read.

The fifth piece is in regular script, and it is "Three Poems" by Linyan Zhenqing. The quality is just right, the handwriting is average, and it is definitely not this one.

I looked through more than 20 pieces and still couldn't find the calligraphy that matched Baoguang.

Looking at the time, it was already 23:20 in the evening. Shen Yu sped up.

You must know that there are more than a hundred signatures, and it would take three or four hours to read them all using normal steps.

After reading a dozen more books, a copybook with yellowing paper and Lu Ji's "Ping Fu Tie" written on the outside appeared in Shen Yu's sight.

This chapter has been completed!
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