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Chapter 009 Ginger, really old and spicy

 Shen Yu finished explaining the identification evidence in an orderly manner, and then looked at Li Hanlin with piercing eyes.

I hope he can also explain the basis for saying that this inkstone is a Song inkstone.

But Li Hanlin seemed not to notice and ignored him at all.

"Uncle Li, I've finished speaking. Please clarify my doubts. Why do you say this Fang Inkstone is Song Inkstone?" Shen Yu raised his voice, secretly guessing that the old man was distracted, right?


Li Hanlin finally responded this time.

He first glanced at Shen Yu and Lao Liu's faces one by one with kind eyes, and then looked down at the ancient inkstone in his hand.

When he looked up at the two of them again, a naughty smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Cough, cough."

Li Hanlin coughed twice before slowly spitting out two words: "Feeling!"

"What? Feeling?"

Shen Yu and Lao Liu were both stunned. They looked at each other and saw the same expression on each other's faces: inexplicable.

Yes, Mr. Li’s explanation is too far-fetched, right?

Can antiques be identified by feeling?

If I were to rely on my feelings, I still feel that this inkstone is from the Tang Dynasty.

If one or two of the famous poets and painters such as Li Bai, Du Fu, Bai Juyi, or even Yan Liben, Wu Daozi, Li Sixun, Han Gan, Wang Wei, and Zhou Fang were selected and said that the inkstone was used by them, wouldn't it be more valuable? Already?

"Okay, old man, I understand your doubts and feel that what I said is unreliable. Do you want to ask, at least one or two identification criteria are needed to identify antiques?

"But the old man still wants to tell you that I feel that this kind of thing is really helpful in identifying antiques.

"Feeling is not just intuition, it also includes touch and a large number of memory fragments retained in the brain.

"It is also a reflection of a person's accumulation of identification knowledge over decades.

"This kind of thing is difficult to teach by words and deeds. You can only understand it by yourself. If you have used hundreds or thousands of ancient inkstones, you will also have this feeling.

"Okay, since Xiaoliu said that this square inkstone is yours, Shen Yu, just take it. Also, remember to transfer the money to Xiaoliu next time."

After speaking, Li Hanlin handed the inkstone to Shen Yu.

Shen Yu suddenly understood the moment he took the inkstone.

Okay, sir, you guessed it.

What Li Hanlin just said seems to be rich in philosophy, even a little unpredictable.

It's enough to bluff others, but it's not enough for Shen Yu.

In fact, it can be summed up in one sentence: I, Li Hanlin, said that this inkstone is from the Song Dynasty, and it is from the Song Dynasty.

Don't ask why or what the basis for identification is.

Even if you ask, I won’t tell you, because I don’t know either...

Rubbing his eyes, Shen Yu looked at the mechanical watch on his left wrist. It was already a quarter past eight. After thinking about his words, Shen Yu smiled at Li Hanlin and said, "Uncle Li, there was a call just now from the Antique City Management Office. , I hung up without answering. Now that I think about it, I still have to go over and deal with it."

Li Hanlin waved his hand directly, "Go, go, don't delay the business, come and have tea with me when the business is not busy."

After chatting a few more words with the two of them, Shen Yu hurried out of the market.


"Mr. Li, I got some top-notch Biluochun. If you don't mind, why don't you go and drink some?" Lao Liu asked with a smile, showing respect and flattery.

"I hate this, let's go and have some tea," Li Hanlin waved his hand and walked towards Lao Liu's stall.

When Lao Liu went to a familiar antique shop to fetch boiling hot water, washed his hands and cups, and finally poured the hot tea into the exquisite white porcelain teacup in front of Li Hanlin, Shen Yu had already appeared in the market. On Yingbin Avenue outside.

He glanced left and right and saw that there were no familiar faces around him. He couldn't bear it anymore, opened the door and walked into a barber shop on the street.

