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Chapter 101 The last day of the sports competition

"Saint...the manpower has been arranged."

"Then let's proceed as planned."


In the dim room, there was only one candle flickering, and as the participants' spirits escaped, the fire flickered more and more obviously.

The saint sitting on the main throne is wearing a dark robe and a gilded sacred mask on his face. Under the illumination of the candle, he lights up and goes out.

Every layer of shadow seemed to have an evil spirit roaring.

He tapped the armrest with his fingers, thinking deeply.

In front of him was an aerial map of Kukai's private high ground.

"Where is your sword hidden, Qing Keisuke..." he murmured to himself.

Outside the darkroom, the Friday sun was rising slowly.

Qing Keisuke's morning exercise has ended, and his spirituality index has reached the level of 199. This is partly due to his insistence on exercising every day, and also because of his fight with Hanako No. 1 yesterday.

After his spirituality overflowed to this bottleneck, he also had a premonition——

That is, 200 spirituality means another level of transformation in this world.

This also requires greater accumulation.

Similar to reaching a numerical value of "100" before spiritual enlightenment can be achieved, this is also a hurdle.

Of course, it is never a problem for him.

Last night, the Demon King stayed up all night, convalescent and perfecting his techniques. During this period, he specially summoned Hanako No. 7274 to conduct further tests, which can be regarded as a small gain.

When I was getting ready to go to school, I met Mrs. Arisugawa in the elevator.

"Qinggui-kun, do you know what happened at school? Asuka has been hiding in his room since yesterday."

"Maybe it's because I didn't get a good ranking in the competition," Qing Keisuke said.

"is that so?"

Mrs. Arisugawa had a look of disbelief: "Asuka is not a person who would be sad about something like this. I really don't know what happened to her! Qinggui-kun, if you have time after the golf tournament this afternoon, I hope you can come to our house and help solve Asuka's problem."


Qing Keisuke paused for a moment, then nodded slightly: "If I have time, I will visit you."

"That's great! I heard you have the final today, right? Auntie wishes you good results."


It seems that the study committee member doesn't plan to go to school today.

When I came to school, because the sports meeting had come to the last day and basically only the major competitions were left, the atmosphere became more and more lively - the topic could quickly become the same.

Class 5's opponents today are quite formidable. There are three main players of the basketball club in one class.

On the one hand, it’s because they are the backbone of the club in their second year of high school, and on the other hand, it’s the luck of being in different classes that allows them to get together and play brother basketball.

Now about the basketball game between the two classes, it is the massacre content in the post.

Everyone is looking forward to whether the basketball prince from Class 5 is better, or the three mountains from Class 2.

Even the group of young men Qing Keisuke recruited were very unsure and worried that they were holding Qing Keisuke back.

Compared with the whole class discussing it, Yuto Nakagawa led his team to the finals and it was very deserted. The football team didn't even have a few cheerleaders, which really made everyone cry.

This made the sports committee member roar unwillingly: "Neon Football has reached the edge of a dangerous cliff!"

It's a pity that his usually good brother is currently busy studying and perfecting the tactics to protect his father and has no time to talk to him.

Qing Keisuke didn't feel any pressure at all. He didn't even watch the video of the Class 2 game that his teammates sent him. When they asked, he said perfunctorily that he had watched it.

While sitting in the classroom taking a rest, he suddenly felt a vague sense of prying eyes.

That line of sight did not fall on him nakedly, but included the entire school within the scope of observation. However, the ability to hide spirituality and emotions was too rough compared to Hanako No. 1.

The malice seemed to be hidden in a pretentious manner, but most of the buttocks was accidentally exposed.

Aoi Keisuke smiled more and more happily, his prey took the bait, and the curtain was finally about to open. It really made people look forward to what today would be like.

Then, he quickly felt the scent of Hanako No. 1 - this person took the initiative to expose his butt.

Sister Hanako, who has a very tough temper, was unwilling to show up, so she used this method to show that she agreed to several conditions proposed by Qing Keisuke.

The invisible whirlpool stirred up the ownerless spirituality surrounding Kukai Seiko, weaving it into a large invisible net, quietly waiting for prey to break into it.

"Qinggui-kun, the game is about to begin~" A member of the cheerleading team came over to remind him: "Come on~!"


The cheers in the classroom immediately became one, and the other team members and football team members were also very optimistic, and they all laughed and accepted the encouragement that did not belong to them.

Okay, everything is good, the energy is coming!

"Set off."

Qing Keisuke waved his hand. Although it was not the same thing at all, he was still on fire!

By the way...it seems that we need to pay attention to the progress of Komatsu Ai's wish.

However, the progress of this matter is mainly controlled by President Hoshino. If she hadn't been so uninterested, she would have most likely solved the problem by using her money ability.

The basketball team changed their clothes and turned their attention to Qing Keisuke.

"Brother, can you say a few words?"

Qing Keisuke: "..."

"I understand, what brother means is that this is just a battle worth mentioning! The opponent is a scum with no picture! We just need to do our own thing!"

"Hey, you!" Qing Keisuke glared at the door where he was speaking: "Don't bring your own personal belongings with you!"

But then, he couldn't help but laugh: "But overall, I'm not wrong."

The team members immediately relaxed and rushed over to rub the door with a smile, pinch his butt, and laughed and called him a "key man."

"Crush the school team to pieces!"


"Shiraishi, what are you doing? Do you want to go to the gym or not?!" Tsukishima glared at his best friend. She was obviously the one who invited him to watch the game last night, but now he was sitting at the consultation table with his hand in his hand.

He took a pen and wrote something in the medical record, but he didn't even answer the phone.

When Tsukishima took a closer look, he realized that Shiraishi Chizuru was just scribbling. There were a few words written in the corners, but they were completely obliterated and could not be seen.

"Ah? Ah!"

Shiraishi Chizuru came back to her senses, a suspicious blush appeared on her face.

"What did you say?"

Tsukishima glanced at his watch irritably, wondering what his best friend was doing: "The game will start in ten minutes!"

"Competition?...Well, I understand."

Chizuru Shiraishi stood up, but when he caught a glimpse of the hospital bed where she and Keisuke Aoi were kissing, she suddenly covered her face in shyness.

The veins on Tsukishima's forehead exploded, and without hesitation he reached out and punched her head, knocking reason back into Shiraishi Chizuru's consciousness.

Shiraishi Chizuru immediately screamed, held her head and turned around several times, found the right position, and then rolled onto the hospital bed with a squeak.

"it hurts!"

Tsukishima sneered: "I'll help you heal your brain. Pain is normal."

"Tsukishima-sensei's first finger is a chisel, and the second finger is an electric drill..." Chizuru Shiraishi muttered to herself: "She is a perverted teacher who is good at craniotomy."

Tsukishima spanked her again and said angrily: "What are you mumbling about? You've been really weird these past two days. What's wrong?"

"I, Tsukishima Tan, I didn't have my first kiss yesterday."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Tsukishima silently remembered this sentence, but he said: "Your first kiss was snatched away by me as early as high school."


This chapter has been completed!
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