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Chapter 111 The Price of Desire

"Has the president found the person who wrote the threatening letter?"

"Read the report."

"Alright alright."

Aoi Keisuke opened the folder, and what was recorded in the report was another relationship between Komatsu Ai before she fell in love with the talented trumpeter.

"Daichi Sakamoto?"

"The former No. 1 student in Mingdao Private High School was recommended to many universities, but later dropped out of school due to an accident.

After investigation, the version of Daichi and Ai Komatsu met during a school exchange and quickly became a couple...the two broke up after nearly a year of dating, which highly overlapped with the abnormal behavior of Daichi Sakamoto."

Qing Keisuke blinked: "This name probably didn't appear on the list given by Komatsu Ai."

"Well, there will be an investigation into Yuki Kamizumi later. This genius is as 'simple' as he appears."

"So the president suspects that the person who sent the threatening letter is Daichi Sakamoto?"

"Although it's just a ridiculous thing, at least they did a good thing——"

Hoshino Fujiko said slowly: "Sakamoto Daichi is now in Kukai's private high school."


This is equivalent to putting the answer on the riddle.

"After sending threatening letters for so long, it seems that he finally couldn't hold himself back and planned to do something unexpected on the last day of the sports competition, and it was also the Friday before the holiday.

It is also possible that someone caused him strong stimulation, which caused him to have substantial thoughts."

"It's exciting." Qing Keisuke ignored the last sentence and nodded.

"Although there is indeed enough drama, in order to safeguard the interests of the community, we must prioritize our own affairs."

This guy Hoshino really deserves to be from a chaebol family!

Not because he wanted to save Komatsu Ai's life, but because he wanted to complete the records in the archives, he began to appreciate Hoshino Fujiko more and more.

The Demon King agreed without any hesitation.

After lunch, Hoshino Fujiko did not continue to ask Qing Keisuke about his emotional issues.

Anyway, she has fully grasped the relevant details through asking questions. Even if Qing Keisuke is not willing to confess to her yet, it will not affect her to do her own thing.

"Call Komatsu Ai Lai Club."


The two of them walked side by side in the corridor. Seeing that Aoi Keisuke agreed but was indifferent, Hoshino Fujiko gave him a cold look.

Qing Keisuke took the initiative to explain: "She seemed to be having trouble with me and sent a message, but I haven't read it yet."

President Hoshino pursed his lips when he heard this, and couldn't help laughing. He turned his head and his cheeks turned a light red.


After returning to the club, Qing Keisuke took out his mobile phone and glanced at the message from Komatsu Ai.

"President, you look like you really want to see me."

"This is something worthy of an archive."


Half a minute later, Hoshino Fujiko returned the phone to him with a frown on her face - regretting it, she now wanted to delete the green tea speech that kept echoing in her mind.

Qing Keisuke admired her expression for a while and then informed Komatsu Ai to come to the club.

He took out "The Moon and Sixpence" from his schoolbag. It was not a long novel. There were only a dozen thin pages left and he was about to finish it.

"I thought you wouldn't allow anyone else to come into this activity room."

"Do you think this is my hiding place?"

Hoshino Fujiko said calmly: "Your shallow prejudice can only prove your vulgarity and ignorance."

"Yes Yes."

Qing Keisuke didn't want to argue with her now, and he didn't share with Hoshino his thoughts about finishing the book. He just waited quietly for Komatsu Ai to come over.

After reading half of the content, the figure of Komatsu Ai appeared on the monitor on the wall on the right.

She seemed a little nervous and hesitated.

Although he had lost interest in her wish, Aoi Keisuke was still looking forward to the price Hoshino would propose, so he put down the book and turned the cover upside down.

Hoshino Fujiko also adjusted her sitting posture, like a judge who is about to sit on the trial bench, but she does not need the law or a jury, she only needs to practice her own ideas and will.

"Tuk...tuk tu."

"Please come in."

The horizontal door opened automatically, and Xiao Songai, with a surprised look on his face, shrank his hands and walked in cautiously.

Qing Keisuke suddenly felt sorry for her——

There wasn't even a chair for her to sit on in this room.

Thinking about it, every petitioner in the past could only stand in front of Hoshino Fujiko like this, trembling and waiting for her sentence. Whether he will realize his dream wish or whether he will be unable to bear the price will be determined at this moment.

"Good afternoon, Hoshino-san... Aoi-kun."

"good afternoon."

"Good afternoon, senior."

Xiao Songai was rational and did not ask where she should sit. As a senior Xiao Guan Cha, she had already realized that the situation was beyond her control.

She didn't even dare to look at Fujiko Hoshino, she only dared to stare at the desk in front of Keisuke Aoi.

Seeing this, Qing Keisuke stretched out his hand and stroked it gently, sweeping out a long hair from the smooth tabletop.

"President, why did your hair come to me?"

Hoshino Fujiko: "..."

Aoi Keisuke tucked his hair into the pages of the book and returned the book directly to Hoshino.

"If you don't want to read the last few pages, I'll give them back to you."

Hoshino Fujiko's hand on the desk gently slid down, and she put her index finger on the pull of the drawer where the pistol was stored. She glared at him simultaneously, which meant - shut up.


Qing Keisuke put down the book and stuffed it into the drawer.

——Although the threat of the eldest lady has no deterrent effect, it can be regarded as a rule of the game.

"Senior Komatsu Ai, before the conversation begins, I want to reconfirm with you that this wish does come from you, and that you already fully understand the rules I have set."


"You should also be able to imagine the possible consequences if the secret is leaked."


Komatsu Ai subconsciously glanced at Keisuke Sei, only to find that the junior student who had been flirting with her was now looking intently at the table, looking for another hair - what a complete coward! Was it because of Fujiko Hoshino's warning that he didn't want his own water?

"Okay, regarding your wish, I am confident that it can be fully realized, and now I will ask you for the price I ask for."

"Please tell me, Hoshino-kun," Komatsu Ai said carefully.

Hoshino Fujiko opened the drawer and took out a white envelope, which was placed on top of the pistol.

She handed the envelope to Komatsu Ai, and Keisuke Aoi stretched out her hand and took the letter.

"President, don't you think we should show it to the members first?"

A smile appeared on Hoshino Fujiko's face. He retracted his hand as expected, hugged it to his chest, and said, "Then it's up to you to tell Senior Komatsu Ai."

Qing Keisuke's hand paused when he opened the envelope, and then he took out the letter paper inside.

"President, you are really mean-spirited."

The price on the paper is written as follows:

"I got back together with my ex-boyfriend Daichi Sakamoto and registered for marriage."

The way to save Xiao Songai's life is to write this piece of paper, but who would agree to such a price?

This chapter has been completed!
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