Looking at himself in the mirror on the wall, Shen Yu's hands were shaking with excitement.


"It's really changed."

Shen Yu's left eye is in the orbit, and it is difficult to move the eyeball due to injury to the extraocular muscles.

After a series of treatments, there was no problem with rotation. However, because the optic nerve of the left eye was also damaged, the problem of double vision and blurred vision could not be solved.

Later, it developed into chronic conjunctivitis.

Conjunctivitis is not a serious disease, but it is very annoying. Shen Yu spent most of his time in his left eye with bloodshot eyes and foreign body sensation.

But now Shen Yu in the mirror has smooth and white conjunctiva, and the dark eyeballs set off are as clear as spring water, and his eyes are as deep as the stars in the sky.

Shen Yu stroked himself in the mirror and murmured in a low voice: "It's great, it's great. My eyes are finally healed..."

"Brother, are you okay?"

"Yes, Houshengzi, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"Do you want to go to the hospital?"


Shen Yu turned his head when he heard the sound.

When he looked at it, he found that everyone in the shop, whether it was the hair-cutting master, the hair-washing worker or the customers, were staring at him blankly with their eyes wide open.

How should I put it? It's like looking at an idiot.

"It's okay, I just got sand in my eyes. I'm sorry to disturb everyone."

After taking out his wallet and throwing down ten yuan, Shen Yu quickly left the barber shop.


In front of the "Yun Ya Ju", where Shen Yu and the painter were injured, a 120 ambulance with the name Chuzhou Orthopedic Hospital on it stepped on the brakes steadily.

The young ambulance driver was obviously confused after seeing the messy scene, "Hey, where are the people?"

Seeing Lao Liu and Li Hanlin standing up while drinking tea, the driver hurriedly approached Li Hanlin and asked: "Uncle, why is the injured missing? Has an ambulance from another hospital been here?"< /p>

Li Hanlin smiled and waved his hand: "No, you are the first, pretty fast, thank you for your hard work."

"What about the injured person?"

"The first injured person was carried to your hospital by workers.

"The second injured person had nothing to do and walked home by himself."

The ambulance driver was stunned when he heard this: "Gone? Everyone is gone?"

"Yes, but I haven't left yet? I'm drinking tea here just to wait for you." Li Hanlin said with a smile.

"No, uncle, are you sick too?"

After listening to the driver's words, Li Hanlin's smile suddenly froze, and a trace of displeasure appeared on his face: "How to speak?

"I'm in good health, I'm not deaf or deaf, I can bite walnuts, I can eat sticky cakes, I can even go up to the sixth floor in one breath, what's wrong with me?"

"No, no, no, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about myself. I'm sick. I have stomach problems. Didn't I have stomach problems again because I didn't eat today? Hehe..." The driver was startled by Li Hanlin. This old man He has white hair and looks to be in his seventies. If he were to lie down, I would have to take him to the hospital.

"You are smart." Li Hanlin snorted coldly, "Tell me, how much does it cost to send an ambulance?

"Actually, the reason I'm waiting here is to give you money. Since the hospital has used the car, it will incur gas money and other expenses. We can't waste medical resources for the country."

"Oh, forget about the money. If a patient in our hospital calls 120 and gets better and does not need emergency treatment, we usually do not charge the patient a fee." The driver scratched his head and explained.

"You don't know the specific charging rules, do you?" Li Hanlin asked with a half-smile.

"I know, how could I not know this? Our hospital's ambulance fee is 60 yuan within ten kilometers of the city. Beyond this distance, it is 2 yuan per kilometer. The distance between our hospital and this antique market is about..."

"Here, here's two hundred. If it's more, I'll treat you to a drink with the nurse."

After giving the money to the stunned ambulance driver, Li Hanlin didn't give him a chance to speak anymore. He turned around and walked into the calligraphy and painting area of ​​the market stalls, but he disappeared after six or seven seconds.


After Li Hanlin and the ambulance left, everything returned to calm.

Lao Liu sat in front of his stall, holding a fake pastel flower plate in his hand and remained silent for a long time.

The expression on his face is quite complex.

I don't know how long it took, but Lao Liu suddenly murmured to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "Xiao Shen, actually you have not seen through my ultimate purpose.

"My ultimate goal is not to sell you this real porcelain plate with false colors.

"If so, I won't let you see that receipt.

"How could you and I make such a low-level mistake after having been in the antique shop for nearly twenty years?

"You can say that my appraisal skills are not good.

"I also admit that my eyesight is not as good as yours.

"But my experience is far inferior to yours.

"Having said that, I don't dare to cheat your money. Although Mr. Shen has passed away, you will benefit from the path he took for you throughout your life.

"Among the old people in Chuzhou who enjoy antiques, Mr. Li is not the only one who has received guidance from Mr. Shen?

"If I really cheated you and these seniors just said a few words, I would never be able to gain a foothold in Chuzhou Antique Shop again."


Exhaling a breath, Lao Liu spoke again: "Actually, brother, my ultimate goal is to sell you the ancient inkstone in my hand.

"It's just that I changed my mind temporarily and changed the sale to a gift without even asking for a penny.

"Speaking of which, my acceptance of this square inkstone really has something to do with you. Otherwise, I wouldn't have bothered to set up a plan to deliver the inkstone to you.

"Dad once told me that not all antiques can be bought from home.

"Especially the kind of thing you sell when someone else is having trouble.

"I never believed this kind of thing before, but after all the experiences these days, I somewhat believe it.

"Wu Qizhi's mother was seriously ill and his daughter-in-law broke her leg after falling. After he came to my house to sell me this ancient inkstone, he dropped a dog on the ground before he even left the house. His molars became loose after the fall.

"And after you chose this ancient inkstone, you immediately fell to the back of your head.

"I'm actually not familiar with ancient inkstones. Just because I knew you offered seven thousand, I dared to pay nine thousand to buy this square inkstone.

"It's just that things didn't go well for me after I bought the inkstone from Wu Qizhi.

"It can be said that everything is unlucky.

"I really paid 130,000 yuan for the Yongzheng pastel flower plate.

"I actually bought the so-called copy of Shen Zhou's painting for 8,000 yuan, and I didn't lie about it.

"There was even an old Qing Dynasty jade bracelet with ice Zhengyang green color that I missed because I was worried.

"Obviously the other party came to my stall to sell it first, but I was frightened by the inkstone and didn't dare to accept it. In the end, Fatty Zhang from "Yubao Tower" took advantage.

"The jade market is booming now, and this leakage has saved me more than 200,000 yuan.

"If this ancient inkstone was confiscated and I didn't drill it continuously, I would definitely spend money to buy it.

Having said this, Lao Liu lowered his head with some guilt.

After a full quarter of an hour, he lifted it up again, looked at the direction where Shen Yu disappeared and murmured again: "But you chose the things yourself, so you can't blame me. After all, I didn't ask for a penny from you.< /p>

"There are six things in the box. What did you choose, Xiao Shen? But you chose the square inkstone.

"God's will...

"Hey, I hope I'm just being suspicious."

***The author has something to say***

The treacherous and cunning Liu Dahai turned out to be a blessing in disguise for Shen Qinan.

The small plot at the beginning is over here, and naturally our protagonist starts to search for lost treasures. Actually, the original setting is that Shen Yu got the ancient inkstone by some coincidence, but lost it accidentally. Wu Qi pointed out that He stole the sheep and sold it to Lao Liu, and finally Shen Yu recovered it from Lao Liu.

But writing it like this would add 20,000 words, and the golden finger would have to be pushed back. I was afraid that it would be too complicated for readers to understand, so I wrote a slightly simpler version.

Please collect, recommend, and invest. (Walling to ask, manual is pitiful)

This chapter has been completed!
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